Invaluable Resources for Families
Proverbs 22:6 and Ephesians 6:4 declare the goal of every parent—Train your children in the truths of God and the Gospel. If you are a parent (or a grandparent like me), you know how frustrating it can be to find good books for your child's spiritual benefit. Finding a biblically sound, gospel-centered book that is relevant and readable for your child can be like searching for a needle in a haystack.
For this reason, I am grateful to people like Marty Machowski. Marty has been a pastor for years at Covenant Fellowship, our sister church in Glen Mills, PA. He has been a blessing to his church, our family of churches, and beyond in the area of parenting and Children's Ministry. One way the Lord has gifted him is his ability to communicate sound doctrine and the clear gospel message to children through writing.
So it is with much excitement, I share a list of all the books Marty has written for children over the years. I pray the Lord uses it as a means of grace as you walk in the privilege of parenting for the glory of God!
Angels on Your Side
Picture Book
For Preschool - 2nd Grade
FORTHCOMING NOV 1, 2021 This picture book is written to help young children combat their fears and point them to God’s protection. It introduces them to God’s angels, who he sends to watch over and protect all but Christ. While Jesus could have called down an army of angels, he did not. He gave up his life for us that we could be reconciled to God. All those who turn from their sin to trust in Jesus are welcomed into God’s family and enjoy his Fatherly protection.
Brave and Bold
Bible Study
For Men
This Bible study is written for young men who have grown up in our computer gaming culture. It is designed to challenge them toward courageous biblical manhood. The devotions are short and easy to read. Each devotional begins with a military or sports-themed story to introduce the topic of the day. It is designed to clearly articulate the gospel and Christ as the true source of our courage and strength.
Don’t Blame The Mud
Picture Book
For Preschool - 2nd Grade
This picture book is designed to teach our children about sin and our need for the gospel. The main character of the story disobeys his mom and then tries to hide his sin.
Dragon Seed
Gospel Allegory
For Middle Schoolers
Dragon Seed is a fictional allegory the expands the biblical allegory of the dragon found in Revelation 12:3-5. Dragon seeds are synonymous with pride. Once a dragon seed sprouts, it sends its black roots deep down. If plucked out quickly, it dies. But if left to grow and send its black roots down, it turns a person into a dragon. The book ends with a Bible study on humility entitled “The Antidote.”
God Made Boys and Girls
Picture Book
For Preschool - 2nd Grade
This book is designed for our youngest children to build into them two critical biblical truths. First, our gender is a good gift from God, and second, our gender can never change. With so many promoting gender fluidity, it is essential to teach these two important truths to our youngest children. Building a solid foundation of truth in our children is the best way to help them combat the lies and deceptions of our day.
God Made Me For Heaven
Picture Book
For Preschool - 2nd Grade
This picture book provides a biblical view of heaven to include Jesus’ return and remake the earth and live with us here. The book also helps children who have lost a loved one to deal with that loss
The Gospel Story Bible
Children’s Bible
For Preschool - 3rd Grade
This children’s story Bible follows the 156 stories covered in the Gospel Story Curriculum. The last paragraph of each OT story answers the question, “Where is Jesus?” Each NT story answers the question, “Where is the gospel?”
Gospel Story Curriculum
Children’s Ministry Curriculum
For Preschool - 6th Grade
A biblical theology survey of the Bible for three age groups - Preschool, early elementary, and upper elementary. Each of the 78 OT lessons answers the question, “Where is Jesus?” Each of the 78n NT Lessons answers the question, “Where is the Gospel?” The devotionals, Long Story Short and Old Story New, follow the same scope and sequence so that parents can disciple their children at home in concert with the children’s ministry Sunday lesson. The Gospel Story Bible also follows the same scope and sequence, providing a family devotional resource for younger children.
Leading Your Child to Christ
For Parents
This booklet helps parents relate to their children’s response to the gospel. Unlike many profession-centered approaches. This book emphasizes the need to observe repentance and fruit, following Paul’s model from Acts 26:20 - “I preached that they should repent and turn to God and demonstrate their repentance by their deeds.”
Listen Up
Family Devotional Parables
For Preschool - 6th Grade
This family devotional on the parables of Jesus is designed to provide a 12-week family introduction to the parables of Jesus. The Sovereign Grace Children’s album, Listen Up, was created to follow the lessons in the Listen up book and companion curriculum.
Listen Up Curriculum
Children’s Ministry Curriculum
For Preschool - 6th Grade
This 12-week children's ministry curriculum follows the same scope and sequence as the book of the same title so that parents can follow the classroom lesson in their family devotions.
Long Story Short
Family Devotional Old Testament
This Old Testament devotional is designed to follow the scope and sequence of the first half of the Gospel Story Curriculum, providing 18 months of five devotions per week. The goal is for the devotions to take 10 minutes per day to make them easy for parents to use.
Old Story New
Family Devotional New Testament
This New Testament devotional is designed to follow the scope and sequence of the second half of the Gospel Story Curriculum, providing 18 months of five devotions per week. The goal is for the devotions to take 10 minutes per day to make them easy for parents to use.
Parenting First Aid
Topical Study
For Adult - Parents
This parenting book is designed to help parents see the importance of partnering with the Lord in parenting. Each study begins with a true-life parenting story. Not all of these stories have a happy ending, but all point to the help we receive from Christ in our parenting trials. This is a great book to give to parents of struggling teens.
Parenting First Aid - Study Guide
Study Guide
For Adult - Small Group, Parents
This small group study follows the book of the same title.
Prepare Him Room
Family Advent Devotional
Preschool - 6th Grade
This family advent devotional includes a family Bible study of the Old Testament Christmas prophecies and their corresponding fulfillment in the New Testament. In addition to the Bible study, it includes activities, crafts, and a fictional Christmas story. The companion Sovereign Grace Christmas Album of the same title is designed to be used with this book.
Prepare Him Room Curriculum
Children’s Ministry Curriculum
For Preschool - 6th Grade
This children's ministry advent curriculum follows the family devotional.
Teach Them Jesus
For Adults
FORTHCOMING OCT 4, 2021 This book, co-authored with Deepak Reju is designed to be a comprehensive children’s ministry manual focusing on both the practical and theological priorities in leading a children’s ministry.
Teaching Your Child About Money
For Adult - Parents
This booklet helps parents teach biblical stewardship to their children.
The Ology
Systematic Theology
For Preschool - 3rd Grade
This picture book systematic theology for children incorporates creative analogies to communicate complex theological ideas. It includes a study in the back for older children.
Wise Up
Family Devotional Proverbs
For Preschool - 6th Grade
This family devotional on the book of Proverbs is designed to provide a 12-week family introduction to the book. The book was designed to incorporate the Walking with the Wise Sovereign Grace Children’s Album.
Wise Up Curriculum
Children’s Ministry Curriculum
For Preschool - 6th Grade
This 12-week children's ministry curriculum follows the same scope and sequence as the book of the same title so that parents can follow the classroom lesson in their family devotions.
Bible Study Psalms
For Preschool - 3rd Grade
Wonderful follows the same layout as The Ology and includes illustrations by the same illustrator. This picture book Bible study of the Psalms teaches children how to read the psalms and use them to guide our prayers. The book includes a fictional story woven through the Bible study. The story focus is on a boy whose grandfather is dying. He learns how his grandfather finds comfort in the psalms and learns how to use the Psalms for his own comfort. The story is designed to provide an illustrated application of the psalms as an example.