Posts in Church Life
What Is A Sovereign Grace Church?

At Sovereign Grace Church, what we believe shapes what we do and how we do it. This is true both individually and corporately. If you visit our website (it’s new and significantly improved, so check it out here), you will find our Statement of Faith and our Seven Shared Values. Together they represent the beliefs we cherish and are shaped by.

For this reason, we are excited about the latest Sovereign Grace Journal. Fourteen articles dedicated to explaining and celebrating the key convictions that characterize, define, and unify us as a local church and a family of churches, Sovereign Grace Churches

If you are wondering why this edition of the journal should be important to you, in the words of Sovereign Grace Churches Executive Director Mark Prater:

“Because they function daily in the life of your church.”

Only by the grace of God can we live out our shared values personally and corporately. But we are sure this unique resource can be a means of grace and will bless you as the Lord uses it to fill your mind and heart with precious truth, gratitude for your church and our family of churches, and above all, passion for your Savior who makes it all possible. Enjoy!

Purchase the Journal on Amazon here. Download the FREE PDF here.

The Importance and Joy of Baptism Sundays

I love Sundays! Singing with the saints. Serving with my brothers and sisters. Praying together. Having my mind and heart shaped by the truths of God and the Gospel. As I heard a wise pastor once say, “The church is the dearest place on earth, and Sunday is the dearest day of the week”

I especially enjoy baptism Sundays. We get to do everything above, THEN go out back, eat pizza, hear testimonies of grace and watch on as individuals identify with Christ by getting dunked in water. I love baptism Sundays!

If you are considering getting baptized or want to understand it better, I encourage you to consider four essential elements of water baptism and its importance to the believer.

  1. Baptism is a sacrament of the church. Along with the Lord’s Supper, water baptism is a church sacrament. Our Statement of Faith defines a sacrament as a “precious means of grace that signifies the benefits of the gospel, confirms its promises to the believer, and visibly distinguishes the church from the world.” 

  2. Baptism is for believers. We do not believe in infant baptism because there is no evidence for it in the New Testament. On the contrary, the New Testament pattern is that baptism follows salvation (Acts 2:38,41; 8:12; 10:44-48; 16:14-15, 30-33). If you have repented of your sin and placed your faith in Jesus, water baptism is for you!

  3. Baptism is symbolic, not salvific. Salvation does not come through baptism; it comes through faith (Ephesians 2:8, Romans 5:1). Baptism is an outward sign of an inward work of grace. Through faith, a person is brought into a union with Christ, and water baptism symbolizes that union as a public identification with the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus (Romans 6::3-4, Colossians 2:11-13, 1 Peter 3:20-21). When baptized, believers publicly declare their life belongs to Christ, and they desire to live for his glory. 

  4. Baptism is obedience. In the Great Commission, Jesus commanded believers to be baptized (Matthew 28:19). This means baptism brings about a degree of joy and spiritual benefit, just as any act of Christian obedience does (John 15:10-11). Wayne Grudem explains it this way: There is the blessing of God’s favor that comes with all obedience, as well as the joy that comes through public profession of one’s faith, and the reassurance of having a clear physical picture of dying and rising with Christ and of washing away sins.

Are you a Christian? If so, have you been baptized? If the answer is no, contact your pastor today to discuss the spiritual importance and blessings of getting dunked to the glory of Christ!

Local Church Membership - It's God's Way!

This Sunday, we have the privilege of introducing new members to our church. We hope you will be able to join us on this special day! If you have ever wondered why membership is such a priority at Sovereign Grace Church, keep reading…

If you have been around Sovereign Grace Church for any length of time at all, you have probably heard the following statement: While you can’t find the phrase “church membership” in the Bible, church membership is thoroughly biblical. Or, in the words of Mark Dever*, “It is everywhere implied.”

It’s true. Whether it is theological, historical, or practical, personal identity with and commitment to a local church is clearly God’s design and desire for all He saves by His grace.  But don’t take my word for it. Grab your Bible this week and let the Scriptures below do the talking. You might be surprised at what you find!

A biblical argument for local church membership:  

  1. Obvious pattern of the NT (Most Epistles were written to specific local churches)

  2. Intimate metaphors for the church (Human body—1 Corinthians 12:27; Flock—Acts 20:28; Household—1 Timothy 3:15)

  3. Clear practice of the early church (Acts 2:42-47; 4:32-37; 5:12-14)

  4. Call to submit to leaders (Hebrews 13:17; 1 Peter 5:5)

  5. Command of church discipline (Matthew 18:15-17; 1 Corinthians 5:1-12)

  6. Charge for pastors to care for and govern the flock (Acts 20:28; 1 Peter 5:1-5; 1 Timothy 5:17)

  7. Sobering reality of a pastor’s accountability to God (Hebrews 13:17)

* Mark Dever has served as the senior pastor of Capitol Hill Baptist Church since 1994 and as president of 9Marks (a ministry to churches and church leaders) since its founding in 1998. Mark has authored a number of books, including 9 Marks of a Healthy Church.

Don't Waste Your Summer

Last weekend, I was looking for my BBQ grill tools. For the first time in months, I went into my camping trailer. The trailer smelled. It smelled wonderful! It smelled of good memories, relaxation, and rest. It seemed to call out “Get away!”  Our lives have been crazy over the past months, and this summer brings with it hope for refreshment. Lisa and I love to get away but the funny thing is that after a summer getaway, we are wiped out. We did rest, we were refreshed, and the memories remain rich but in the end, these getaways do not completely deliver a lasting refreshment. I think it’s right to admit that they cannot deliver. Not yet. 

In his article “Setting Our Minds on Things Above in Summer” John Piper wrote the following to his church on, May 31, 1995:

“Every season is God’s season, but summer has a special power.” “God made summer as a foretaste of heaven, not a substitute. If the mailman brings you a love letter from your fiancé, don’t fall in love with the mailman. That’s what summer is: God’s messenger with a sun-soaked, tree-green, flower-blooming, lake-glistening letter of love to show us what he is planning for us in the age to come — ‘things which eye has not seen and ear has not heard, and which have not entered the heart of man, all that God has prepared for those who love him’ (1 Corinthians 2:9).” “Jesus Christ is the refreshing center of summer. He is preeminent in all things (Colossians 1:18), including vacations, picnics, softball, long walks, and cookouts. He invites us in the summer: ‘Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest’ (Matthew 11:28). This is serious summer refreshment.”

Jesus truly “is the refreshing center of summer.” Yet we forget this. A Christless summer will not satisfy. Please, don’t get me wrong. Vacations, park days, ball games, camping, fishing, riding, and hiking are all wonderful and can be God-glorifying if done right. We do enter the summer season weary and heavy-laden and we hope for a break. But if we approach this season without keeping Christ and His church in view, then we will soon find regular devotions give way to busy travel schedules. Our tithes give way to those summer expenses. Study and prayer get lost at the beach. We find ourselves physically spent and suddenly church gatherings are neglected. Piper nailed it when he said, “Jesus Christ is refreshing, but flight from him into Christless leisure makes the soul parched.” “Don’t let summer make your soul shrivel.”


This past Sunday was a special Sunday in the life of our church: we had the privilege of ordaining Tom Wilkins. If you are unfamiliar with the term ordination, it simply means to publicly set apart or appoint. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

TEXT: 1 Peter 5:1-4
TITLE: Peter, Pastors, and Barbecue: A Special Sunday in the Life of SGC
PREACHER: Derek Overstreet

I. A Pastor’s Charge
II. A Pastor’s Heart
III. A Pastor’s Motivation

”These four verses have ENORMOUS implications for pastors. But what it powerfully preaches to pastors, has TREMENDOUS implications and applications for YOU because in focusing on the pastors, Peter is equipping the churches.”

“The NT uses pastor, elder, and overseer as interchangeable terms—three terms, one office. We see the interchangeable nature of these terms in Titus 1, 1 Timothy 3, Acts 20, Philippians 1, Ephesians 4, and right here in 1 Peter 4.”

“Scripture teaches the KEY to the Christian life is KEEPING your eyes on Jesus—namely his sacrifice and his return. And that begins with pastors in their own lives and in their pastoring. A pastor has one message to proclaim, one song to sing, one motivating force—Jesus Christ!”

“These are the sacred tasks of governing—feeding, caring, protecting, leading.”

“A pastor is called to sacrifice himself to the will of God, the gospel of Christ, and the mission of the church because he is convinced in his heart God has called him to just that.”

“Should pastors be paid? According to 1 Corinthians 9 and 1 Timothy 5, if at all possible, YES! But when money becomes the motive, temptations and partiality hinders the gospel mission, reviles the Word of God, and slanders the name of Christ.”

“…pastoral authority is God’s design. We know that because it is patterned in the Trinity, enabled through the gospel, and clearly prescribed in the Scriptures through commands, imagery, and implication.”

“It's paramount pastors remember they are shepherds. Peter doesn’t call pastors ranchers. Ranchers rawhide cattle into corrals. Pastors are shepherds, gently feeding, caring, protecting and leading sheep toward the Great Shepherd, as we ourselves pursue the Great Shepherd.”

“The reason I will wear the unfading crown of glory before God is because the Chief Shepherd wore a crown of thorns for me.”

John Stott
- “The best sermons we ever preach to others are those we have first preached to ourselves.”

Alexander Strauch - “Shepherding is the figurative expression for governance, while overseeing is the literal term”

Acts 13:2
Acts 14:23
2 Timothy 4:1-2
Hebrews 13:17
Acts 20:28-30
Acts 6:1-6
2 Timothy 2:2
Ephesians 4:11-16

An Update on Everett Wilkins

In Galatians 6:2 Christians are called to “Bear one another’s burdens” and Church, you have and continue to do just this. And the grace of God at work in you is evident as you continue to pray for baby Everett Wilkins. The Lord has revealed His mercy in answering your prayers for Everett’s life and healing.

Thursday this week was a big day for this little boy. While he has been progressing slowly daily, meeting various benchmarks in his development and healing, Thursday marked the day that his intubation vent was removed, and he is now only on nasal oxygen support. His reconstructed heart is pumping away and so far, his lungs are getting stronger. This was a huge step forward for him and the removal of the vent tubing now reveals his precious face all the more. Scottie and Melody are thrilled as they also can now hold him in their arms. The Lord has been so merciful to Everett and his mom, dad, and big brother, Joel! The Lord has also provided their next temporary place to live in the L.A. area. Thank you for your prayers for the Wilkins family and please continue to pray that Everett can now remain off the ventilator and that his digestive system will heal and mature as they introduce and test nutrition changes. Finally, please continue to pray for the medical team that works tirelessly day after day in their treatment, therapy, and care for him.

We thank God for you!

Life in the Church - April & May

And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles. And all who believed were together and had all things in common. And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need. And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved—Acts 2:42-47

What a compelling picture of life in Christ! God’s people knitted and being knitted together in every aspect of life, spiritually and practically. Though 2000 years later, it looks different in many ways, what remains unchanged is the godly desire to live the gospel life out with one another. 

While life in Christ together has many expressions, none is dearer than gathering as a church. For your calendar and prayers, we have listed upcoming events we hope you will consider.

April 15 + Good Friday Service
Join us as we remember what Jesus experienced at the cross on our behalf. The service is from 6-7 pm (no childcare provided).

April 17 + Easter Service 
Invite your friends and family as we celebrate God’s exclamation point on the gospel—the empty tomb from the Gospel of Luke.

April 24 + April Offering
We serve a generous God who has given us all things in His Son Jesus. In response to His divine generosity, we have the privilege of worshipping Him uniquely with our wallets. Please pray how God would have you participate in the April offering and come on the last Sunday of April ready to give with joy, faith, and generosity. 

April 24 + Guest Luncheon 
If you are not a member at SGC, please join us for lunch following the service. Specifically designed for you, this luncheon is an opportunity to meet the pastors, ask questions about the church, and learn what the next step toward membership is. You can register now at our website

May 15 + Ordination Sunday
This will be a significant Sunday in the life of our church as we officially ordain Tom Wilkins as a pastor. We will continue our celebration with a barbecue immediately following the service.  

May 21 + Woven Brunch: A Celebration of Christian Women
Ladies (and daughter's youth age and up), please join us as we celebrate Christian women in all seasons of life. It will be a wonderful time of encouragement, fellowship, and prayer. Oh yeah, and great food catered by our own Chef John Hohn!

A Way to Pray

In his outstanding Systematic Theology, Wayne Grudem explains three reasons God wants us to pray: 1) Prayer expresses our trust in God 2) Prayer is a way to fellowship with God 3) Prayer is a means to participate with God in His kingdom work. Regarding the latter, Grudem says:

In prayer, God allows us as creatures to be involved in activities that are eternally important. When we pray, the work of the kingdom is advanced. In this way, prayer gives us opportunity to be involved in a significant way in the work of the kingdom. 

This is the profound nature and privilege of prayer—an invitation from God to participate in His purposes that take us beyond the temporal. As you join God’s kingdom work in this unique way, please consider the requests below. Above all, may God meet you in your prayers, graciously granting you comprehension of the breadth and length and height and depth of the love of Christ for you and all his saints according to Ephesians 3:18-19. May God mercifully answer our prayers for our good and His glory!

Sovereign Grace Church Local

  • Pray that Scottie and Melody Wilkins will be anchored in the love and sovereignty of God, encouraged by the Word, strengthened by the Spirit, and filled with wisdom for practical decisions (medical, house, church) as they prepare for the birth of Everett. 

  • Pray the Parenting Weekender (3/25-26) and upcoming Men’s Retreat (you heard it here first—May 5-7). Pray for God’s favor in the planning, His power through the teachings, and His grace in our relationships. 

  • Pray for Heidi Aranda’s continued recovery from brain surgery. Pray for abiding trust in the Lord, an acute awareness of His daily mercies, and wisdom from the Spirit as they navigate the practical implications for their daily life.   

Sovereign Grace Churches National

  • Pray that God would continue to provide financially for Sovereign Grace Churches so that we can fund the numerous gospel opportunities He is giving us as a family of churches.

  • Pray for Sovereign Grace Pastors College students as they enter the final three months and prepare to begin ministry in local churches here at home and abroad.

Sovereign Grace Churches Global

  • Pray for Christians in Ukraine, asking God to protect them and use them to offer gospel hope as the war continues in that nation.

  • Pray for the Belarusian pastors that Kyle Huber (Sr. Pastor of our church in Egg Harbor Township, NJ) is working with and caring for. Pray for God’s power as they minister the gospel and His protection to prevent their men from being forced to join Russia against Ukraine. 

  • Pray for 4 Sovereign Grace church plants that we have planned in the Asia-Pacific part of the world over the next 24 months: Cavite—Philippines (2022/23), Bonbon—Philippines (2022/23), Negros Occidental—Philippines (2022/23), Kathmandu—Nepal (2022/23).

"The Library" is Closing!

After some thought and consideration, we've made the decision to close down our church's library, "The Library". There are two main reasons for this decision:

1) The Library wasn't utilized often
2) More importantly, we need to make space for another office as we will welcome a new pastor, Tom Wilkins, to our church in April.

We are so grateful for the books that many of you donated over the years and since we will be shutting the library down, we would like to give you a chance to take some books that you would like to read! We will be officially "closing" the library after Sunday, March 13th, and before then there will be three different days you can come and take some books:
- This Sunday, March 6th, before or after church
- Wednesday, March 9th, between 9am-5pm
- Next Sunday, March 13th, before or after church

As a note, please only take books that you think you will read and keep in mind that other church members might want some books as well.

For those of you who borrowed books from The Library, we hope that you were blessed in the past by the books you borrowed, and we are hopeful that you will be blessed by taking home some books before it's officially closed! We are grateful that we can use the space The Library is currently using to make room for a new pastor!

Important Family Meeting

As 2021 ends and 2022 begins, we are excited to gather as a church in a unique way. We call it a Family Meeting. We don’t call a Family Meeting regularly, but I’m sure, like your family meetings, when we do, there is a purpose, and they are memorable. 

Here’s the scoop. We will have dinner together at 5 pm. After dinner, the children will be released to childcare. We will begin with a time of singing and end with a time of prayer. In between, we will do three things:

  1. Introduce new members

  2. Set in new deacons

  3. Announce an exciting opportunity we believe the Lord will use to bless and grow our church

Each of the above represents special and vital events in our church life. Therefore, we humbly appeal that you do all you can to be there as a family. To make it as easy as possible, we are taking care of dinner and providing childcare. 

So, please do two things right now. First, to help us with our dinner and childcare planning, click this RSVP link ( Second, save January 30th, 5 pm, on your calendar. Trust us; you don’t want to miss this Family Meeting.  

Feasting in 2022

It’s here! A brand new year. As it begins, I pray your hearts are filled with gratitude for the abundant grace and goodness of the Lord in 2021. What the new year has for you, only God knows. But here’s what you do know as a Christian: Whatever role, season, or situation God has you in, nothing you do in 2022 will be more important than prayer (1 Thessalonians 5:17), preaching the gospel to yourself (Colossians 3:1-4), and reading the Bible (Psalm 1:1-3). 

For this reason, I encourage you to consider Robert Murray M’Cheyne’s Bible reading plan. Mr. M’Cheyne was a nineteenth-century Scottish pastor. The Lord took him home just a few weeks before his 30th birthday. Though his life and ministry were short, his impact has lasted centuries, mainly through his annual bible reading plan. 

A foremost passion for himself and his church was reading the Bible with great intentionality and purpose. One gets a sense of this in his encouragement: 

You read your Bible regularly, of course; but do try and understand it, and still more to feel it. Read more parts than one at a time. For example, if you are reading Genesis, read a Psalm also; or if you are reading Matthew, read a small bit of an Epistle also. Turn the Bible into prayer. Thus, if you were reading the First Psalm, spread the Bible on the chair before you, and kneel and pray, “O Lord, give me the blessedness of the man”; “let me not stand in the counsel of the ungodly.” This is the best way of knowing the meaning of the Bible, and of learning to pray.

Wherever you are in your bible reading, right now is a great time to start reading or rereading the Bible. And let’s do it together. Let’s talk about it on Sunday mornings in the lobby. Let’s share our time in the Word in the home, on the double-date, or that one-on-one coffee. In the hands of the Spirit, God’s Word is active and alive, transforming our hearts and lives to live another year in the good of the gospel and for the glory of our King!

For your convenience, I have included three ways (taken from The Gospel Coalition) you can join us this year:

1. Bible Reading Plan. Read the entire Bible according to Robert Murray M’Cheyne’s plan, which takes you through the entire Bible in a year (including the New Testament and Psalms twice). Download the PDF reading plan

2. Daily Newsletter. This daily email contains Don Carson’s devotional reflection, along with related articles and links to go deeper in each day’s Bible readings. Subscribe here.

3. Podcast. This podcast contains audio reading of Don Carson’s For the Love of God,a daily devotional commentary that follows the M’Cheyne plan: podcast (Apple | Stitcher | Spotify).

Happy New Year and Happy Bible Reading all year!

Christmas Eve 2021

“Jesus is the reason for the season!” How many times have we heard that phrase?!

Every year, amidst the joyfully hectic hustle and bustle of December, we gather together as a church to pause and remember the birth of Jesus. We don’t do this simply to remind each other, our friends, and neighbors of a cute story about a baby in a barn. But to remind us of where our hope and joy truly belongs, not only in this season but in all of life - THE GOSPEL. The life and death of our precious Savior. A baby in a barn is only a piece of that story!

This year will be no different! And we invite you to join us this Christmas Eve at 6:00 PM for our annual Candlelight Service. There will be paper invitations for you in the lobby on Sunday, however, feel free to screen-shot the image below to share the details that way! The Gospel will be preached!


“Tell me what you eat, and I’ll tell you what you are.” - Iron Chef Japan

The world’s most coveted culinary title is BACK.

Sovereign Grace Church’s Iron Chef 2021.

Unexpected? It’s time to get used to the unexpected! Join us New Years Eve for this epic annual showdown. Show your audience - and the professional judges! - just what it takes to be a master of the culinary arts (or simply what it takes to make your dishes taste good with the unexpected surprise ingredient of caramel corn thrown in…thanks Pastor Derek!)

This is a great opportunity to invite family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, your favorite greeter at Wal-Mart - to compete or join us the audience! Snacks and plenty of fellowship will be included!

The Iron Chef positions fill up fast so mark your calendars, sharpen your knives, grab a sous chef, and be prepared to sign up in the church lobby on Sunday, December 12th.

Invaluable Resources for Families

Proverbs 22:6 and Ephesians 6:4 declare the goal of every parent—Train your children in the truths of God and the Gospel. If you are a parent (or a grandparent like me), you know how frustrating it can be to find good books for your child's spiritual benefit. Finding a biblically sound, gospel-centered book that is relevant and readable for your child can be like searching for a needle in a haystack.

For this reason, I am grateful to people like Marty Machowski. Marty has been a pastor for years at Covenant Fellowship, our sister church in Glen Mills, PA. He has been a blessing to his church, our family of churches, and beyond in the area of parenting and Children's Ministry. One way the Lord has gifted him is his ability to communicate sound doctrine and the clear gospel message to children through writing.

So it is with much excitement, I share a list of all the books Marty has written for children over the years. I pray the Lord uses it as a means of grace as you walk in the privilege of parenting for the glory of God!



Angels on Your Side

Picture Book
For Preschool - 2nd Grade

FORTHCOMING NOV 1, 2021 This picture book is written to help young children combat their fears and point them to God’s protection. It introduces them to God’s angels, who he sends to watch over and protect all but Christ. While Jesus could have called down an army of angels, he did not. He gave up his life for us that we could be reconciled to God. All those who turn from their sin to trust in Jesus are welcomed into God’s family and enjoy his Fatherly protection.

Brave and Bold

Bible Study
For Men

This Bible study is written for young men who have grown up in our computer gaming culture. It is designed to challenge them toward courageous biblical manhood. The devotions are short and easy to read. Each devotional begins with a military or sports-themed story to introduce the topic of the day. It is designed to clearly articulate the gospel and Christ as the true source of our courage and strength.

Don’t Blame The Mud

Picture Book
For Preschool - 2nd Grade

This picture book is designed to teach our children about sin and our need for the gospel. The main character of the story disobeys his mom and then tries to hide his sin.

Dragon Seed

Gospel Allegory
For Middle Schoolers

Dragon Seed is a fictional allegory the expands the biblical allegory of the dragon found in Revelation 12:3-5. Dragon seeds are synonymous with pride. Once a dragon seed sprouts, it sends its black roots deep down. If plucked out quickly, it dies. But if left to grow and send its black roots down, it turns a person into a dragon. The book ends with a Bible study on humility entitled “The Antidote.”

God Made Boys and Girls

Picture Book
For Preschool - 2nd Grade

This book is designed for our youngest children to build into them two critical biblical truths. First, our gender is a good gift from God, and second, our gender can never change. With so many promoting gender fluidity, it is essential to teach these two important truths to our youngest children. Building a solid foundation of truth in our children is the best way to help them combat the lies and deceptions of our day.

God Made Me For Heaven

Picture Book
For Preschool - 2nd Grade

This picture book provides a biblical view of heaven to include Jesus’ return and remake the earth and live with us here. The book also helps children who have lost a loved one to deal with that loss

The Gospel Story Bible

Children’s Bible
For Preschool - 3rd Grade

This children’s story Bible follows the 156 stories covered in the Gospel Story Curriculum. The last paragraph of each OT story answers the question, “Where is Jesus?” Each NT story answers the question, “Where is the gospel?”



Gospel Story Curriculum

Children’s Ministry Curriculum
For Preschool - 6th Grade

A biblical theology survey of the Bible for three age groups - Preschool, early elementary, and upper elementary. Each of the 78 OT lessons answers the question, “Where is Jesus?” Each of the 78n NT Lessons answers the question, “Where is the Gospel?” The devotionals, Long Story Short and Old Story New, follow the same scope and sequence so that parents can disciple their children at home in concert with the children’s ministry Sunday lesson. The Gospel Story Bible also follows the same scope and sequence, providing a family devotional resource for younger children.

Leading Your Child to Christ

For Parents

This booklet helps parents relate to their children’s response to the gospel. Unlike many profession-centered approaches. This book emphasizes the need to observe repentance and fruit, following Paul’s model from Acts 26:20 - “I preached that they should repent and turn to God and demonstrate their repentance by their deeds.”

Listen Up

Family Devotional Parables
For Preschool - 6th Grade

This family devotional on the parables of Jesus is designed to provide a 12-week family introduction to the parables of Jesus. The Sovereign Grace Children’s album, Listen Up, was created to follow the lessons in the Listen up book and companion curriculum.



Listen Up Curriculum

Children’s Ministry Curriculum
For Preschool - 6th Grade

This 12-week children's ministry curriculum follows the same scope and sequence as the book of the same title so that parents can follow the classroom lesson in their family devotions.

Long Story Short

Family Devotional Old Testament

This Old Testament devotional is designed to follow the scope and sequence of the first half of the Gospel Story Curriculum, providing 18 months of five devotions per week. The goal is for the devotions to take 10 minutes per day to make them easy for parents to use.

Old Story New

Family Devotional New Testament

This New Testament devotional is designed to follow the scope and sequence of the second half of the Gospel Story Curriculum, providing 18 months of five devotions per week. The goal is for the devotions to take 10 minutes per day to make them easy for parents to use.

Parenting First Aid

Topical Study
For Adult - Parents

This parenting book is designed to help parents see the importance of partnering with the Lord in parenting. Each study begins with a true-life parenting story. Not all of these stories have a happy ending, but all point to the help we receive from Christ in our parenting trials. This is a great book to give to parents of struggling teens.



Parenting First Aid - Study Guide

Study Guide
For Adult - Small Group, Parents

This small group study follows the book of the same title.

Prepare Him Room

Family Advent Devotional
Preschool - 6th Grade

This family advent devotional includes a family Bible study of the Old Testament Christmas prophecies and their corresponding fulfillment in the New Testament. In addition to the Bible study, it includes activities, crafts, and a fictional Christmas story. The companion Sovereign Grace Christmas Album of the same title is designed to be used with this book.



Prepare Him Room Curriculum

Children’s Ministry Curriculum
For Preschool - 6th Grade

This children's ministry advent curriculum follows the family devotional.


Teach Them Jesus

For Adults

FORTHCOMING OCT 4, 2021 This book, co-authored with Deepak Reju is designed to be a comprehensive children’s ministry manual focusing on both the practical and theological priorities in leading a children’s ministry.

Teaching Your Child About Money

For Adult - Parents

This booklet helps parents teach biblical stewardship to their children.

The Ology

Systematic Theology
For Preschool - 3rd Grade

This picture book systematic theology for children incorporates creative analogies to communicate complex theological ideas. It includes a study in the back for older children.

Wise Up

Family Devotional Proverbs
For Preschool - 6th Grade

This family devotional on the book of Proverbs is designed to provide a 12-week family introduction to the book. The book was designed to incorporate the Walking with the Wise Sovereign Grace Children’s Album.



Wise Up Curriculum

Children’s Ministry Curriculum
For Preschool - 6th Grade

This 12-week children's ministry curriculum follows the same scope and sequence as the book of the same title so that parents can follow the classroom lesson in their family devotions.


Bible Study Psalms
For Preschool - 3rd Grade

Wonderful follows the same layout as The Ology and includes illustrations by the same illustrator. This picture book Bible study of the Psalms teaches children how to read the psalms and use them to guide our prayers. The book includes a fictional story woven through the Bible study. The story focus is on a boy whose grandfather is dying. He learns how his grandfather finds comfort in the psalms and learns how to use the Psalms for his own comfort. The story is designed to provide an illustrated application of the psalms as an example.

Hurricane Ida Relief

In a fallen world, suffering and hardship come in all shapes and sizes. Jesus promised it; history proves it. Right now, there are many suffering in the wake of destruction left by hurricane IDA. 

Please pray for them. Pray for our sister churches in New Orleans and Covington. Pray God would give the leaders wisdom to lead the church as they care for one another. Pray the Lord would keep people safe, keep families together, and most of all, opportunities for the gospel would abound.

Of course, if you would like to GO help physically or GIVE financially, Sovereign Grace Churches has provided a way. Please read the brief update report below and click the link provided for details.

Whatever you do, we are grateful for our partnership and have confidence in God’s grace as we serve one another!


“Greetings friends,

I hope you're enjoying the grace of the Lord today.

As many of you know, New Orleans has begun the process of recovery from Hurricane Ida. We have been in contact with our friends at Lakeview Christian Center and Christ Community Church and have learned that a number of their members are without power and some have experienced significant home damage from the storm.

Information about ways to support these churches can be found here and we will update this page as new support opportunities arise.

These are the moments where I am freshly grateful for the affection and generosity of our partnership. May the Lord give us grace to care for each other well!

Grace to you all,
Jon Payne
On behalf of the Leadership Team

Community Groups – A Tool in God’s Rescue Plan

Over the years, I have heard people much smarter than me encourage Christians to think about your sanctification in terms of formative activities and corrective actions.  Formative is the disciplines and habits built into your life – morning devotions, prayer, fellowship, Church attendance, etc. Corrective actions sometimes come directly from the Holy Spirit but a majority of the time they come from people God has placed in your life.  Both of these means of grace are fundamental activities in our Community Groups and become a huge tool in God’s Rescue Plan. 

Community Groups are a structure that helps us formatively build solid relationships, get into fellowship, apply God’s Word, have accountability, live out the one another’s, etc. 

The problem is that when it comes time for correction, when we need to pursue someone wandering from the truth, it’s crucial to have a history with that person, to know and be known and have a bridge of friendship strong enough to handle the truth and oftentimes the difficulty that can come when we embark on an effort “to bring back a sinner from his wandering.”

Here’s the beauty of Community Groups.  By God’s grace we give ourselves to living out our Christian lives and pursuing sanctification with a small group of likeminded, gospel centered believers in our Church.  That’s the majority of our experience in Community Group (1 Timothy 4:7-8, Hebrews 3:12-13).  

If a member of my group (or me!) begins to wander, there is a built in guard rail to nip things in the bud (as we like to say).  Loving relationships, friends, people we have history and memories with, people we have lived life with ready (and hopefully willing) to pursue that member (or me!).  What a beautiful thing! 

Think about Matthew 18:15-17, Jesus’ teaching on Church discipline.  Just like we heard in James 5:19-20, this is God’s Rescue Plan!  Do you see yourself in V. 15?  “… go and tell him … you have gained a brother.” Community Groups provide that platform to be the guard rail in God’s Rescue Plan and live out Biblical truths like these.  

Why? Why would I want to get involved in God’s Rescue Plan?  Why pursue fellow Christians who are wandering?  Isn’t that just going to get messy?  You might be thinking “I have enough problems in my life!”

Here’s a view of Community Groups you might not have considered.  More than just a means of grace, more than just being a tool in God’s Rescue Plan, Community Groups function in a way that image God (Ephesians 5:1)  How’s that?  

Think about it.  The gospel is God’s ultimate rescue plan.  We learned last Sunday that to pursue God we pursue God’s people.   When we pursue a wandering brother we image Christ and His pursuit of you and I who wandered since day one and yet Jesus rescued us by going to the Cross. 

Bottom line … we pursue the wandering believer because Christ pursued us! 

Local Church Membership - It's God's Way!

If you have been around Sovereign Grace Church for any length of time at all, you have probably heard the following statement: While you can’t find the phrase “church membership” in the Bible, church membership is thoroughly biblical. Or, in the words of Mark Dever*, “It is everywhere implied.”

It’s true. Whether it is theological, historical, or practical, personal identity with and commitment to a local church is clearly God’s design and desire for all He saves by His grace.  But don’t take my word for it. Grab your Bible this week and let the Scriptures below do the talking. You might be surprised at what you find!


A biblical argument for local church membership:  

  1. Obvious pattern of the NT (Most Epistles were written to specific local churches)

  2. Intimate metaphors for the church (Human body—1 Corinthians 12:27; Flock—Acts 20:28; Household—1 Timothy 3:15)

  3. Clear practice of the early church (Acts 2:42-47; 4:32-37; 5:12-14)

  4. Call to submit to leaders (Hebrews 13:17; 1 Peter 5:5)

  5. Command of church discipline (Matthew 18:15-17; 1 Corinthians 5:1-12)

  6. Charge for pastors to care for and govern the flock (Acts 20:28; 1 Peter 5:1-5; 1 Timothy 5:17)

  7. Sobering reality of a pastor’s accountability to God (Hebrews 13:17)

* Mark Dever has served as the senior pastor of Capitol Hill Baptist Church since 1994 and as president of 9Marks (a ministry to churches and church leaders) since its founding in 1998. Mark has authored a number of books, including 9 Marks of a Healthy Church.

Summer Prayer List

In last week’s post, we were reminded of how easily summertime can shrivel our souls (if you have not read the post, I encourage you to read it now). The bottom line is this: If we are not careful, the busyness of summer can put our communion with God and fellowship with His church in the backseat of life. 


One way we can resist this temptation to take a vacation from God is to pray.

Whether you are at the beach, in the mountains, or in the privacy of your backyard, summertime is a time to pray. As you consider your prayer life over the next few months, please consider the following prayer requests: 

  • Pray that God would provide opportunities and courage to share the gospel with unbelievers here at home and on vacation.

  • Pray God would strengthen our church relationally through hospitality, fellowship, and mutual care for one another.

  • Pray for our brothers and sisters in Bolivia as they continue to proclaim and demonstrate the gospel throughout the city of Santa Cruz. 

  • Pray God would continue to provide financially for our church so that we will be positioned in the new budget year (Sep 1-Aug 31) to continue the ministries God has given us and be positioned for new opportunities in our community and beyond. 

  • Pray for those who continue to experience physical pain and limitations (Heidi Aranda, Dave Fronk, Sarah Carey, Jerome Walsh, Mary Hope, Beth McGee, and others)

  • Pray for our ministry team leaders as they plan and prepare this summer for the new ministry year beginning in September. 

  • Pray about where God would have you serve this fall. Is he calling you to something new, different, or the same?

  • Pray that God will give your pastors wisdom and clarity this summer for the Fall/Winter preaching schedule as well as the next step for those in the Pastoral Evaluation Group (Bakers, Carseys, Overstreets, and Elijah Mckenna).

  • Pray the Lord will bring new people to our church who are hungry for sound doctrine, gospel-centered preaching, and genuine relationships.

Thanks for praying and have a great summer!

Don't Waste Your Summer

In the words of Cars lead singer Rick Ocasek—Summer, it turns me upside down. Summer, summer, summer, it’s like a merry-go-round. Ok, so not everyone grew up in the ’80s. Let me try again, this time in the words of Pastor John Piper—Don’t let summer make your soul shrivel.

Summer. Who doesn’t love summer? I do! Vacations, leisure, relaxation and memories galore make summer, well, summer. But with all the fun and good things this time of year brings, it presents a real temptation to shrink back in our intimacy with Christ and commitment to His church. If we are not intentional, summer can turn us upside down spiritually, leaving our souls parched and shriveled. 

Before you get too far in your summer planning, I encourage you to take five minutes and read this short but straightforward article from Desiring God Ministries.


Have a great summer growing in grace and glorifying God!

Why a “Call To Worship?”

In today’s blogpost, I hope to define and describe the importance of the Call To Worship and why your Pastors view it as a key moment when we gather on Sundays.

First, it’s a call.  Meaning we are summoned by God to do something.  

In the big picture, God called us to worship Him when He graciously saved us.  The weekly call to worship (CTW) is first and foremost a reminder that God, in Christ, called us out of this world by saving us through the blood of Christ and to a life of worship!

It’s also a weekly reminder that coming together isn’t our initiative.  We love God because he first loved us. (1 John 4:19) God initiated in all of our lives.  We wouldn’t be meeting with the people in our local Church apart from God’s initiative. Our gathering on any given Sunday would not happen apart from the substitutionary work of Jesus Christ being applied in our lives. 

Let’s not forget the practical reasons.  The CTW begins our Sunday meeting. We stand for this, we close the Church doors and don’t allow any traffic in and out for a few minutes. Why? We’ve come together for a glorious purpose.  A time we intentionally gather to worship Him.

As exiles in this world (1 Peter 2:11), we need the CTW to wake us up to eternal realities that God is worthy of our attention and we are called together to exalt Him. The CTW not only is wake up call but a time to re-focus attention away from earthly pursuits – comfort, ease, the pursuit of money, the idolatry of relationships and the endless pursuit of self, etc.

Second, it’s a call to something.  To worship as the people of God. To be a part of what’s happening in heaven. (Hebrews 12:18-24)

CTW is a response to God’s call on our lives so we always begin with God’s Word. We want to be clear in our Sunday time of gathering that it’s about God and not us.  Nothing speaks louder to this reality than beginning with His Word. Nothing awakens us to worship the sovereign God like reading from His Word.  


The object of our worship is Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh and the One who dwelt among us and gave His life for the Church. He is the target, the focus of our worship. The CTW is that key moment in our Sunday gathering where we transition from a focus on all other things to what matters most. 

Think of it like this – the CTW is that moment each Sunday where we look into the mirror and are freshly awakened to the reality that my life, my story had been folded into the greatest story ever, the story that a Holy God making it possible for people like me to boldly come to Him and worship. God has called me out of this world and into His sovereign plan along with others who have been folded into his story too. Together we aren’t doing something man made but simply joining the heavenly throng already worshipping the King.