Posts in Church Life Update

There are many facets to our life as a church! Our hope is that these posts will enable you to plan, pray, and ultimately rejoice in what the Lord is doing at Sovereign Grace Church. Here are a few updates for you to do just that! 


Eastside Community Group

Please be praying for those in the new Eastside Community Group! This group will be meeting on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of every month at 7pm in a public location on the Eastside. If you know anyone on the Eastside who might be interested in visiting or joining this group, please feel free to invite them and let Derek know!

You are also welcome to visit the group yourself! Just reach out to Derek to give him a heads-up and confirm the meeting location.

marriage cOMMUNITY group

The next Marriage Community Group is starting on February 7th! Please be praying that the Lord would strengthen the faith and marriages of the couples who will be part of this Marriage Group.

This February-April group is full, but if you’d like to be notified about the next Marriage Community Group, please reach out to Tom Wilkins.

bridge courses

TWO Bridge Courses will be starting up in March!

More details coming soon.

The Bridge Course is great for everyone, especially those with questions or doubts, or those who want to learn what true Christianity is all about. For a list of the questions and topics for each session, go to

To get involved or learn more, contact Tim Lambros.

Invitation Sunday

Our next Invitation Sunday is March 9th!

This is a Church-wide focus on inviting friends, neighbors, or anyone else to join us for church and then FOOD & FUN after the service.

Invitation handouts will be available within the next few weeks. Be praying about who you can invite!

Leadership Training: Part two

Join us for the second part of the Leadership Training on Saturday, March 15th from 8AM to 11AM.

Missed Part One? You can watch the sessions HERE!

This free training is open to everyone—men, women, youth, friends, and anyone who wants to grow in their understanding of biblical leadership.


baptism Sunday

Baptism Sunday will be held on March 16th after the Sunday morning service!

If you would like to be baptized, or if you want more information, please contact Tom Wilkins.

You can also check out this blog post about Baptisms HERE.


There are many facets to our life as a church! Our hope is that these posts will enable you to plan, pray, and ultimately rejoice in what the Lord is doing at Sovereign Grace Church. Here are a few updates for you to do just that! 


Christmas Sunday

Christmas is right around the corner! Join us on Sunday, December 22nd for our special Christmas Sunday.

We’ll be celebrating the birth of Jesus with songs, a special GRACEkids performance, and Christmas treats before the service. (Come early to enjoy the coffee and refreshments!)

Invite your friends and family to join us as we celebrate the birth of our Savior on Christmas Sunday and Christmas Eve! Invitations will be available this Sunday for you to take and share.

Christmas eve

candlelight service

Celebrate our Savior’s birth with us again on Christmas Eve from 6PM to 7PM for our annual Candlelight Service.

This service will also include a time of worship, a GRACEkids performance, and more!

Invite your friends and family! Invitations will be available this Sunday for you to take and share.

Office closed

The church office will be closed for the holidays from Christmas Eve to January 1st.

Feel free to contact the pastors during this time as they will still be working!

relay: a sovereign GRACE cONFERENCE FOR YOUNG adults

The RELAY Conference exists to inspire young adults to live for the glory of Christ.

Be praying for the handful of people from our church who will be attending the Relay Conference from January 2nd to January 4th!


The next FORGE meeting is on Saturday, January 11th from 8AM to 11AM. Bring your teen sons and your friends. All men are invited!

FORGE speaks into the lives of men regarding the church, family, work, and leisure.

For more information, contact Derek Overstreet.


You are invited to join us for the upcoming WOVEN Brunch event on Saturday, January 18th, from 10AM to 12:30PM.

WOVEN is a ministry for ALL women in ALL seasons, woven into God and with each other.

If you would like more details, please reach out to Tom Wilkins.

child dedication

Our next Child Dedication will be on Sunday, January 19th!

If you would like to dedicate your child, please reach out to Tom Wilkins.

To learn more about Child Dedications at Sovereign Grace Church, check out Pastor Derek’s blog post about them HERE!

eastside community group

Our Eastside Community Group is preparing to launch sometime in January or February!

If you are interested in learning more about this Community Group, please contact Derek Overstreet.

marriage small group

Our next Marriage Small Group starts February 7th! More details to come.

If you and your spouse would like to participate in this small group, please reach out to Tom Wilkins.


There are many facets to our life as a church! Our hope is that these posts will enable you to plan, pray, and ultimately rejoice in what the Lord is doing at Sovereign Grace Church. Here are a few updates for you to do just that! 


Forge is this saturday!


Erik Rangel, who serves as the senior pastor at the Sovereign Grace Church in Yuma (Legacy Church), will be coming to teach the men in our church how the bible speaks to men about sexual temptation.

Bring your teen sons and your friends. All men are invited!

For more information, contact Derek Overstreet.


We are excited to study the book of Colossians as a church starting THIS Sunday, October 6th.

If you haven’t yet received your free copy of the Colossians ESV Scripture Journal, you can pick one up at the Information Center on Sunday morning.

The Bridge Course

There are TWO Bridge Courses starting on Tuesday, October 8th! One of the courses will be meeting at the Church and the other at Coffee X Change Bistro on the Eastside at Tanque Verde & Kolb. 

Do you have one person you can invite? Now is the time to take action! 

For a list of the questions and topics for each session, go to If you want to get involved or learn more, contact Tim Lambros.

relay: a sovereign GRACE cONFERENCE FOR YOUNG adults

The RELAY Conference exists to inspire young adults to live for the glory of Christ.

If you are between the ages of 16 to early 30’s, please join us for a brief meeting on Sunday, October 13th, after the service to discuss the RELAY CONFERENCE. Derek will provide a breakdown of the costs and share other helpful details about this exciting event. We'd love to have you join us!

For more details and registration information, visit the RELAY SITE HERE.

Membership Class


If you are interested in becoming a member or learning more about Sovereign Grace Church, please join us for the upcoming Membership Class!

Childcare and lunch will be provided.

To sign up, please reach out to Tom Wilkins or visit the Information Center on Sunday morning.

gifts of the spirit weekend with

mark prater


Join us as we allow the Scriptures to inform us about the gifts God gives his people through the Spirit!

Lunch and childcare will be provided on Saturday.

To sign up or find out more about this event, please CLICK HERE.

SG YOUTH teaching

Pray for the youth as they kick off the first teaching of the year on October 20th!

This year, Derek will be taking the youth through a five-part series titled, CAPTURE:
October 20th - The Greatness of God
December 1st - The Significance of Truth
January 26th - The Beauty of Holiness
February 23rd - The Centrality of Love
April 27th - The Value of Ambition

Pray that God uses this series to reach the hearts of the students and also pray for Derek as he prepares for these teachings.

sovereign grace pastors conference

Please pray for your pastors and their wives as they travel to Orlando, Florida to attend the Sovereign Grace Pastors Conference from November 5th through the 7th.

Invitation sunday

SAVE THE DATE! Sunday, November 17th is our first Invitation Sunday/Community event.

This is a Church-wide focus on inviting friends, neighbors, or anyone else to join us for church and then a BBQ following the service.

More details to come!

Leadership Training - Part 1


This free training is open to everyone—men, women, youth, friends, and anyone who wants to grow in their understanding of biblical leadership.

More details will be coming soon! If you're interested in attending this event, please sign up below, and we'll send you the details as they become available.



There are many facets to our life as a church! Our hope is that these posts will enable you to plan, pray, and ultimately rejoice in what the Lord is doing at Sovereign Grace Church. Here are a few updates for you to do just that! 



Summer break is coming to an end, which means the GRACEkids Elementary Class (grades 1st-5th) will be starting back up soon!

The first Elementary Class of the new GRACEkids year will be on Sunday, September 8th! This will also be the Sunday the 1st graders will graduate from the Preschoolers Class and move to the Elementary Class.

If you have any questions, please contact
John & Joelle McCauley.

church Family Meeting

Mark your calendars for an important and exciting Church Family Meeting on Sunday Evening, September 29th, at 5:30 PM, where we will unpack what our mission will look like in 2024-2025!

Dinner will be provided. Children and guests are welcome to join us.

Membership Class

If you are interested in becoming a member or learning more about Sovereign Grace Church, information about joining the Membership Class in October will be coming soon.

Forge is back!

Saturday, October 5th. Breakfast will be served at 8 AM.

Erik Rangel, who serves as the senior pastor at the Sovereign Grace Church in Yuma (Legacy Church), will be coming to teach the men in our church how the bible speaks to men about sexual temptation.

For more information, contact Derek Overstreet.


We are excited to study the book of Colossians as a church starting in October!

Be on the lookout for your free copy of the Colossians ESV Scripture Journal that will be available in a few weeks.

gifts of the spirit weekend with

mark prater

NEW dates for the GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT WEEKEND are Friday, October 18th, from 7PM-9PM & Saturday, October 19th, from 9AM-2PM !

Join us as we allow the Scriptures to inform us about the gifts God gives his people through the Spirit!

To sign up or find out more about this exciting event, please CLICK HERE.

relay: a sovereign GRACE cONFERENCE FOR YOUNG adults

The RELAY Conference exists to inspire young adults to live for the glory of Christ.

While the conference is aimed at college students and young adults (18-25 years old), as well as their leaders, they welcome high school students ages 16-17 and those in their late 20s or 30s. We don’t have strict age limits.

For more details and registration information, visit the RELAY SITE HERE.


There are many facets to our life as a church! Our hope is that these posts will enable you to plan, pray, and ultimately rejoice in what the Lord is doing at Sovereign Grace Church. Here are a few updates for you to do just that! 


Sermons in the psalms: Volume 2

As the sermon series “Christ in the Chaos: The Book of Judges” is coming to an end in a few weeks, we are excited to announce that we will be going through the book of Psalms again this summer in the “Sermons in the Psalms: Volume 2” sermon series starting in July!


It's that time of year again when the GRACEkids Elementary class takes a break for the summer! The Children’s Ministry classes for this group (grades 1st - 5th) will take a break during July and August and will start back up on the first Sunday in September. 

If you have any questions, please contact John & Joelle McCauley.

regional youth retreat

Last year SGYouth and the SGYouth leaders had a great time being with other Sovereign Grace Churches youth groups at the SGC West Region Youth Retreat.

SGYouth has the wonderful opportunity of joining the other churches again for a multi-church youth retreat July 12th through the 15th! The theme this year is “Jesus is better”!

If you would like more information on this Youth Retreat, you can contact Jon Lambros.

gifts of the spirit weekend with

mark prater

NEW dates for the GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT WEEKEND are Friday, October 18th, from 7PM-9PM & Saturday, October 19th, from 9AM-2PM !

Join us as we allow the Scriptures to inform us about the gifts God gives his people through the Spirit!

To sign up or find out more about this exciting event, please CLICK HERE.

relay: a sovereign grace young adults conference

The RELAY Conference exists to inspire young adults to live for the glory of Christ.

While the conference is aimed at college students and young adults (18-25 years old), as well as their leaders, they welcome high school students ages 16-17 and those in their late 20s or 30s. We don’t have strict age limits.

Early Bird registration is open until June 30th!

For more details and registration information, visit the RELAY SITE HERE.


There are many facets to our life as a church! Our hope is that these posts will enable you to plan, pray, and ultimately rejoice in what the Lord is doing at Sovereign Grace Church. Here are a few updates for you to do just that! 


marriage workshop with

Trey & Charlotte Richardson

Saturday, March 23rd, from 9AM to 3PM

Join us for our Marriage Workshop where we'll explore how the Gospel can transform your relationship, bringing lasting hope and real change by God's grace!

There is still time to sign up! Visit the Marriage Workshop webpage to register and to find out more about this exciting event.

Good Friday Service & Easter Sunday Service

Good Friday and Easter Sunday are next week!

Join us for the Good Friday Service on Friday, March 29th at 7PM as we come together to worship Jesus and reflect on the sacrifice He made for us on the cross and Easter Sunday Service on Sunday, March 31st as we celebrate His resurrection!

sgu spring 2024 unit

Our next Sovereign Grace University (SGU) class will be every Tuesday in May!

SGU is a discipleship class focused on theology and this spring we will be going over THE DOCTRINE OF THE CHURCH.

EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION is now open, but only until March 31st! To register, visit our SGU PAGE.

chili cook-off &

Pie bake-off

SG Youth Fundraiser

SGYouth’s THIRD annual Chili & Pie Competition Fundraiser is April 14th! The rules are simple, sign up, bring your best, and the church will vote the winners. To sign up to compete, simply text “CHILI” or “PIE” to 520-999-2862

If you don’t want to enter the contest, just come hungry! All proceeds will go directly to sponsoring students in our youth group for the Sovereign Grace Regional Retreat this July. The youth need your help, and we guarantee you will not walk away hungry!

Water baptism

Baptism Sunday will be held on April 14th after the Sunday morning service (and before the Chili & Pie Competition)!

If you would like to be baptized, or if you want more information on baptisms, please contact any of the pastors. You can also check out a blog post that Pastor Derek Overstreet wrote about water baptisms titled “The Importance and Joy of Baptism Sunday”,

Bridge course

Our outreach to the ex-offenders in the transition homes with the Bridge Class is halfway done! Please continue to pray for the five men in the Bridge Class and for Paul McKenna and Tim Lamrbos as they lead the class.

Please also pray for the FIVE men who were saved last fall as they are part of a discipleship course for new believers that Rick Baker and Scott McLeod lead.

We hope to see some of these men get baptized on April 14th at our Church!

Regional assembly of elders (RAE)

The pastors will be traveling to the RAE that will be held in California on April 18th through the 20th.

Please pray for them as they are cared for and encouraged by other pastors in the Sovereign Grace Churches West Region!


There are many facets to our life as a church! Our hope is that these posts will enable you to plan, pray, and ultimately rejoice in what the Lord is doing at Sovereign Grace Church. Here are a few updates for you to do just that! 


Gifts of the Spirit weekend with mark prater

Join us as we allow the Scriptures to inform us about the gifts God gives his people through the Spirit!

Friday, Feb. 23rd, from 7PM-9PM & Saturday, Feb. 24, from 9AM-2PM

To sign up or find out more about this exciting event, please CLICK HERE.

march membership class

The next Membership Class will be after the Sunday morning services on the first four Sundays in March (March 3rd, 10th, 17th, and 24th). Lunch and childcare will be provided.

To sign up for this class, please CLICK HERE.

Marriage workshop with Trey & Charlotte Richardson

Another exciting weekend seminar coming up: a Marriage Workshop with Trey & Charlotte Richardson on March 22nd & 23rd!

Trey serves as a pastor at our sister church, Center Church, in Gilbert, AZ. His primary responsibilities have most recently been counseling and overseeing men’s and women’s ministries at Center Church.

Registration details will be sent out soon!

Good Friday Service & Easter Sunday Service

Good Friday and Easter Sunday are right around the corner! Join us for the Good Friday Service on the evening of Friday, March 29th, and the Easter Sunday Service on Sunday, March 31st. This is a great opportunity to invite friends and family!

More details to come.

Ministry Team Leaders Night

We are so grateful for all of the Ministry Team Leaders in our church! Please be praying for the leaders as they gather on Sunday, April 7th, for fellowship and leadership training.

sgu spring 2024 unit

Our next Sovereign Grace University (SGU) class will be in May!

SGU is a discipleship class focused on theology and this spring we will be going over THE DOCTRINE OF THE CHURCH. Registration and more details to come.

Check out previous class materials and lectures HERE!


There are many facets to our life as a church! Our hope is that these posts will enable you to plan, pray, and ultimately rejoice in what the Lord is doing at Sovereign Grace Church. Here are a few updates for you to do just that! 


deacons meeting

Our deacons, Scott McLeod and Bob Rabe, meet with Derek quarterly to plan and review the ministries in our church. Please pray for them as they meet on Saturday, January 20th!

regional Pastors & Wives Retreat

The pastors and their wives will be attending the Sovereign Grace Church’s West Region Pastors and Wives Retreat from January 25th to the 27th. Please pray for your pastors, Derek, Tim, and Tom, and their wives as they travel to California to be cared for along with other Sovereign Grace Church pastors in the West Region.

spiritual gifts seminar

SAVE THE DATE! Mark Prater will be at our church on February 23rd & 24th for a weekend seminar on Spiritual Gifts.

Mark has served as an elder at Covenant Fellowship Church in Glen Mills, Pennsylvania (our sister church) since 2002. He also serves as the Executive Director of Sovereign Grace Churches.

Registration information and details to come!

marriage workshop

Another exciting weekend seminar coming up: a Marriage Workshop with Trey Richardson on March 22nd & 23rd!

Trey serves as a pastor at our sister church, Center Church, in Gilbert, AZ. His primary responsibilities have most recently been counseling and overseeing men’s and women’s ministries at Center Church.

More details to come!

sgu spring 2024 unit

Our next Sovereign Grace University (SGU) class will be in May!

SGU is a discipleship class focused on theology and this spring we will be going over THE DOCTRINE OF THE CHURCH. Registration and more details to come.

Check out previous class materials and lectures HERE!

“Judges:Christ in the chaos” preaching series

In October we began a 22-week series in the Book of Judges. Judges is ugly, violent, and depressing. Yet, in all the chaos, we see God powerfully at work as He faithfully and patiently sustains His people and points us forward to our Savior.

If you have not received your FREE copy of the ESV Scripture Journal on the book of Judges, you can pick one up at the Information Center.


There are many facets to our life as a church! Our hope is that these posts will enable you to plan, pray, and ultimately rejoice in what the Lord is doing at Sovereign Grace Church. Here are a few updates for you to do just that! 

SGU Autumn 2023 Unit

The first class in the Sovereign Grace University Unit, The Doctrine of Man/Sin, started September 3rd!

SGU is a discipleship class that focuses on theology and this fall we will be going over THE DOCTRINE 0F MAN & SIN.

If you haven’t signed up yet, there is still time! To register or to find out more information, visit our SGU PAGE HERE.

“Judges: Christ in the Chaos” Preaching Series

October 29th, we begin a 22-week series in the Book of Judges. Judges is ugly, violent, and depressing. Yet, in all the chaos, we see God powerfully at work as He faithfully and patiently sustains His people and points us forward to our Savior. Don’t forget to grab your free Judges Journal, coming to the Information Center soon.


A WORSHIP & PRAYER night will be held at the church on October 29th (the fifth Sunday) at 7PM. This event is a time for us to “stretch” ourselves - to come together as a church community to praise and worship God and pray together about specific topics. For more details about this event, please reach out to Tom Wilkins.


After church on Sunday, November, 5th we will be having a churchwide picnic after the Morning Service! Food, fun, and fellowship…and a great opportunity to invite guests!

2023 Pastor’s Conference

Pray for your pastors and their wives as they attend the SG Pastor’s Conference in Orlando, FL, Nov. 14-16. It is a wonderful time of refreshment, teaching, and fellowship with like-minded men and women from around the globe who are uniquely on gospel mission together. 


At 9:30 AM each and every Sunday morning, you will find a number of people gathered in our auditorium for prayer, including those who are serving every Sunday. We pray for our service. We pray for all those who will be attending that morning. We pray that the Gospel will advance in the hearts of all who come. And YOU are invited to come and join us too!


Your pastors are excited to invite you to RELAY 2024 - A Sovereign Grace Young Adults Conference on January 4-6, 2024, at the Sovereign Grace Church in Glen Mills, PA (Covenant Fellowship Church). 

This conference is geared towards young adults ages 18-25 years old, but those who are 16-17 years old as well as those in their late 20’s or 30’s are welcome. (Both singles and married couples are invited!)

CLICK HERE for more conference details!


There are many facets to our life as a church! Our hope is that these posts will enable you to plan, pray, and ultimately rejoice in what the Lord is doing at Sovereign Grace Church. Here are a few updates for you to do just that! 

SG Youth Kickoff

Please be praying for the youth, their parents. and the youth leaders as we start the SG Youth year with a Kickoff BBQ on Sunday, August 27th!

For more information on SG Youth, contact Jon Lambros.

sgu fall 2023 Unit

Our next Sovereign Grace University (SGU) class will be in October!

SGU is a discipleship class that focuses on theology and this fall we will be going over THE DOCTRINE 0F MAN & SIN.

EARLY BIRD registration will open on September 1st! Visit the SGU webpage for dates, times, and registration information.

Guest Preacher

We are excited to have Eric Turbedsky preach on Sunday, September 10th! Eric is the senior pastor at the Sovereign Grace Church in Orange County, CA and he is the Sovereign Grace Churches West Regional Leader.

“The Final Word” preaching series

Everybody has something to say about gender, marriage, and roles in today's culture, but God has already spoken. Beginning September 17th, we will take a look at HIS thoughts on the matter through this six-week preaching series.

Ministry Team Leaders night

We are so grateful for all of the Ministry Team Leaders in our church! Please be praying for the leaders as they gather on September 24th for fellowship and leadership training.

“Judges:Christ in the chaos” preaching series

In October we will begin a study in the book of Judges. Stay tuned for more details.

relay conference

Your pastors are excited to invite you to RELAY 2024 - A Sovereign Grace Young Adults Conference on January 4-6, 2024, at the Sovereign Grace Church in Glen Mills, PA (Covenant Fellowship Church). 

This conference is geared towards young adults ages 18-25 years old, but those who are 16-17 years old as well as those in their late 20’s or 30’s are welcome. (Both singles and married couples are invited!)

CLICK HERE for more conference details!

Community Groups

At Sovereign Grace Church we cherish our life together outside our Sunday gathering. Community Groups are a primary means by which we disciple and fellowship with one another.

If you are not part of a group, we encourage you to get involved. Visit the Community Group webpage to find a group in your area.

Church Life Update - 5/3/23

There are many facets to our life as a church! Our hope is that these posts will enable you to plan, pray, and ultimately rejoice in what the Lord is doing at Sovereign Grace Church. Here are a few updates for you to do just that! 



sgu spring 2023 unit

This unit, “THE DOCTRINE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT”, just started! Sessions will be on May 2nd, 9th, 16th, and 23rd (the first four Tuesdays in May) at 7pm. If you haven’t registered yet, there is still time! CLICK HERE to register.


New sermon Series: Sermons in the psalms

As the sermon series “Our Shaping Virtues” sermon series is coming to an end in a few weeks, we are excited to announce that we will be going through the book of Psalms over the Summer in the “Sermons in the Psalms” sermon series starting May 21st!


membership class

The next class will be after the Sunday morning services every Sunday in June (June 4th, 11th, 18th, and 25th). Lunch and childcare will be provided. Contact Tom Wilkins for more information.


water baptism

Baptism Sunday will be held on June 11th after the Sunday morning service! If you would like to be baptized, or if you want more information, please contact Derek Overstreet. You can also read a full blog post about Baptisms HERE.


Child Dedication

The Child Dedication will be held on Father’s Day (June 18th) during the Sunday morning service! Contact Tom Wilkins if you’d like to partake in our church’s precious tradition.

Church Life Update - 3/18/23

There are many facets to our life as a church! Our hope is that these posts will enable you to plan, pray, and ultimately rejoice in what the Lord is doing at Sovereign Grace Church. Here are a few updates for you to do just that! 

Good Friday service

Come join us on Friday, April 7th, at 7pm as we come together to worship Jesus and reflect on the sacrifice He made for us on the cross. For more information about this service, please contact Derek Overstreet.

SG Youth’s Chili Cook-off fundraiser

We are looking forward to SG Youth’s Chili Cook-Off which will be held after church on Sunday, April 23rd! We invite everyone to participate in this fun and delicious event!

Show off your culinary skills and compete for the title of Best Chili in the Church! Don't worry if you're not a chef - we welcome all levels of chili-making expertise.

If you don’t want to compete, we hope you'll join us for this exciting event to support SG Youth by raising funds to send the youth to the Sovereign Grace regional youth retreat.

If you want to compete, please contact Jon Lambros.

5th sunday worship & prayer night

We are excited to invite you to our upcoming WORSHIP & PRAYER night, which will be held on April 30th (the fifth Sunday) at 7pm. This event is a time for us to come together as a church community to praise and worship God and pray together about specific topics. For more information about this event, please reach out to Tom Wilkins.

sgu spring 2023 unit

The next SGU Unit is starting in May! Sessions will be on May 2nd, 9th, 16th, and 23rd (the first four Tuesdays in May) at 7pm. Keep an eye out for topic and registration details in a future blog update.

Church Life Update - 2/10/23

There are many facets to our life as a church! Our hope is that these posts will enable you to plan, pray, and ultimately rejoice in what the Lord is doing at Sovereign Grace Church. Here are a few updates for you to do just that! 

The Bridge Course

Our newest Bridge Course just got started! What is Bridge? It’s a 10 week opportunity to explore the Christian faith in a fun and relaxed way - SNACKS included! Missed a class? You can jump in at any point. For more info, times and locations visit

A Celebration Sunday!

February 26th is going to be a joy filled Sunday! During the service we will be welcoming NEW MEMBERS, followed by a WATER BAPTISM, and a CHURCH PICNIC! Join us as we celebrate all the Lord is doing! If you’re interested in participating in our Baptism, please contact one of our Pastors.

Church Life Update - 1/22/23

Welcome to a new kind of post! Church Life Updates. There are many facets to our life as a church! Our hope is that these posts will enable you to plan, pray, and ultimately rejoice in what the Lord is doing at Sovereign Grace Church. 

Here are a few updates for you to do just that! 


Community Groups are a crucial part of our life together as a church and we have the joy of announcing the start of a brand-new one! Rick Baker and his wife Andrea will be leading this new group! The Bakers have been faithful servants in our church for years and we are eager to see all the Lord will do in and through their group! For more information about the Baker Community Group, you can contact Rick directly.


If you’ve ever been with us on a Sunday morning, you know what a gift our worship ministry is. Rick Baker has been the leader of our worship ministry for the last few years, but as he steps into his new role as Community Group Leader, Brett Overstreet will be taking his place as head of the team. Brett has led the worship ministry in the past so we are thankful for him and his eagerness to serve in this role again! Let’s commit to praying for him and the team. For any questions about our worship ministry, please contact Brett Overstreet.


Every year we have the opportunity to switch up our usual mid-week routines and come together as a church for teaching on the practical aspects of the Christian life. We call it EQUIPPED. This year’s title: “Nuts and Bolts of the Christian Life”. We’ll meet here at the church every Wednesday in February at 7:00 PM. For further details, please contact your Community Group leader or the church office.

Thank you for pausing to read about what the Lord is doing in your church! Stay tuned for future Church Life Updates!