Men’s Ministry


Our Men’s Ministry is rooted in our Community Groups. 

God’s design for Christian men is to be built into authentic, purposeful relationships that lead to spiritual health, maturity, and fruitfulness in Christ. Men discipling men (Titus 2) - We believe that a primary context in which this happens for our men is in a Community Group. There, our men meet together monthly for Bible study, discipleship, fellowship, and ministry. 

 Additionally, our men will also gather several times a year for FORGE events. These events provide a context for instruction in God’s word and fellowship - sharpening one another. Viewing all of life through the lens of God’s purposes and power in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, FORGE speaks into the lives of men regarding the church, family, work, and leisure.

Our Men’s Ministry is rooted in our Community Groups. FORGE gatherings serve to strengthen these groups. If you have questions about our Men’s Ministry, please contact a Community Group leader HERE.


Next Forge Event:

Saturday, APRIL 26th, 2025

more details to come.