Not because you feel like it.
Not because you like the song selection.
Not even simply because God commands it in His word.
Sing because it reminds you (and others) of the Gospel truths we so easily forget (Colossians 3:16)
Sing because He is sustaining you in that very moment (Psalm 55:22)
Sing because He offers you an unending well of grace in your time of need (Hebrews 4:16)
Sing because He has triumphed over sin and redeemed you (Psalm 71:23)
Sing because He will come back again and bring you safely home (John 14:1-3)
Sing because it’s what we are going to get to do for an eternity together (Revelation 15:3-4)
You’ll be amazed at what the Lord will do when we trust Him, obey Him, and sing.
As you head to the Gathering this Sunday, consider the following from Bob Kauflin (Leader of Sovereign Grace Music).
“Confess your weakness, confess your inability, ask God to reveal his glory to you in Jesus Christ, and start singing the truths of God’s word. Most likely, it won’t be too long before your perspective changes, and you’re not thinking about whether you feel like singing anymore. You’ll be thinking about how worthy Jesus is to receive the praises of his people.”
So, brothers and sisters, sing because our Savior is worthy to receive the praises of His blood-bought church.
We have the joy of singing a new song this Sunday called (you guessed it) Sing! It reminds us of this truth: Sinners, redeemed by a faithful God have every reason to sing. In fact, we must sing. Listen below!
I can’t wait to see you at the Gathering this Sunday and SING.