This city firmly in the clutches of the demonic will now hear the Good News of Jesus Christ the risen Lord through the heavenly power of the Holy Spirit and will begin to be set free from its bondage to evil. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.
SERIES: Hopeful: The Book of Acts
TEXT: Acts 19:8-41
TITLE: Jesus Exalted In Ephesus
PREACHER: Tom Wilkins
BIG IDEA: Where the Kingdom of God is preached, Jesus is exalted, and evil will NOT prevail.
I. The Kingdom of God is preached in Ephesus
A. The Kingdom of God is preached boldly
B. The Kingdom of God is preached in time and space
C. The Kingdom of God is preached through rigorous effort
II. Jesus is Exalted
A. Jesus is Exalted in “extraordinary miracles”
B. Jesus is Exalted through the Fear of God
C. Jesus is Exalted through remarkable repentance
III. Evil will rise but it will not finally prevail
”He [Paul] refused to give up even when he was refused. He just kept going, looking for every opportunity, looking for every way to get back to that which he was called - to get back to THAT PLACE and to THOSE PEOPLE making disciples and baptizing them in Jesus!”
“The ‘real-time and real place’ nature of the text clearly helps us see that it is right where we are, and it is right now that we call are called to speak and teach of Jesus.”
“He humbly but clearly acknowledges that he poured himself rigorously into the labor of the Gospel - AND HE CREDITS IT ALL TO THE GRACE OF GOD ALONE and for the purpose of preaching Jesus!”
“…remember WHO is actually doing the miracles (Vs 11) - GOD is doing the miracles “by the hands of Paul.” - God is the Miracle Worker, Paul is the mediator of God's extraordinary work, and Paul’s handkerchiefs and aprons functioned as “symbols” of the man… symbols that pointed to and validated Paul much like the rod of Moses.”
“These extraordinary miracles juxtaposed with the following hair-raising failed exorcism reveals that the REAL power… the TRUE power belongs to God and His Son Jesus and not to foolish worldly Exorcists!”
“There was a real and evil power that they had no control of and in God’s providence, they witness the demonic manifestation that had a rippling effect seemingly making it everyone in Ephesus! Jesus is exalted in such a way that it is clear that only he has the power and authority over the Darkness… over every demon… over Satan. THE FEAR OF GOD MOVED THEM TO EXTOL/EXALT JESUS!!! And this leads many to a remarkable repentance.”
“…this “Dark Castle” will begin to crumble as person after person is rescued from this darkness and brought into the marvelous Light of Heaven - King Jesus the Lamp of God - King Jesus the LAMB of God who takes away our sins… even these sins!”
“The scriptures reveal that at key moments in the proclamation and advancement of the Gospel, of the Kingdom of God, evil rises up against it.”
1 Corinthians 15:9-11
Ephesians 1:3-23
Matthew 10:28
- What do we need to bring to the “burn pile”?