Self-made religion, with its forced regulations and condemnation, is an enemy to the finished work of Christ. This concerns Paul for this congregation in Colossae and this should concern us. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.
SERIES: Colossians: Alive in Christ
TEXT: Colossians 2:16-23
TITLE: Hold Fast to Christ
PREACHER: Tom Wilkins
BIG IDEA: Hold fast to Christ, for our life and growth in Him depend on Him alone.
1. Warning: Let no one judge you (vs. 16-17)
2. Warning: Let no one disqualify (vs. 18-19)
All quotes are taken from the pastor’s notes.
”Before [Paul] gets to those implications (a life in Christ), he warns the saints in vs. 8 (last week’s sermon) concerning this self-made “philosophy” that is “according to the elemental spirits of the world and not according to Christ” is creeping into the church - “See to it that no takes you captive by philosophy…”. And today, Paul continues with two more warnings.”
“Until we step onto the golden shore of heaven, every generation of church will need to heed these warnings.”
“‘Let no one pass judgment on you…’ There were some who were ‘bringing them to task,’ challenging them in judgment, already condemning them… for their failure to follow certain Jewish dietary rules and celebration of certain sacred days. You should not be eating certain foods and drinks - the severe treatment of the body. You should be following the “festivals, new moon, and the Sabbath.” Originally, these things would have prepared the followers by making them clean and acceptable in tabernacle/temple/worship. They were passing judgment on the Christians based on their strict adherence to these regulations. Paul does not see each of these as THE threat but rather the requirement of these things.”
“Vs 17 ‘These are a shadow of the things to come, but the substance belongs to Christ.’ He uses the word “shadow” in vs 16 and contrasts it with “substance.” The not-real with the real. For these things foreshadowed the “substantive body” that cast the shadow.”
“These OT regulations were shadows that pointed to something, to someONE. These things pointed the REALITY… the “substance” …the reality… was always Christ!”
“This draws out the great truth in redemptive history: the rules and regulations, sacred days, and celebrations all pointed to Jesus. They had a temporary purpose that has now been fulfilled in Christ. They were never the point!”
“The real and true Son of God came in the flesh
The real Lamb of God born to die impaled on a real Roman cross by real nails as his body poured forth his real and precious blood… He bore the full weight of God’s righteous wrath upon his broken body for the final punishment of our real sins. He dies a real death as he gasps his last breath. His heart stopped. He was wrapped in real death clothes and placed in a real tomb. Three real days passed, and the real stone was rolled away and our true and now resurrected Lord stepped away from the death wrap and exited into the early morning sun that he had created, appearing the disciples and hundreds more before they stood and watched Him ascend to real heaven and reign forevermore on THE throne as THE REALITIES OF REALITIES - THE LORD OF HEAVEN AND EARTH HIMSELF IN MAJESTY head over all rule and authority!”
“Paul’s warning in verse 16 is related to the judgment of those who take us to task and condemn us. He now delivers his next warning in verse 18: disqualification - disqualifying us from the award by self-appointed arbitrators or umpires who rob us of our prize. ‘Let no one disqualify you!’”
“BUT It is clear: all of these things in Verse 16 and 19 belong to the ‘philosophies’ ‘according to the elemental spirits of the world’ in mentioned again in the coming verse 20. THE RESULT is of a carnal nature ‘puffing themselves up’ and all of this being all in their ‘unspiritual minds’ ‘without reason by reason of a sensuous mind.’”
“If we submit to these things of the sensuous mind… to the philosophy and elementary spirits of this world… We let go of Christ. We let go of the very life stream for growth in God. We turn and submit ourselves to the rule and governance of this world…THIS is our ROOT PROBLEM and it is exposed in the text, and the matter could not be more dangerous.”
“Our root issue and dilemma is our failure to hold onto Christ as our Head. Something will always vie for the centrality of Christ in our faith. Verse 19 declares that we have dropped the very thing that feeds/nourishes, and holds us together - our life that “grows with a growth that is from God.” God does not grow us with the things of the flesh, no matter how impressive and insightful the principles of the world may sound. In our efforts to somehow hold onto Jesus and also hold onto the principles of the spirits of this world we have NOT gained… we have not grown… have not increased our insight into the struggle of the soul. The kingdom of this world does not add anything to the kingdom of God! In fact, it is an enemy of God’s kingdom. If we try to syncretize the two kingdoms by attempting to hold onto Christ and embracing these elemental spirits. Verse 19 says we drop Jesus, and we starve our souls!”
“Thank God for Head - Jesus… the head of the church, where, together with the church, we are now His body, and we are nourished by him alone and not by these things. Our growth and change come from Him.”
“Paul now brings his opening theology in chapters 1 and 2 to fruition. Paul has built his Christological framework: Through the preaching of the supremacy of Christ, declaring that we are now alive in Christ, he unfolded the mystery of Christ. He has warned us again and again and again. NOW in verses 20-23 Paul rounds the corner with his coming exhortation in chapter 3. In the coming chapters Paul moves from preaching the Glorious gospel - and he continues to hold fast to Christ - as he moves to the application… the implications of the gospel in our actions.”
Peter O’Brien - “Christ has arrived.” “The substance has already come. The regulations belonged to a transitory order and have lost all binding force.”
David E. Garland - “Why play in the shadow world when you have experienced the real thing?”
Hebrews 10
Reformation Song
Death Arrested
Jesus Paid It All
My Life Is An Offering
Cling to Christ
Colossians 3:1-4