For 22 years this month, we have attempted to faithfully work out our mission of building a Church that proclaims and demonstrates the power of the gospel. We have helped a lot of people who transferred into this Church to benefit from a robust gospel-centered approach to preaching and ministries. We believe God is calling us to be more involved with the lost. We believe over the next few years God wants to SEND us into the lives of more and more lost people. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

TEXT: Acts 9:32-35
TITLE: The Power in a Powerful Gospel
PREACHER: Tim Lambros
BIG IDEA: The advancing gospel displays the power of God.

1. The Healing of Aeneas
2. The Resurrection of Tabitha

”It doesn’t matter if it’s Peter in Jerusalem, Stephen getting stoned or Phillip or Saul the point is all the same – the power of God is in the gospel and it’s advancing and powerfully transforming people and adding people to the Church.”

“Gospel advance allows us to participate in something amazing. Way bigger than anything individual we could do. God uses the unnamed saints in that town, Peter as an apostle, and Aeneas as the recipient of God’s healing power. The gospel advances through people.”

“Death has reared its ugly head on the earth since the garden and because Jesus was raised up from death on the Cross, NOW in an instant, the power of the gospel is on display overcoming death.“ 

“God is not just about some evangelistic outcome. No, He works in our hearts along the way.”

Luke 5:17-26 & Mark 2:1-12
Romans 1:16
1 Corinthians 15:56–57
Ephesians 1:15-23

Church, God is positioning us for more evangelism. It’s time for a gut check.
- Do you really believe there’s power in the gospel to arrest people right where they are at and transform them into disciples of Jesus Christ? 
- Do you confess a powerful gospel but functionally live like its powerless to really transform and change people?