Posts in Calendar

There are many facets to our life as a church! Our hope is that these posts will enable you to plan, pray, and ultimately rejoice in what the Lord is doing at Sovereign Grace Church. Here are a few updates for you to do just that! 

SGU Autumn 2023 Unit

The first class in the Sovereign Grace University Unit, The Doctrine of Man/Sin, started September 3rd!

SGU is a discipleship class that focuses on theology and this fall we will be going over THE DOCTRINE 0F MAN & SIN.

If you haven’t signed up yet, there is still time! To register or to find out more information, visit our SGU PAGE HERE.

“Judges: Christ in the Chaos” Preaching Series

October 29th, we begin a 22-week series in the Book of Judges. Judges is ugly, violent, and depressing. Yet, in all the chaos, we see God powerfully at work as He faithfully and patiently sustains His people and points us forward to our Savior. Don’t forget to grab your free Judges Journal, coming to the Information Center soon.


A WORSHIP & PRAYER night will be held at the church on October 29th (the fifth Sunday) at 7PM. This event is a time for us to “stretch” ourselves - to come together as a church community to praise and worship God and pray together about specific topics. For more details about this event, please reach out to Tom Wilkins.


After church on Sunday, November, 5th we will be having a churchwide picnic after the Morning Service! Food, fun, and fellowship…and a great opportunity to invite guests!

2023 Pastor’s Conference

Pray for your pastors and their wives as they attend the SG Pastor’s Conference in Orlando, FL, Nov. 14-16. It is a wonderful time of refreshment, teaching, and fellowship with like-minded men and women from around the globe who are uniquely on gospel mission together. 


At 9:30 AM each and every Sunday morning, you will find a number of people gathered in our auditorium for prayer, including those who are serving every Sunday. We pray for our service. We pray for all those who will be attending that morning. We pray that the Gospel will advance in the hearts of all who come. And YOU are invited to come and join us too!


Your pastors are excited to invite you to RELAY 2024 - A Sovereign Grace Young Adults Conference on January 4-6, 2024, at the Sovereign Grace Church in Glen Mills, PA (Covenant Fellowship Church). 

This conference is geared towards young adults ages 18-25 years old, but those who are 16-17 years old as well as those in their late 20’s or 30’s are welcome. (Both singles and married couples are invited!)

CLICK HERE for more conference details!

Church Life Update - 5/3/23

There are many facets to our life as a church! Our hope is that these posts will enable you to plan, pray, and ultimately rejoice in what the Lord is doing at Sovereign Grace Church. Here are a few updates for you to do just that! 



sgu spring 2023 unit

This unit, “THE DOCTRINE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT”, just started! Sessions will be on May 2nd, 9th, 16th, and 23rd (the first four Tuesdays in May) at 7pm. If you haven’t registered yet, there is still time! CLICK HERE to register.


New sermon Series: Sermons in the psalms

As the sermon series “Our Shaping Virtues” sermon series is coming to an end in a few weeks, we are excited to announce that we will be going through the book of Psalms over the Summer in the “Sermons in the Psalms” sermon series starting May 21st!


membership class

The next class will be after the Sunday morning services every Sunday in June (June 4th, 11th, 18th, and 25th). Lunch and childcare will be provided. Contact Tom Wilkins for more information.


water baptism

Baptism Sunday will be held on June 11th after the Sunday morning service! If you would like to be baptized, or if you want more information, please contact Derek Overstreet. You can also read a full blog post about Baptisms HERE.


Child Dedication

The Child Dedication will be held on Father’s Day (June 18th) during the Sunday morning service! Contact Tom Wilkins if you’d like to partake in our church’s precious tradition.

Church Life Update - 3/18/23

There are many facets to our life as a church! Our hope is that these posts will enable you to plan, pray, and ultimately rejoice in what the Lord is doing at Sovereign Grace Church. Here are a few updates for you to do just that! 

Good Friday service

Come join us on Friday, April 7th, at 7pm as we come together to worship Jesus and reflect on the sacrifice He made for us on the cross. For more information about this service, please contact Derek Overstreet.

SG Youth’s Chili Cook-off fundraiser

We are looking forward to SG Youth’s Chili Cook-Off which will be held after church on Sunday, April 23rd! We invite everyone to participate in this fun and delicious event!

Show off your culinary skills and compete for the title of Best Chili in the Church! Don't worry if you're not a chef - we welcome all levels of chili-making expertise.

If you don’t want to compete, we hope you'll join us for this exciting event to support SG Youth by raising funds to send the youth to the Sovereign Grace regional youth retreat.

If you want to compete, please contact Jon Lambros.

5th sunday worship & prayer night

We are excited to invite you to our upcoming WORSHIP & PRAYER night, which will be held on April 30th (the fifth Sunday) at 7pm. This event is a time for us to come together as a church community to praise and worship God and pray together about specific topics. For more information about this event, please reach out to Tom Wilkins.

sgu spring 2023 unit

The next SGU Unit is starting in May! Sessions will be on May 2nd, 9th, 16th, and 23rd (the first four Tuesdays in May) at 7pm. Keep an eye out for topic and registration details in a future blog update.

Church Life Update - 2/10/23

There are many facets to our life as a church! Our hope is that these posts will enable you to plan, pray, and ultimately rejoice in what the Lord is doing at Sovereign Grace Church. Here are a few updates for you to do just that! 

The Bridge Course

Our newest Bridge Course just got started! What is Bridge? It’s a 10 week opportunity to explore the Christian faith in a fun and relaxed way - SNACKS included! Missed a class? You can jump in at any point. For more info, times and locations visit

A Celebration Sunday!

February 26th is going to be a joy filled Sunday! During the service we will be welcoming NEW MEMBERS, followed by a WATER BAPTISM, and a CHURCH PICNIC! Join us as we celebrate all the Lord is doing! If you’re interested in participating in our Baptism, please contact one of our Pastors.

Church Life Update - 1/22/23

Welcome to a new kind of post! Church Life Updates. There are many facets to our life as a church! Our hope is that these posts will enable you to plan, pray, and ultimately rejoice in what the Lord is doing at Sovereign Grace Church. 

Here are a few updates for you to do just that! 


Community Groups are a crucial part of our life together as a church and we have the joy of announcing the start of a brand-new one! Rick Baker and his wife Andrea will be leading this new group! The Bakers have been faithful servants in our church for years and we are eager to see all the Lord will do in and through their group! For more information about the Baker Community Group, you can contact Rick directly.


If you’ve ever been with us on a Sunday morning, you know what a gift our worship ministry is. Rick Baker has been the leader of our worship ministry for the last few years, but as he steps into his new role as Community Group Leader, Brett Overstreet will be taking his place as head of the team. Brett has led the worship ministry in the past so we are thankful for him and his eagerness to serve in this role again! Let’s commit to praying for him and the team. For any questions about our worship ministry, please contact Brett Overstreet.


Every year we have the opportunity to switch up our usual mid-week routines and come together as a church for teaching on the practical aspects of the Christian life. We call it EQUIPPED. This year’s title: “Nuts and Bolts of the Christian Life”. We’ll meet here at the church every Wednesday in February at 7:00 PM. For further details, please contact your Community Group leader or the church office.

Thank you for pausing to read about what the Lord is doing in your church! Stay tuned for future Church Life Updates!

Life in the Church - April & May

And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles. And all who believed were together and had all things in common. And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need. And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved—Acts 2:42-47

What a compelling picture of life in Christ! God’s people knitted and being knitted together in every aspect of life, spiritually and practically. Though 2000 years later, it looks different in many ways, what remains unchanged is the godly desire to live the gospel life out with one another. 

While life in Christ together has many expressions, none is dearer than gathering as a church. For your calendar and prayers, we have listed upcoming events we hope you will consider.

April 15 + Good Friday Service
Join us as we remember what Jesus experienced at the cross on our behalf. The service is from 6-7 pm (no childcare provided).

April 17 + Easter Service 
Invite your friends and family as we celebrate God’s exclamation point on the gospel—the empty tomb from the Gospel of Luke.

April 24 + April Offering
We serve a generous God who has given us all things in His Son Jesus. In response to His divine generosity, we have the privilege of worshipping Him uniquely with our wallets. Please pray how God would have you participate in the April offering and come on the last Sunday of April ready to give with joy, faith, and generosity. 

April 24 + Guest Luncheon 
If you are not a member at SGC, please join us for lunch following the service. Specifically designed for you, this luncheon is an opportunity to meet the pastors, ask questions about the church, and learn what the next step toward membership is. You can register now at our website

May 15 + Ordination Sunday
This will be a significant Sunday in the life of our church as we officially ordain Tom Wilkins as a pastor. We will continue our celebration with a barbecue immediately following the service.  

May 21 + Woven Brunch: A Celebration of Christian Women
Ladies (and daughter's youth age and up), please join us as we celebrate Christian women in all seasons of life. It will be a wonderful time of encouragement, fellowship, and prayer. Oh yeah, and great food catered by our own Chef John Hohn!

Important Family Meeting

As 2021 ends and 2022 begins, we are excited to gather as a church in a unique way. We call it a Family Meeting. We don’t call a Family Meeting regularly, but I’m sure, like your family meetings, when we do, there is a purpose, and they are memorable. 

Here’s the scoop. We will have dinner together at 5 pm. After dinner, the children will be released to childcare. We will begin with a time of singing and end with a time of prayer. In between, we will do three things:

  1. Introduce new members

  2. Set in new deacons

  3. Announce an exciting opportunity we believe the Lord will use to bless and grow our church

Each of the above represents special and vital events in our church life. Therefore, we humbly appeal that you do all you can to be there as a family. To make it as easy as possible, we are taking care of dinner and providing childcare. 

So, please do two things right now. First, to help us with our dinner and childcare planning, click this RSVP link ( Second, save January 30th, 5 pm, on your calendar. Trust us; you don’t want to miss this Family Meeting.