The kingdoms of this world will not be able to rage on and on no matter how desperate things may be! Their wickedness has its end! Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.
SERIES: Sermons in the Psalms
TEXT: Psalm 2
TITLE: Two Kinds of Kingdoms
PREACHER: Tom Wilkins
BIG IDEA: Happy is the man that takes refuge in no other king but King Jesus!
1. The kingdoms of this world rage
2. The Sovereign King responds
”Found in this Royal-Psalm is the prophetic proclamation of a coming King that will rule God’s people on the throne of David - the PROMISED Messiah-King…this King is THE heavenly King.”
“Verses 1-3 describe the people and in particular the ‘kings’ of this world and the nature of their opposition to the Sovereign LORD. They are not passive in their disregard of God and His King. They are on the move against Him. They seek to advance against Him.”
“‘Let us burst their bonds apart and cast away their cords from us.’ THIS underlies all of their motives, intentions, and scheming. This is the age-old problem seated in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve took counsel together and set themselves against their Creator King – desiring to be Gods themselves - they become the first king and queen of the kingdoms of this world. The raging began there. The kings of this world desire to be set free from God’s rule, rebelling against any submission to His Sovereign kingdom!”
“The kings of this world rage! BUT, we may have forgotten what Verse 1 said: They rage, they plot BUT they do so ‘in vain!’ No matter how powerful they are humanly speaking… ALL of THEIR EFFORTS ARE IN VAIN!”
“How can it be that this is in vain? It seems like the people and nations can do whatever they want. The nations are raging and plotting against God constantly. The people are shaking off any kind of self-control and again only doing what seems right in their eyes. Wickedness and depravity all too often SEEM to be the rule and SEEM to go unanswered. This all looks like it’s winning the day.”
“Our sin dilemma:
- He defines our sexuality - We want something different
- He defines our relationships - We say no and go after what we want
- He says love - We hate
- He commands purity and holiness - We run as fast as we can into depravity
- He rules us in grace - We become tyrants”
“The Sovereign King of Heaven SITS on this throne and no earthly king, and no worldly kingdom has the power to even concern Him enough to get him to stand!”
“This King Jesus has come first save the very ones who rage against Him. This King has shed His royal blood on a cursed man’s cross. God’s King, His only begotten Son, has given His body to be broken for this world.”
“Instead of God standing in fury and defending His beloved Son, His Holy and perfectly righteous Son bears the sins of sinners and receives upon Himself the full force of God’s wrath and fury. Jesus gets the full derision of God – the contemptuous scorn of His Father. Jesus, God’s King is God’s Son, but before He will rule as God’s righteous King, King Jesus becomes the Lamb of God who “will take away the sins of this world”... the sins of the people who once raged and plotted against Him!”
Philippians 2:8-9
C. H. Spurgeon - “They [Psalm 1 and 2] are, in fact, the preface to the whole Book of Psalms.”
C.H. Spurgeon - “He has already done that which the enemy seeks to prevent. While they are proposing, he has disposed the matter. Jehovah's will is done, and man's will frets and raves in vain. God's Anointed is appointed, and shall not be disappointed.”
Be warned
Be wise
Serve the LORD with fear
Rejoice with trembling
Judgment and Wrath are coming! BUT NOW is the time of repentance to turn to the Lord, oh kingdoms of this world, turn and “Kiss the Son” – bow and pay homage to the King of kings and Lord of lords, King Jesus… the Lamb of God! NOW is the time of Salvation.