There are many facets to our life as a church! Our hope is that these posts will enable you to plan, pray, and ultimately rejoice in what the Lord is doing at Sovereign Grace Church. Here are a few updates for you to do just that!
Sermons in the psalms: Volume 2
As the sermon series “Christ in the Chaos: The Book of Judges” is coming to an end in a few weeks, we are excited to announce that we will be going through the book of Psalms again this summer in the “Sermons in the Psalms: Volume 2” sermon series starting in July!
It's that time of year again when the GRACEkids Elementary class takes a break for the summer! The Children’s Ministry classes for this group (grades 1st - 5th) will take a break during July and August and will start back up on the first Sunday in September.
If you have any questions, please contact John & Joelle McCauley.
regional youth retreat
Last year SGYouth and the SGYouth leaders had a great time being with other Sovereign Grace Churches youth groups at the SGC West Region Youth Retreat.
SGYouth has the wonderful opportunity of joining the other churches again for a multi-church youth retreat July 12th through the 15th! The theme this year is “Jesus is better”!
If you would like more information on this Youth Retreat, you can contact Jon Lambros.
gifts of the spirit weekend with
mark prater
NEW dates for the GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT WEEKEND are Friday, October 18th, from 7PM-9PM & Saturday, October 19th, from 9AM-2PM !
Join us as we allow the Scriptures to inform us about the gifts God gives his people through the Spirit!
To sign up or find out more about this exciting event, please CLICK HERE.
relay: a sovereign grace young adults conference
The RELAY Conference exists to inspire young adults to live for the glory of Christ.
While the conference is aimed at college students and young adults (18-25 years old), as well as their leaders, they welcome high school students ages 16-17 and those in their late 20s or 30s. We don’t have strict age limits.
Early Bird registration is open until June 30th!
For more details and registration information, visit the RELAY SITE HERE.