A Mission Like No Other Mission

Sunday, we began a series in the Book of Acts titled Hopeful. Hopeful for what? Hopeful God will work in us, for us, and through us as we testify to the person and work of Jesus individually and collectively in all we do and say. From the opening verses, we learned:

We are hopeful because our mission is centered on Jesus.

Our mission is not built on an ancient philosophy or new idea. Our mission is centered on the person and work of Jesus. Really, our mission IS Jesus, the living and ascended Christ who promises to return for us one day.   

We are hopeful because our mission is rooted in history. 

Biblical hope is not about wishful thinking; it’s about certainty. The life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus are as sure as the screen you are looking at right now because Jesus is a historical figure. That means our faith is built on proven fact!

We are hopeful because our mission is empowered by the Holy Spirit.

God, Himself is at work saving sinners and building His church through the proclamation and demonstration of the gospel. Who can thwart God? Anyone or anything? No, not even the gates of hell!

Two thousand years have passed since the believers in Acts set the world on fire with the gospel. But two thousand years later, the mission remains the same: the Church as Holy Spirit-empowered witnesses for Jesus. As we spend time seeing and marveling at how God built His church through the Spirit and His people in the first century, may hopefulness spring forth in our hearts for our mission that is like no other mission right here in Tucson, AZ!

With that in mind, please join your pastors as we commit to praying for the Spirit’s work in our church through this series in the following ways:

  1. A deeper desperation for the presence and power of the Holy Spirit

  2. A stronger conviction of the privilege, obligation, and implications of being witnesses  for Jesus

  3. A greater hope for what God can do in this city through our church

Derek Overstreet