Posts tagged Colossians

Today’s text is a call to Mission-Minded Prayer. Praying with God’s redemptive purposes in mind. In a sentence: Being on gospel mission includes praying for our gospel mission. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

SERIES: Colossians: Alive in Christ
Colossians 4:2-4
TITLE:  A Mission-Minded Prayer Life
PREACHER: Derek Overstreet
BIG IDEA: Being on gospel mission includes praying for our gospel mission.

I. The Priority of Prayer
II. A Priority in Prayer

All quotes, and text emphasis, are taken directly from the pastor’s notes.

It’s not that we can’t pray for anything else but our gospel mission, rather, because everything is connected to and finds its ultimate purpose in our gospel mission: Being on gospel mission includes praying for our gospel mission.

“Prayer is critical to the Christian life and Paul’s words remind us of that. We are too busy, too weak, too foolish, and too blessed not to pray. Like the characteristics we have already seen in Ch 3—an aggressive hatred for sin, a passionate pursuit of righteousness, and humility and grace in the home and workplace, prayer should mark the Christian life.”

“This is Paul’s point when he says—Continue steadfastly in prayer or pray without ceasing. The point is not that we are to pray every waking moment but that our lives should be devoted to prayer.”

“Prayer should be the Christian’s first impulse. We pray often, repeatedly, and without giving up. Prayer is not a hit-and-miss discipline reserved for difficult seasons of life. It’s a lifestyle born out of our dependence on God that permeates all we do. So more than a spiritual discipline box to be checked off, God desires that we live with an attitude of prayer—Continue steadfastly in prayer.”

This is a divine command to be obeyed. But it’s also a heavenly invitation. God loves it when His people pray.”

“God desires that we ask Him for things - Philippians 4:6. God delights in the prayers of His people - Proverbs 15:8. God secured the privilege of prayer with the blood of His Son - Hebrews 4:14-16.”

God invites us to speak to Him, to come to Him with our praises and requests. In Jesus, the name we bear before the throne above, the God who speaks and holds the stars into place, who creates life in the womb, who numbers the grains of sand on the earth and the hairs on our heads, He says, speak to me, pray—My ear is open to you!”

“Is prayer a priority in your life? The question is not meant to condemn your conscience; it’s meant to drive you to Jesus, you’re only defense before God, the one who qualifies you to pray. If you lack the desire to pray, the God of sanctifying grace has His ear open to you—Pray and ask Him to help you.”

“To be watchful is to be alert or awake. We don’t sleepwalk through our prayers. We don’t pray on autopilot. The idea of watchfulness in prayer is that our prayers reflect that we grasp the spiritual realities of the moment we live in, what we are called to, and what is at stake.”

“Paul isn’t exhorting us to wordiness or turning our prayers into theological dissertations. When it comes to prayer, God cares about our faith. Watchfulness in prayer is praying with a gospel-informed consciousness. It’s a mission-minded watchfulness shaped by God’s redemptive purposes.”

“In the context of Colossians:

  • Their prayers should reveal that they are alert and awake to the supremacy and sufficiency of Christ (1:15-21) and who they are in Christ (3:1-4). 

  • Their prayers should be informed by the sovereign purposes of God through His church to save sinners (1:28). 

  • Their prayers should reflect an awareness of the temptations of mixing the world’s ways with God’s (2:8). 

  • As they pray, they should be conscious of God’s desire that they live a life pleasing to Him (1:10) and do all things for his glory (3:17). 

  • Their prayers should reveal the hope they have in the triumphant return of Christ (3:4).”  

“Jesus demonstrated this mission-minded watchfulness as he went off to pray on the eve of his death in the Garden of Gethsemane—Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation—he told the disciples. In other words, be alert to the moment. Be spiritually awake to what is at stake. Know what is happening here. Don’t be spiritually lazy, pray for me in my time of need and guard your own hearts—The mission is moving forward.”

“Paul’s prayer is a mission-minded prayer. Here’s the question for us: Whatever our circumstances, whatever our needs, whatever our station in life, do we see it all through our gospel mission to live for and tell others about Christ? If we do, our prayers will reflect it in some way.”

“A mission-minded prayer life. It really isn’t complicated. You don’t need a seminary degree, you just need to know Jesus.”

“Being watchful in prayer is not about living anxious and scared. It’s not about connecting the dots between every global event and Christ’s return. Fear doesn’t motivate and energize a mission-minded prayer life. Thanksgiving for Jesus, all we are and have in him, the certainty of all that God is doing, and the unfading hope we have that Jesus will return in glory—that energizes our prayers and saturates our prayer life with thanksgiving.”

Charles Spurgeon- “Prayer can never be in excess.”

John Woodhouse - “Praying like Paul comes not from a sense of guilt at not praying enough, or even a mere duty that Christians should pray, but from watchfulness and thankfulness. Watchfulness and thankfulness come, not from just being told to be watchful and thankful, but from the extraordinary thing that God has done and is doing. It is a marvelous circle. If you are filled with the knowledge of God’s will you cannot but be joyfully thanking him. If you are really thanking him, how can you not be praying that his marvelous work will have its full effect in you, your friends, in the whole world?”


  • How often do I find myself justifying prayerlessness with busyness? (even good busyness) 

  • When my typical prayer time gets bumped, do I desperately find some way to still pray?

  • What characterizes you most when someone shares a need with you: I‘ll pray for you, or, Let me pray for you right now? (Pause and Pray)

  • In your efforts to be productive, do you functionally view prayer as unproductive? (Spurgeon—A little prayer between me and everything I do)

It Is Finished
We Have Been Healed
The Greatest Of All
Jesus Thank You
Father You Are All We Need

Colossians 4:5-6



Before there was sin, there was work. Work was part of God’s perfect creation and order. Sin affected work, but work has always been good to God. The truth is God does care about your job, and our text is proof of this. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

SERIES: Colossians: Alive in Christ
Colossians 3:22-4:1
TITLE:  Working for the Audience of One
PREACHER: Derek Overstreet
BIG IDEA: The gospel transforms our work into worship.

Principle #1 As a Christian, you have a new Master in the workplace
Principle #2 As a Christian, you have a new mission in the workplace
Principle #3 As a Christian, you have a new motive in the workplace

All quotes, and text emphasis, are taken directly from the pastor’s notes.

It’s easy to have an unbiblical view of work. We can disconnect our work from our faith as if God doesn’t care about our job. The truth is, work is good. God created work. When He introduced Himself to us in the Bible, He revealed Himself as a working God. When God created man, He told him to get to work. When we work, the image of God is on display for all to see. Before there was sin, there was work. Work was part of God’s perfect creation and order. Sin affected work, but work has always been good to God. The truth is God does care about your job, and our text is proof of this.”

“Christ’s work for and in us transforms how we work for Him.”

“In Ch. 3, Paul turns his attention to the marks of a life transformed by and submitted to Christ:

  • 1-4—Life that identifies with Christ alone

  • 5-11—Life victorious over sin

  • 12-17—Life characterized by righteousness and love

  • 18-21—Life marked by humility and grace in the home

Paul introduces one more today—work. The immediate context is the slave-master relationship. Although there are significant differences between first-century slave-master relationships and modern employer-employee relationships, there are three principles of worshipful work.”

“The moment we read the word slave, our minds race. Slavery in the Greco-Roman world was indeed different than the slavery that has tainted the history of our country. Still, slavery is slavery. So why doesn’t Paul condemn slavery here? Did he condone slavery? Was he acquiescing to the culture? The Bible never condones slavery, and Paul never bowed to the culture.”

“Slavery was a reality in the first-century church. Some households in the church in Colossae had slaves. One slave in the church was Onesimus, who we will learn about when we begin Philemon in a few weeks. However, Paul’s goal here is not to ignite outward systemic change but to show the inward transformative power of the gospel even in the most challenging situations. That transforming power begins with our identity.”

“The adjective earthly sets limits on the noun master. The point is there is another master, the ultimate Master that the slave serves and identifies with. This is the foundation of Paul’s instruction here:

  • 23—Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord, not men (not even earthly master)

  • Then, in 24, Paul says it as clearly as he—You are serving the Lord Christ

  • Finally, in 4:1, Paul addresses the earthly masters—Masters, treat your bondservants justly and fairly, knowing you also (like the slave) have a Master in heaven.” 

“Paul’s instruction makes it sound like their earthly master doesn’t exist. That’s the point. They work for a person, but it’s the person of Christ for whom they genuinely work. They work for the audience of One, and that One is the One who created all things, sustains all things, is over all things, and reconciles all things to Himself.”

“Paul sets the slave's obedience and the master's authority in a whole new context. The earthly master is not decisive, and if you’re a boss at work, you should remember that (4:1). Christ, their heavenly Master, is decisive. For slaves, that meant whatever indignity, shame, and drudgery they faced, as slaves of Christ, their work had value and worth in the eyes of God.”

“The work you do, in or outside the home, pushing papers, making the sale, engineering the chip, running your company, no matter how menial or mundane, has worth and value because it is serving him.”

“In 17, Paul said–And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus. His words here in 23 echo that mission—Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord. Those words roll off our lips without a second thought. But this was a tall order for a first-century slave. The work of slaves was often unpleasant. They were constantly exploited. So, the natural temptation was to do the minimum to be seen as obedient or escape punishment. That’s the idea of eye service and people-pleasers. When the master is looking, look like you’re working so they will be happy, and you will be safe. But without making a distinction in the nature of the work, Paul says, Don’t work that way. Don’t put on an act. Don’t turn it on and off for your advantage.” 

“Instead, notice the end of 22—work with sincerity of heart, fearing the Lord. In other words, work from the heart. Work in a way that reflects your love, trust, and reverence for God (i.e., fearing the Lord). Whether your earthly master is watching or not, your heavenly Master is always watching.”

“This is the freedom we have in Christ. We can put off half-hearted service and work from the heart. We can put off an attitude of drudgery and ungratefulness and work from the heart. In keeping with Colossians, we don’t have to ascribe to the world’s attitudes toward work, reflected in the 80s hit—Everybody is working for the weekend or TGIF. Whatever work God has called you to, a teacher, homemaker, engineer, doctor, salesperson, carpenter, truck driver, or business owner, you can do it wholeheartedly unto the Lord.”

“The theology inherent in our text is God’s sovereignty. He is in charge in whatever circumstance you are in. He has providentially placed you right where you are. Your job, and think about this, a context in which you will spend 1/3 of your life, is a context to worship Him with your work.”

“He deserves and demands the best you have to give. And, for His glory, He provides the wisdom and power to work with diligence, integrity, joy, gratitude, and excellence.”

“A paycheck is essential and favor with the boss is great. But God’s purpose is this—1:18 in everything he [Christ] might be preeminent. The gospel gives us Christ’s glory as our highest purpose, even as we work for imperfect bosses in the fading structures of this world. Any other motivation as your highest motivation is sinful and expressions of pride and self-love.”

“In the Roman world, slaves and rewards didn’t go together. They had shelter, food, and clothing but not much of a payday. And they certainly had no inheritance to look forward to. They were used to being motivated by punishment. So imagine how fulfilling Paul’s words must have been—you will receive the inheritance from the Lord as your reward for your work.”

“Again, even the slave's work is redeemed. Their heavenly master has an eternal inheritance waiting for them. Their earthly master may not give them what their labors deserve, but no matter how exploited they are, they are not in vain because the Lord sees all their work and will reward them in heaven. The flip side of this is in 25.”

“Paul doesn’t say if he is speaking to the slaves or the masters here. I think it’s both. The point is that obedience to God is paramount, even in the worst of work situations. God cares about our work. He is watching as we work. And He desires that our work reflects His holy nature and righteous purposes.”

“Our salvation is secure on Judgement Day because our sins have been obliterated on the cross. But, every believer, employee or employer, will be rewarded, whatever that looks like, according to how they devoted themselves to their heavenly master, including how we go about our work.”

“Paul ends his instruction by effectively saying that the slave and master are the same—accountable to God. In this context, the slave and master are both believers, bought with the blood of Christ, brothers in Christ (1 Tim 6:2), both slaves to Christ. So Paul ends this section where he began in 1-4: Whether you are an employee or employer, as a Christian, you do not identify with your vocational calling. You identify with your Master in heaven. As you work, you look in faith and draw your strength from the Perfect Worker!”

“Christ obeyed His Father when he took on flesh to work for our salvation. That work took his life as he rendered Himself to God’s will. And we are transformed workers only because of his work in the gospel. The work Jesus did with his life, death, and resurrection is the work we now identify with. The work Jesus did 2000 years ago is what gives your work today meaning and value. His redeeming work redeems your work, transforming it into heavenly worship that pleases God, exalts Christ, and brings you joy.”

“Whether you are an employee or employer, the gospel gives you the freedom to put sinful behaviors and patterns off and put on Spirit-empowered, Christ-exalting excellence. As we work for our heavenly Master, finding our mission and motivation in his provision and purposes, we’ll see that Christian employees and employers are not only the best in the workplace, but our work truly is worship to the one true God.”

John Loftness- “Our calling to labor is not equal to our calling to Christ. Christ rules our work, and He gives it meaning and purpose. Our call to relationship with God in Christ shapes, elevates, and dignifies our calling to work. Work becomes more than a means of survival, more than a means of satisfying physical needs and fulfilling our identity in the image and likeness of God. Work becomes a means of giving honor and glory to God.”

John Piper - “That is amazing freedom. You think, earthly lord, that I am obeying you. But it’s not what you think. You do not have any final authority over me. I do not do anything you say simply because you say it. I have a Lord who is infinitely stronger, infinitely wiser, infinitely more satisfying, infinitely more authoritative in my life than you. What I do, I do for his sake. You have no ultimate claim on me. I march to the beat of another drummer. If you tell me to do anything that contradicts his will, it’s not going to happen. I am in your service at his bidding. And I serve you the way I do because he is an infinitely greater Lord than you are.”

- What motivates you to work from the heart?
- Who does my attitude and work ethic reveal I love the most?
- What are your temptations at work?

  • Eye-service and people-pleasing

  • Half-hearted or shoddy work

  • Begrudging attitude

  • If you work from home, are you working from home

- If you are over people, what sinful patterns are you vulnerable to?

  • Unreasonable expectations

  • Ungracious responses

  • Stingy compensation

Come Praise And Glorify
God Over All
We Give Thanks (Psalm 107)
God Is Faithful (Psalm 114)
My Life Is An Offering

Colossians 4:2-4



Families typically have certain distinctions. Christian families are no different.  The Gospel marks Christian families. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

SERIES: Colossians: Alive in Christ
Colossians 3:18-21
TITLE:  How Christ Marks Christian Families  
PREACHER: Tim Lambros

Mark #1 - Submitted Wives
Mark #2 - Husbands that Love
Mark #3 - Children that Obey
Mark #4 - Fathers that don’t provoke their children

All quotes, and text emphasis, are taken directly from the pastor’s notes.

Now in V. 18 we get into specific application YET we don’t throw out all we’ve learned and been anchored in from  the earlier parts of the epistle.”

”So how do you typically approach the to-do’s of the NT? The calls and commands of those who have a life hidden in Christ? Here’s some help. It’s important for every believer to understand how Justification and Sanctification are rich and important aspects of the Christian life. Christians need to know that these two are inseparable but have distinctions that help us understand the differences. Here's a warning – if you don’t get your mind around the distinctions between justification and sanctification – then attempt to obey God in the calls and commands of the NT – you will quickly become a card-carrying legalist. We’re about to explain four commands God wants to obey but first let’s review some distinctions between  justification and sanctification.”

Justification - being declared righteous, our position before God, objective – Christ’s work for us, Immediate/complete
Sanctification - being made righteous, our practice before God, subjective – Christ’s work in us, process – you will be more sanctified.”

“So we are alive in Christ – our lives are hidden in Christ – we now work hard at putting to death certain sins and putting on Christ-like righteousness. So let’s look at 4  distinctions we are to pursue, to be marked by.”

“There are not too many topics that will arouse the anger of a certain segment of our culture. Our post-modern, rights-seeking, power-seeking culture. Yet if people would truly understand how liberating the Scriptures are, they would appreciate the wisdom of God in the creation of man and woman.”

First, the fact that God’s Word addresses wives and men would be radical to the early recipients in Colossae. Women were property, they had no legal rights. Men had no fault divorces and women had no say in the matter. Husbands had all the privileges and wives had all the duties. God’s Word comes thundering in to correct this.”

Secondly, God’s Word teaches men and women are equal before God. Equal in dignity, value, and worth. Yes, they are called to different roles, but all throughout history the abuses of women are outside God’s Word. If Biblically understood, God’s Word is the most liberating and elevating message to women there is. The Bible clearly teaches that men and women are EQUAL BUT DIFFERENT.”

“Reread the text. ‘Wives submit … as is fitting in the Lord.’ Biblical submission has some edges, definition. It can’t be culturally defined or generically understood. What is fitting to the Lord? A wife is submitted to one man-her husband. We’re talking about the Christian home here. We’re not addressing all the contexts outside the home.”

“Wives submit … this is beautiful because it’s first modeled in the Trinity. There is equality in the Godhead but there are roles too. Christ submitted to the plan of salvation – He submitted to the plan to take on flesh, live within the limitations of a human body, live sinlessly although facing every temptation you and I face. He submitted to the Cross. He was tortured, beaten to the point of death.”

“A wrong attitude about Biblical submission, an unbiblical view of a wife’s role, not only goes against the clear teaching of Scripture, but it also cheapens Christ’s submission to God the Father. A submitted wife, a wife that intelligently and joyfully compliments her husband in decisions, ministry, parenting, and all of their lives together, paints a picture - the  Trinitarian Godhead.”

‘Husbands, love your wives, and do not be harsh with them.’ As you can probably imagine, this command is because men will be tempted in their flesh - the way they used to live BEFORE they were alive in Christ - to serve themselves and be harsh with their wives.”

“More than just a command, this should humble all husbands and future husbands with this reality – apart from the power that comes by being in Christ, being alive in Christ, you will resort to your former self – the old man – living like you did before you came to Christ.”

“Gospel power – the power that comes not from us but by our union with Christ – enables and empowers us to love our wives in a way that echoes how Christ loved us – sacrificially. Christ’s love was sacrificial – Philippians 2:5-11 states that Christ left the comforts and glory of heaven, willingly setting aside His equality with God, lived with the constraints of a human body, and died a death He didn’t deserve – AND DID THIS FOR THE  JOY SET BEFORE HIM.”

“This kind of sacrificial love is what characterized our Savior Jesus. We can be marked by this kind of love as we live in the power of the Cross. As we are marked by our Savior. Husbands, this is a command. This is God’s will that you live like this. When Paul wrote in Colossians 3:1 that we ‘seek the things that are above’ this is what he’s addressing. Loving your wife sacrificially and joyfully comes as you seek Christ, who is above, seated at the right hand of God.”

Wives and husbands are to be marked by the transforming grace of God…so you’ll notice these commands cannot be done apart from God’s power. Seeking those things and setting our minds on things above need gospel power.  These marks or these calls and commands inherently position us to lean on the Holy Spirit.”

‘Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord.’ Define obey – First, note that it’s not ‘submit’, where there is a joyful, intelligent offering of a wife’s submission.  Second, the word obey really consists of two words – listen and under. Listen under your parents. Really listen to your parents and come under what they say.”

“Children are to listen and be under their parents – how many of us have taken our kids through the Proverbs? Proverbs 1:5 -  let the wise hear. Proverbs 1:8 - Hear, my son, your father’s instruction and not forsake your mother’s teaching.” 

“Children are to obey – in everything. You may ask – everything like there aren’t any exceptions? No, this is not a whip that a cruel parent can use to cause his children to sin. This is not a command so parents can take advantage of their kids or harm them. Yet the command is meant for parents to expect their children to have a posture of obedience – notice what the text says next – for this pleases the Lord. Similar instruction in Ephesians 6 – where the command simply states ‘obey our parents for this is right.’”

IMPORTANT: Children learn to listen to the voice of God’s Word by listening to their parents.”

Colossians 3:21 and Ephesians 6:4 warn fathers to not provoke – to not exasperate their children.”

“To exasperate means ‘to make very angry or irritated.’ To embitter means ‘to arouse  bitter feelings in.’ In Colossians, the verb translated as ‘exasperate’ or ‘embitter’ means ‘to  stir up.’”

“We must bring up our children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord with a pure heart and not a self-serving motivation (to impress others, to avoid embarrassment because we are irritated or because they make life hard). Our children must know they are dearly loved and enjoyed - they are not projects suited for our benefit. To do otherwise is to risk exasperating or embittering your children.”

“What does it mean to provoke or exasperate your children? To frustrate them? A  couple of examples to consider: 

• We call them to obedience but don’t tell them the why.  

• We criticize or berate our children instead of encouraging them. 

• We expect our children to change but don’t engage them with the gospel.”

“Why the command/warning? A child so exasperated or embittered will ‘become  discouraged’ or ‘lose heart.’ We can subtly communicate to our children that no matter what they do they are always wrong or lacking so what’s the use?!”

“What a chance we have to shine in this culture. You see it in the grocery store, you see it at the ball game, you see it when families gather – Fathers exasperating, frustrating their children. We have been saved by Christ and now we are alive in Him! We live to obey Him in all ways – as His children, we are setting our minds on things above.”

“Do you encourage your children to obedience in non-conflict times? Are you training and discipling your children primarily in the non-conflict moments of life?  Deuteronomy 6 "‘when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, and when you lie down and when you rise.’? These are the daily, mundane parts of each day and this is when you have the prime time for discipling your children. Parents who only deal with their children when they need correction are immediately on a slippery slope to exasperation. Gospel-less correction will provoke your children. Will discourage your children. “

William Plumer- “Justification is an act. It is not a work or a series of acts. It is not progressive. The weakest believer and the strongest saint are alike equally justified. Justification admits no degrees. A man is either wholly justified or wholly condemned in the sight of God.”

Kent Hughes - “The point is, we have here a simple and powerful command to all children to truly, from the heart, obey their parents. Neglect of this command brings great sorrow, if not now, then surely later in life. But if obeyed, it brings fullness.”

What are you characterized by when it comes to obedience to Christ's commands?
- Are you a legalist when it comes to obedience to Christ's commands?
- Are you licentious when it comes to obedience to Christ's commands?

There is a Fountain
I Will Glory In My Redeemer
Rock of Ages
I Need You
Turn Your Eyes

Colossians 3:22-4:1



All obedience begins here—a thankful heart for God’s redemption. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

SERIES: Colossians: Alive in Christ
Colossians 3:12-17
TITLE:  Putting On Our New Life in Christ
PREACHER: Derek Overstreet
BIG IDEA: Because we are Alive in Christ, we don’t just stop living for the world; we live according to Christ.

1. A New Life
2. A New Wardrobe
3. A New Vision

All quotes are taken from the pastor’s notes.
”Look at verse 12—Put on then, now before [Paul] tells them WHAT to put on, he does what he has already done in 1-4 and 10-11—he reminds them WHO they are—as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved.”

This is identity language from the Old Testament—Deuteronomy 7:6-8—You are a holy people—The Lord has chosen you—The Lord loves you. Like He chose and loved Israel, God chose the Colossians. Like He chose the Colossians, He chose you. You are holy because He has set you apart as His. You are beloved because God has lavished His love upon you. All of this is at God’s initiative alone, IN Christ alone.”

“All obedience begins here—a thankful heart for God’s redemption. In 15-17, Paul calls us to be thankful three times, each connected somehow to God’s provision through Jesus. Thankfulness reveals that you get the gospel.

“The reminder is critical because while we are commanded to live a new life, we cannot create one. Our responsibility before God is to be who we have already become. This is the difference between Christian obedience becoming duty or delight, frustration-filled or faith-filled, works of the hands or worship from the heart.”

“It’s human nature to give ourselves to mechanical obedience, self-sufficiency, and personal achievement. But those are ways we mix worldly thinking into our Christian life—Just Do it. If it's to be, it's up to me. Hold my drink; I’ve got this. That’s the old man talking. Hard work and ambition are good, but they are not mediators between God and man. The new man begins with the person, provision, and power of Christ.”

“Now we are ready for the putting on.”

“In 5-9, Paul gave a representative list of the sins that belonged to our old self. Before our conversion, we were ruled by the passions and desires that give way to those sins. But in Christ, we put them off.”

“As important as putting off sin is, it’s not sufficient. God is not interested in moral neutrality: He demands righteousness—Be holy as I am holy, 1 Peter 1:16 says. So we put off sin and put on righteousness.”

“The phrase Put on means clothe yourself. The imagery is something we do every day—get dressed. So let’s take a look at the wardrobe in 12.”

Put on compassion: Compassion is a genuine concern and tenderness toward others who find themselves in difficult and trying circumstances. Put on kindness: Kindness is goodness and generosity toward others motivated by genuine care and interest. Put on humility: Humility is a willingness to consider the interests of others by putting away selfish ambition and recognizing others as more significant than self. It’s not a graveling servility usually rooted in pride, but it is the opposite of self-exaltation. As Phililippians 2:4 says—counting others more significant than yourself. Put on meekness: Meekness is a gentleness that doesn’t assert itself over others but judges charitably and serves graciously while trusting God with situations. Put on patience: Patience is long-suffering with others in a way that endures wrongs and refuses to judge or exact vengeance.”

“Each one of these is a reflection of our Savior. To put these qualities on is to put Christ on. We aren’t perfect. We still sin. The penalty of sin due us was paid, and the power of sin over us was broken at the cross. But on this side of heaven, the presence of sin remains around us and within us.”

“There is an enemy within our hearts—Sin! That’s why the only place in Scripture Christians are called to be violent is with our sin. That’s the command of 5. Sin is serious. It’s a bully that never takes a break. We cannot consent to it. We must kill it.”

“And we can. The Christian life is a victorious life. The strength we have is the Spirit. Our tools are prayer, the Word, and fellowship. The promise we have is the one we look up to is always interceding for us. So, as we Look Up to Christ, eyes always on him, who he is, and who we are in him compels us to put off the garments of sin and put on the garments of righteousness, bringing our lives in line with who we are in Christ in a way that reflects who he is and what he is like.”

“That, my friends, has a huge implication. Notice what 15 says—you have been called into one body. The righteousness of Christ you put on every day is meant to bear fruit beyond your own life—read 13. The consequence of living in line with who we are in Christ is harmony with other believers—enduring with and forgiving one another.”

“Everything Paul has said, he now holds it all together with love—read 14. In other words, none of them matter without love. As it says in 1 Corinthians 13—Without love, we have nothing. Love keeps them in the proper perspective. Love completes them. Love validates them as genuine. Love ensures harmony.”

“What unifies and binds us together isn’t philosophy or personal convictions. It’s not experience or expertise. It’s not social or economic status. It’s not the way we educate our kids or view dating. What unifies and binds us together is the love of God in Christ—the Gospel!”

“In three phrases, Paul shows us the key to the new life in Christ. First Phrase (15) Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts. Second Phrase (16) Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly. Third Phrase (17) Do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus.”

For Christians, when it comes to the heart, we are to allow the gospel truth to call the shots. What does that mean?

  • Rest in the free justifying grace of Jesus, not circumstances

  • Find personal contentment and worth in being hidden in Christ, not a familial role or earthly ambitions. 

  • We call sin sin instead of sugarcoating or normalizing it with worldly ideas and cultural norms.

  • It means when I want to lash out in anger at Donna, I put my anger off, put on humility and patience in love because Jesus loved me by humbling himself to the point of death on a cross for me, and every day, he patiently works to make me more like him.”

“God’s Word, and in particular, that which Paul called of first importance in 1 Corinthians 15:3—the gospel—is to find its home in your heart. To occupy and live in your heart.”

Old saying—What comes up in the bucket is what’s down in the well…What’s in your bucket? It’s a silly but important question because the bucket's content reveals what’s in the well of your heart. Over and against secular philosophy and worldly perspectives, we are to let the gospel take over our hearts so that it’s what comes out of us as we fellowship with, give counsel to, and encourage one another.”

“This is why we encourage one another to be in God’s Word. It’s why your pastors continually encourage you to read Christologically rich-books. It’s why our CG is about leading you to the cross, where you meet the love and kindness of God. Corporately speaking, if you're visiting, it’s why we preach Christ, counsel Christ, and sing Christ. He is our all-in-all! Resolve today to Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly.”

[Verse 17] is the exclamation point on 1-17. Live your life because of Jesus, for Jesus, in the strength of Jesus, for the glory of Jesus. Whether in the home, at work, at church, with our money and possessions, relationships, competition, you name it—the glory of God in Christ is our highest priority.”

“Every day, we choose to either put on the garment of sin or the garment of Christ’s righteousness. When the gospel rules what goes on inside of us, when it permeates what comes out of us, and when Christ is our highest purpose, by His grace, we will choose righteousness, living more and more as people truly Alive in Christ.”

David Garland - “Our holiness will not come from our futile attempts to comply with an arbitrary list of observances and taboos. Our godliness is not measured by the things we do not do. It comes from being in Christ, dying with Christ, and being raised with Christ.”

G.K. Beale - “Bearing with one another and forgiving one another is the atmosphere that saturates the five virtues of verse 12. These virtues are all linked to bearing with and forgiving.”

John Woodhouse - “The image here may be of an overcoat which is to be put on over all the other garments already mentioned. It holds them all perfectly together.”

Douglas Moo - “These virtues attain their full power only when they are unified and empowered by love.”

Do you have a hard time forgiving others? Are you quick to judge rather than bear with someone? What do you need to put off and put on? Here’s the good news—You have victory over sin in Christ. Kill it. And put on the heavenly quality of life you now have in Christ.”

- What rules your heart in conflict? Prosperity? Moment of sexual temptation? What calls the shots when someone offends you?  Resolve today to Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts

It Was Finished Upon That Cross
Nothing But The Blood Of Jesus
There is One Gospel

Colossians 3:18-21



Today’s text reminds us that we are not home yet, but Victory in Christ has been secured. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

SERIES: Colossians: Alive in Christ
Colossians 3:5-11
TITLE:  Victory In Christ and Killing Sin
PREACHER: Tom Wilkins
BIG IDEA: Our victorious new life in Christ calls for us to put to death our old life.

1. A time to kill
2. A time to live

All quotes are taken from the pastor’s notes.
”While at the pastors and wives retreat, we got word that [my mom] went to be with her Savior. We received word in the midst of planning my father-in-law’s memorial service which is next weekend. Our hearts are heavy, BUT THEY ARE ALSO HOPEFUL!”

“You see, heaven has drawn near to us, and ‘the veil between this life on earth and heaven has become thinner.’ We are not there yet, but we can see a little clearer now what is to come - no more pain, no more sorrow, no more sin. Mom and Dad are now Alive in Christ and with Christ like never before. Today’s text also, reminds us that we are not home yet, but Victory in Christ has been secured.”

“For those in Christ and until we step on the shores of heaven, we are deeply encouraged in this life and charged to live in Christ. Encouraged by the present truth of our NEW LIFE in Christ and charged to now PUT TO DEATH OLD LIFE.”

“Victory over our “old life in this world” is secured in Christ, and our victorious new life in Christ calls for us we must mortify the “old man” - killing our old way of life.”

“We are called to ‘Put to death,’ kill, mortify. We must get a sense of the gravity of this. What follows must be truly horrible, so bad, such an enemy, such a fo, that we are not warned. We are not told to watch out. We are not told to be careful. IT IS IMPERATIVE! It is commanded - and the sense of the original is one of continually MORTIFYING. Kill Kill Kill Kill and keep on killing.”

“Our greatest enemy is the enemy within. We must continually mortify our sinful nature within us.”

“This is strong language! But our dilemma is that we underestimate the depravity and the strength of our sinful nature. We underestimate our dire need to mortify the flesh. What follows begins to paint a grim picture of the nature of our flesh. Sexual immorality (were we get the word porn and serves as head master of those that following, each of which is driven by the first), Sexual Impurity, Sexual Passion (lust), Sexual Evil Desire, Covetousness - not simply desiring things that we don’t have but hearts gripped an insatiable idolatrous lusting after more and more things and covetousness shares its nature and manifests itself in sexual desire as well.”

“And if this list were not enough to make it clear that we must kill them, Paul elevates their worthiness of death as we hear the terrifying words, “On account of these the wrath of God is coming.” These are terrifying words reveal the sinfulness of sin. Sins of the flesh must be killed, and if you didn’t get it the first time - the wrath of God is coming - this enemy truly is our enemy, but they are the enemy of God, and He is on his way!”

“The relevance of this list could not be more clear in our culture today. Each and every one of these sins pours across our screens, fills our literature, and drives a chunk of our politics. Every single one is celebrated as freedom, as identity,… these are excused and protected in our laws.”

“Paul specifically and for clarity lists 5 more sins: Anger (Here, anger serves as headmaster of those that follow, each of which is driven by the first), Wrath, Malice, Slander, Obscene talk (more than simple foul and impure talk but the mouth that destroys).”

“‘But now…’ means so much more than simply the next thing we do. ‘But now’ means that something has radically changed about us, in us, for us, and that change is that we have been given a completely new life in Christ. Everything in 5-8 revealed WHO WE WERE according to our former way of life in the flesh - This is who you were! ‘BUT NOW’ -  An eschatological new victorious age has dawned!”

“Look with me at the language of v9. “...seeing that you have put off the old… and have put on the new self…” Something has already happened. The putting off of the old self and the putting of the new self has ALREADY happened. This does not let us escape from the imperative need to mortify sin BUT rather it pumps hope and life into the imperative. Put to death sin, because you are now alive in Christ! Put away all sin, because all of your sins have been removed by Christ! Fight because the Victory has been won!”

“The point isn’t ‘successfully kill these things so that you can gain new life’ but rather ‘remembering they are of your old life, completely kill these things because you are now alive in Christ.’”

“No matter who you are, you are now made new to be like Jesus! The Old Man looks nothing like Christ. The New Man is re-created to reflect, show, and be like Jesus. It is about Jesus, and it has always been about Jesus.”

John Owen- “The choicest believers, who are assuredly freed from the condemning power of sin, ought to make it their business all their days to mortify the indwelling power of sin.” and “Do you mortify; do you make it your daily work; be always at it while you live; cease not a day from this work; be killing sin or it will be killing you.”

Q. What of your old life needs to be mortified?
Q. What are you waiting for?

The Lord Almighty Reigns (Psalm 93)
Before The Throne Of God Above
Crown Him With Many Crowns
Behold Our God
His Mercy Is More

Colossians 3:12-17



The Christian life is about identifying with two glorious realities—We look back to the cross where the gospel made us new in Jesus and we look forward to seeing Jesus in heaven. Our life is lived between these two spiritual bookends. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

SERIES: Colossians: Alive in Christ
Colossians 3:1-4
TITLE:  The Glorious Bookends of Life
PREACHER: Derek Overstreet
BIG IDEA: Our past and future in Christ is meant to shape our present with Christ.

1. In Christ, we are not who we once were
2. In Christ, our focus is not where it once was

All quotes are taken from the pastor’s notes.
”The Bible repeatedly tells us the gospel gives us new life in Christ. We are still a work in progress, but our identity is securely bound up in Christ and one day we will be with him in heaven. This self-understanding is fundamental to the Christian life. At its heart is identity—Who am I? “

“Nothing in this life is more important than who we are in Christ. No matter your station in life, your identity is bound up in Christ. This is where all spiritual growth and joy begin.”

“Welcome to Colossians 3:1-4. We are halfway through Colossians. Today's text is a summary of the first two chapters and a launching pad for the final two.”

“The Christian life is about identifying with two glorious realities—We look back to the cross where the gospel made us new in Jesus and we look forward to seeing Jesus in heaven. Our life is lived between these two spiritual bookends.”

“Paul begins by drawing our attention to past events—(1) If then you have been raised with Christ. Again, in 3—For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. Paul refers to spiritual death and resurrection, which he explains in 2:11-12. That moment God acted on your hearts through regeneration, and you put your trust in Jesus. At that moment, your old man (flesh) was put to death, and you were raised to new life with Christ.”

This is an extraordinary event that changed everything. You are no longer who you once were. You are not the same person you were before you believed in Christ. Your name is the same.  Your looks are the same. But you are not the same. Your testimony of salvation describes the moment you died to the flesh, were raised with Jesus, and your life became hidden with Christ. More than that, 4 says—Christ IS your life.”

“When I googled finding your identity: '‘Finding your identity involves exploring your values, interests, and experiences, and understanding how you see yourself and how others see you.’ Sadly, too many Christians have a Google theology. If you agree with that statement, you are in trouble. That philosophy is empty, vain deceit. It centers the world on me instead of Christ. Listen, things happen to us in life that can have powerful effects. Some good, some bad. [But] nothing changes who we are and what we look forward to in Christ. People and events may be influential in our lives, but they are not determinative because they cannot change who we are in Christ.”

“As a Christian: 

  • You have been freely and fully forgiven of your sin

  • You are eternally loved and accepted by the heavenly Father.

  • You are indwelt by the Holy Spirit, who is always with you, exercising the power of God in your life. 

  • You’re a member of God’s ultimate family, the church, where you can grow, serve, and thrive in your faith. 

  • Though the fullness of your identity is hidden, that is, not yet fully revealed, heaven awaits you, where, according to Psalm 16:11—is a fullness of joy and pleasures forevermore. 

Nothing can erase these gospel blessings and realities. They are what now defines you. This is the glory of your conversion.”

“Having reminded us of our true identity, Paul draws attention to the future implication of our identity: One day, we will be with Christ in all his glory and majesty. Heaven is our home. We are citizens of heaven.”

“The fullness of our joy and glory with Christ is hidden today, but one day, it will be fully revealed and experienced when Christ returns. Then, there will be no more sin and suffering. No more sickness and death. No more conflict and confusion. All will be made right in the glorious presence of him that makes heaven, heaven—Jesus Christ! What a magnificent future that awaits us! Application: Study Heaven!

“How do we live out our identity in Christ? Paul tells us—read 1. Seek—Identifying with Jesus involves seeking the things above. What are the things above? Not heavenly geography but the person, presence, and sufficiency of Jesus, whose presence consumes the heavenly realm.” 

“He is seated at the right hand of God. In Scripture, the right hand of God is the position of ultimate power, honor, dignity, and glory (Psalm 110:1). It’s the place of sovereign rule over creation (1 Peter 3:22). Hebrews 1:3 says it’s the place of ultimate victory. The risen and exalted Jesus sat down, figuratively a way to say my work of salvation is finished and sufficient. So seeking is a call to identify with all our sovereign and victorious Savior has accomplished, all he has promised, and all that awaits us in heaven.”

“And the nature of our seeking is intense. The verb seek implies a persistent effort and continuous concentration. Earnestly seek Christ above and keep seeking him. Think about your persistence when you want or believe in something. The idea is a relentless pursuit of Christ and the heavenly blessings that are ours in him. We don’t take our eyes off heaven.”

“This can look a lot of ways. But Paul says it begins with the mind—(2) Set your mind on the things that are above. Look up! [As though we are ] afraid of heights—Don’t look down—when you look down, fear, anxiety, and panic set in.” 

“That’s what these verses are meant to do: grab us by the temples and say—Look up! In a world full of pain, frustration, and uncertainty, Look up to Christ.”

“Look up where you will find your forgiveness and righteousness. Look up where you will find your worth and purpose. Look up where you will find your hope and joy. Look up where you will find your strength and security.”

Take your eyes off the ideas, values, and circumstances of this world and LOOK UP to identify with Christ and all God’s promises that are Yes and Amen in him. Over and against the philosophies, wisdom, and hopes of this world, fix yourself on Christ.”

“Why? Point 1—You have died and risen with Christ, whom your life is now hidden in. Your life being hidden in Christ means you are eternally secure. It means the fullness of your life in him is yet to come when he appears (4). Most of all, it means all the realities and blessings above are yours here below.”

“We live in the now but not yet. Breaking news—we are not in heaven yet. But because by faith we identify with Christ now, we think and live as those who belong to the above because we do. Now, don’t take Paul to the absurd. His point is not to divorce yourself from this world as if we never think about things like education, politics, or finances. [Rather let] your perspectives, your attitudes, your emotional life, your responses, your preferences, your worldview, how you think about marriage, money, parenting, work, politics, tragedy, success, failure, singleness, education, leisure, retirement, health, sex, entertainment, and whatever else you think about—let it all be shaped, formed, and governed—not by this world, not by your life experiences or upbringing—but by your identity in Christ and the power and fullness of God in this life and eternity that is yours as a result.”

“This is not passive—It’s active. We must seek the things above and keep seeking them. Pursue them. Chase them. Hold onto them. Focus on them. Savor them. Treasure them. Never forget them. Never let them go. Seek them by setting your mind on Christ, in whom they are yours!”

“In my love for creative bookends, I know they need to be able to hold the books upright. The power of the cross and glory of heaven are sufficient to hold you upright in your walk with the Lord. Set your mind on them. Seek Christ. Believe and know you will never be disappointed in Him!”

G.K. Beale - “The “seeking” is a desire to have one’s thinking and lifestyle continually oriented around Christ’s kingship over all things.”

Kent Hughes - “We see in these verses the “Great Divide” in the Christian life. What we set our minds on determines our seeking and thus the direction of our Christian lives.”

Philippians 3:20
2 Corinthians 1:20
Ephesians 2:4-6
Philippians 4:8

Q. What characterizes your thought life?
Using common sense here, when you’re at work, your thoughts are on your work. I get it. But as you consider even your work, where does your mind go? When you set your mind on the things above you are more apt to seek the power of God for work through prayer. Is your thought life consumed with this world's responsibilities and material things, or do Christ and the things above characterize it?

Q. How do you respond when possessions, station in life, or a long-awaited opportunity is taken from you?
Do you lose your joy? Get angry? Blame God? Fall into self-pity?  Our responses in these moments reveal if our heart is fixed on this world or heaven above. As Jesus said—For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also—Matthew 6:21. When you set your mind on the things above, you are more apt to cherish your heavenly blessings more than your earthly treasures.

My Soul Will Wait (Psalm 62)
Yet Not I But Through Christ In Me
Cling to Christ
The Solid Rock

Colossians 3:5-11



Self-made religion, with its forced regulations and condemnation, is an enemy to the finished work of Christ. This concerns Paul for this congregation in Colossae and this should concern us. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

SERIES: Colossians: Alive in Christ
Colossians 2:16-23
TITLE:  Hold Fast to Christ
PREACHER: Tom Wilkins
BIG IDEA: Hold fast to Christ, for our life and growth in Him depend on Him alone.

1. Warning: Let no one judge you (vs. 16-17)
2. Warning: Let no one disqualify (vs. 18-19)

All quotes are taken from the pastor’s notes.
”Before [Paul] gets to those implications (a life in Christ), he warns the saints in vs. 8 (last week’s sermon) concerning this self-made “philosophy” that is “according to the elemental spirits of the world and not according to Christ” is creeping into the church - “See to it that no takes you captive by philosophy…”.  And today, Paul continues with two more warnings.”

“Until we step onto the golden shore of heaven, every generation of church will need to heed these warnings.”

“‘Let no one pass judgment on you…’ There were some who were ‘bringing them to task,’ challenging them in judgment, already condemning them… for their failure to follow certain Jewish dietary rules and celebration of certain sacred days. You should not be eating certain foods and drinks - the severe treatment of the body. You should be following the “festivals, new moon, and the Sabbath.” Originally, these things would have prepared the followers by making them clean and acceptable in tabernacle/temple/worship. They were passing judgment on the Christians based on their strict adherence to these regulations. Paul does not see each of these as THE threat but rather the requirement of these things.”

“Vs 17 ‘These are a shadow of the things to come, but the substance belongs to Christ.’ He uses the word “shadow” in vs 16 and contrasts it with “substance.” The not-real with the real. For these things foreshadowed the “substantive body” that cast the shadow.”

“These OT regulations were shadows that pointed to something, to someONE. These things pointed the REALITY… the “substance” …the reality… was always Christ!”

“This draws out the great truth in redemptive history: the rules and regulations, sacred days, and celebrations all pointed to Jesus. They had a temporary purpose that has now been fulfilled in Christ. They were never the point!”

“The real and true Son of God came in the flesh

The real Lamb of God born to die impaled on a real Roman cross by real nails as his body poured forth his real and precious blood… He bore the full weight of God’s righteous wrath upon his broken body for the final punishment of our real sins. He dies a real death as he gasps his last breath. His heart stopped. He was wrapped in real death clothes and placed in a real tomb. Three real days passed, and the real stone was rolled away and our true and now resurrected Lord stepped away from the death wrap and exited into the early morning sun that he had created, appearing the disciples and hundreds more before they stood and watched Him ascend to real heaven and reign forevermore on THE throne as THE REALITIES OF REALITIES - THE LORD OF HEAVEN AND EARTH HIMSELF IN MAJESTY head over all rule and authority!”

“Paul’s warning in verse 16 is related to the judgment of those who take us to task and condemn us. He now delivers his next warning in verse 18: disqualification - disqualifying us from the award by self-appointed arbitrators or umpires who rob us of our prize. ‘Let no one disqualify you!’”

“BUT It is clear: all of these things in Verse 16 and 19 belong to the ‘philosophies’ ‘according to the elemental spirits of the world’ in mentioned again in the coming verse 20. THE RESULT is of a carnal nature ‘puffing themselves up’  and all of this being all in their ‘unspiritual minds’ ‘without reason by reason of a sensuous mind.’”

“If we submit to these things of the sensuous mind… to the philosophy and elementary spirits of this world… We let go of Christ. We let go of the very life stream for growth in God. We turn and submit ourselves to the rule and governance of this world…THIS is our ROOT PROBLEM and it is exposed in the text, and the matter could not be more dangerous.”

Our root issue and dilemma is our failure to hold onto Christ as our Head. Something will always vie for the centrality of Christ in our faith. Verse 19 declares that we have dropped the very thing that feeds/nourishes, and holds us together - our life that “grows with a growth that is from God.” God does not grow us with the things of the flesh, no matter how impressive and insightful the principles of the world may sound. In our efforts to somehow hold onto Jesus and also hold onto the principles of the spirits of this world we have NOT gained… we have not grown… have not increased our insight into the struggle of the soul. The kingdom of this world does not add anything to the kingdom of God! In fact, it is an enemy of God’s kingdom. If we try to syncretize the two kingdoms by attempting to hold onto Christ and embracing these elemental spirits. Verse 19 says we drop Jesus, and we starve our souls!”

“Thank God for Head - Jesus… the head of the church, where, together with the church, we are now His body, and we are nourished by him alone and not by these things. Our growth and change come from Him.”

“Paul now brings his opening theology in chapters 1 and 2 to fruition. Paul has built his Christological framework: Through the preaching of the supremacy of Christ, declaring that we are now alive in Christ, he unfolded the mystery of Christ. He has warned us again and again and again. NOW in verses 20-23 Paul rounds the corner with his coming exhortation in chapter 3. In the coming chapters Paul moves from preaching the Glorious gospel - and he continues to hold fast to Christ - as he moves to the application… the implications of the gospel in our actions.”

Peter O’Brien - “Christ has arrived.” “The substance has already come. The regulations belonged to a transitory order and have lost all binding force.”

David E. Garland - “Why play in the shadow world when you have experienced the real thing?”

Hebrews 10

Reformation Song
Death Arrested
Jesus Paid It All
My Life Is An Offering
Cling to Christ

Colossians 3:1-4



There is no other knowledge you must obtain, wisdom you must discover, or practices you must keep. Jesus is the supreme and sufficient Savior. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

SERIES: Colossians: Alive in Christ
Colossians 2:8-15
TITLE:  As Good As It Gets
PREACHER: Derek Overstreet
BIG IDEA: Don’t be fooled; knowing Christ is as good as it gets.

1. Live alert to spiritual dangers
2. Live out of your union with Christ
3. Live free in the gospel

All quotes are taken from the pastor’s notes.
”Today’s text warns us of another kind of mixology—a spiritual mixology. To this point in the letter, Paul has repeatedly emphasized the Colossian's completeness in Christ. To know Jesus by faith is to know all you need to know to belong to God. There is no other knowledge you must obtain, wisdom you must discover, or practices you must keep. Jesus is the supreme and sufficient Savior.”

“The claim of the gospel is that if you have faith in Jesus, then you are in union with Christ, and you lack absolutely nothing regarding your standing with God. So how do we live in the good of that?”

“Our text begins with a warning. Of course, the presence of a warning means the possibility of danger. In 8, Paul says—See to it that no one takes you captive. The word captive is vivid. The imagery is a kidnapping. A person being carried away over someone’s shoulder. Paul warns the Colossians to live alert so they are not carried away from their only hope, Christ. Paul explains what they are to be on the alert for.”

“As it does today, in the first century, philosophy covered a wide range of ideas and practices meant to give one a deeper understanding and fuller experience of life. Some of it helpful. Some of it useless. In this context, Paul is warning about systems of thought and methods of living, probably a mix of Jewish tradition (16-23) and pagan belief, that was being integrated with the gospel as gospel.”

“Paul says—Don’t be fooled; it’s just empty deceit. It’s vain, worthless, and void of true spiritual value. Like sinking sand, it has no firm basis. Here’s why:  (8) It’s according to human tradition. It’s man-made. It’s preference, not truth. Remember 6-7—Build your life on what you receivedChrist Jesus the Lord.”

“[Paul] tells us is to live alert to being carried away by worldviews and perspectives that promise greater purpose and fullness of life. WHY? Look at the end of 8—they are not according to Christ. They are not rooted in the gospel you heard from Epaphras (1:7). They are not centered on the one who is supreme over all creation and sufficient for salvation (1:15-20). You may not believe in mythical gods or follow the stars. But Paul’s warning is equally if not more important to us today. How many people blend Christianity with worldly philosophies?”

The gospel is meant to be at the center of all our thinking and living.”

Are you about to be kidnapped? Paul says—Beware of spiritual mixology. Be on the lookout for any ideas or teaching, no matter how plausible it may be, that promises greater blessing and spirituality apart from the gospel.”

“Paul spends the rest of the text showing the Colossians why all they need is Christ, emphasizing what God has done for them in Christ. In doing so, he shows any human and worldly philosophy to be ridiculous and empty, no matter how plausible they sound.”

“Paul counters the empty philosophies of the world to the fullness of God in Christ—read 9-10. The word dwelling should take us back to the OT, reminding us how God has revealed Himself throughout redemptive history. The God who once dwelled with His people on Mt. Zion, in the Tabernacle, then the Temple of Jerusalem, now dwells with His people in Jesus Christ. It’s the Christmas miracle of the Incarnation—Jesus was, is, and forever will be God in the flesh.”

Jesus isn’t a shadow or virtual reality. Jesus is the wisdom, majesty, holiness, and glory of God made flesh who has been given all rule and authority. If Jesus is the fullness of God in every way—(10) you have been filled in him—then you have all the fullness of God you can ever possess in this life because in Christ God has given Himself to you. So, to have Christ is to lack absolutely nothing before God.”

“In this context, Paul uses circumcision to communicate the profound reality of their union with Christ. Look at 11 again—In him you were circumcised with a circumcision made without hands (not physical but spiritual—a circumcision of the heart) by putting off the body of the flesh (that’s the spiritual circumcision—death of our old nature with its passions and desires according to Gal 5:24) by the circumcision of Christ. The circumcision of Christ being his death on the cross.”

“So the circumcision here is a graphic illustration of the death of Christ, in which we share through the miracle of regeneration where our old heart is stripped away (circumcised) in the spiritual death of the old man now made new by the Spirit. Notice the progression in 12—Having died in Christ, we were buried and raised with Christ, the spiritual reality demonstrated through baptism. Such is our union with Christ. We have spiritually died with Christ, were buried with Christ, and raised from the dead with Christ, so that, as it says in 13— we are made alive in Christ.”

This is the glorious result of our union in Christ—full forgiveness. Notice Paul says we are forgiven of ALL our trespasses. The entire record of debt that stood against us was nailed to the cross with Christ.”

“Paul says the record of our debt was nailed to the cross with Christ. Picture a document that lists all the sins you ever committed. What a document that would be. What a lengthy document that would be. What a horrific document that would be. For every item on that document, you owe a debt to God. Impossible. But look at the precious words at the end of 14— This—that long horrific document of ALL your sin—he set aside, nailing it to the cross, effectively canceling it ALL.”

“The word canceling is a strong word. It means obliterate. The document with all your sins no longer exists. Your slate has been wiped clean before God. So that now, by faith, you are free to live life to the fullest. Free from the dominion of sin and free from the penalty of sin, you can seek a life of fullness that comes only by faith in Christ. Nothing else is needed, and no mixing is required because, through the death and resurrection of Jesus—read 15. Christ has won the battle. He has conquered sin, death, and evil. And because Christ has conquered, we have conquered and will conquer.”

Kent Hughes - “Christ’s circumcision on the cross involved not the stripping away of a small piece of flesh, but the violent removal of his entire body in death.”

Where do you go to make sense out of life?
As we turn the corner into the new year, some self-evaluation is good:

  1. How much time do you spend on social media? Personal musings and sound bites aren’t a good place to find the purpose of life. 

  2. How discerning are you about the resources you read? Do you have a system to discern them

  3. How often do you submit your thoughts to others? It’s easy to live in a bubble.

  4. BIG ONE: How much time do you spend in God’s word? 

See to it that in your honest desire to grow as a Christian, you aren’t taken captive by the things that diminish and distort Christ. You don’t need something new; you need something true, according to Jesus. Anything less will carry you away from God, and you lose.

Don’t be fooled; knowing Christ is as good as it gets.

Man Of Sorrows
It Was Finished Upon That Cross
We Receive
My Redeemers Love

Colossians 2:16-17



At this very moment, those that have received Christ are “more alive” now than ever before! Our understanding of who Jesus is, our very Christology, is fused/combined together with our very ethics, our way, our standard, our tradition - submitted to Christ Jesus the Lord, we therefore live as submitted to Him… in obedience to him. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

SERIES: Colossians - Alive In Christ
Colossians 2:6-7
TITLE: Walk In Him
PREACHER: Tom Wilkins
BIG IDEA: A life that is made alive in Christ will live in Christ.

1. We have received Him -  (v 6a)
2. Live in Him - (v 6b-7)

All quotes are taken from the pastor’s notes.
”…in Chapter 2, verses 6 and 7, [Paul] summarizes what he has written so far by way of GROUNDING them in Christ Jesus the Lord. In these 2 verses, you and I are given the footing against this erroneous and destructive teaching.”

“The series that we are in as we work our way through Paul’s letter to the Colossians is a resounding proclamation, a moving declaration - one that at times bends the mind - as it preaches to us that we are ALIVE IN CHRIST!”

“Paul succinctly summarizes in Vs 6 and 7, key parts of what he has been writing to this church, praying for this church, and declaring to this church.”

“At this very moment, those that have received Christ are “more alive’ now than ever before! Weary souls need to hear the Holy Spirit speak through Paul’s pen! If you are here this morning and are without Christ, you need to hear this First Century Evangelist’s, Apostle’s, Pastor’s, Preacher’s words. The slumbering and easily distracted heart needs to hear these words. Until we “have gone out of this old clay tenement into a house that is immortal,” we need to hear that we are Alive in Christ AND are called to live in Him.”

“Gospel Truth - We have received Him! Gospel Claim - So live in Him!”

“The first thing that Paul reminds us of is Christ Jesus the Lord. He takes us again and again to Jesus. He draws out the Christology of Jesus by referencing him as Christ Jesus the Lord. He is the Christ, Promised One of Israel. He is Jesus (Yeshua - the Lord of salvation). He is Lord - one commentator saying that Paul “gathers up” all that he has already said about Christ in this letter so far. The Creator and ruler of everything. The spender of His majesty. The authority of His throne. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together!  And in vs. 6, WE have received HIM!”

“This word “receive” bears the meaning of receiving that which had been delivered - there has been a guarded transmission of a tradition - and accepting of that which has been transmitted, handed down, handed on - and in this verse, what we have received is Christ Jesus the Lord!”

“Christ Jesus the Lord has been passed on to us! Christ Jesus the Lord is THE tradition, handed down generation after generation to us, and we have RECEIVED him!”

“The doctrine of “Christ Alone” was not the reformers idea, it is God’s doctrine of His son, Christ Jesus the Lord. Christ Jesus the Lord is the center of our faith. We have received Him!”

“Paul had received the Gospel from the Lord and he passed it on to pastors (like Epaphras) who passed it on to the churches. This great tradition… This great Gospel message… was the life, death and resurrection of Christ is that GOOD NEWS that we have received!”

“The indicative was ‘ you received Christ Jesus the Lord…’ The imperative is ‘ walk in him.’”

Walking is living in this context. It is living in obedience to Christ. It is living consistent in who you are in Christ.”

“Our understanding of who Jesus is, our very Christology, is fused/combined together with our very ethics, our way, our standard, our tradition - submitted to Christ Jesus the Lord, we therefore live as submitted to Him… in obedience to him.”

“This is the time of year that traditions mean a lot to us. Yet to us our traditions are the practice and repetition of things that we “do.” Thanksgiving traditions, Christmas traditions… things that we “do” over these holidays. On a grander scale: the Christian is caught up in an uninterrupted TRADITION of CHRIST. We find here in Vs. 6 is that we have received what has been handed down to us, THE teaching… THE tradition that is Christ. - Live in this never ending ‘Christmas” tradition of Christ, the gospel of Christ and Him crucified.’”

Live rooted in Him. ‘Rooted’ draws on the metaphor of a plant (vine) tree (like being planted/rooted deeply into the soil. The perfect tense of the original meaning of the word is: You WERE rooted in. TRUE LIFE IN CHRIST is a rooted!”

Live built up in Him. ‘Built up’ draws on the metaphor of a building that is constructed in Him.The combination of the two is that of having been securely rooted deep in Christ and being continually being rooted ALIVE in Christ and immovable like a secured mega-structure rising up fixed forever in Christ… JESUS FOREVER OUR LIFE AND OUR SURE FOUNDATION! Not simply a life of right and wrong decisions but one that is deeply rooted and built up IN Jesus Christ!”

Live established in the faith in Him. The word ‘established’ carries in its translation being continually established! Being rooted and built up are clearly a work that has first been done by God, and so walk in what he has done and now regarding our faith is continually being done. HE IS CONTINUALLY establishing us in the faith.”

“If we are not rooted in Christ, we will be open to almost anything for relief and help. We don’t want to hear this. But the Colossians needed to hear this. In jeopardy of being deceived, Paul, grounds them again in the Gospel. IF we are not rooted in Christ, believe or not we are rooted in something and we have a tap root that seeks out other life sources. Q. What are you rooted in?  Christ?”

“Be careful what you read and why you are reading it. Be careful who you listen to and why you are listening to it. Itching ears have their roots in something else and wandering eyes seek out other sources for life. The more we are rooted in HIM, CHRIST JESUS THE LORD,  the more we see His sufficiency! Our faith is rooted, built up and established in Christ and NOTHING else.”

“Now we…live abounding in thankgiving. for thanksgiving keeps up constantly linked to the fact that we have received Christ - We are thankful for that which has been given to us, Christ Jesus Our Lord. The Christian is to be marked by the abundance of thanksgiving, because we return again and again to the life-source of our salvation. THE REASON that our thinking and belief should be flooded with thankfulness is we are His”

Colossians 1:10
Romans 14:15
Ephesians 4:1
Galatians 5:16
Psalm 1:3
Jeremiah 17:8
Ephesians 4:14, 17, 18, 21

D. L. Moody- “Some day you will read in the papers that D. L. Moody, of East Northfield, is dead. Don’t you believe a word of it! At that moment I shall be more alive than I am now. I shall have gone up higher, … gone out of this old clay tenement into a house that is immortal, a body that death cannot touch, that sin cannot taint, a body like unto [Christ’s] own glorious body. I was born of the flesh in 1837. I was born of the Spirit in 1856. That which is born of the flesh may die. That which is born of the Spirit will live forever.”

Peter T. O’Brien - “The one whom the Colossians received as their tradition is the center of God’s mystery, and the Lord in both creation and reconcilliation. He is Lord absolutely, not just one among many.”

Peter T. O’Brien - “For Paul there is no hiatus between believing and behaving.”

Billy Graham - “No man can be said to be truly converted to Christ who has not bent his will to Christ.”

Q. Is not Jesus, Christ Jesus the Lord? And shouldn’t this have a life-altering effect on us?
Q. Shouldn’t our believing include our behaving?
Q. Shouldn’t our behavior be affected by our new life in the Lord and Savior?
Q. Shouldn’t our action be bent to this gospel tradition?
Q. What are you rooted in?  Christ?
Q. Are you able to abound in thanksgiving? This often is an indicator of where our hearts are truly living.
Q. What year were you born of the Spirit? What year did you receive Christ Jesus the Lord? In Him whom you have received, by the grace of God and in power the Spirit now live in Him.

Name Above All Names
Hope of the Ages
Jesus, There's No One Like You
Is He Worthy
We Give Thanks (Psalm 107)
We Receive

Luke 1:26-38


So many voices clamor for our attention. We have so much information at our fingertips. We have itchy ears. We want immediate results in our lives. We are prone to sacrifice truth for experience. So we must believe with Paul that Christ alone makes us who we are and resolve to keep him at the center of our existence.  Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

SERIES: Colossians - Alive In Christ
Colossians 2:1-5
TITLE: Grounded and Guarded
PREACHER: Derek Overstreet
BIG IDEA: A church centered on Christ is a church guarded from wandering away from Christ.

1. A Beautiful Portrait of the Church
2. An Effective Safeguard for the Church

All quotes are taken from the pastor’s notes.
”So many voices clamor for our attention. We have so much information at our fingertips. We have itchy ears. We want immediate results in our lives. We are prone to sacrifice truth for experience. So we must believe with Paul that Christ alone makes us who we are and resolve to keep him at the center of our existence.” 

“Paul begins in 1—I want you to know how great a struggle I have for you. Paul is not bragging. He is not complaining. He is expressing his deepest longing for them. The word translated struggle was used to describe the intense competitions of the Greek games. Just as the athlete fought with every ounce of energy to win, Paul cared for churches like the Colossians with the fierce desire of someone who was—in it to win it.”

“He communicates his desire for them in a way that paints a beautiful portrait of the church—read 2-3. In 2, their hearts may be encouraged—That is, they would know the comfort and possess the spiritual strength and courage that comes from knowing who they are in Christ. Paul goes on to say that they would be knit together in love.”

Paul’s passion here is that the love of Christ would pour out into their relationships with one another, not only bound to God in Christ but bound to one another by the same divine love. It’s a humble love. It’s a sacrificial love. It’s a long-suffering love. It’s a love that gently rebukes and quickly forgives. It’s a love that always grounds them in what knits them together—the divine love of Christ!”

“We are so different—knitted together, divinely intertwined by the love of Christ.”

“In the face of false teaching that is challenging the sufficiency of Christ, Paul says the more you fix your head and heart on Christ, the deeper your understanding of God’s redemptive purposes that center on and climax in Christ, the greater your conviction and confidence that in Jesus you have everything and lack nothing—Stay close the guide!”

“OT books like Proverbs, Job, and Ecclesiastes are packed with wisdom and knowledge. But the secret is out. The mystery has been revealed. The true fount and storehouse of all wisdom and knowledge is Jesus Christ!”

“To know Jesus is to have genuine knowledge of who God is and what he is like. To know Jesus is to know how to—(1:10) walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him: bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God. To know Christ is to (Pro 2:3) Understand the fear of the LORD and find the knowledge of God so you can confidently live, in the words of RC Sproul, Coram Deo—in the presence of God, under the authority of God, to the glory of God.”

“It's an astonishing assertion that paints a beautiful portrait of the church. Sinners saved by grace, knitted together in love, encouraging one another as they grow in their understanding and conviction that Christ is their all-in-all.”

“Don’t miss the connection—I say this (2-3) in order that no one may delude you (deceive you) with plausible arguments.  The Beautiful Portrait of the Church also acts as An Effective Safeguard for the Church.”

“In 8, Paul will begin to deal directly with the deceptive teachings the Colossians were up against. To be clear, Jesus wasn’t being canceled; he was being added to.”

“These false teachers were good at their presentation. We could translate the word plausible in 4 as persuasive. Their arguments for Jesus Plus were persuasive and enticing. Paul says You don’t have to be deluded. Christ has been revealed to your head and heart. You experience genuine gospel encouragement and love through one another. Truth and your experience of truth tell you Jesus alone is sufficient. No matter how plausible the arguments are. No matter how persuasive the position is. No matter how polished the delivery is? It may SOUND right. It may SOUND godly. It may SOUND spiritual. It may be popular. But if it doesn’t lead you to Christ as your only identity, strength, and hope, it’s not good—it’s dangerous.”

“Where are you prone to be deluded by plausible and persuasive arguments that diminish and distract you from Christ? It may be time to change course for your spiritual well-being. Paul gives you the course in these verses: The more we experience genuine Christ-centered encouragement and love from one another, the more we grow in our (3) assurance of the sufficiency of Christ. Knowing the real thing is the best way to avoid being misled by counterfeits.”

“This is why the life of the local church is so important. It’s God’s chosen arena to grow our understanding of the gospel in the head and the heart in a way that establishes and protects our faith.”

“How encouraging is this? Paul can’t physically be with the Colossians to shepherd them through what they are facing. But he carries them in his heart, bound to them through their shared union in Christ. So he carries their burden, rejoicing over them, knowing they have all they need in Jesus. And now they have his teachings that point them to affirm the gospel and refute the deceivers. Paul is confident that as they center themselves on Christ according to his letter, their lives will be in order, that is, in keeping with the gospel, and their faith strong as they stand together in the encouragement and love of Christ, even in the face of opposition.”

If you believe in Jesus Christ, that he is eternal, without beginning and without end, that he always was continuing; if you believe that he is Creator of everything, every cosmic speck across trillions of light-years of trackless space, the Creator of the textures and shapes and colors that daily dazzle your eyes; if you believe that he is the sustainer of all creation, the force that is presently holding the atoms of your body, your town, this universe together, and that without him all would dissolve; if you believe that he is the mystery, the incarnate reconciler who will one day reconcile the universe and redeem humanity to himself; if you believe that he is the lover of your soul, who loves you with a love bounded only by his infinitude; then, despite the fact that life will be full of trouble, nothing much will go wrong. Your vision of Christ will quicken and shape your life. What you believe about Christ makes all the difference in the world now and in eternity.” 

D.A. Carson - “Paul cannot long talk about Christian joy, or Christian ethics, or Christian fellowship, or the Christian doctrine of God, or anything else, without finally tying it to the cross. Paul is gospel-centered; he is cross-centered. From his first epistle to his final letter to Timothy, Paul kept the atoning death and resurrection of Jesus at  the center of his teaching. He resolved to know nothing...except Jesus Christ and him crucified.”

John Woodhouse - “You can be perfectly sure that Paul never taught the Old Testament without proclaiming Christ! Paul never taught about the Christian life without the centrality of Christ. Paul never taught an understanding of anything without Christ. All the treasures of wisdom and knowledge and understanding are hidden in him!”

G.K. Beale - “At least parts of this false teaching is that believers still need to identify not only with Christ but also with the identification signs of the old law and must give some allegiance also to worship of angels together with Christ.”

Kent Hughes - “This is an important message for an alive Christianity. No intellectual process will lead to a full grasp of the mystery of Christ unless it is accompanied by a love for him and for Christians that knits us, the Church, together in love. We cannot pursue knowledge of God in willful, unloving isolation, rejecting fellowship with others. Historically, some have tried and have suffered incomplete or even distorted understanding. A complete understanding of the mystery comes in loving community.”

- Do you wonder what the purpose of life is? Do you wonder what the keys to a fulfilling life are? Do you wonder how one can suffer with joy? 
As a Christian, you can genuinely know God’s purposes in redemptive history because they have been revealed to you in the treasuries of wisdom—Jesus Christ.

- Where am I prone to be deluded by plausible and persuasive arguments that diminish and distract me from Christ?

Here's our application today:

  1. Study the Scriptures with an eye to Christ (Catechism)

  2. Knit yourself to the people in this room (priority of CG)

Christ Our Hope In Life And Death

The Lord Almighty Reigns (Psalm 93)
I Have A Shelter
All Things
There is One Gospel
All I Have Is Christ

Colossians 2:6-7


There is a force at work in the world today that is more powerful and more significant than any other in the history of the world—the gospel of Jesus Christ, who is our hope of glory. So, we gladly suffer affliction and boldly proclaim Him as he advances His kingdom. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

SERIES: Colossians - Alive In Christ
Colossians 1:24-49
PREACHER: Derek Overstreet
BIG IDEA: God builds His Kingdom as we experience affliction for Christ and we proclaim the gospel of Christ.

1. The Place of Affliction in God’s Purposes
2. The Priority of Proclamation in God’s Purposes

All quotes are taken from the pastor’s notes.
”If read to the Colossians, these words [from John Woodhouse, quoted below] may have been a—Lord, I believe, help me with my unbelief moment. They were small and unimpressive. Men more eloquent and philosophically astute than pastor Epaphras were trying to persuade them the key to life was bigger than the gospel.”

“What was true for them is true for us. The gospel doesn’t always look like the most powerful and significant force in the history of the world. Our best evangelistic efforts seem fruitless. Affliction and suffering produce discouragement. It’s tempting to doubt the power and sufficiency of the gospel when your marriage is on life support, society increasingly despises your faith, and you’re your atheist neighbor is living the dream. In these experiences and so many others, it’s tempting to doubt and diminish the gospel as the most powerful and significant force in the history of the world—Lord, I believe, help me with my unbelief.”

For this reason, we must understand how God is advancing His kingdom. Paul tells us in these verses: God builds His Kingdom as we experience affliction for Christ and we proclaim the gospel of Christ.”

“God doesn’t advance His kingdom through mass marketing and media. He is not bringing about His purposes through Christian Nationalism. The kingdom of God does not rely on impressive buildings and flashy preachers. God advances His kingdom and brings us to maturity, through affliction for and the proclamation of Jesus Christ.”

“Paul begins with an upside-down statement—read 24a. What? Who rejoices in their suffering?! Paul does. And for good reasons. As a minister (servant) of the gospel, Paul belongs to God. Jesus died for his sins. He belongs to Jesus. Once a ruthless persecutor of Christ’s church, now a servant of Christ’s church. But there was something else that produced transcending joy amid his suffering—Paul believed God was advancing His gospel kingdom, saving others just as he saved him through his afflictions.”

“Christ’s death is sufficient for our salvation in every way, lacking nothing in anyway. So what does Paul mean when he says— I am filling up what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions? To answer that, let’s take a step back.”

“Paul was used to advance the kingdom of God uniquely—taking the gospel to the Gentiles. In Acts 9, according to God’s plan, Christ appeared to Paul (Saul) on the way to Damascus, saying—Why are you persecuting me? To persecute Christ’s church was to persecute Christ himself. Such is the union of Christ and his people. A few verses later the Lord said, He chose Paul to take the gospel to the Gentiles and in doing so would suffer for Christ’s name.”

“God chose Paul to make known the fullness of God’s Word, that is the mystery, the OT promise now revealed in the gospel, that the once alienated and hopeless Gentiles were included in God’s plan of salvation. Now, by grace through faith, they are in Christ and Christ is in them. Because God lives in their hearts, they possess the hope of glory, a life of divine blessing today, and infinitely more in heaven with Jesus. This is something they had no hope of before. The afflictions Jesus bore on the cross were for the Gentiles too! This is the—(25) the mystery hidden for ages and generations but now revealed to his saints. For this, bringing the gospel to the Gentiles, Paul suffered greatly.”

“Paul suffered with joy, for the sake of advancing God’s kingdom, including the Colossians—(24) Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake—the church in Colossae which he didn’t plant and never visited, and two millennia later, our sake. So when Paul says his afflictions fill up what is lacking in Christ’s, he means his afflictions are advancing the intended effect of Christ’s afflictions on the cross, which is bringing the gospel and all its spiritual blessings to the Gentile.”

“We are engaged in the same conflict Paul was. The mystery hidden for ages and generations but now revealed to his saints is still being revealed through us as we suffer and endure affliction for the sake of our gospel mission.”

“God is advancing His kingdom through the affliction of His people and the proclamation of His Son. Not the proclamation of our:

  • Theological distinctives

  • Parenting methodologies

  • Anecdotal stories

  • Spiritual gifts

  • Community Groups and other ministries

  • Personal prayer and Bible study

  • God won’t advance the gospel on the east side through the proclamation of our ecclesiastical distinctives

God is advancing His kingdom through our proclamation of HIM—Jesus Christ and HIM crucified! Paul summarizes his ministry in 25-27 in one word—HIM!”

We proclaim HIM! We don’t need anything else to proclaim but HIM because in HIM, we lack nothing; apart from HIM, we have nothing to proclaim. That’s not to say we have nothing else to talk about, but that in all we talk about, at the center of it is always HIM! From theology to practical Christian living, it all flows from, points to, and finds its purpose in HIM!”

“It’s HIM, we proclaim! Notice what Paul says—HIM we (all of us) proclaim, warning everyone. What are we warning everyone about? Your only hope of glory is HIM! Turn to HIM in faith and repentance. If you belong to HIM, you must live for HIM. Don’t add to HIM. You have all you need in HIM. Don’t drift back to your old ways because you are a new creation in HIM.”

“Don’t miss Paul’s threepeat of the word, everyone. No one is in a situation that requires something more than HIM.”

“I hear people say it—I need more than Jesus. That’s what the Colossians are being told. Paul will have none of it. HIM we proclaim because He is enough. Christ is sufficient for all our needs. He is your wisdom and hope in every matter and circumstance. We proclaim HIM, warning or teaching, Whatever the topic, the need, the danger—to everyone.” 

“Here’s the goal—(28) that we may present everyone mature in Christ. Maturity in Christ is HIM at the center of life. It’s the ability to rejoice in our sufferings because we know we belong to HIM, and he will finish the work He began in us. Spiritual maturity is to say—Lord, I belong to HIM, so use me as you will, whatever the cost. To mature in Christ is to find your all in HIM and HIM alone. That’s the goal.”

“There is a force at work in the world today that is more powerful and more significant than any other in the history of the world—the gospel of Jesus Christ, who is our hope of glory. So, we gladly suffer affliction and boldly proclaim Him as he advances His kingdom.” 

2 Corinthians 11:23-33 
Philippians 1:29-30

 John Woodhouse - “There is a force at work in the world today that is more powerful and more significant than any other in the history of the world. It is not the spread of democracy, nor is it any of the anti-democratic movements that are currently active and threatening. It is not capitalism, nor socialism. It is not civil rights, gay rightsor feminism. It is certainly not atheistic secularism. The force that is more powerful and more significant than any other in the history of the world is the gospel of Jesus Christ.”

John Piper - “What is lacking in the afflictions of Christ is not that they are deficient in worth or merit, as though they could not sufficiently cover the sins of all who believe. What is lacking is that the infinite value of Christ’s afflictions are not known in the world. They are still a mystery—hidden—to most peoples. And God’s intention is that the mystery be revealed, extended to all the Gentiles. So the afflictions are lacking in the sense that they are not seen and known among the nations. They must be carried by ministers of the word. And those ministers of the word fill up what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ by extending them to others.”

Notice Paul’s final words—read verse 29.

To see the Colossians center their lives on Christ was his driving passion. Fully reliant on the Holy Spirit, Paul tirelessly labored to see Christ-centered churches. Is that true of you?

  1. Develop the conviction from passages like Col 1 that Christ is enough. 

  2. Evaluate where you seek help. Do the books, programs, and people you pursue for help unmistakenly, undeniably,  and unapologetically lead you directly to Christ, or do you have to work Christ in yourself? If they don’t lead you to Christ, run from them, because they lead you to someone and if that someone is not HIM then at best you are adding to HIM at worst you running from HIM. 

How Great You Are
Only A Holy God
Help Us See Christ
When We See Your Face
In Christ Alone

Colossians 2:1-5


Who we were then was entirely our doing. Who we are now is entirely His doing. JESUS CHANGES EVERYTHING! Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

SERIES: Colossians - Alive In Christ
Colossians 1:21-23
TITLE: Jesus Changes Everything
PREACHER: Tom Wilkins
BIG IDEA: Jesus changes everything!

1.  Who We Once Were
2. Who We Are Now

All quotes are taken from the pastor’s notes.
”In verse 21, we find the 3-fold GRIM REALITY that describes who we were.”

And you who once were…’ Alienated - We were alienated from God. And our alienation is not simply describing the state of the brokenness and separation in our relationship with God. Instead, what is being described here is the active, purposeful persistence in our slavery to sin and willing idolatry. We were not passively floating around in the darkness of space in a thrusterless space capsule, being pulled by various forces here and there as we drifted further and further away from God. Rather, our alienation here is better described as having a white-knuckled grip on the steering wheel of our 1966 Shelby with our foot buried on the throttle, racing hard and fast and further into our alienation from God.”

“‘And you who once were…’ Hostile in mind - Paul does not want us to misunderstand who we were as he now adds to our alienation and describes we were also ‘hostile in mind.’ If our alienation wasn’t bad enough, our hearts had turned on him in hostility, as active His enemy. In our hatred of him (a passive description of our enmity with God), foot still buried on the gas, we yanked on the wheel and headed straight at Him.”

“The GRIM reality is that in our minds, from the very wellspring of our hearts, we were at war with Him! We believe and teach that we ran away from God, but here we find that we ran at Him.”

“‘And you who once were…’  Doing evil deeds - Adding to our alienation from God and to our hostility toward God, we were doing evil deeds. Paul, making sure that we understand what he is saying, adds to our estrangement from God and our hearts and minds fixed full-on hate to now doing evil deeds. We embodied our sin.”

“The GRIM reality is that this IS who we once were! We were alienated from God, hostile toward God, and doing evil deeds against God and others! BUT, THE GOOD NEWS is Jesus changes everything!”

“While still exulting in the majesty and supremacy of Jesus, Paul speaks to our hostile alienation in sin that is aimed at God and others… BUT, HE DOES NOT LEAVE US THERE.”

“Vs 21 should have a profound effect on us as we behold the majesty and supremacy of Christ. This is both terrifying and beautiful! By the cry of His command, Jesus created us and holds us together! We hated him and sought to undermine him, having tried to take His place on the throne, with our backs turned against him pursuing the filthiness of evil deeds. HE HAS NOW RECONCILED US!”

“We are now Reconciled by the blood of His cross! We are now Reconciled by His death! Jesus and His crucifixion change everything! It is here that we see the CROSS of Jesus as the overarching TURNING POINT for us - the CROSS of Jesus changes everything for us. The OLD now passes away, and now the NEW has come through the body of our Savior as He bears our sins on his perfect body and as Jesus pours out his holy blood in that inexplicable sacrifice.”

“Before God, our Judge, the records of who we were have not been lost (though we want them to be)! THE historical RECORDS PROVE WHO WE WERE - no fire could destroy them, and no effort on our part could rid us of our past hatred and transgression against God. But the good news is that at the CROSS OF JESUS CHANGES EVERYTHING. HIS BLOOD COVERS OUR RECORDS, AND HIS DEATH RECONCILES US BEFORE GOD!” 

“The reason Jesus has done this is to present you and me before the judgment seat of God - His 2nd Coming - as righteous. Without Jesus, we will not escape the righteous wrath of God. But, with Jesus, we are righteous in God’s eyes and this is who we are now!”

“Who are we now in Christ? Jesus ‘presents you above reproach’, meaning we are presented without the stain of sin. Jesus ‘presents you holy’, separated unto God in righteousness. Jesus ‘presents you blameless’ - without stain, we bear no blame anymore. We are now forgiven and reconciled.”

“We, who were once alienated… separated from God, have now been brought near in Christ! We, who were once hostile in mind… enemies of God, are now loving worshippers of God in Christ! We, who were once doing evil deeds…unrighteous before God,  are now made righteous in Christ! JESUS CHANGES EVERYTHING.”

Genesis 6:5
 2 Corinthians 5:21
Ephesians 2:13
Luke 7:47
Romans 5:17

3-fold Application

  • Continue in your Gospel faith. Remembering how you got here will be fuel for continuing on in your gospel faith

  • Be rooted in your Gospel hope. Peter O’Brian - “...continuance is the test of reality. If it is true that the saints will persevere to the end, then it is equally true that the saints must  persevere to the end.”

  • Become what you already are NOW in Christ. We were once embodying sin… now embody holiness and righteousness! Now we are reconciled by the Cross of Jesus, holy, blameless, and above reproach. Live in your innocence - live in your new reality!

Come Behold The Wondrous Mystery
Jesus, There's No One Like You
Behold Our God
How Vast The Love

Colossians 1:21-23


Out of all the things that matter in your life, your Christology must matter most. Nothing matters more than what you believe about Jesus and how you respond to Jesus. Because Christ is supreme and sufficient, he should tower over our lives and draw us to him in every aspect of life. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

SERIES: Colossians - Alive In Christ
Colossians 1:15-20
PREACHER: Derek Overstreet
BIG IDEA: It’s all about Jesus!

1.  The Supremacy of Christ over His Creation
2. The Sufficiency of Christ for Our Reconciliation

All quotes are taken from the pastor’s notes.
”I was born and raised in NW, Washington. Naturally, I have spent much time in the city of Seattle. The views can be breathtaking on a sunny day in the right spot. The blue waters of Puget Sound give way to the brilliant Seattle skyline that stands against the backdrop of the lush greenery and looming Cascade Mountain Range. And towering above it all is Mt. Rainier. Everything on the horizon gives way and draws your gaze to the snowcapped volcano that rises 14,410 above the ground. If you fly into Seattle on a cloudy day, the rugged ice-capped peak rises from the sea of clouds. Whether from the ground or the air, it's a majestic sight.”

“Our text today is the Mt. Rainier of Colossians. Paul's words rise above everything he's said to this point and all he will say hereafter. The first nineteen verses of Colossians have been building up to this point, and the seventy-five verses that follow flow from our text today.”

“Our text can't be disconnected from 12-14, where Paul reminds the Colossians what God has done for them in Christ. Once living in darkness, they have been welcomed into God's kingdom of light, where they share in the blessings of God as sinners fully forgiven and redeemed, qualified in Christ for divine mercy and grace instead of divine judgment and wrath. TRANSLATION: Jesus is their sure and heavenly hope in life and death.”

“Now, in 15-20, it's as if Paul pulls back the curtain. And as he does, there's a shift. Everything changes as the towering assertions of Christ consume Paul's thoughts. The you's and I's of the first 14 verses give way to the he's and him's. Ten times, Paul uses phrases He is, by him, through him, or for him. The breadth of these terms is emphasized by the all seven times. The message is simple: It's all about Jesus!”

Out of all the things that matter in your life, your Christology must matter most. Nothing matters more than what you believe about Jesus and how you respond to Jesus. Because Christ is supreme and sufficient, he should tower over our lives and draw us to him in every aspect of life.”

“Paul begins by telling us who Christ is, first as it relates to God—(15) He is the image of the invisible God.”

Jesus makes the invisible God of the universe visible. From all eternity and for all eternity, Jesus shines forth the image and glory of God. Don't try to figure it out; just stand in awe and wonder!”

“Then Paul describes who Jesus is as it relates to creation—(15) Jesus is the firstborn of all creation. Jesus is the preexistent Son who makes the invisible God visible and is the Lord over all creation.”

“In early church history, the term firstborn was a source of great confusion. The third-century heresy known as Arianism taught that Jesus as the firstborn of all creation meant he was part of God's creation, stripping him of deity. But the term firstborn here does not have anything to do with time or order; it's about rank and authority. Christ is the firstborn of all creation, not because he was born first but because he existed before and is supreme over creation.”

“As the creator of ALL things, Jesus is the GOAL of ALL creation. See the phrase for him; some have translated it as toward. The point becomes even more powerful. ALL of creation begins and ends with Jesus. He is the Alpha and the Omega. The Beginning and the END. ALL things, from the unseen to the majestic Mt. Rainier, ALL of it finds their ultimate goal in Jesus.” 

“Including you and me. Relationships. Money. Job. Intellect. Thoughts. Decision-making. Parenting and grandparenting. Marriage. Body. Gifts. Evangelism. Bible reading. Opportunities. Leisure. Trials. Jesus is the goal of you.”

“The tense of the verb hold is present, meaning it's a continual action. Jesus continually, moment by moment, holds his creation together. With a word, everything would cease to exist. The message to us is the same as the Colossians—This is your Savior!”

Did you expect that? In this towering text, did you expect Paul to go from Christ supreme over the cosmos to head of the church?  And by head of the church—don't miss the metaphor—just as the head is connected to the human body, Christ as head of the body is connected to the church.”

“That means two things: 1. The place Christ's supremacy is expressed most gloriously and most clearly is the church and uniquely when the local church gathers. 2. In Christ, you are personally and intimately connected to the supreme source of wisdom, life, and power. For a church tempted to look to other places for superior spiritual knowledge and power, Paul says—Stop looking! You have Christ and Christ is all you need.”

Simply put, Jesus' resurrection was the beginning of making all things new. More than that, he is the new beginning. He is the author of new life in the age of the Spirit that the OT points to and Acts unpacks. Those once dead in sin are now raised to life and reborn as new creations. This puts Jesus at the center of everything we are, do, and proclaim.”

it makes Jesus—in the words of Paul at the end of 18—that in everything he might be preeminent. In all we do, from church to leisure, Christ is the most treasured. Most loved. Most pursued. Most celebrated. Most trusted. This is who the gospel has brought you to. This is who loves you. This is who you belong to. This is who we are inseparably united with. This is who has your days in his hands and is working all things for your good. This is who is coming back for you.”

“This is what it means to live a gospel-centered life: Live with Jesus at the center of your existence. That's God's desire. And Christ is worthy and sufficient to be the center of your existence.”

“Paul says Christ is preeminent because in him dwells the fullness of God. Ponder Paul's claim. All that God is. All that God offers. All His purposes. His power. His presence. His wisdom. It dwells in Christ. Outside of Jesus, we have none of God. With Jesus, we lack nothing from God!”

“If you know Christ, you lack nothing for life and godliness. No matter what you think you're lacking. No matter how inadequate you feel. In Christ, you have all of God that He wants you to have in this life. I know that sounds impossible, but here's what makes it certain—read 19-20.”

“Paul ends where he ended in 14—the cross. The one in whom the fullness of God was pleased to dwell. The visible image of the invisible God. The one whom all things were created by, through, and for. The one who reigns supreme over all creation. That one condescended to us—God Incarnate. He, driven by His Father's glory and love for you, willingly left heaven, took on flesh, and gave himself unto death, so that, by his blood that covers every sin, sinners like you and I would be reconciled (20), peace with God, having life, not only in this life but the life to come in heaven when all of creation will be made new in the light and presence of Jesus, the preeminent One of eternal glory!”

1 Timothy 6:16, John 4:24 - God cannot be seen
John 1:18, Hebrews 1:3 - But Christ is His image. Jesus makes the invisible God visible!

John Piper - “All that came into being exists for Christ—that is, it exists to display the greatness of Christ. Nothing—nothing!—in the universe exists for its own sake. Everything from the bottom of the oceans to the top of the mountains, from the smallest particle to the biggest star, from the most boring school subject to the most fascinating science, from the ugliest cockroach to the most beautiful human, from the greatest saint to the most wicked genocidal dictator—everything that exists, exists to make the greatness of Christ more fully known—including you, and the person you have the hardest time liking.”

Mark Jones - “There is something in Christ more excellent and comely than the office of a Savior; the greatness of his person is more excellent than the salvation procured by his death.” Mr. Jones adds—”The glory of his person outweighs even the glory of his work on our behalf. However, who he is enabled him to do what no man is capable of: die in the place of a multitude of sinners. We praise him first for who he is and then for what he accomplished.”

- Do you struggle with "church?"—The problem isn't the church; it's your Christology.

Paul wrote this towering text because certain teachings that diminished the supremacy and sufficiency of Christ were hindering the Colossians from seeing and living a gospel-centered life. What is hindering or even diminishing Christ's place in your life? Whatever it is, I leave you with these words as application:

John Piper - “If your heart ever wavers and grows cold, go here [Colossians 1:15-20]; memorize this litany of glories and ask God to give you affections that correspond to the measure of this greatness. If any person or any power or any wisdom or any love awakens any admiration or any amazement or any joy, let it be the greatest Person and the greatest power and the greatest wisdom and the greatest love that exists, Jesus Christ.”

We Give Thanks (Psalm 107)
Bless The Lord O My Soul (Psalm 103)
Come Thou Fount
We Receive
Glorious Christ

Colossians 1:21-23


Colossians 1:9-20 form one long sentence in the original. Paul gets started up and he doesn’t stop. The effect is one of the richest sections in Scripture. Paul’s desire is to root his readers in their gospel identity before he exhorts them on how to live. Paul knows, to quote David Prior—believers never move on from the cross of Christ, only into a more profound understanding of the cross. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

SERIES: Colossians - Alive In Christ
Colossians 1:9-14
TITLE: Knowing Is Growing
PREACHER: Derek Overstreet
BIG IDEA: The more you know the more you grow.

1.  A Godward Perspective
2. A Worthy Life

All quotes are taken from the pastor’s notes.
”…after 37 years of marriage, here’s my experience—The more I learn about Donna, the more I love her and the more I love her the more I know about her. It’s a beautiful cause and effect. That cause and effect principle operates in the Christian life as well. Colossians 1:9-20 form one long sentence in the original. Paul gets started up and he doesn’t stop. The effect is one of the richest sections in Scripture.”

“The more we understand God’s will, the more our worldview is shaped by the gospel, the more Godward our perspective is, the more our lives reflect His glory. The more you know the more you grow.”

Paul’s begins 9—And so, from the day we heard. What did they hear? They heard from Epaphras (3-8) about their faith in Jesus and their love for one another, that was born out of their hope of heaven. The gospel they believe is real. Their faith in Jesus is real. Their hope of heaven is real. This undeniable reality that Paul is so thankful for fuels his prayersfor them.”

“What does Paul mean by the knowledge of God’s will? Is Paul referring to God’s private plan for individual Christian? God does have a plan for your life and it is good because He is good. But His plan for you is set in a much bigger plan. For Paul, the will of God here is His redemptive purposes.”

“Paul’s prayer is that their knowledge of God’s plan of redemption would grow more and more, notice end of 9—in all spiritual wisdom and understanding. In other words, they would increasingly understand life and their lives at the spiritual level.”

“Call it a cross-centered perspective, an eternal perspective, or a Godward perspective, Paul prays it would characterize the Colossians more and more.”

“As we will see in Ch. 2, some were trying to dupe the Colossians with other humanistic notions and philosophies that had an appearance of wisdom but were void of Christ, therefore, leading them away from Christ. So Paul prays they will see and understand all of life with a Godward perspective, which is that Christ is the center of God’s will and therefore the key to all spiritual wisdom and understanding. Don’t we need this prayer today?

“Walking was a Jewish metaphor for how one lives their life. To walk in a manner worthy of the Lord is to live a life consistent with who God is and what Christ has done for you in the gospel. If you are in Christ, live like you are in Christ. Paul exhorted the churches this way often.”

“Walking in a manner worthy of the gospel can never be unattached to the gospel. That leads to either legalism (earning favor with God through behavior) or licentiousness (living like God doesn’t care how you live). [Be sure to be clear in your understanding of ‘justification (position before God) vs sanctification (practice before God in light of our position before God)’”

A Fruitful Life - An apple tree bears apples because it’s an apple tree. Likewise, a Christian’s life should bear fruit that reflects who they are in Christ:

  • Quick to forgive others because you have been forgiven in Christ

  • Gracious and gentle toward one another because in Christ, God has been and continues to be gracious and gentle toward you 

  • A heart for the lost because once you were lost but God set his affections on you and saved you. 

  • A joyful willingness to sacrifice for the sake of the gospel because Christ made the ultimate sacrifice for you

We could go on but you get the picture. Bearing fruit in good works that reflect the nature of the gospel that shapes you.”

A Knowledgeable Life - Don’t miss the circular nature of Paul’s thoughts—the knowledge of God’s redemptive will (9) compels us to live for His purposes (10). The more we live for God, bearing fruit, the more we grow in our knowledge and love of Him. It’s a spiritual cause and effect. This principle exists in the Christian life in two ways:

  • Intellectual—Personal study, Sunday preaching, teaching ministries of the church, fellowship of CG

  • Experiential—If you want to increase in your knowledge of God, throw yourself into what God is doing and in the doing you learn about God intimately.”

“The more you know of God in your head and heart, the more you want to serve and imitate God. The more you serve and imitate God, the more you learn about God. It’s an upward spiral that magnifies the power, beauty, and glory of God!”

A Powerful Life - Here’s what we tend to forget: This is no ordinary power. Look at 11—We are strengthened with ALL power (sufficient for the task), according to His glorious might (God’s might is infinite). This is extraordinary power. It’s an immense power. It is power scaled to God Himself. Ultimately, it’s a resurrection power according to Paul in Ephesians. Paul takes God’s colossal power and applies it, not to miracles, but to everyday Christian living—endurance and patience. The Colossians needed endurance and patience to stand in the truth of the gospel in the face of false teaching. We need endurance and patience to trust God, be content in Christ, and stand in righteousness instead of complaining, growing bitter, and becoming despondent in difficult situations and with difficult people. That is impossible apart from the Spirit’s resurrection power at work in us.”

“Hears the deal: In the context of Paul’s prayer, the more you know the will of God and how He works it, the more you understand and experience the unmatched power of His Spirit at work in you, and the more your life will be marked by God-pleasing, Christ-exalting, joy-filled endurance and patience. And you say—Yet not I but Christ in me!”

A Thankful Life - Paul has come full circle. In 3-8 he shared how thankful he is that they are part of God’s redemptive will. He begins this section exhorting them to grow in their knowledge of that will. He ends by reminding of their place in His will through the saving power of the gospel. And the only appropriate response to that knowledge and reality is a life of joyful gratitude to the Lord. If you are a Christian, you should be one of the most thankful people on the planet. Think about what Christ has done for you—He has brought you out of darkness into the light of His kingdom, fully forgiven and with the hope of heaven, sharing in the eternal and indescribable heavenly inheritance with the saints. God understood your greatest need and He provided an answer—the forgiveness of your sins through the death and resurrection of His Son Jesus Christ.”

Philippians 1:27
Ephesians 4:1
Galatians 2
Ephesians 1:19-20

David Garland - “For Paul, understanding God’s will involves recognizing how Christ is the fulfillment of God’s redemptive purposes, how God’s salvation is open to all people, and how God intends for Christians to live in whatever situation they find themselves in.”

D.A. Carson - “Great endurance and patience: the expression suggests both the kind of stamina that gets under a burden and carries it with enduring fortitude, and the kind of stamina that knows how to possess its soul in patience. Those are not virtues that are popular in our age. We extol champagne: lots of fizz and a pretty good high, but having no nutritional value for the long haul. In an age when tempers are hot, quick solutions are ardently courted, success is revered, victory is cherished, independence is lauded, and easy triumphs are promised, "great endurance and patience" at first glance seem like less than stellar qualities. But the truth is, they are so far beyond human capacity that they require the power of the Spirit of God. These virtues enable the believer to survive with joy when persecuted, to triumph in self-composure and contentment when insulted, to trust God's all-wise and all-gracious providence when one is suffering like Job. When Jesus sees these virtues in us, he is well pleased.”

D.A. Carson - “If God had perceived that our greatest need was economic, he would have sent an economist. If he had perceived that our greatest need was entertainment, he would have sent us a comedian or an artist. If God had perceived that our greatest need was political stability, he would have sent us a politician. If he had perceived that our greatest need was health, he would have sent us a doctor. But he perceived that our greatest need involved our sin, our alienation from him, our profound rebellion, our death; and he sent us a Savior.”

1. What role does the Bible play in your life?
2. How central is the church to your life?

Do you desire a more pleasing life to God? Are you spiritually struggling? Trust in the might of God through His Spirit, draw near to God in prayer, pursue Christ through His Word, and plug into your gospel preaching church.

BECAUSE: The more you understand and experience God’s will in Christ, the more you will grow in living for Christ to the pleasure of God. 

Revive Us Again
Help Us See Christ
Man Of Sorrows
When You Move

Colossians 1:15-20


Our text today is a celebration. From a heart overflowing with thanksgiving, Paul celebrates the Colossians. As we listen in, my prayer is that we will be compelled to apply what he is modeling to our lives and church. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

SERIES: Colossians: Alive In Christ
Colossians 1:3-8
TITLE: Something Worth Celebrating
PREACHER: Derek Overstreet

1. Growing in Thankfulness for the Church
2. Remaining Confident in the Message of the Church

All quotes are taken from the pastor’s notes.
”I am grateful that early in our Christian walk we were part of a church that emphasized and prioritized the biblical practice of seeing and celebrating God’s work in one another. Sad to say, it’s a dying discipline. And as it dies, a God-ordained means of joy, comfort, and Christ-exalting worship die with it.”

“The discipline was alive and well with the Apostle Paul. He was the master of seeing and celebrating Christ in others. To be with Paul was to be reminded of God’s multi-faceted goodness toward you and love for you in Christ Jesus.”

“A hallmark of Paul’s care of the church—whether he planted it or not (Paul didn’t plant the church in Colossae)—was his thankfulness for the church. Paul was passionate about God’s people and that passion was most revealed in His thankfulness expressed for and to the local church.”

“If anyone has seen the dark underbelly of the church, it was Paul. Paul was personally involved in so much of the doctrinal and relational messiness of the first-century church, but his thankfulness for the church never waned.”

“Paul’s thankfulness is not merely a general attitude; he points out three specific things he sees in them: their faith, their love, their hope.”

“Faith. This is where true Christianity begins. John 3:16-18, Acts 16:31, Romans 4:4-5 and Ch. 10, they all teach that sinners are saved, not through behavior, through faith.”

“Whenever we talk about having faith, we have to ask—Faith in what? The world loves faith. Faith is good. Faith is an expression of a mentally healthy and balanced life—You gotta have faith. Faith in yourself. Faith in reincarnation. Faith in your faith. It doesn’t matter. So as long as you have faith something, you’re okay. The problem with that viewpoint is that there is no inherent value in faith. Faith in your faith is works. Faith must be attached to something. It’s the object of faith that has value and power.”

“Paul is clear in 4 that the object of the Colossians' faith is Jesus. They have faith in Christ Jesus. Nothing else. No one else. They are saints and faithful brothers by faith alone in Christ alone. Salvation is not something you can earn. It’s a gift that comes by grace alone through faith in Christ alone. The Colossians' faith came as they heard and understood and TRUSTED in the gospel message from Epaphras.”

“The church in Colossae, and this church, are a group of people who trust Christ personally, exclusively, and continually. This is critical because we will see in Ch 2 that their faith in Christ alone was being challenged by certain people as insufficient. So Paul encourages them by celebrating their faith in Jesus Christ.”

“Their faith in Jesus has spilled over into their relationships with one another—namely, love for one another. At the heart of the Christian life is love. It begins with a divine love initiated by God, accomplished in the gospel work of Jesus, and applied to the hearts of unlovable sinners by the Holy Spirit through faith.”

“Paul has heard of the Colossians faith working through love for one another (Galatians 5:6). So he celebrates it, he encourages them in it, and he thanks God for it because it their love for one another is evidence that their faith in Jesus alone is real and sufficient because it reflects the love of the gospel that has come to them.”

“Paul refers to their hope, not as a subjective act of hoping isolated from their faith and love, but as the basis of their faith and love. It‘s not a verb, it’s a noun. Notice 5 again. Paul thanks God for their faith and love—because of the hope laid up in heaven for you. Of this (what’s this—it’s hope) you have heard before in the word of truth, the gospel. In other words, the object of hope is Christ himself.”

“Once the Colossians had been without hope in this world. But now, through the gospel, the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, in which they believe and stand in Christ, heaven, they have a heavenly hope. A sure future with the risen Christ in the glorious presence of God that will never end. In Christ, God no longer counts their sins against them. In Christ, Death has lost its sting because it . leads to an eternal life of immeasurable riches. As 1:27 says—Christ IS their sure and certain hope of glory because in him all God’s promises are Yes and Amen.”

“For so many people, hope is nothing more than a foundationless and blind optimism. But the gospel offers sure and lasting hope because it’s a  hope rooted in the living Christ, in whom God is faithful to all His promises.”

“…the Colossians faith in Jesus, the promised Messiah, was a fulfillment of the ancient and sacred promise of the OT that the gospel will go to the nations, that includes the Gentile Colossians.”

“The gospel is a real message with real power being used by a real God to save and sanctify real sinners. The bearing fruit is that people are being saved. The growing isn’t numbers, it’s sanctification—those who have been saved growing more and more in Christ as they go about the gospel mission.”

“This week I thought about how this applies to our desires to establish a CG on the Eastside this year with the hopes of planting a church in the future. It’s scary. How will we do it? What if we fail? Are we too small? When Paul tells the Colossians the gospel is bearing fruit and growing, he reminds us - As we go, we will grow.

For a church tempted to doubt the sufficiency and supremacy of Christ, this was just what they needed—to be spurred on in their gospel hope to reject error and persevere in the faith. Is it what you need today?”

Psalm 119:74
John 3:16-18
Acts 16:31
Romans 4:4-5, and ch. 10
1 John 4:9-10
Titus 2:11-13

Charles Bridges - “How cheering is the sight of a man of God!  How refreshing his converse! How satisfactory and enlivening is the exhibition of his faith! The goodness of God to one becomes thus the joy and comfort of all.”

B.B. Warfield - “It is not, strictly speaking, even faith in Christ that saves, but Christ that saves through faith. The saving power resides exclusively, not in the act of faith or the attitude of faith or the nature of faith, but in the object of faith.”

H.B. Charles - “Bearing fruit describes the power of the gospel among unbelievers; growing describes the power of the gospel among believers. As we share the gospel, we should be like roots, not pipes. Water passes through pipes without any positive effect on the pipes. But as water passes through the roots of a tree, the tree grows stronger. As the gospel is bearing fruit among the lost, it should be growing and deepening and increasing among the saints. This is the power of the gospel…it can bear fruit and grow at the same time.”

Q. How are you cultivating a thankful heart for your church? Starting Point: Focus on God’s grace evident in your church not your personal disappointments with your church.

Q. What is the object of your hope today?

  • As we step into the unknown, even in faith, it can be scary—grow in trusting God

  • As we leave our comfort zones—grow in contentment in Christ

  • As we stumble and make mistakes—grow in conviction that God builds His church, not us

  • As we make certain sacrifices for the sake of Christ—grow in seeing Christ as our only treasure

  • As we give ourselves to what seems impossible—grow in experiencing the enabling grace and power of the Spirit

As we Go not Knowing, proclaiming, and demonstrating the hope we have in Christ on the East Side, the gospel will bear fruit through us and in us. 

In Christ Alone
All I Have Is Christ
We Receive
Yet Not I But Through Christ In Me

Ephesians 5:15-21


Who am I? It’s one of the most pressing and profound questions anyone must answer. The question, of course, is about identity. In a day when identity is increasingly rooted in how one feels about self, what one experiences in life, or what one does in life, the question is critical. If you’re a Christian, there is only one way to answer the identity question. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

SERIES: Colossians: Alive In Christ
Colossians 1:1-2
TITLE: The Glory of A Greeting
PREACHER: Derek Overstreet

1. In Christ, We Identify with Christ Alone
2. In Christ, We View Life Through the Gospel Always

All quotes are taken from the pastor’s notes.
” The truth is we share a common struggle in our fallenness: We are prone to live life out of our stations and struggles in life instead of our identity in Jesus Christ. In doing so, we miss so much joy and wonder that is ours as the victorious children of God. That’s where Colossians comes in. Colossians is a celebration. It’s a celebration, first, of the preeminent and victorious Christ. Over the next few months, you will find that Colossians, as a whole, is the most Christ-centered book in the Bible.”

“Second, Colossians is a celebration of being Alive in Christ. Because our identity is found in the Victorious One, we can live as victors in this fallen and challenging world.”

“That is your pastor’s prayer for this series: That we would increasingly live every day not out of our suffering but out of our victory in Jesus, living close to the cross, believing the gospel speaks to every part of life, and experiencing the joy and wonder of belonging to God, no matter the season we find ourselves in.”

“The first verse in Colossians makes it clear that Paul wrote it. He wrote this letter probably while imprisoned in Rome around 62 AD, about the same time he wrote Ephesians and Philemon. Paul is writing to a primarily Gentile church started and pastored by a man named Epaphras in Colossae (Scholarly consensus around Acts 19:10). Epaphras brought the gospel back to his hometown, a small and sleepy town roughly 100 miles east of Ephesus in modern-day Turkey. He is writing to strengthen the church against certain ideas and philosophies (primarily Jewish) that deviated from the gospel. Paul’s strategy: show them the supremacy, sufficiency, and all-satisfying nature of Jesus (15-20) which now defines their lives.”

“There is plenty going on in Colossians, but the heart of its message is a call and privilege to identify with and stand in Christ.”

“Paul’s letters are never shaped by mere stylistic formulas. There is Glory in a Greeting for Paul. His letters, from the opening to the closing words, are expressions of his deep affection, appreciation, and divinely appointed care for the churches. The Theology, Christology, and the Ecclesiology Paul packs into his greeting will be unpacked in the rest of the letter.”

“Paul uses two different terms to describe the believers in Colossae: First, Paul refers to them as saints, or you could translate that as—holy ones. Not holy in the sense of purity, that’s one use of the word. There’s a second use of holy in Scripture—being set apart. Paul reminds them that just as He is an Apostle—by the will of God (1)—by the will of God, they have been set apart to be His people. They might not be apostles like Paul, but out of millions of lost, God chose them, setting them apart to be His. Second, Paul refers to them as faithful brothers. Like saints, faithful can be used in two ways—reliable and believing. Paul repeatedly exhorts the Colossians to be faithful to the gospel, particularly in the face of false teaching. But here, Paul uses the greeting to establish their new and true identity in the gospel.”  

“They are faithful brothers in that they have faith in Jesus. They have heard and believed in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ for their salvation.”

“These things are true about them for one reason: their union with Christ. This is the repeated refrain of Colossians—They are in Christ.”

To be in Christ means he encompasses your entire life. You may be a Tucsonan, a mother, a student, or a doctor, but the only identity that matters is your identity in Christ. In Ch. 2, Paul says—Christ’s death becomes our death, his burial our burial, his resurrection our resurrection, and ultimately Christ’s victory our victory.”

Jesus is not a condiment we add to who we are. He is our all in all—our complete identity.”

“If you’re a Christian, it doesn’t matter how accomplished, intelligent, or popular you are. The best thing about your life, the only thing that eternally matters about you, is you are in Christ, and he is your hope of glory in life and death!”

“A primary point Paul makes in Colossians is the various ways the believers in Colossae benefit from God’s grace. Of course, that begins with the unmerited favor of God (grace) to sinners through the forgiveness of the cross that removes God’s deserved wrath and justifies them before God (peace). But grace and peace are connected not only to future hope but also to their present lives.”

In Christ, not only have they received saving grace that brings eternal peace, but God provides ongoing grace and peace that surpasses all understanding in even the most challenging trial because, in Christ, they belong to him. They can live faithful lives before the Lord because they know God will provide grace for any season, and their greatest need has been dealt with—sins forgiven, righteousness imputed, justified before God, and therefore, at peace with God.”

“If we are in Christ, we know grace and live by grace so we can face life and live for the Lord with true peace in our hearts instead of anger and fear.”

“Colossians was written almost two millennia ago. But its message is as real as we are gathered and unpacking it. The Spirit intends that Colossians shapes our self-view as we live on gospel mission together in Tucson, AZ.”

“Colossians isn’t a Sunday snack. It’s a divine manifesto of the supremacy of Christ, who is the sure hope of glory for his people. As an Apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, Paul writes it with the authority of God Himself. The Lord desires that we understand, experience, and apply its transforming and unchanging truths to every aspect of life right here where God has us in Tucson.”

Acts 17:28

Jerry Bridges - “As Christians, our identity is to be found in our relationship with Jesus Christ, not in our subjective and often negative life experiences.”

David Garland - “The recipients may be Colossians, but the only identity that matters to God is that they are Christians.”

Kent Hughes - “Best of all, they were in Christ, which is one of the deepest and most joyous of mysteries. In barest terms, it means the Colossians, and indeed all authentic believers,  partook of all that Christ had done, all that he was (and is), and all that he would ever be.”

Bryan Chapell - “We should understand that, fundamentally, our faith is not about what we do (as important as that is), nor is it about what we think (as important as that is). Our faith is fundamentally strengthened by understanding who we are through the indwelling Christ. We are who we are because of our union with Him.”

G.K. Beale - “This grace and peace is to enable them to live set-apart lives and be faithful as they live in Colossae.”

John Woodhouse - “The wonderful theological assertions that have been made (holy, believing, brothers, in Christ) apply to a particular group of real people in a specific location in this world. They are not abstract ideas. They are as real as the people gathered in Philemon’s house in Colossae, listening to this letter being read.”

- Do you think about yourself and each other this way? To be in Christ means you are exclusively and inseparably joined to him (Ch 2). To be in Christ means you are part of a new family, a spiritual family, the ultimate family, serving and encouraging and fellowshipping with one another (Ch. 3-4). To be in Christ means HE shapes and determines your behavior. We can’t love the world or be into “spirituality” and be in Christ (Ch 2-3).

- What are these glasses for you? The Bible makes it abundantly clear the mark of true spiritual maturity isn’t how well you know the Bible. It’s not how doctrinally astute you are. True spiritual maturity is not about how well you can articulate complex doctrines. Spiritual maturity is revealed in a heart that views and interprets life through the lens of the gospel more and more. Because you are in Christ, your life and the world you live in are no longer about earthly matters; it’s about redemption and reconciliation and all things being made new in Jesus Christ. Do you increasingly see life through the lens of the gospel?

There is one goal: The glory of God revealed in His church as we increasingly live out of our identity in Christ because we have been made alive with Christ.

Your Name is Matchless
Glorious Christ
Beautiful Lord
Help Us See Christ

Colossians 1:3-8