We may not be arguing the importance of Jewish heritage or circumcision, but the truths of this passage are still pertinent today! Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.
SERIES: Hopeful: The Book of Acts
TEXT: Acts 11:1-18
TITLE: A Gospel-Centered Response To A Gospel-Centered Work
PREACHER: Derek Overstreet
BIG IDEA: In the Church, people don’t have to become like us to be one of us. They know Jesus, and that makes them one of us.
I. A Fallacious Accusation
II. A Godward Argument
III. An Appropriate Acceptance
”This morning is not about evangelism. It’s about life in the local church. And though the issues in our text aren’t really relevant to us today, the heart of the matter and the message is extremely relevant for us today.”
“…the gospel changes everything. Cornelius and his family didn’t come to God through Israel by becoming Jewish. They weren’t part of the church because they embraced the rituals and traditions of Judaism. Cornelius was baptized, not circumcised. These Gentiles came to God through faith in Jesus alone.”
“God saves people as they are. They didn’t need Jesus PLUS Judaism. They didn’t need to become a Jew to be a child of God—they had Jesus and Jesus was enough.”
“When they heard what the Lord had done, they fell silent. Criticism ceased. Objections dropped. Accusations halted. Praises began. Gentiles in the church. It wasn’t what they expected. It wasn’t what they preferred. But God did this.”
“…when we treat [secondary and tertiary doctrines, all of them good] like the gospel, we in effect, communicate to others they have abandoned the gospel and are being unfaithful to God, when they haven’t. That’s legalism. It leads to condemnation. And God hates it!”
“You will probably never say—If you want to be a Christian you’ve got to be circumcised. But we are all vulnerable to subtly turning the gospel of grace into the gospel of assimilation by making our personal convictions and preferences the essence of the gospel. Confessionally —No. Functionally—Yes.”
James Montgomery Boice - “We do not have this exact problem today, but we do have something like it. We are glad to have other people join us as long as they become like us.”
Galatians 6:14-15
-What Christian perspectives, convictions or preferences do I allow to refuse, limit, or part company with a fellow believer because they don’t share them?
-That’s what it means to be a Christian—boast in the cross of Christ and nothing else. A word of application:
Non-Christian friend: Jesus is all you need!
Visitors: One thing defines SGC—The gospel!
Fellow believer:
Be sensitive to the Spirit’s work of conviction in your heart
Pursue company with those who are different than you
Discern when to fall silent
Be most passionate about the gospel