The Christian life is about identifying with two glorious realities—We look back to the cross where the gospel made us new in Jesus and we look forward to seeing Jesus in heaven. Our life is lived between these two spiritual bookends. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

SERIES: Colossians: Alive in Christ
Colossians 3:1-4
TITLE:  The Glorious Bookends of Life
PREACHER: Derek Overstreet
BIG IDEA: Our past and future in Christ is meant to shape our present with Christ.

1. In Christ, we are not who we once were
2. In Christ, our focus is not where it once was

All quotes are taken from the pastor’s notes.
”The Bible repeatedly tells us the gospel gives us new life in Christ. We are still a work in progress, but our identity is securely bound up in Christ and one day we will be with him in heaven. This self-understanding is fundamental to the Christian life. At its heart is identity—Who am I? “

“Nothing in this life is more important than who we are in Christ. No matter your station in life, your identity is bound up in Christ. This is where all spiritual growth and joy begin.”

“Welcome to Colossians 3:1-4. We are halfway through Colossians. Today's text is a summary of the first two chapters and a launching pad for the final two.”

“The Christian life is about identifying with two glorious realities—We look back to the cross where the gospel made us new in Jesus and we look forward to seeing Jesus in heaven. Our life is lived between these two spiritual bookends.”

“Paul begins by drawing our attention to past events—(1) If then you have been raised with Christ. Again, in 3—For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. Paul refers to spiritual death and resurrection, which he explains in 2:11-12. That moment God acted on your hearts through regeneration, and you put your trust in Jesus. At that moment, your old man (flesh) was put to death, and you were raised to new life with Christ.”

This is an extraordinary event that changed everything. You are no longer who you once were. You are not the same person you were before you believed in Christ. Your name is the same.  Your looks are the same. But you are not the same. Your testimony of salvation describes the moment you died to the flesh, were raised with Jesus, and your life became hidden with Christ. More than that, 4 says—Christ IS your life.”

“When I googled finding your identity: '‘Finding your identity involves exploring your values, interests, and experiences, and understanding how you see yourself and how others see you.’ Sadly, too many Christians have a Google theology. If you agree with that statement, you are in trouble. That philosophy is empty, vain deceit. It centers the world on me instead of Christ. Listen, things happen to us in life that can have powerful effects. Some good, some bad. [But] nothing changes who we are and what we look forward to in Christ. People and events may be influential in our lives, but they are not determinative because they cannot change who we are in Christ.”

“As a Christian: 

  • You have been freely and fully forgiven of your sin

  • You are eternally loved and accepted by the heavenly Father.

  • You are indwelt by the Holy Spirit, who is always with you, exercising the power of God in your life. 

  • You’re a member of God’s ultimate family, the church, where you can grow, serve, and thrive in your faith. 

  • Though the fullness of your identity is hidden, that is, not yet fully revealed, heaven awaits you, where, according to Psalm 16:11—is a fullness of joy and pleasures forevermore. 

Nothing can erase these gospel blessings and realities. They are what now defines you. This is the glory of your conversion.”

“Having reminded us of our true identity, Paul draws attention to the future implication of our identity: One day, we will be with Christ in all his glory and majesty. Heaven is our home. We are citizens of heaven.”

“The fullness of our joy and glory with Christ is hidden today, but one day, it will be fully revealed and experienced when Christ returns. Then, there will be no more sin and suffering. No more sickness and death. No more conflict and confusion. All will be made right in the glorious presence of him that makes heaven, heaven—Jesus Christ! What a magnificent future that awaits us! Application: Study Heaven!

“How do we live out our identity in Christ? Paul tells us—read 1. Seek—Identifying with Jesus involves seeking the things above. What are the things above? Not heavenly geography but the person, presence, and sufficiency of Jesus, whose presence consumes the heavenly realm.” 

“He is seated at the right hand of God. In Scripture, the right hand of God is the position of ultimate power, honor, dignity, and glory (Psalm 110:1). It’s the place of sovereign rule over creation (1 Peter 3:22). Hebrews 1:3 says it’s the place of ultimate victory. The risen and exalted Jesus sat down, figuratively a way to say my work of salvation is finished and sufficient. So seeking is a call to identify with all our sovereign and victorious Savior has accomplished, all he has promised, and all that awaits us in heaven.”

“And the nature of our seeking is intense. The verb seek implies a persistent effort and continuous concentration. Earnestly seek Christ above and keep seeking him. Think about your persistence when you want or believe in something. The idea is a relentless pursuit of Christ and the heavenly blessings that are ours in him. We don’t take our eyes off heaven.”

“This can look a lot of ways. But Paul says it begins with the mind—(2) Set your mind on the things that are above. Look up! [As though we are ] afraid of heights—Don’t look down—when you look down, fear, anxiety, and panic set in.” 

“That’s what these verses are meant to do: grab us by the temples and say—Look up! In a world full of pain, frustration, and uncertainty, Look up to Christ.”

“Look up where you will find your forgiveness and righteousness. Look up where you will find your worth and purpose. Look up where you will find your hope and joy. Look up where you will find your strength and security.”

Take your eyes off the ideas, values, and circumstances of this world and LOOK UP to identify with Christ and all God’s promises that are Yes and Amen in him. Over and against the philosophies, wisdom, and hopes of this world, fix yourself on Christ.”

“Why? Point 1—You have died and risen with Christ, whom your life is now hidden in. Your life being hidden in Christ means you are eternally secure. It means the fullness of your life in him is yet to come when he appears (4). Most of all, it means all the realities and blessings above are yours here below.”

“We live in the now but not yet. Breaking news—we are not in heaven yet. But because by faith we identify with Christ now, we think and live as those who belong to the above because we do. Now, don’t take Paul to the absurd. His point is not to divorce yourself from this world as if we never think about things like education, politics, or finances. [Rather let] your perspectives, your attitudes, your emotional life, your responses, your preferences, your worldview, how you think about marriage, money, parenting, work, politics, tragedy, success, failure, singleness, education, leisure, retirement, health, sex, entertainment, and whatever else you think about—let it all be shaped, formed, and governed—not by this world, not by your life experiences or upbringing—but by your identity in Christ and the power and fullness of God in this life and eternity that is yours as a result.”

“This is not passive—It’s active. We must seek the things above and keep seeking them. Pursue them. Chase them. Hold onto them. Focus on them. Savor them. Treasure them. Never forget them. Never let them go. Seek them by setting your mind on Christ, in whom they are yours!”

“In my love for creative bookends, I know they need to be able to hold the books upright. The power of the cross and glory of heaven are sufficient to hold you upright in your walk with the Lord. Set your mind on them. Seek Christ. Believe and know you will never be disappointed in Him!”

G.K. Beale - “The “seeking” is a desire to have one’s thinking and lifestyle continually oriented around Christ’s kingship over all things.”

Kent Hughes - “We see in these verses the “Great Divide” in the Christian life. What we set our minds on determines our seeking and thus the direction of our Christian lives.”

Philippians 3:20
2 Corinthians 1:20
Ephesians 2:4-6
Philippians 4:8

Q. What characterizes your thought life?
Using common sense here, when you’re at work, your thoughts are on your work. I get it. But as you consider even your work, where does your mind go? When you set your mind on the things above you are more apt to seek the power of God for work through prayer. Is your thought life consumed with this world's responsibilities and material things, or do Christ and the things above characterize it?

Q. How do you respond when possessions, station in life, or a long-awaited opportunity is taken from you?
Do you lose your joy? Get angry? Blame God? Fall into self-pity?  Our responses in these moments reveal if our heart is fixed on this world or heaven above. As Jesus said—For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also—Matthew 6:21. When you set your mind on the things above, you are more apt to cherish your heavenly blessings more than your earthly treasures.

My Soul Will Wait (Psalm 62)
Yet Not I But Through Christ In Me
Cling to Christ
The Solid Rock

Colossians 3:5-11