Posts tagged Prayer Requests
An Update on Everett Wilkins

In Galatians 6:2 Christians are called to “Bear one another’s burdens” and Church, you have and continue to do just this. And the grace of God at work in you is evident as you continue to pray for baby Everett Wilkins. The Lord has revealed His mercy in answering your prayers for Everett’s life and healing.

Thursday this week was a big day for this little boy. While he has been progressing slowly daily, meeting various benchmarks in his development and healing, Thursday marked the day that his intubation vent was removed, and he is now only on nasal oxygen support. His reconstructed heart is pumping away and so far, his lungs are getting stronger. This was a huge step forward for him and the removal of the vent tubing now reveals his precious face all the more. Scottie and Melody are thrilled as they also can now hold him in their arms. The Lord has been so merciful to Everett and his mom, dad, and big brother, Joel! The Lord has also provided their next temporary place to live in the L.A. area. Thank you for your prayers for the Wilkins family and please continue to pray that Everett can now remain off the ventilator and that his digestive system will heal and mature as they introduce and test nutrition changes. Finally, please continue to pray for the medical team that works tirelessly day after day in their treatment, therapy, and care for him.

We thank God for you!