Posts tagged Jonah

Jonah was the odd prophet who got published for his disobedience. But through the lens of the Gospel, we see that the Lord uses his life to teach us something very important! Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

TEXT: Jonah 2
TITLE: Deep Work
PREACHER: Guest Pastor Ron Boomsma
BIG IDEA: God is doing a deeper work helping us understand who we are in Christ and who we are as a church. He is giving us a deeper understanding of our mission - the real purpose that God has for us on this earth for these few short years. 

1. Jonah 2 - Deep Work
2. Four Ingredients of A Deep Work
A. Jonah’s Unique and Deep Gratefulness
B. Jonah Could Recognize God at Work
C. Jonah Returned to God’s Word
D. Jonah Looked to the Temple
3. You Know God has Done a Deep Work in You When…
A. You can look in the mirror and say, “salvation belongs to the Lord”
B. You can look at your life and see God at work
C. Your Bible is a living book
D. When you look to the Cross as your greatest hope and security

Psalm 18:4-5 -
The cords of death encompassed me; the torrents of destruction assailed me; the cords of Sheol entangled me; the snares of death confronted me.
Psalm 42:7 -
Deep calls to deep at the roar of your waterfalls; all your breakers and your waves have gone over me.

We have a man who rejected his calling, his purpose in life; a man who thought God’s plan wasn’t a good plan; a man who thought that his plan for this life was the better plan. He was going to decide where he was going to live and work, who he was going to speak and interact with, not God. But as the book unfolds, we realize that his disobedience came from somewhere. Yes, his disobedience was a problem, but it turns out it was the problem beneath the problem. The problem beneath the problem was that he did not truly grasp the grace of God.” 

”The genuine realization that our sins call for our death but that we did not die but instead have been saved, this is the beginning of a deep work. You know God is doing a deep work when you are truly grateful to be saved. And you know you are in need of a deep work when you aren’t.”

”When the divine perspective influences you more than the human perspective, you know God is doing a deep work in your soul.”

”You know you need a deep work of God in your life when his words carry less and less weight in your life; when other voices, other narratives, become the predominant influences in your life. Our mission in our generation will stand or fall depending upon how much of God’s word controls the narrative of our lives.”