Youth Ministry - sg youth


Youth Group logo - BOX Version 2.png

SG Youth’s purpose is to support parents in raising their children to be men and women of God, who are confident in God’s word and who are not ashamed of the Gospel that they proclaim and demonstrate in their communities.




We believe we can best serve parents in the God-given task of raising their children in three major areas:

  • Biblically based, Gospel-centered teaching

    • Teaching that comes from one of our pastors or someone approved by the pastors to teach the youth. 

    • This teaching is usually topically tied to a theme for the youth year, chosen by the pastors and the leaders of SG Youth. 

  • Learning and Application Focused Discipleship Groups

    • These small break-out groups are designed to push the youth deeper into the Word and its application.

    • These meetings are led by a leader of SG Youth and do not necessarily involve the parents directly. However, they are designed to challenge the youth and encourage further conversations with their parents.

  • Relational Development and Community Outreach Through Group Events

    • These events are designed as a fun way for the youth to build relationally with each other, and offer an easy avenue to invite any unbelieving or unchurched friends to join along.

SG Youth Leaders, Jon & Bethany Lambros



What we are not

  • SG Youth is not a ministry that seeks to be culturally relevant. The Word of God is eternally relevant, for all ages, for all circumstances, and will be taught accordingly. 

  • SG Youth is not a ministry that will undermine, supersede, or replace the roll of parents in their children’s lives. Scripture clearly shows parents as the primary source of discipleship in the lives of their children. SG Youth is built and designed on that biblical principle, and everything is done with the goal of assisting the parents in this manner. While the youth are encouraged to form relationships with friends and leaders of SG Youth, the youth will always be challenged to engage with their parents on what they are learning and the practical application of the Word in their lives.