There are many facets to our life as a church! Our hope is that these posts will enable you to plan, pray, and ultimately rejoice in what the Lord is doing at Sovereign Grace Church. Here are a few updates for you to do just that! 


Eastside Community Group

Please be praying for those in the new Eastside Community Group! This group will be meeting on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of every month at 7pm in a public location on the Eastside. If you know anyone on the Eastside who might be interested in visiting or joining this group, please feel free to invite them and let Derek know!

You are also welcome to visit the group yourself! Just reach out to Derek to give him a heads-up and confirm the meeting location.

marriage cOMMUNITY group

The next Marriage Community Group is starting on February 7th! Please be praying that the Lord would strengthen the faith and marriages of the couples who will be part of this Marriage Group.

This February-April group is full, but if you’d like to be notified about the next Marriage Community Group, please reach out to Tom Wilkins.

bridge courses

TWO Bridge Courses will be starting up in March!

More details coming soon.

The Bridge Course is great for everyone, especially those with questions or doubts, or those who want to learn what true Christianity is all about. For a list of the questions and topics for each session, go to

To get involved or learn more, contact Tim Lambros.

Invitation Sunday

Our next Invitation Sunday is March 9th!

This is a Church-wide focus on inviting friends, neighbors, or anyone else to join us for church and then FOOD & FUN after the service.

Invitation handouts will be available within the next few weeks. Be praying about who you can invite!

Leadership Training: Part two

Join us for the second part of the Leadership Training on Saturday, March 15th from 8AM to 11AM.

Missed Part One? You can watch the sessions HERE!

This free training is open to everyone—men, women, youth, friends, and anyone who wants to grow in their understanding of biblical leadership.


baptism Sunday

Baptism Sunday will be held on March 16th after the Sunday morning service!

If you would like to be baptized, or if you want more information, please contact Tom Wilkins.

You can also check out this blog post about Baptisms HERE.