Paul was no super Christian. In fact, our text reveals just how despondent he was when he went to Corinth. The Lord had to personally minister to Paul with a vision from heaven. Through this vision the Lord ministers to us about one of the greatest hindrances to our walk with the Lord—FEAR. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.
SERIES: Hopeful: The Book of Acts
TEXT: Acts 18:1-17
TITLE: What Are You Afraid Of?
PREACHER: Derek Overstreet
BIG IDEA: God is able and faithful. So we can be Hopeful and keep going. Keep sharing. Keep caring. Keep serving.
I. God’s Word For Us
II. God’s Promises To Us
A. His Presence
B. His Protection
C. His Power
”If you are thinking to yourself right now—Good for Paul pastor, but I’m, no super Christian—reject the condemnation and take heart—there is no such thing. Even Paul, who had so many reasons to be encouraged in ministry, found himself gripped by fear and discouragement. And his despondency was acute when he went to Corinth.”
“Fear Not. That was the Lord’s word to Paul. It’s hard to believe, but Paul was afraid. The man who stared down a stoning, bared through a beating, and sang God’s praises in prison was paralyzed by fear in Corinth.”
“We are pros at crossing the river before we reach it, aren’t we? And the tragedy is that too often the result is fear that paralyzes us from following God. And to not follow God is to deny His glory.”
“Here’s the thing about fear—its natural. Its natural because in our flesh we are weak. The world frowns on weakness. But in God’s economy, weakness is the strength of His people.”
“To be tempted to fear is not the problem. Being ruled by fear is the problem. But the gospel speaks to this in two ways:
1. Salvation: Jesus removed the only thing we truly have to fear—God’s wrath
2. Sanctification: Fear can actually be our friend if we allow it to drive us to Jesus who is our strength, sufficiency, and faithfulness.”
“So if you are feeling scared about proclaiming Christ to a neighbor or talking truth to a co-worker because of the potential trouble it could cause you, praise God, take heart in the one whose perfect love in and for you casts out your fear, cast your fears on Jesus, and boldly do what God is calling you to, for, and because of His glory!”
“In his time of fear and discouragement, this is what God reminds Paul of—Do not be afraid. WHY? I am with you! Not, you got this or You were born for this. The promise is not proper equipping or sound discernment in the moment. It is the presence of God—I am with you.”
“This is where studying God’s attributes is important. THAT God I goes before and behind you. He is under and over you. He is in you. Do not be afraid—Keep going—I am with you.”
“…how comforting was this to Paul? Paul doesn’t know who or when. He just knows God will build His church in Corinth through gospel preaching. And this is not because Paul is such a great evangelist. But because there are people in Corinth that God set His redeeming love on before the foundations of the world. People He has chosen to hear the gospel with their hearts supernaturally opened so they willingly and irresistibly run to Jesus in repentance and faith.”
“There is never a moment where God is not with you. God’s presence and protection never means we are free from all difficulties. Jesus promised we would face difficulties. But it does mean whatever God allows us to face, we will not face it alone and it will not overcome us. It will not separate us from the love of God. God will keep us for Himself because greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world.“
James Montgomery Boice - “However, I cannot help but think that if God has placed us in a particular place, it is because he has a work for us to do there, and for that very reason we should be encouraged and stay on and do it to the best of our ability. It is not because he does not have many people in our neighborhoods or cities but because he does. Our job is to keep on keeping on, knowing that God is with us”
1 Corinthians 2:1-3
2 Corinthians 12:9
1 John 4:18
Hebrews 13:5
We don’t need to be afraid. Not because we are super-Christians, but because we belong to the supreme God.
This week, as you are out there in your city, whether it is:
1. Telling others about Jesus
2. Persevering through a personal trial
3. Trying to live righteously in the face of opposition
Do not be afraid. Keep demonstrating and proclaiming the gospel. God is with you. H will keep you. And no matter what, your gospel efforts will not be in vain.