Posts in Sovereign Grace Churches
Christmas Song of the Week - Week 3

Our final song of the week is “Who Is This” from the Sovereign Grace Christmas Album, Heaven Has Come.

This song reminds us of the glory of the one Who is at the center of Christmas. As we head into Christmas week, may this song help us marvel at the reality of God with Us! 

Verse 1
Who is this, divine and tender
Hailing from eternal shores?
Once arrayed in highest splendor
Now, in poverty adorned

He is Jesus, God made mortal
Word in flesh, the Light of Life
From a throne room to a stable
Hope is born this holy night

Verse 2
Who is this of might and meekness
Given all authority?
With a word, He stills the tempest
At His touch the blind can see

He is Jesus, our Messiah
Long-awaited, long-proclaimed
Sing, "Hosanna in the highest!"
Christ, the King, has come to reign

Verse 3
Who is this, reviled and stricken
Broken on a cursed tree?
Son of God by God forsaken
Drenched in our iniquity

He is Jesus, slain for sinners
Laden with our guilt and grief
All our praise, to Him we render
For His wounds have won our peace
For You've won our peace

Verse 4
Who is this entombed in darkness
Cast into the bitter depths?
He whom grave nor hell could harness
Rose and tore the sting from death

He is Jesus, God triumphant
Risen to the Father's side
All will bow in awe and reverence
At the name of Jesus Christ

Listen Here:

Christmas Song of the Week - Week 2

Our Song of the Week is Do Not Fear, written by Jon Althoff and Nathan Stiff. This song was released by Sovereign Grace Music on their Christmas Album, Heaven Has Come. 

Here is an excerpt from Sovereign Grace Music on why this song was written for the Christmas season. 

“Over and over again God tells us in his Word, “Do not fear.” We fear being condemned. We fear holiness. We fear uncertainty. We fear enemies greater than us. But those who know God’s heart, revealed in sending his only Son to die for our sins, will never be ruled by fear. That includes Mary, who learned she was going to bear God’s Son. That includes the shepherds, who witnessed the glory of angelic choirs one evening on a hillside. And that includes anyone who believes Jesus when he says, “Come to me all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Rest from our sin, rest from our striving, rest from our fears. So take heart.”

May this song help you see and savor God this Christmas season!

You can listen to the song here:
You can check out the full Heaven Has Come Christmas album here:

Verse 1
Humble virgin, arise and take heart
You’ve been chosen to carry a son
Give no heed to the trembling inside
For the wonder has only begun

Do not fear, do not fear
The child you will hold is the Savior foretold drawing near
Do not fear

Verse 2
Lowly shepherds, look up and take heart
See the glory of heaven burn bright
Hear the anthem of joy and good news
Hope has dawned in a stable tonight

Chorus 2
Do not fear, do not fear
The child in the hay is the Ancient of Days drawing near
Do not fear

Verse 3
Weary children, be still and take heart
Every longing you feel is a cry
For the rest He has offered to all
Come to Him, for His burden is light

Chorus 3
Do not fear, do not fear
The God who redeems you and ever will keep you is near
Do not fear

Music and words by Jon Althoff and Nathan Stiff © 2020 Sovereign Grace Worship/ASCAP (adm. worldwide by Integrity Music).

Christmas Song of the Week - Week 1

This December we will be highlighting a Song of the Week each Wednesday to help us see and savor God this Christmas season.

Our first Song of the Week is O Come All You Unfaithful, written by Bob Kauflin and Lisa Clow. 

While the Christmas season is the “most wonderful time the year” many of us can still struggle with fear, weariness, sorrow over loss, or shame over our sin. This song invites us to lift our eyes upward and see what God has done by sending His son into the world. 

May this song encourage you as you listen and worship!

Listen Here:

O come, all you unfaithful; come, weak and unstable
Come, know you are not alone
O come, barren and waiting ones, weary of praying, come
See what your God has done

Christ is born, Christ is born
Christ is born for you

O come, bitter and broken; come with fears unspoken
Come, taste of His perfect love
O come, guilty and hiding ones; there is no need to run
See what your God has done

He’s the Lamb who was given; slain for our pardon
His promise is peace; for believe

So come, though you have nothing; come, He is the offering
Come, see what your God has done
© 2020 Sovereign Grace Praise (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing (Integrity Music, David C Cook)) 

The Gifts of Holy Spirit - They Continued

We believe the gifts of the Spirit have continued. Therefore, we are continuationists and this is significant! But we are affirming more than simply that they have continued. Our conviction is that the gifts have continued for the glory of Jesus Christ, the good of His church, and Gospel hope for the world. 

What exactly are we affirming?

Regarding “The Gifts of the Spirit,” our Statement of Faith says: 

“Christ loves the church, his body, and provides for its health and growth through the Holy Spirit. In addition to giving new life, the Spirit sovereignly bestows gifts on every believer. Spiritual gifts are those abilities and expressions of God’s power given by his grace for the glory of Christ and the building up of the church. …The gifts are not to be exercised with apprehension, pride, or disorder, but with faith, love, and order, and always in submission to the authority of Scripture as the final revelation of God.  With the exception of those among the apostles who were commissioned as eyewitnesses of Christ and made recipients of normative revelation, the full range of spiritual gifts remain at work in the church and are given for the good of the church and its witness to the world. We are therefore to earnestly desire and practice them until Christ returns." 

This is our conviction. 

Why do we affirm this? 

We believe the scriptures teach this. Some reading this are new to the topic of “the gifts of the Holy Spirit.” Maybe your church background held another view doctrinally or you previously experienced a very limited expression of the gifts. Some have witnessed the misuse of the gifts. The Apostle Paul addresses this in the Corinthian church but instructs them regarding the orderly use of the gifts in their gathering, and, surprisingly, he urges them to pursue and “earnestly desire the spiritual gifts.” (1 Corinthians 12-14). Without minimizing our experience, our conviction must be objectively grounded in the scriptures. 

At times, we will have questions, yet at the same time, we earnestly desire the gifts of the Holy Spirit and their practice in our church. This is why we teach on this, and this is why we are having our Gifts of the Holy Spirit Weekend with Mark Prater - Friday, October 18th, from 7-9pm, and Saturday, October 19th from 9am-2pm. PLEASE SIGN UP!

We are asking you to join us and pray that during this weekend we will be further equipped by the word of God and that we will experience the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit as we earnestly pursue the gifts of His Spirit.

From our Statement of Faith, the following is a robust list of the foundational scriptures on this topic: 

John 16:4-15
Ephesians 4:7-8, 13-16
Ephesians 5:25-27
1 Corinthians 12:7, 11
1 Corinthians 14:26
Ephesians 4:12
Romans 12:6-8
1 Corinthians 12:4-11, 28-30
1 Peter 4:10-11
Ephesians 4:11-12
1 Corinthians 12:21-26
1 Corinthians 14:1; 13:1-3; 14:33
1 Thessalonians 5:19-21
1 Corinthians 14:29
2 Timothy 3:16
Revelation 22:18-19
Acts 1:20-26
John 14:26; 15:27; 16:13-15
1 Corinthians 14:37
Galatians 1:11-20
Revelation 21:14
1 Corinthians 1:7; 12:31; 13:8-12; 14:1, 12

New Album Release by Sovereign Grace Music: Knowing God

You may have noticed that we have been singing some new songs on Sunday mornings (songs like “Sing” and “All Things”).

These songs were early releases of Sovereign Grace Music’s newest album titled “Knowing God” which was released today! These songs are rich in good theology, but as Bob Kauflin (Leader of Sovereign Grace Music) reminds us, “good theology always leads to glad doxology.” We encourage you to listen and get to know these songs, not simply because we will sing many of them as a church, but so that these truths will lead us to joyful praise and adoration for God and His Gospel. 

Here is a brief description of the album from Sovereign Grace Music:

“2023 marked the 50th anniversary of J.I. Packer’s classic book, Knowing God. What originated as a series of magazine articles has become a tool that God has used to shape, deepen, and ignite the theology of five decades of Christians. 

So the Sovereign Grace Music songwriters set out to write and record an album of songs based on Packer’s book. First, it would be an opportunity to highlight how God has used Knowing God to make theology not only accessible but delightful. Second, we knew Packer’s book would be a rich resource for songs that connect the head and the heart. Third, we hoped it would cause those who have never read it to do so, and stir those who have already read it to read it again! Finally, good theology always leads to glad doxology. Knowing God isn’t simply a book to read. It’s songs waiting to be sung.

…in early 2022, we began writing them. It would be an overwhelming task to try to write a song for each of the twenty-two chapters, and it would also make for an excessively long album. Instead, we based our songs on sentences, paragraphs, or chapters that inspired us. Sometimes the connection was obvious. Other times, Packer’s words served as a springboard for articulating related themes.”

Links to Listen or Download

To stay up to date on album releases and more, you can follow Sovereign Grace Music on Instagram @sovgracemusic.

Equipped for a Christian Response to a Raging Battle

The issue of gender is all around us: in schools, at work, in politics, on the internet, in your neighborhood, in your family, and in the media. The world thinks gender is fluid; the Bible says it is the fixed handiwork of God. Our goal as Christians is not to win arguments but to lovingly lead people to Jesus. For this reason, being equipped and ready to engage in humble, patient, informed, and biblical conversations is critical. The books below will help you do just that. May God use you to help others see the same identity, hope, and joy you have that IS Jesus!


the gender revolution

Patricia Weerakoon

“Contemporary discussions of sexual and gender issues faces a plethora of challenges….Here is the clarity of thought and writing one expects of experts. Agree or disagree with their arguments, but you will come away better informed, and better able to engage in the discussion with more light than heat” —D.A. Carson


gender ideology

Sharon James

“Get this book and read it and get lots of copies for friends and family to read as well. This little book reminds us that God created us male and female, and that that is very good” —Mark Dever


The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self

Carl R. Trueman

“This is a characteristically brilliant book by Carl Trueman, helping the church understand why people believe that sexual difference is a matter of psychological choice” —Rosaria Butterfield



A semi-annual journal for biblical anthropology that engages issues like sexuality, gender, marriage, singleness, family, and others from a biblical, historical, and theological perspective. You can access these journals online for free OR you can subscribe to eikon to get the copies mailed to you for only $25 annually!

Invaluable Resources for Families

Proverbs 22:6 and Ephesians 6:4 declare the goal of every parent—Train your children in the truths of God and the Gospel. If you are a parent (or a grandparent like me), you know how frustrating it can be to find good books for your child's spiritual benefit. Finding a biblically sound, gospel-centered book that is relevant and readable for your child can be like searching for a needle in a haystack.

For this reason, I am grateful to people like Marty Machowski. Marty has been a pastor for years at Covenant Fellowship, our sister church in Glen Mills, PA. He has been a blessing to his church, our family of churches, and beyond in the area of parenting and Children's Ministry. One way the Lord has gifted him is his ability to communicate sound doctrine and the clear gospel message to children through writing.

So it is with much excitement, I share a list of all the books Marty has written for children over the years. I pray the Lord uses it as a means of grace as you walk in the privilege of parenting for the glory of God!



Angels on Your Side

Picture Book
For Preschool - 2nd Grade

FORTHCOMING NOV 1, 2021 This picture book is written to help young children combat their fears and point them to God’s protection. It introduces them to God’s angels, who he sends to watch over and protect all but Christ. While Jesus could have called down an army of angels, he did not. He gave up his life for us that we could be reconciled to God. All those who turn from their sin to trust in Jesus are welcomed into God’s family and enjoy his Fatherly protection.

Brave and Bold

Bible Study
For Men

This Bible study is written for young men who have grown up in our computer gaming culture. It is designed to challenge them toward courageous biblical manhood. The devotions are short and easy to read. Each devotional begins with a military or sports-themed story to introduce the topic of the day. It is designed to clearly articulate the gospel and Christ as the true source of our courage and strength.

Don’t Blame The Mud

Picture Book
For Preschool - 2nd Grade

This picture book is designed to teach our children about sin and our need for the gospel. The main character of the story disobeys his mom and then tries to hide his sin.

Dragon Seed

Gospel Allegory
For Middle Schoolers

Dragon Seed is a fictional allegory the expands the biblical allegory of the dragon found in Revelation 12:3-5. Dragon seeds are synonymous with pride. Once a dragon seed sprouts, it sends its black roots deep down. If plucked out quickly, it dies. But if left to grow and send its black roots down, it turns a person into a dragon. The book ends with a Bible study on humility entitled “The Antidote.”

God Made Boys and Girls

Picture Book
For Preschool - 2nd Grade

This book is designed for our youngest children to build into them two critical biblical truths. First, our gender is a good gift from God, and second, our gender can never change. With so many promoting gender fluidity, it is essential to teach these two important truths to our youngest children. Building a solid foundation of truth in our children is the best way to help them combat the lies and deceptions of our day.

God Made Me For Heaven

Picture Book
For Preschool - 2nd Grade

This picture book provides a biblical view of heaven to include Jesus’ return and remake the earth and live with us here. The book also helps children who have lost a loved one to deal with that loss

The Gospel Story Bible

Children’s Bible
For Preschool - 3rd Grade

This children’s story Bible follows the 156 stories covered in the Gospel Story Curriculum. The last paragraph of each OT story answers the question, “Where is Jesus?” Each NT story answers the question, “Where is the gospel?”



Gospel Story Curriculum

Children’s Ministry Curriculum
For Preschool - 6th Grade

A biblical theology survey of the Bible for three age groups - Preschool, early elementary, and upper elementary. Each of the 78 OT lessons answers the question, “Where is Jesus?” Each of the 78n NT Lessons answers the question, “Where is the Gospel?” The devotionals, Long Story Short and Old Story New, follow the same scope and sequence so that parents can disciple their children at home in concert with the children’s ministry Sunday lesson. The Gospel Story Bible also follows the same scope and sequence, providing a family devotional resource for younger children.

Leading Your Child to Christ

For Parents

This booklet helps parents relate to their children’s response to the gospel. Unlike many profession-centered approaches. This book emphasizes the need to observe repentance and fruit, following Paul’s model from Acts 26:20 - “I preached that they should repent and turn to God and demonstrate their repentance by their deeds.”

Listen Up

Family Devotional Parables
For Preschool - 6th Grade

This family devotional on the parables of Jesus is designed to provide a 12-week family introduction to the parables of Jesus. The Sovereign Grace Children’s album, Listen Up, was created to follow the lessons in the Listen up book and companion curriculum.



Listen Up Curriculum

Children’s Ministry Curriculum
For Preschool - 6th Grade

This 12-week children's ministry curriculum follows the same scope and sequence as the book of the same title so that parents can follow the classroom lesson in their family devotions.

Long Story Short

Family Devotional Old Testament

This Old Testament devotional is designed to follow the scope and sequence of the first half of the Gospel Story Curriculum, providing 18 months of five devotions per week. The goal is for the devotions to take 10 minutes per day to make them easy for parents to use.

Old Story New

Family Devotional New Testament

This New Testament devotional is designed to follow the scope and sequence of the second half of the Gospel Story Curriculum, providing 18 months of five devotions per week. The goal is for the devotions to take 10 minutes per day to make them easy for parents to use.

Parenting First Aid

Topical Study
For Adult - Parents

This parenting book is designed to help parents see the importance of partnering with the Lord in parenting. Each study begins with a true-life parenting story. Not all of these stories have a happy ending, but all point to the help we receive from Christ in our parenting trials. This is a great book to give to parents of struggling teens.



Parenting First Aid - Study Guide

Study Guide
For Adult - Small Group, Parents

This small group study follows the book of the same title.

Prepare Him Room

Family Advent Devotional
Preschool - 6th Grade

This family advent devotional includes a family Bible study of the Old Testament Christmas prophecies and their corresponding fulfillment in the New Testament. In addition to the Bible study, it includes activities, crafts, and a fictional Christmas story. The companion Sovereign Grace Christmas Album of the same title is designed to be used with this book.



Prepare Him Room Curriculum

Children’s Ministry Curriculum
For Preschool - 6th Grade

This children's ministry advent curriculum follows the family devotional.


Teach Them Jesus

For Adults

FORTHCOMING OCT 4, 2021 This book, co-authored with Deepak Reju is designed to be a comprehensive children’s ministry manual focusing on both the practical and theological priorities in leading a children’s ministry.

Teaching Your Child About Money

For Adult - Parents

This booklet helps parents teach biblical stewardship to their children.

The Ology

Systematic Theology
For Preschool - 3rd Grade

This picture book systematic theology for children incorporates creative analogies to communicate complex theological ideas. It includes a study in the back for older children.

Wise Up

Family Devotional Proverbs
For Preschool - 6th Grade

This family devotional on the book of Proverbs is designed to provide a 12-week family introduction to the book. The book was designed to incorporate the Walking with the Wise Sovereign Grace Children’s Album.



Wise Up Curriculum

Children’s Ministry Curriculum
For Preschool - 6th Grade

This 12-week children's ministry curriculum follows the same scope and sequence as the book of the same title so that parents can follow the classroom lesson in their family devotions.


Bible Study Psalms
For Preschool - 3rd Grade

Wonderful follows the same layout as The Ology and includes illustrations by the same illustrator. This picture book Bible study of the Psalms teaches children how to read the psalms and use them to guide our prayers. The book includes a fictional story woven through the Bible study. The story focus is on a boy whose grandfather is dying. He learns how his grandfather finds comfort in the psalms and learns how to use the Psalms for his own comfort. The story is designed to provide an illustrated application of the psalms as an example.

Hurricane Ida Relief

In a fallen world, suffering and hardship come in all shapes and sizes. Jesus promised it; history proves it. Right now, there are many suffering in the wake of destruction left by hurricane IDA. 

Please pray for them. Pray for our sister churches in New Orleans and Covington. Pray God would give the leaders wisdom to lead the church as they care for one another. Pray the Lord would keep people safe, keep families together, and most of all, opportunities for the gospel would abound.

Of course, if you would like to GO help physically or GIVE financially, Sovereign Grace Churches has provided a way. Please read the brief update report below and click the link provided for details.

Whatever you do, we are grateful for our partnership and have confidence in God’s grace as we serve one another!


“Greetings friends,

I hope you're enjoying the grace of the Lord today.

As many of you know, New Orleans has begun the process of recovery from Hurricane Ida. We have been in contact with our friends at Lakeview Christian Center and Christ Community Church and have learned that a number of their members are without power and some have experienced significant home damage from the storm.

Information about ways to support these churches can be found here and we will update this page as new support opportunities arise.

These are the moments where I am freshly grateful for the affection and generosity of our partnership. May the Lord give us grace to care for each other well!

Grace to you all,
Jon Payne
On behalf of the Leadership Team

Beyond Our Four Walls

On the glorious splendor of your majesty, and on your wondrous works, I will meditate. They shall speak of the might of your awesome deeds, and I will declare your greatness. They shall pour forth the fame of your abundant goodness and shall sing aloud of your righteousness—Psalm 145:5-7

God is good. He is infinitely good! As a local church, we see and experience His goodness in so many ways. I encourage you, take a moment and ponder what God’s abundant goodness looks like in your life today. Marvel in it and marvel at Him for it. 

I also encourage you to take a moment to read about God’s abundant goodness around the world. God is using our small family of churches to make Himself known. From the Sovereign Grace Pastors College in Kentucky to the rural villages of Latin America to the Down Under in the Pacific, God is at work doing the good work of saving and sanctifying sinners. 

Click the images and arrows below to check it out and be AMAZED!

It's Here!

In May, we introduced (and gave you one as a gift for the Fifth Sunday book) the inaugural edition of the Sovereign Grace Journal.  A compilation of articles written by Sovereign Grace pastors, the journal exists to enlarge our thoughts about God and help us treasure Christ with our mind, affections, and life (Ephesians 1:16-21). We trust as you have taken the time to read through the articles, you have indeed grown closer to Jesus. 

We are excited to announce another journal is here! Listen to Sovereign Grace Executive Director Mark Prater’s description of the newest edition: 

“Titled, A Christ-Centered People, this issue is a treasure. I can't wait for you to read these articles. In the introduction, I wrote: ‘The gospel, which shapes the culture in our family of churches, declares what Christ has accomplished for us through his death and resurrection. Based on the finished work of Jesus Christ that we receive by faith, we are a people who joyfully respond to this good news by walking in him, living for him, and staying centered on him. Colossians 2:6-7 says, Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him. Because the gospel is for all of life, there isn’t an area of our lives where we aren’t centered on Christ—whether that is parenting, politics, living the single life, or our involvement in missions. This edition of the journal speaks into each of these areas and more.’"

As a local church passionate about growing in Christ, we encourage you to read the new edition. To view the PDF for free or order on Amazon, just click here. From corporate worship to parenting in the home, we pray this journal will build you up in Christ for your good and His glory!

Bolivia Church Plant Update - Iglesia Gracia Soberana, Santa Cruz, Bolivia

“What a joy to share with Sovereign Grace Church of Tucson a brief update on the activities of our sister church in Santa Cruz Bolivia. Your support and partnership have helped make this possible! 

Jorge & David

Jorge & David

Jorge and David and their families opened the doors of the Bolivia church plant in February 2020. Three weeks following the opening, they had to close for several months due to governmental covid restrictions.   To care for new folks, they established a network of virtual meetings including Sunday morning worship and preaching, Monday night prayer, Thursday evening discipleship, and a young married community group.  In each of their gatherings, their focus has been on preaching and teaching the basics of the gospel.  In outreach, the church has been able to practically assist the community in material needs of food and clothing, conduct a children’s ministry outreach to over fifty children, and support families of those affected by or who have lost loved ones to covid.  

At the same time, they rented and renovated a facility that serves as their current church meeting location. Interestingly, when meeting in person was again permitted, they found that the church had grown and continues to grow. Recently, a couple, who served in ministry at the church in La Paz, who David had discipled and raised up in ministry, relocated to be a part of this church plant. The husband is a community group leader, an experienced worship leader and a potential pastor and his wife is a long-term experienced children’s ministry coordinator. Their friendship and support are a great blessing to this church.

While there are a number of non-denominational churches in Santa Cruz, there is a critical absence of churches teaching reformed doctrine. To that end, testimonies by new members describe how they are experiencing the wonder of the gospel for the first time and how it is impacting their lives.  One family describes attending a church for many years but never understanding the truth of the gospel. Another gives thanks that they are hearing true Bible teaching for the first time in their Christian life. Additionally, Jorge and David are being approached by other leaders serving in other churches who have heard of Sovereign Grace and reformed teaching and are investigating closer affiliation.  

Jorge and David share the preaching responsibilities while David also leads worship and serves as the church administrator. While their primary focus is establishing the church, Jorge has a burning passion to soon begin a pastor’s college in Santa Cruz based upon the values and vision of the Sovereign Grace Pastors College model.  This location could serve not only pastors in Bolivia, but in all of South America, preparing and helping pastors to impact their churches with the  gospel.

David and Jorge and their families feel the love, friendship, and significant support of Sovereign Grace Tucson. You are and continue to be a significant encouragement to them. Thank you for your partnership!"

Chris Deloglos.jpeg

Chris Deloglos is a pastor at Kingsway Community Church in Midlothian, VA and serves as Executive Director of the Bolivia Missions Foundation.

Your Giving and A New Church Plant

Every April, we express our faith and unity as a church by giving above and beyond our regular tithes. This annual offering supplements our current budget and positions us to participate in ministry opportunities, not in our budget. As an expression of our gospel partnership, this year, we hope to bless our new church plant in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, with a generous financial gift that will help them advance the gospel of Jesus Christ 4700 miles south of us.

Church planting is a big part of our missiology both as a local church and global union of churches. As a local church, we have had the privilege of partnering with church plants in Santa Ana, CA, and Santa Cruz, Bolivia, in very tangible and meaningful ways.

Of course, the Lord is using Sovereign Grace Churches to spread the gospel across the globe; from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, to San Antonio, TX, people are coming to know Jesus as the gospel advances through new church plants in places like Prattville, Alabama. 

Please take a moment and watch the video below to see what God is doing through our new church plant in the heart of the Bible Belt. We hope it encourages you and builds your faith as you prayerfully consider giving toward our offering next month.