Posts tagged Christmas

Sin has made us enemies of God. So, the peace we need is peace with God. This is our greatest need. That comes only one way—glory in a manger. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

SERIES: The Christmas Story
Luke 2:8-21
TITLE:  Glory and Peace In A Manger
PREACHER: Derek Overstreet

1. The Christmas Story and God's Incarnational Glory
2. The Christmas Story and Our Highest Good

All quotes are taken from the pastor’s notes.
”For many people, the Christmas narrative we just read is practically all they know of Christianity. Shepherds in their fields. A choir of angels. A baby born in a manger. But to quote the shepherd's words in 15something happened which the Lord has made known to us. An event in real space and time occurred in a small town in the Middle East. The dates, people, and places that detail the coming event in 1-8 prove that Christmas is no fairytale. More than just another event, Christmas is the most significant turning point in world history—God revealed Himself like never before. This is The Christmas Story. And I know there's no colorful tree, warm fireplace, or hot cocoa, but settle in and listen carefully because whether it's for your salvation or sanctification, it can be a turning point in your history today.”

“Look at the opening phrase of this angelic song 14—Glory to God in the highest…At the heart of Christmas is God's glory. John Piper describes God's glory as—the public display of God's infinite beauty and worth.That is precisely what the angels are responding to on this first Christmas.”

“Angelology 101 is angels exist, above all things, to continually magnify and declare God's glory. For this, they have a front-row seat in heaven. Throughout Scripture, we find angels worshipping, magnifying, and glorifying God. But they have never seen God's glory displayed in this way—the public display of God's endless beauty and worth—IN A MANGER!”

“The Incarnate God was physically present with man, His grace, love, and power in the flesh. And the angels could not contain themselves.”

“Christmas powerfully reminds us that we have something in common with the angels. Like them, we were created to the praise and glory of God. Our highest motivation in all that we are is God's glory. Our greatest goal in life is God glorified in and through us. Like the angels, we exist to bring glory to God in the highest!”

“Peace is the deepest longing of the human spirit. Peace in the home. Peace in our marriages. Peace in our politics. Peace in the world. We long for peace because we were created to live in peace.”

“Of course, we think we can fulfill our innate desire for peace through strength, tolerance, pacifism, indifference, revolution—the list goes on and on. But the peace we were created for is not horizontal; it's vertical. The peace the angels proclaimed at the first Christmas was not an absence of hostility between Rome and the Jews. It's not found in 21st-century geo-political agreements. This peace is not an absence of conflict in my home, personal financial freedom, or emotional well-being. This peace proclaimed by the angels transcends time, human relationships, political hostilities, and life circumstances. This peace is the most basic human need—an inward and eternal peace with God.”

“To understand this, we must remind ourselves that there was a Garden where man lived in perfect peace with God before the manger. But something awful happened. The good news of great joy in 10 begins with bad news of great grief.  Adam fell into sin, destroying that peace. Adam exchanged the glory of God for the glory of self. Since then, we have been trying to rip glory from God's hands. We tend to forget God's glory. Instead of living upward, we live inward. It's why the world is the way it is. It's why true peace is elusive. We are the problem! Sin is the problem.” 

“Foretelling the birth of Christ, Isaiah 9 calls this baby the Prince of Peace. He is the one who fulfills our greatest longing by becoming our peace—peace with God, peace with ourselves, peace with one another. After centuries of waiting and silence, the only answer to our peace dilemma is this baby boy lying in a cold and stinky manger. He is our Savior.”

“God's glory revealed in the baby in the manger was ultimately shown by what he would accomplish on the cross. Jesus lived a perfect life, satisfying the demands of God's glory. Though he was perfect in righteousness from the manger, He would stand in our stead on the cross. His righteousness for our sin. His death for our life. His condemnation for our JUSTIFICATION.”

“JUSTIFICATION is the precious truth at the heart of the good news of great joy the angels sang about. It means God looks upon you just as if you had never sinned but perfectly obeyed. On account of Jesus' righteousness, God declares you righteous in His eyes. That means no sin to judge.”

“Like a Judge saying—There is no crime to prosecute! The death of Jesus has removed the sin that put you in conflict with God, and his righteousness is credited to you, and the result is—Peace with God! Peace with God means God is pleased with you. This makes sense of how this angelic proclamation ends—read 14b.”

“You and I could never do good enough or be good enough for God to save us. On our own, we stand condemned before God. But God is pleased with His Son, Jesus, his perfect life and atoning death. In the Christian faith, sinners come to God in Jesus' name, that is, in his person and work. So when you come to God in Christ through faith (Rom 5:1), God is pleased with you, so you have peace with Him!”

“Shepherds were dirty, sweaty, grimy people. They would stay with the sheep to protect the flock, sleeping in the fields. They smelled like livestock. They were the bottom rung of society—the last to be included in anything. Yet, it was to them the angels announced the birth of the Savior. They are the first on the scene. They told Mary and Joseph the angel's proclamation.”

“Spiritually speaking, we are all dirty shepherds. But the Christmas manger that led to the Good Friday cross, the empty Easter tomb, and all its promises of eternal peace and joy are yours through repentance and faith. Whatever gift is under your tree this year will pale compared to the gift of true, eternal life in Jesus.”

John 1:14
Colossians 1:19
Hebrews 1:3
Romans 1:22-23
Romans 5:1

Charles Spurgeon - “God is glorified in every dewdrop that twinkles to the morning sun. He is magnified in every flower that blossoms. God is glorified in every bird that warbles on the spray. Do not the fishes in the sea praise him? From the tiny minnow to the huge Leviathan, do not all creatures that swim the water bless and praise his name? Do not the stars exalt him? Do not the lightnings adore him when they flash his brightness in arrows of light piercing the midnight darkness? Do not thunders extol him when they roll like drums in the march of God's armies? Do not all things exalt him, from the least even to the greatest? But sing, sing, oh universe, till thou hast exhausted thyself, thou canst not afford a song so sweet as the song of Incarnation.”

Ray Ortlund Jr. - “Why is the world in such a mess? You and I are the problem. Our good intentions are not strong enough to control our evil impulses. We need a Savior to rescue us from ourselves.”

Paul Tripp - “If you would for a moment, reflect on your last couple weeks, you will recognize, brothers and sisters, that you and I still have a glory problem. We don't always get glory right. Recognize that we have a peace problem; we don't always care about peace with God. We don't always have peace within. We surely don't always experience peace with one another. And so the work of that grace is as needed by us this morning as it's ever been. The angels announce your hope. The angels announce your redemption. The angels announce to you grace; grace of a life lived, grace of a death offered so that you may live for His glory, and you may experience in all the ways possible, His peace.”

If you don't have a relationship with Jesus Christ
, notice how the shepherds responded to the angel's proclamation of the Savior—read 8-9, 15-16, 20

If you are a believer this morning, notice Mary's response—read 19

What are you treasuring in your heart this Christmas season? Are you not at peace with yourself but filled with guilt about sin or anxiety about the future? Are you discouraged about life? Are you not at peace with others, holding bitter grudges and withholding forgiveness? Are you not at peace with God, angry at Him about circumstances? 

In their own way, each one is an expression of trying to wrestle God's glory for yourself. It doesn't have to be this way. God has something different for you. He calls each one of us this morning to be like Mary. Treasure the eternal wonder of Christmas. Turn your heart back to the Lord in repentance and ponder the mind-blowing truth that peace condescended to you so glory could ascend to God in your life. As you do, here's the promise for you: You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you—Isaiah 26:3

O Come All You Unfaithful
Hope of the Ages
Angels We Have Heard On High
O Come All Ye Faithful
God Made Low

Psalm 23:1

Christmas Song of the Week - Week 3

Our final song of the week is “Who Is This” from the Sovereign Grace Christmas Album, Heaven Has Come.

This song reminds us of the glory of the one Who is at the center of Christmas. As we head into Christmas week, may this song help us marvel at the reality of God with Us! 

Verse 1
Who is this, divine and tender
Hailing from eternal shores?
Once arrayed in highest splendor
Now, in poverty adorned

He is Jesus, God made mortal
Word in flesh, the Light of Life
From a throne room to a stable
Hope is born this holy night

Verse 2
Who is this of might and meekness
Given all authority?
With a word, He stills the tempest
At His touch the blind can see

He is Jesus, our Messiah
Long-awaited, long-proclaimed
Sing, "Hosanna in the highest!"
Christ, the King, has come to reign

Verse 3
Who is this, reviled and stricken
Broken on a cursed tree?
Son of God by God forsaken
Drenched in our iniquity

He is Jesus, slain for sinners
Laden with our guilt and grief
All our praise, to Him we render
For His wounds have won our peace
For You've won our peace

Verse 4
Who is this entombed in darkness
Cast into the bitter depths?
He whom grave nor hell could harness
Rose and tore the sting from death

He is Jesus, God triumphant
Risen to the Father's side
All will bow in awe and reverence
At the name of Jesus Christ

Listen Here:


God’s sovereignty is displayed in the people and the events surrounding Bethlehem. This Sunday, Pastor Tim gave us three ways we can see how the Christmas story displays the sovereignty of God. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

SERIES: The Christmas Story
Luke 2:1-7
TITLE: The Christmas Story Displays God’s Sovereignty
PREACHER: Tim Lambros
BIG IDEA: Christmas displays God’s sovereignty to strengthen our faith.

1. God is sovereign over political leaders
2. God is sovereign in His people
3. God is sovereign through the birth of His Son

All quotes are taken from the pastor’s notes.
”A decree going out in this time period was not for proper representation in their Congress but a means to gather as much tax as possible.”

“[These were] tough times for Israel. Dark times. They haven’t heard from God in 4-500 years. A census is another reminder that although they live in the promised land they are definitely under someone else’s rule. A decree for a census is Ceasar flexing his political muscle to not only to get more taxes but to also communicate that Israel is under Rome’s thumb.”

“Although Ceasar Augustus is 1,000 miles away Luke communicates he is simply a tool in God’s grand redemptive plan. Ceasar has no idea that God is bringing about a 700-year-old prophesy through his decree.”

“Although the Incarnation of the Son of God is a monumental point in God’s redemptive plan, all through the Bible, Scripture clearly states that God is sovereign over nations and leaders.”  

“Notice V. 2 Quirinius – another secular leader mentioned because census’ were done regionally. People were required to register in person and that was typically done in the place of your ancestors. Notice in v. 2, Luke also records that this census was the first for the governor of Syria,  Quirinius. Acts 1:5 Luke mentions Herod, king of Judea. Look ahead to Acts 3:1-2.  Why does Luke record all these government leaders? Why is this important? How  does this draw our attention to the character of God?”

“The Christmas story is not mythical. The Christmas story and all of God’s revelation of  Himself are rooted in world history. The Christmas story doesn’t begin in a place  called Middle-earth. Luke’s narrative doesn’t open with ‘in a galaxy far, far way.’ The baby that we will read about being born in a few minutes is the Historical LORD.  He is the God who reigns over the universe and thus reigns over political leaders. Does this strengthen your faith?”

“God is bigger than the mighty Roman empire. 300 years of domination. Yet in the  middle of that reign, the One who reigns the universe is directing historical nations  and leaders to accomplish His purposes.”

“Luke carefully writes about Joseph and Mary and historically significant geographical locations. REREAD V. 4. It is obvious Mary is in her 9th month of pregnancy. The distance from Nazareth to Bethlehem is somewhere between 80-90  miles. Most historians say they probably needed a week to travel there. It was dangerous to travel. Back then women died during childbirth. There were health risks that could terminate the pregnancy. This would be a difficult trip for Mary. Joseph probably waited for the weather to be the warmest. They may have possibly got a donkey for Mary to sit on. There would need to be bathroom breaks. They would surely go slower than most people. We know from Micah 5:2 that the Savior would be born in Bethlehem. But God is  working IN and THROUGH His people for His redemptive purposes.”

“God is working out His plan in the lives of Joseph and Mary. The sovereignty of  God working through and in His people is a truth we see threaded all throughout  Scripture.”

“Have you heard of the butterfly effect/theory? The butterfly effect is the theory that a butterfly flapping its wings in Brazil may cause a tornado in  Oklahoma because of a thousand unknown links working in a causal chain. The Incarnation of the Son of God is God’s sovereignty working in/through His people – Joseph and Mary in this case - it’s like the butterfly effect in reverse. Their family line was from Bethlehem, where the Messiah must be born. To fulfill the prophecy Mary needed to get to Bethlehem at the time of her birth. So God puts it in  the mind of Caesar Augustus — the most powerful person in the world, living over a  thousand miles away — to call for empire-wide registration, involving millions of people, at exactly the moment when God would relocate this one obscure,  pregnant, Jewish girl from Nazareth to Bethlehem.”

“All throughout Scripture, over and over again, we see God working His sovereign, redemptive plan through His people. It’s a mystery to us on how it all works outThe point is for us to trust Him. The point is for us to revisit the Christmas story and be in awe that our God works His sovereign plan for His people. God is showcasing His sovereignty. His display of His character in the Christmas story is meant to build our faith. The culture out there will trivialize these Mt.  Everest truths about God, but it’s meant for us to strengthen our faith.” 

“What a story! Who would have ever created a storyline like this? Geography like  Nazareth, Judea, Bethlehem. Joseph and Mary betrothed and traveling. God is not worried that His plan might not work out. Year after year we are freshly in awe of His  Sovereign hand at work.”

“Joseph and Mary arrive in Bethlehem and it’s time for Mary to give birth. There’s nothing in Luke’s account that would tell us the innkeeper was some mean guy who wouldn’t give a room to the young couple. No, Bethlehem is a hub of activity as it is  swarmed with travelers returning to their hometown.”

“Luke modestly states that Mary gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped in swaddling cloths and laid him in a manger. Lest we sanitize and romanticize this let’s be very clear. There’s nothing sanitary about being born [and put] in a feeding trough. This isn’t ‘away in a manger’ it’s ‘away in a stinky feeding trough.’ There’s  nothing romantic about the pre-incarnate Son of God being born into an animal space that stinks like manure.”

“What is happening in Bethlehem has no humble comparison. Let’s remember from our study of Colossians who Jesus is.” 

“Luke’s description of the humble birth could easily be overlooked if not the divine celebration that Luke records in V. 8-14.”

“Let’s walk through the Christmas season careful not to exchange sentimentality for a serious and sobering truth. The Christmas story and the Incarnation of the Son of God display the sovereignty of God at work. But God is not done at the birth of Jesus. If you ready Acts 2 & Acts 4  you’ll see God’s sovereignty at work in the death and resurrection of our Savior.” 

Micah 5:2
Psalm 22:28
Job 12:23
Acts 17:26
Genesis 50:20
Exodus 2:5-8
Colossians 1:15-17

WBC- “The supreme power figure of the Roman world, unbeknownst to himself, is instrumental in the fulfillment of messianic prophecy.”

John Piper - “The events of history are not about nations and industries. God governs the world for  the sake of his children.”

J.I. Packer - “The Christmas message rests on the staggering fact that the child in the manger was - God … this is only half the story.”

We heard last week that December can be a dangerous month for Christians. The busyness, the distractions, and a culture that wants to sanitize and romanticize the birth of Jesus. As Christians, we want to freshly see God showcasing His Sovereignty to increase our faith and trust in Him.  

Does the Christmas story increase your trust in God? - If God directs these events of the Christmas story – can you trust Him as He directs your life? As He brings challenges into your life? As you trust Him while waiting for answers to your prayers? 

Does the Christmas story help you increasingly live more aware? – More aware of people in your life? Might God be sovereignly directing the paths of people in your life to bring them to a place of putting their trust in Jesus this Christmas season? 

O Come O Come Emmanuel
Prepare Him Room
God Made Low
Who Would Have Dreamed
Joy To The World

Luke 2:8-21

Christmas Song of the Week - Week 2

Our Song of the Week is Do Not Fear, written by Jon Althoff and Nathan Stiff. This song was released by Sovereign Grace Music on their Christmas Album, Heaven Has Come. 

Here is an excerpt from Sovereign Grace Music on why this song was written for the Christmas season. 

“Over and over again God tells us in his Word, “Do not fear.” We fear being condemned. We fear holiness. We fear uncertainty. We fear enemies greater than us. But those who know God’s heart, revealed in sending his only Son to die for our sins, will never be ruled by fear. That includes Mary, who learned she was going to bear God’s Son. That includes the shepherds, who witnessed the glory of angelic choirs one evening on a hillside. And that includes anyone who believes Jesus when he says, “Come to me all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Rest from our sin, rest from our striving, rest from our fears. So take heart.”

May this song help you see and savor God this Christmas season!

You can listen to the song here:
You can check out the full Heaven Has Come Christmas album here:

Verse 1
Humble virgin, arise and take heart
You’ve been chosen to carry a son
Give no heed to the trembling inside
For the wonder has only begun

Do not fear, do not fear
The child you will hold is the Savior foretold drawing near
Do not fear

Verse 2
Lowly shepherds, look up and take heart
See the glory of heaven burn bright
Hear the anthem of joy and good news
Hope has dawned in a stable tonight

Chorus 2
Do not fear, do not fear
The child in the hay is the Ancient of Days drawing near
Do not fear

Verse 3
Weary children, be still and take heart
Every longing you feel is a cry
For the rest He has offered to all
Come to Him, for His burden is light

Chorus 3
Do not fear, do not fear
The God who redeems you and ever will keep you is near
Do not fear

Music and words by Jon Althoff and Nathan Stiff © 2020 Sovereign Grace Worship/ASCAP (adm. worldwide by Integrity Music).


Today, we begin an Advent series. Advent simply means coming or arriving. That's what we are dedicating the next three Sundays and Christmas Eve to—celebrating the coming of Jesus into our world. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

SERIES: The Christmas Story
Luke 1:26-38
TITLE: The True Christmas Story
PREACHER: Derek OVerstreet

1. An Unlikely Christmas Cast
2. An Extraordinary Christmas Plan

All quotes are taken from the pastor’s notes.
”For Christians, Christmas presents spiritual dangers: We are vulnerable to allowing the trappings of Christmas—decorations, spending, and busyness to trump the true purpose of Advent. Even more dangerous, we are vulnerable to trivializing Jesus, diminishing his person, distorting the reason he came, and dismissing his eternal significance at the hands of shallow sentimentality.”

“As Christians, we enjoy the Christmas season, but always through the lens of the gospel. For this, Advent is meant to guard us and keep our focus on the person and purpose of The Christmas Story.”

“We begin The Christmas Story in Luke's gospel, where we find a group of unlikely people with front-row seats to God's extraordinary plan.” 

“First, there was Zechariah and his wife, Elizabeth. In 5-7, they're described as a godly elderly couple with no children. But everything was about to change for them. In 11, an angel named Gabriel appeared to him—read 8-17. Soon after, the miracle happened: Elizabeth, old and barren, became pregnant with the one the OT prophets foretold would make way for the long-promised Messiah—John the Baptist.”

“Six months later, that same angel would appear to another unlikely person in God's plan of redemption.”

Imagine with me for a moment. It's just another day. People are going about their ordinary business. If you are a young teenage girl like Mary, perhaps you're finishing chores, daydreaming about your future, or socializing with friends. Out of nowhere, an angel appears and says you will give birth to God's Son. Luke says Mary was troubled. She was scared. She was confused, beginning with the obvious—(34) How can this be, since I am a virgin?”

Like Zechariah and Elizabeth, there was nothing special about Mary. There was nothing special about Joseph. Just ordinary people trying to live for God just like us. This was an unlikely cast to lay the groundwork for God Incarnate. But God works in mysterious ways. He uses fools instead of wise men. He uses paupers instead of kings. He uses the weak instead of the mighty. When He decided how to introduce the Savior of the world to the world, He used barren senior citizens and virgin teenagers.”  

“This should encourage us. You were created for good works. God wants to use you in your church and community. You might be young. You might be old. You may feel unequipped or even disqualified. You probably feel weak in spirit. You should feel unworthy and unable in and of yourself. But, as it says in 37—Nothing will be impossible with God.”

Think about how many promises you have broken over the years because you were unable to fulfill them. The unlikely cast of Christmas reminds us of the power and wisdom of God to accomplish what only He can accomplish. How do you need to believe and rest in the power and promises of God this Advent season?”

“Now, as unlikely as this Christmas cast is, infinitely more is the extraordinary nature of God's Christmas plan.”

“Mary knows her boy will not be an ordinary boy. As poor and despised as Jesus will be, he will be great because he is the eternal Son of God, equal to his Father in all things. If you wonder why Jesus had to be born of a virgin, you can start here—being fully man, Jesus was fully God. He would come into this world to establish David's throne and reign over God's people as their sovereign king in His eternal kingdom, which will be fully and finally established when he returns.”

“Mary's Son will do all this as Jesus, the name above all other names that means deliverer. He will deliver salvation to sinners. As young as Mary is, we know she understands this because of her response—read 38.”

“Mary is wholly surrendered to the Lord's will for her. She has no idea how her situation will turn out. She is unmarried and about to be pregnant. That sounds like serious trouble. Yet, her fear and confusion give way to faith and humble submission.”

“An angel named Gabriel isn't going to show up in your living room and shock you into faith and humble submission. But even better, Jesus has shown up in your heart, which is precisely why he came into this world. We see this in Mary’s ensuing celebration. In 39-45, Mary goes to see Elizabeth. Mary could have been overwhelmed with panic about the optics of a young, unwed, pregnant teenage girl. She could have been distracted by thinking through a PR plan as the gossip and accusations were about to fly. Instead, she is undone in worship.”

“The interchangeable terms soul and spirit create a repetition to communicate one thing—Mary is worshipping God with her entire being—her will, thoughts, affections, words, and body. Mary holds nothing back from God in her worship of God. And while Mary is not worthy of our worship, her worship is worthy of our emulation.”

Mary understood her socioeconomic status. She understood she was a nobody from the nasty town of Nazareth. There was nothing special about Mary. Mary is the essence of ordinary. None of this escapes Mary. She's not beating her chest; she knows she’s a servant. So she sings God's praises—He who is mighty has done great things for me. God has chosen me to bear the Messiah. God has looked upon me and said, You will bear my Son who will save people from their sins.”

Have you ever had a game-changer in your life? This is the ultimate game-changer! Mary and Elizabeth are living in the worst of times. Four hundred years have gone by since the last prophet spoke. God's people are living under Roman oppression as they await their long-promised Messiah. This baby changes everything, and Mary knows it—(48) from now on  all generations will call me blessed. Nothing will ever be the same for Mary. And nothing will ever be the same for the rest of the world either. Translation: God has acted in history, and an extraordinary reversal is underway!”

The world is about to be turned upside down, and it begins here with a pregnant senior citizen and a pregnant teenager—(51) Jesus will humble the pride of intellect. This baby will humble the pride of status (52). Joseph and Mary's child will humble the pride of wealth (53). Everything that makes sense to the world, everything the world treasures and trusts, everything the world thinks matters most, everything the world respects and esteems, Christmas turns on its head and renders meaningless.”

“This is not the Christmas story found on the Hallmark Channel. This is not the Christmas story the world wants to hear. But it is the Christmas story the world needs to hear because it is the true Christmas Story.”

“Jesus, the image of the invisible God who is supreme over all creation, condescended to create a new humanity of righteousness and glory. Jesus, the firstborn from the dead in whom the fullness of God is pleased to dwell, was born into our world to reconcile all things, making peace by the blood of his cross. He was born to give spiritual life to the spiritually dead. He was born to liberate sinners from the oppression of their sin so they might live eternally for his praise and glory. There's no room for sentimentalizing this Jesus. We dare not distort, diminish, or dismiss his significance with our Christmas trappings. Christmas is about the coming of our only Savior and eternal King! This is the true Christmas story—who needs to hear it from you?

“I don't know if you caught it, but Mary's song contains the phrase He has six times. Mary hasn't seen this great reversal with her eyes yet, but she sings about the future in the past tense because she knows her God is faithful. But for us on this side of the cross, we have seen and experienced this great reversal Jesus' birth has inaugurated. We know where Christmas is going. This cradle leads to a cross where God held nothing back as He judged Jesus for our sins.”

“If you are a Christian, you have experienced your own great reversal in Christ: from sinner to saint, from enemy to child, from wrath to grace, from lost to found. Not because there was anything special about you. You are just as ordinary and hopeless as a barren old woman and young virgin girl. But in mercy, God acted in an extraordinary way to cause a great reversal in your life. You believed in Jesus, and like Mary, everything changed. Christmas happened to you, and Mary's song is your song.”

2 Corinthians 5:21

Paul Tripp- “So much of our fear, discouragement, anxiety, and worry is the result of underestimating what God is willing and able to do.”

Martyn Lloyd-Jones. -”Everything that man boasts in, his intellect, his understanding, his power, his social status, his influence, his righteousness, his morality, his ethics, his code—every one of them is utterly demolished by this Son of God.”

Martin Luther - “Mary's song is about God's great works and deeds, for the strengthening of our faith, for the comforting of all those of low degree, and for the terrifying of all the mighty ones on earth. We are to let the hymn serve this threefold purpose; for she sang it not for herself alone but for us all, to sing it after her.”

What do faith and humble submission to God look like this Christmas? What seems impossible to you? What has you troubled, scared, and confused?

Q. Is your faith weak this morning? Is your spirit low this morning? Do you enter the Christmas season spiritually cynical or indifferent?  It doesn't have to be that way. Jesus—Immanuel, God with us, came to change everything. He wants your attention. He is worthy of your white-hot affections. Jesus knows your sin and weakness, and he wants to open your eyes to his love for you either for the first time or like no other time before. He went from the cradle to the cross to the grave to the right hand of your heavenly Father for you! Marveling at the wonder and living in the good of his love is what Christmas is about.

Q. How does the Spirit want to adjust your song as you enter the Christmas season this year? God made much of you when He condescended into this world to live and die for one reason—so you could make much of Him with everything you have and everything you are. That's a Christmas song worth singing. That's a Christmas promise worth living! That's a Christmas story worth telling.

Come Behold The Wondrous Mystery
Who Would Have Dreamed

He Who Is Mighty
O Come All You Unfaithful
Heaven Has Come To Us

Luke 2:1-7

Christmas Song of the Week - Week 1

This December we will be highlighting a Song of the Week each Wednesday to help us see and savor God this Christmas season.

Our first Song of the Week is O Come All You Unfaithful, written by Bob Kauflin and Lisa Clow. 

While the Christmas season is the “most wonderful time the year” many of us can still struggle with fear, weariness, sorrow over loss, or shame over our sin. This song invites us to lift our eyes upward and see what God has done by sending His son into the world. 

May this song encourage you as you listen and worship!

Listen Here:

O come, all you unfaithful; come, weak and unstable
Come, know you are not alone
O come, barren and waiting ones, weary of praying, come
See what your God has done

Christ is born, Christ is born
Christ is born for you

O come, bitter and broken; come with fears unspoken
Come, taste of His perfect love
O come, guilty and hiding ones; there is no need to run
See what your God has done

He’s the Lamb who was given; slain for our pardon
His promise is peace; for believe

So come, though you have nothing; come, He is the offering
Come, see what your God has done
© 2020 Sovereign Grace Praise (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing (Integrity Music, David C Cook)) 


The promise of heaven begins with Advent and its Unexpected Purpose and Message brings hope, joy, and peace to a life filled with the unexpected. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

SERIES: The Unexpected at Advent
Luke 2:14
TITLE: An Unexpected Message
PREACHER: Derek Overstreet

1. The Unexpected Purpose of Christmas
2. The Unexpected Promise of Christmas

All quotes are taken from the pastor’s notes.
”Our Advent series has focused on the unexpected: Lowly local shepherds. Gentile magi from afar. A Jewish virgin girl. A blip on the map called Bethlehem. The Unexpected at Advent. The irony is we tend to fear the unexpected. We like our worlds ordered. We find comfort in well-laid plans. No surprises, please. We can even struggle with something good that comes unexpectedly. The Unexpected is unavoidable, and times unimaginably difficult.”

“When the angels celebrate the first Christmas, they don't begin with you and me; they start with God—his glory, not ours. John Piper describes God's glory as—the public display of God's infinite beauty and worth. And that is precisely what the angels are responding to on this first Christmas—the public display of God's endless beauty and worth—IN A MANGER!“

“Above all things, angels were created to continually magnify and declare God's glory. For this, they have a front-row seat in heaven. But they have never seen God's glory displayed in this way. In the Incarnation, God was physically present with man—his grace, love, and power in the flesh. Throughout Scripture, we find angels worshipping, magnifying, and glorifying God. But they never saw His glory like this—Glory in a manger—and they could not contain themselves.”

“We have something in common with the angels: We, too, were created to the praise and glory of God. Our existence is meant to be upward. Our highest motivation in all that we are is God's glory. Our greatest goal in life is God glorified in and through us. Like the angels, we exist for God's glory.”

“But in the Garden, something awful happened—Adam and Eve exchanged the glory of God for the glory of self. Since then, we have been trying to rip glory from God's hands. We tend to forget God's glory. Instead of living upward, we live inward.”

“Peace is the deepest longing of the human spirit. Peace in the home. Peace in my marriage. Peace in our politics. Peace in the world. We long for peace because we were created to live in peace. We tend to think we can fulfill our innate desire for peace. Peace through strength. Peace through tolerance. Peace through pacifism. Peace through understanding. Peace through political revolution. But the peace we were created for is not horizontal; it's vertical.”

“This peace proclaimed by the angels transcends time, human relationships, political hostilities, and life circumstances. This peace is the most basic human need—an inward and eternal peace with God.“

“JUSTIFICATION is the precious doctrine that is at the heart of Christmas. It means God looks upon you just as if you had never sinned but perfectly obeyed. On account of Jesus' righteousness, God declares you righteous in His eyes. That means no sin to judge. Instead, you have eternal peace with God. The death of Jesus has removed the sin that put you in conflict with God, and his righteousness is credited to you, and the result is—Peace with God!“

“This is the Unexpected Promise of Christmas: No matter who you are, where you’ve been, or what you’ve done, in Christ Jesus, all fear of God's holy wrath is gone. This baby boy in a manger is not only the glory of God revealed but the means of the sinner's peace with God accomplished! The good news for lowly shepherds, elite Magi, and US!”

Colossians 1:19
Hebrews 1:3
John 1:14
Philippians 4:6-7
Isaiah 26:3

J.C. Ryle - “Let all true Christians remember that their best things are yet to come. Let us count it no strange thing, if we have sufferings in this present time. It is a season of probation. We are yet at school. We are learning patience, longsuffering, gentleness, and meekness, which we could hardly learn if we had our good things now. But there is an eternal holiday yet to begin. For this let us wait quietly. It will make amends for all.”

Charles Spurgeon - “God is glorified in every dewdrop that twinkles to the morning sun. He is magnified in every flower that blossoms. God is glorified in every bird that warbles on the spray. Do not the fishes in the sea praise him? From the tiny minnow to the huge Leviathan, do not all creatures that swim the water bless and praise his name? Do not the stars exalt him? Do not the lightnings adore him when they flash his brightness in arrows of light piercing the midnight darkness? Do not thunders extol him when they roll like drums in the march of God's armies? Do not all things exalt him, from the least even to the greatest? But sing, sing, oh universe, till thou hast exhausted thyself, thou canst not afford a song so sweet as the song of Incarnation.”

Paul Tripp - “We have a glory problem. All of us are in the midst of a glory war. We all have moments of glory confusion. We all have times when we want the creation more than we want the Creator.”

Raymond Ortlund Jr. - “Why is the world in such a mess? You and I are the problem. Our good intentions are not strong enough to control our evil impulses. We need a Savior to rescue us from ourselves.”

Paul Tripp - If you would for a moment, reflect on your last couple weeks, you will recognize, brothers and sisters, that you and I still have a glory problem. We don't always get glory right. Recognize that we have a peace problem; we don't always care about peace with God. We don't always have peace within. We surely don't always experience peace with one another. And so the work of that grace is as needed by us this morning as it's ever been. The angels announce your hope. The angels announce your redemption. The angels announce to you grace; grace of a life lived, grace of a death offered so that you may live for His glory, and you may experience in all the ways possible, His peace.”

As we await our eternal holiday in heaven, may our song be the angel’s song—Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those whom he is pleased!

To my non-Christian friend, Luke wrote these verses and the entire gospel to a man named Theophilus. His reason, according to 1:4: Theophilus would be certain of Jesus. You are here. You have heard the purpose and promise of Christmas. Will you believe? Luke and the rest of the Bible is God's story of saving sinners to himself. And this Christmas, you can become a part of it. Believe in Jesus today.

To my fellow Christian, are you anxious about the future? Are you discouraged about life? Are you angry at God about circumstances? All these sinful attitudes rob you of the full benefit of God’s peace. In their own way, each one is an expression of trying to wrestle God's glory for yourself. The answer: turn your heart back to God and trust Him. 


The Advent of Jesus is the greatest news of all time! A three-message Christmas mini-series may at first seem insufficient to proclaim THE GOOD NEWS of the Advent of the Savior, but it does have the power to grab our attention again and refocus our minds and hearts on truths that have become all too familiar to us. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

SERIES: The Unexpected at Advent
Luke 2:1-12
TITLE: Wise Men From Afar
PREACHER: Tom Wilkins
BIG IDEA: The Good News of the Savior and King, Jesus, has come to the unexpected who are far off.

1. They Were Directed by God
2. They Were Used by an Evil King
3. They Worshipped the Savior

All quotes are taken from the pastor’s notes.
”Because of misinterpretation in religion and culture over 2,000 years, these [wise men] can be misunderstood, and the point of them being invited can be completely missed.”

“The ESV Study Bible notes that [the ‘wise men from the east’, literally ‘Magi’] were ‘...priests and experts in mysteries in Persia and Babylon’. The Magi were well-educated counselors, wise men, and they served kings through their knowledge, interpretations, and 'wisdom, speaking into difficult and everyday matters. …The closest thing we have to these guys in the U.S. would be presidential advisors - cabinet members.”

“The Stars belong to God and this star compelling the Magi to the west was HIS DOING. God was directing every single detail and that includes the heavens above and the earth below. His Star is what moved them!”

“While some have described this star as supernova, a comet, or the aligning of planets, Verses 2 and 9 reveal that something more supernatural is occurring - coupled with no one else mentioning it. …God uses Bethlehem’s star as His unique and gracious invitation to the star-led magi.”

“The Magi would have likely been familiar with some of the Old Testament, (the Prophet Daniel in particular) including the promise of the coming Jewish king (See Vs. 2). “His star” that drew their attention westward toward Israel would likely have driven them from studying this star to studying the Israelite Scriptures as they sought to understand what was happening.”

“All of this - the magi and their entourage, the star, and the message they came proclaiming about the birth of a new king - was deeply troubling to Herod. And if Herod was troubled, then all whom he ruthlessly ruled were troubled.”

“Herod ruled through violence and manipulation. He was known for his bloodthirst. Emperor Augustus was quoted as saying, “It is better to be Herod's pig than his son.” As a Jew, Herod refused to kill pigs but killed three of his sons, along with many others, including one of his wives and a number of her family members. AND, like Pharoh of old, under the threat of being replaced by another king, he sets out to find and kill this newborn king.”

“The Gospel reveals that this is the pattern - the Jewish leaders will reject Christ and seek to kill Him but the Gentiles will believe in Christ and be saved according to God’s word!”

“All of this…is completely unexpected! The very ones whom the Messiah came from and came to, they seek to kill him! But, from these unexpected ones who were far away from Him, Jesus would receive extravagant worship… worship fueled by EXCEEDING rejoicing and with GREAT joy!”

“[These Gentile Magi] are on God’s invite list of the birth announcement of The King of the Jews, Jesus, to make it clear that the Savior has come for SINNERS, and this includes sinners LIKE YOU AND ME!”

Psalm 8:3
Matthew 2:16-17
Matthew 23:37
Ephesians 2:12-13

 Daniel M. Doriani
- “...God… chooses to speak to stargazers through a star. Stars had significance for these men. God descended to the Magi’s level to communicate with them. Stars got their attention, so God used a star.”

- Everything is God’s doing. What is going on in your life? It is God’s “invisible hand” directing and guiding it all!
-Satan is at work right now deceiving whoever will listen and follow him (Ephesians 6:12, John 15:18)

Whether or not you are aware, you are lost in this world, but the Savior has been born unto you and me!
Q. Are you a sinner? The Good News is that You are invited! There is no place where the Gospel cannot reach. There is no sinner who is too far off that the Gospel cannot reach. COME, BEHOLD THE CHILD, JESUS, THE SAVIOR!


Looking into the unexpected people and events God uses can help us not just guard verses mindlessly walk through this Christmas season, but deepen our awe and appreciation of these historical and objective gospel events. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

SERIES: The Unexpected at Advent
Luke 2:8-20
TITLE: Shepherds In The Field
PREACHER: Tim Lambros

All quotes are taken from the pastor’s notes.
”Our Christmas series is titled “The Unexpected at Advent.” Advent means “arrival” and typically Christians take a few weeks each year to celebrate and remember afresh the events of the Incarnation of Jesus Christ. I think this sentence captures our  approach this year - It’s a time to reflect on the unexpected nature of Jesus’ humble birth.” 

“What makes this story so stunning is all the unexpected people and events that occur. Let’s explore together the unexpected first recipients of this profound birth  announcement.”

“In one of God’s providential movements of people and nations, Caesar Augustus dictates there will be a census, all of Israel is seriously inconvenienced and once again reminded of Roman rule and oppression. Even if you’re 9 months pregnant, you are required to register in your home town. Yet Augustus and the local governor Quirinius are simply unsuspecting tools in God’s hand. God uses these secular leaders to fulfill yet another OT prophecy. Micah 5:2 states 700 years prior to this day that the One who would rule Israel would come out of  Bethlehem. God is directing people and nations. ” 

“Luke states that in the same region there were shepherds out in the field, keeping watch  over their flock at night. We can be quite confident these shepherds were not prepared for what was about to happen. For us, 2000 years later, to grasp the depth of  shock and surprise, we must know a few things about shepherds in Christ day.”

“These are unnamed shepherds in the field. We have to be careful in a number of places during the Christmas story because we tend to bring our rendition of who the players are and what the culture was like. 

• Shepherds lived in the fields, could not keep the ceremonial law so they were  treated as unclean  

•They were regarded as liars and thieves and their testimony was inadmissible in a  court of law. 

• Shepherds did not enjoy a very good reputation in their day.”

“The most important announcement in all of history, anticipated for centuries and it comes to these  UNNAMED shepherds working their mundane, dirty, boring job are the recipients! Now listen to the content of the announcement – GOOD NEWS, GREAT JOY ….Not just any news but GOOD news. Not just joy but GREAT joy. Not just for some  people but for ALL the people …”  

“Let’s not be romantic about these manger scenes that populate our homes and public places. The Christ came into this world and lay in a feeding trough.. Jesus is born and is laid in a feeding trough for animals in a barn that stinks of animal smells and sounds. Of all the babies born during the census period, the Shepherds would find Jesus in a barn, looking like every other newborn and drawing no attention  to Himself.”

“God is a speaking God. The revelation of Himself in creation speaks. The revelation of Himself in the OT speaks. But they are like whispers compared to the  Incarnation. This is God shouting! This is the highest revelation of Himself. God sent His Son to take on flesh. We can gaze upon the exact imprint of God. We can see the radiance of the glory of God in that manger! To truly grasp Christmas, we must grasp what a monumental moment this truly is!“ 

“The Christmas message is that there is hope for a ruined humanity - hope of pardon, hope of peace with God, hope of glory - because at the Fathers’ will Jesus Christ became poor and was born in a stable so that thirty years later he would hang on a cross.”

Galatians 4:4
Hebrews 1:1–3

Phillip Ryken
- “Shepherds were despised. With the exception of lepers they were the lowest class of  men in Israel.”
”The shepherds would not find the child couched in royal splendor, as they might have expected, but lying in poverty. This was the humiliation of the incarnation, that the Son of God humbled Himself to save us.“

J.I. Packer - “It is here, in the thing that happened at the first Christmas that the profoundest and most unfathomable depths of the Christian revelation lie. The Word became flesh. …The more you think about it, the more staggering it gets. Nothing in fiction is so fantastic as is this truth of the Incarnation.”

1. An unexpected event creates a monumental turning point
To truly grasp the real meaning of Christmas, one must be in awe at God working His redemptive plan. Each time we look at a manger scene, it should move us to awe and humility.
QUESTION – What do you see when you look into the manger?

2. An unexpected audience for profoundly good news  
Why did God appear to these unnamed, lowly shepherds? The answer lies in verse 11.
QUESTION – In what ways does the Incarnation of Jesus Christ help you see your need for a Savior?


Where there is prayer, there is power because when we pray, the power of God is unleashed. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

TEXT: James 5:13-18
TITLE: A Passion For Prayer
PREACHER: Derek Overstreet
BIG IDEA: A prayerful church is a powerful church.

1. Prayer is Powerful
2. Prayer is Effective

”As we begin the new year together, my goal is not to tell you HOW you should pray, WHEN you should pray, or WHAT you should pray for. My PRAYER as we begin the new year is that God would rekindle and refresh a fresh passion, perhaps for some a new passion, to be a person and a people of prayer. Whether your prayer life is robust as ever, on life-support, or non-existent, God wants to stir our hearts to more sweet communion with Him.”

“Everything in this text is connected to prayer. James is trying to persuade his readers that faith-filled prayer is always the truest and most powerful response in life.”

“The truth is, we are too weak not to pray. We are too needy not to pray. We are too busy not to pray. Whatever else we do, prayer is always the best response for a believer.”

“Let’s be honest, there is a mystery when it comes to prayer. Prayer is not magic. Prayer is useless apart from God’s power. It’s God who delivers. It's God who heals. It's God who is working all things according to His perfect purposes. The God of boundless and endless resources does not stand in need of our prayers. Yet, Scripture stresses repeatedly that the release and experience of God’s effective power comes through humble, faith-filled, God-centered prayer.”

“When we depend on God through prayer, we get what God can do!  We get the God who can do more than we can ask or imagine. We get the God of infinite mercy, and grace, and power who avails Himself to us in the most intimate, all-caring, all-powerful way.”

“In times of unanswered prayer we should not grow doubtful of or weary in prayer but continue to pray as we trust in the mercy of God and His promises that in Christ he will never forsake us and His mercies are new every day and His grace is always sufficient for every situation.”

“We should continue to pray knowing the God we pray to has made it clear His ways are not our ways (Isaiah 55:8). This means he may not answer our prayers the way we would like or in our timing.”

“This promise that our prayers are powerful and effective is for everyone who believes in Christ. What qualifies you as righteous is not what you do or how you do it. It’s who you know.”

“That’s the promise of Hebrews 4:16. We can draw near to God through prayer assured we will always find mercy and grace from God because we come in the name of Jesus who is our eternal high priest who has secure this promise and privilege of prayer for us.”

Acts 4
- Under strict orders not to evangelize, the early church gathered to pray for boldness and they were immediately filled with the Spirit and continued to do the will of God which was to boldly preach the gospel under threat.
2 Chronicles 7
- The Lord said when my people humble themselves and pray, then I will work in their midst.
James 1:5 - Take something as practical as wisdom
When it seems as though we face so many unanswered prayers, we are in good company: 2 Samuel 12, 2 Corinthians 12, Luke 22
There is always mystery involved, but James gives us reasons for unanswered prayer:

  • Absence of faith— James 1:5-8

  • Prayer not in accord with God’s will—James 4:3

  • Absence of humility— James 4:6

  • God has a better plan—The life of Joseph

Charles Spurgeon - “My own soul’s conviction is that prayer is the grandest power in the entire universe, that it has a more omnipotent force than electricity, attraction, gravitation, or any other of those secret forces which men have called by name, but which they do not understand.”

Robert Murray McCheyne - “O believing brethren!  What an instrument is this which God hath put into your hands!  Prayer moves Him that moves the universe.”

Charles Spurgeon - “Because God is the living God, He can hear; because He is a loving God, He will hear; because He is our covenant God, He has bound Himself to hear.”

J.A. Motyer - “That is part of the wonder of the way of prayer. Those who by grace have been given the status of righteousness in God’s sight have been brought into the realm where effective prayer operates and have been given the right to exercise a ministry of prayer.”

1. Create time to pray your way
2. Resolve to put a few words of prayer between you and whatever you do
3. Replace I will pray for you this week with Let me pray with you right now
4. Plan to pray with your church

  • Pre-service prayer 9:30

  • 5th Sunday Prayer/Worship nights a priority (Jan 29)

  • Attend CG with a heart ready to pray

5. Grow your understanding of prayer—Blog series, A Passion for Prayer


This is no mere birth announcement. In it we discover our true hope and ultimate purpose. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

SERIES: Who Would Have Dreamed?
Luke 2:10-14
TITLE: A Cosmic Christmas Announcement
PREACHER: Derek Overstreet

1. Our Hope has Arrived
2. Our Purpose is Revealed

”It’s easy to casually read this angelic proclamation. But this is the first time in Scripture we see such powerful and consequential terms strung together in reference to Jesus: 1. The angels recognize baby Jesus as the Christ: The title Christ means this baby is the anointed one, the promised Messiah, the deliverer of God’s people. 2. Christ the Lord: The title Lord conveys everything that is implied in the OT name of God, Yahweh. This baby is God Incarnate. God in flesh. Immanuel. Mighty God with us! 3. But the angel also describes this baby as Savior reminding us that Jesus is the most relevant person in history, giving us exactly what we need.”

“This is the “good news of great joy” of Christmas—God Himself has become a man to save His people. The one the priests foreshadowed, the prophets predicted, and the people prayed for, was none other than God Himself in human flesh.”

“The prospects for 2023 may be promising. You may feel like you are doing just fine. Christmas reminds us no one is doing fine. Before the Christmas story is good news of great joy it is bad news of great grief. Christmas exists because we need a Savior. We need someone to rescue us. It’s a BIG blow to the ego, but it’s true.”

“Your BIGGEST problem is not your spouse. Health. Circumstance. Boss. Government. Parents. Pastor. It’s you. It’s me. We are sinners. It's not that we are guilty of a few sins, at our very core we are sinners. That’s why we sin. That’s why each one of us are utterly helpless to help our situation. We need someone to do what we cannot do for ourselves—save us. We need a Savior.”

“The angels got it right: Christmas begins with God’s glory not man’s good. John Piper defines God’s glory as the public display of God’s infinite beauty and worth.”

We see His glory in the smallest flower. We see it in the vastest universe. We see it in the highest mountain. We see it in the imago dei—human beings created in the image of God.   But nothing reveals God’s glory more than the riches of His grace, the depths of His mercy and the boundless nature of His love shown through this baby boy Jesus, whose reconciling life brings eternal spiritual peace to sinners who put their faith in Jesus.”

“This peace the angels proclaim transcends time, human relationships, and national hostilities. It’s not a cease-fire between Russia and Ukraine or Republicans and Democrats. It’s not an absence of personal trials or culture wars. The Christmas peace is an eternal inward tranquility that comes from knowing that in this baby boy our dread of death and fear of God’s wrath turns to the praises of angels.”

“It’s in these words our ultimate purpose is revealed. To be redeemed by the blood of this baby and have our existence—our motivations, affections, thoughts, words, and behavior increasingly inclined upward for the praise of another is the highest meaning in life. Nothing glorifies God more than the His Son, our Savior, being brought low so that we could be brought high with praises of His glory!”

Matthew 1:21

Raymond Ortlund Jr. - “Why is the world in such a mess? You and I are the problem. Our good intentions are not strong enough to control our evil impulses. We need a Savior to rescue us from ourselves.”

J.C. Ryle - “Let all true Christians remember, that their best things are yet to come. Let us count it no strange thing, if we have sufferings in this present time. It is a season of probation. We are yet at school. We are learning patience, longsuffering, gentleness, and meekness, which we could hardly learn if we had our good things now. But there is an eternal holiday yet to begin. For this let us wait quietly. It will make amends for all.”

To my non-Christian friend - This morning you are hearing about Jesus from Luke so you will believe. Luke and the rest of the Bible is God’s story of saving sinners to himself. And this Christmas you can become a part of it. How? Believe in Jesus.

To my fellow Christian, are you weary, discouraged or weak in your faith this Christmas? As you enjoy your Christmas festivities today, allow them to point you to what JC Ryle calls the eternal holiday yet to begin.


If Christmas brings tidings of hope, joy, and peace, then WHY is life so difficult? Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

SERIES: Who Would Have Dreamed?
Revelation 12
TITLE: The Greatest Christmas Story Ever Told
PREACHER: Derek Overstreet

Scene 1 - A Defeated Dragon
Scene 2 - A Victorious Boy
Scene 3 - A Protected Woman

”This woman is symbolic of God’s people from beginning to end. From the Garden to the church, this woman represents the faith-filled community of God.”

“The dragon is easy to figure out. He is the serpent we met in the Garden last week. Satan himself according to verse 9-12. His description in verse 3 reminds us he is destructive, cunning, powerful, and influential, all of which are demonstrated in 4 where he swept away a third of the stars from heaven with his tail.”

“The messianic reference from Psalm 2:9, rule with a rod of iron, makes it clear—the boy is Jesus.”

“Ever since that moment in the Garden, this dragon has been trying to keep Genesis 3:15 from happening. At the first Christmas, he thinks he finally has his chance.”

“Christmas deals the first blow to the dragon. The Messiah is born. The one who would rule the nations with a rod of iron has come. And instead of being devoured by the dragon, he is exalted to the heavens, with God, where He is seated in the place of all power and authority and dominion.”

“This is why Christmas is so central to redemptive history. 

  • Christmas is the beginning of the destruction of the dragon

  • Christmas is the inauguration of God undoing what happened in the Garden and making all things new and right

  • Christmas is a cosmic demonstration of God’s sovereign power and unfailing faithfulness”

“The dragon is defeated by the boy. In Revelation, the boy is the Lamb. He is the Lamb of God that was slain. The One who is worthy to break the seal and open the heavenly scroll that reveals God’s plan of redemption. His blood shed on the cross covers the sinner’s sin. His blood purchases the sinner away from the dragon whom we all once belonged to.”

“Passages like Romans 3&5, Ephesians 2, and Titus 3 teach us that at one time we were all little dragons. We talked and thought and acted like dragons at war with Christ in our hearts.”

“The manger gave way to the cross. At the cross the dragon was decisively defeated because Christ’s death and resurrection nullified our accuser’s accusations because, in a crucified and risen Savior, we are justified—made right—before God! Not because of anything we did or would do but wholly on the basis of Jesus blood and righteousness. And when his substitutionary sacrifice is our faith-filled testimony, we are saved.”

“There is no gift under your tree more satisfying than eternal salvation.”

“And this is the answer to our opening question—WHY, even with Christmas that brings joy, peace, and hope, is life a struggle?  ANSWER: We live in the age of dragon rage.”

“Christians don’t fight the good fight for victory, we fight the good fight out of victory. We have a taste of heaven here, but heaven is not yet here and so the dragon rages on with his lies and deception desperately trying to destroy God’s people. …But God is protecting His church.”

We live in the now and the not yet. Regardless of your circumstances, this is what makes your Christmas a Merry Christmas.”

Genesis 3:15
Ephesians 2:1-3
Revelation 20:10
Revelation 21:1-5

G.K. Beale - “The death and resurrection of Christ have banished the devil from this privilege [accusing us] formerly granted him by God, because Christ’s death was the penalty that God exacted for the sins of all those who were saved by faith.”

Charles Spurgeon - “The devil is not afraid of a dust-covered Bible.”

Charles Spurgeon - “I know what the devil will say to you. He will say to you, ‘You are a sinner!’ Tell him you know you are, but that for all that you are justified. He will tell you of the greatness of your sin. Tell him of the greatness of Christ’s righteousness. He will tell you of all your mishaps and your backslidings, of your offenses and your wanderings. Tell him, and tell your own conscience, that you know all that, but that Jesus Christ came to save sinners, and that, although your sin be great, Christ is quite able to put it all away.”

Charles Spurgeon - “The preaching of Christ is the whip that flogs the devil. The preaching of Christ is the thunderbolt, the sound of which makes all hell shake.”

How do we live out of victory in the wilderness? The text gives us three ways in verse 11:
- Preach the gospel to yourself
We conquer Satan when we cling to Christ. Living by the blood of the Lamb means we stand in the gospel. We process every aspect of life, the good days and the bad days, through our identity in Jesus Christ.
- Tell others about Jesus
The dragon wants us to be silent because our silence is his temporary victory. But we defeat him every time we speak out about Jesus.
- Persevere to the end
We live in the victory of Jesus when we die to self to live for him in every way of life:

  • Honesty instead of deceit

  • Love instead of hate

  • Purity instead of compromise

  • Patience instead of anger


Here is something I know for certain—what Christmas is truly about: God graciously pursuing sinners—God condescending to mercifully save hell-deserving sinners. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

SERIES: Who Would Have Dreamed?
Genesis 3:1-24
TITLE: The Beginning of Christmas
PREACHER: Derek Overstreet

I. A Funeral in a Garden
II. Our Hope in a Manger

”Genesis 3 records the darkest day in human history. It has been referred to as mankind’s funeral. Ironically, it’s at this funeral that hope springs forth in the first promise of Christmas.”

“The effects of sin and its curse are everywhere and our life experiences affirm it. But there’s an even deeper problem. What we see in verses 14-19 are just symptoms of humanity’s real dilemma—read verses 22-24. Because of their sin and guilt, Adam and Eve were kicked out of the Garden. Severed from God’s presence. Banished from His Paradise.  Their fellowship with Him was broken and they became spiritually dead.”

“Through Adam we have inherited a sin nature that leads to our personal sin and guilt, making us like Adam, separated from God and spiritually dead and under the wrath of God like the rest of mankind. That’s the great human dilemma that is the dark side of Christmas.”

“I love this picture: The moment Adam and Eve fell into sin, God pursued them with these words: Where are you?  The question does not reveal a lack in God—It reveals the love of God. It demonstrates the wonder of God’s love for and His grace toward sinners. Man runs and hides from God, but God calls and pursues.”

“Verse 15 is known as the Protoevangeliumfirst announcement of the gospel. In the middle of mankind’s funeral, the hope of life appears!”

“God says to Satan, who has seemingly destroyed God’s perfect creation, I will defeat and destroy you. Think of it as the three C’s of Satan’s demise:

  1. Christmas: The first blow to Satan, as we will see in Rev 12 next week, is when Jesus was born into this world to inaugurate God’s promised plan of redemption.  

  2. Consummation: The final blow to Satan will be Christ’s return according to Romans 16.

  3. Cross: The DECISIVE blow that crushed and defeated Satan was at the cross.”

“The cross removed Satan’s one certain weapon against us—his accusations before the throne of God that we are guilty sinners that deserve to perish along with him—and he’s right. But Christ’s death and resurrection nullified those accusations because in a crucified and risen Savior, we are justified—made right—before God! Not because of anything we did or can do but wholly on the basis of Jesus’ blood and righteousness.”

“Christmas is the beginning of the fulfillment of this glorious promise made in the darkest hour of human history. In the manger lay Jesus, a fully human baby boy, yet still fully God, who came into this world to redeem sinners from the curse by becoming a curse for us. He was born in a manger, grew up in sorrow and grief, and died on a cross to destroy Satan and liberate sinners from his bondage, just as the Christmas angel proclaimed.”

Romans 5:12-21
Isaiah 59:2
Ephesians 2:1-3
Romans 16:20
Colossians 2:13-15
Hebrews 2:14
Matthew 1:21
Hebrews 9:22

John Piper- “It’s a season [Christmas] for cherishing and worshipping this characteristic of God-that he is a searching and saving God, that he is a God on a mission, that he is not aloof or passive or indecisive. He is never in maintenance mode, coasting or drifting. He is sending, pursuing, searching, saving. That’s the meaning of Advent.”

UNBELIEVER: This Christmas, in the words of God to Adam and Eve in the Garden—Where are you? Are you hiding from God? Guess what, you don’t have to hide this Christmas. Only BELIEVE:

  • BELIEVE, not in the spirit of Christmas, but in the Christ of Christmas. 

  • BELIEVE, not in the goodwill of humanity, but in the infinitely good mercy and grace of Christ.

  • BELIEVE, not in yourself, but in in the person and work of Jesus that provides righteousness and forgiveness of your sins.

  • BELIEVE, not in the power of your believing, but in the promise of God that all who believe in him will be saved.

CHRISTIAN: I ask you the same question this Christmas—Where are you? 

  • Are you spiritually parched?

  • Are you feasting on secret sin?

  • Are you battling besetting sin?

  • Are you paralyzed by sinful anxiety?

  • Have the distractions of this world left you spiritually apathetic?

Is that where you are? Wherever you are, God mercifully calls you to return to the true JOY and HOPE of Christmas. Irrespective of your circumstances, this is possible if you look to Jesus.

Relish the present - By that I don’t mean you have one life to live so live it to its fullest. I mean in a season characterized by the question—What do you want?, we must remember what we have already been given. There is no greater gift than eternal salvation in Jesus.

Focus on the future - We spend so much time preparing for the future practically. The Christian hope is in Christ’s return, not the prospects of life getting better in 2023. God has promised that the cross will give way to a new heaven and a new earth. One day this child will return as the risen Lamb and make all things new and right! There will be no more broken promises, no more suffering, no more sin. As far as the curse is found, Jesus will bring eternal blessings!

Christmas Eve 2021

“Jesus is the reason for the season!” How many times have we heard that phrase?!

Every year, amidst the joyfully hectic hustle and bustle of December, we gather together as a church to pause and remember the birth of Jesus. We don’t do this simply to remind each other, our friends, and neighbors of a cute story about a baby in a barn. But to remind us of where our hope and joy truly belongs, not only in this season but in all of life - THE GOSPEL. The life and death of our precious Savior. A baby in a barn is only a piece of that story!

This year will be no different! And we invite you to join us this Christmas Eve at 6:00 PM for our annual Candlelight Service. There will be paper invitations for you in the lobby on Sunday, however, feel free to screen-shot the image below to share the details that way! The Gospel will be preached!