God faithfully accomplishes His redemptive purposes and wants to use you. Are you participating or content sitting in the dugout as a spectator? Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.
SERIES: Christ in the Chaos
TEXT: Judges 4:1-1-24
TITLE: Participating In God’s Purposes
PREACHER: Derek Overstreet
BIG IDEA: When we make ourselves available to God, He uses us.
1. A Familiar Pattern
2. A Crucial Message
All quotes are taken from the pastor’s notes.
”God’s repetition is our warning. Like Israel, we forget about God.”
“Israel forgot about the goodness, provision, and faithfulness of God. They forgot what God did through Abraham, Moses, and Joshua. They forgot that God led them into the Promised Land so they could be free to thrive and worship Him. Instead, they turned to the cultures around them and said—What you got? What brings you joy? What gives you purpose? We’ll join you. They forgot their purpose. They forgot their mission. They knew of God, but they forgot about God in their hearts.”
“Don’t we do the same thing? We forget what God has done for us in the gospel. We forget who we are in Christ. We forget the pleasures, satisfaction, and joy of living obediently for Jesus. We forget this world is not our home. The heavenly promised Land is our home.”
“Just as Israel fell into idolatry, we are allured by the idols of our age and culture that promise the world to us but, in the end, only oppress. We adopt the world’s values. We embrace the culture’s priorities. Life is about health and wealth. Success and pleasure. Self-indulgence and significance. That’s life in Canaan serving 21st-century baals. The repetition of Judges stops us in our tracks, leads us to repentance, and re-centers us on Christ.”
“Deborah brought the wisdom of God to people. Here, she mediates the Word of God to Barak, your typical judge, a deliverer through might and military activity. Deborah and Barak function as a team.”
“Barak is one of the judges praised for his faith in Hebrews 11. But like the others, his faith wasn’t perfect. He wanted human assurance. He put conditions on God’s command and promise—I will go if Deborah goes with me. Culturally speaking, women didn’t go to the battlefield. War was a man’s work. But Deborah obliged and went with Barak. More importantly, she followed the Lord. She made herself available to God’s purposes.”
“Our hermeneutics, how we interpret Scripture, matters. Just because something is in the Bible doesn’t mean it’s good. The Bible reports facts like David had multiple wives and Jacob deceived his father and stole his brother's birthright. God does not endorse polygamy and deception; they are forbidden in Scripture. Just because we read a report or an activity in the Bible does not mean God is pleased with it. Yet, in the case of Jael, God is pleased.”
“In this context, Jael has done what Israel has repeatedly failed to do: destroy the enemy of God’s people. In God’s eyes, Jael carried out His holy justice.”
“So, what is the crucial message? The message in Judges is always the faithfulness of God. He is the hero, and Christ is the point. We’ve been talking about that a lot, and we should. Learning to trust in the faithfulness of God is crucial to following Jesus. But trusting in the faithfulness of God isn’t a spectator sport. It’s active.”
“[God] doesn’t need us. He is sufficient in Himself. But He is pleased to use us. And even in our weakness and reluctance, God is mighty enough to accomplish His purposes through us. In this story, God used three people who trusted in His faithfulness by availing themselves to His purposes.”
“God doesn’t raise up a new judge for us—He sent His own Son Jesus, to live and die for our forgiveness and righteousness so that we could live in and for him. In the kingdom of God, the sword has been exchanged for a cross, where the battle was decisively won.”
1 Corinthians 15:54-58
Are you available to God?
Are you available to God when someone sits beside you at the coffee house or airport?
Are you available to God when your unbelieving co-worker or neighbor is experiencing tragedy in their life?
When a brother or sister is caught in sin or they need Christ-centered encouragement, are you available to God?
Are you available to God when a friend distorts the gospel or twists sound doctrine in a conversation?
If not, what hinders you? What holds you back? Fear of the unknown? Too busy with your purposes? Too concerned with your reputation? All the above for me. What hinders you?