What Is A Sovereign Grace Church?

At Sovereign Grace Church, what we believe shapes what we do and how we do it. This is true both individually and corporately. If you visit our website (it’s new and significantly improved, so check it out here), you will find our Statement of Faith and our Seven Shared Values. Together they represent the beliefs we cherish and are shaped by.

For this reason, we are excited about the latest Sovereign Grace Journal. Fourteen articles dedicated to explaining and celebrating the key convictions that characterize, define, and unify us as a local church and a family of churches, Sovereign Grace Churches

If you are wondering why this edition of the journal should be important to you, in the words of Sovereign Grace Churches Executive Director Mark Prater:

“Because they function daily in the life of your church.”

Only by the grace of God can we live out our shared values personally and corporately. But we are sure this unique resource can be a means of grace and will bless you as the Lord uses it to fill your mind and heart with precious truth, gratitude for your church and our family of churches, and above all, passion for your Savior who makes it all possible. Enjoy!

Purchase the Journal on Amazon here. Download the FREE PDF here.