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This city firmly in the clutches of the demonic will now hear the Good News of Jesus Christ the risen Lord through the heavenly power of the Holy Spirit and will begin to be set free from its bondage to evil. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

SERIES: Hopeful: The Book of Acts
TEXT: Acts 19:8-41
TITLE: Jesus Exalted In Ephesus
PREACHER: Tom Wilkins
BIG IDEA: Where the Kingdom of God is preached, Jesus is exalted, and evil will NOT prevail.

I. The Kingdom of God is preached in Ephesus
A. The Kingdom of God is preached boldly
B. The Kingdom of God is preached in time and space
C. The Kingdom of God is preached through rigorous effort
II. Jesus is Exalted
A. Jesus is Exalted in “extraordinary miracles”
B. Jesus is Exalted through the Fear of God
C. Jesus is Exalted through remarkable repentance
III. Evil will rise but it will not finally prevail

”He [Paul] refused to give up even when he was refused. He just kept going, looking for every opportunity, looking for every way to get back to that which he was called - to get back to THAT PLACE and to THOSE PEOPLE making disciples and baptizing them in Jesus!”

“The ‘real-time and real place’ nature of the text clearly helps us see that it is right where we are, and it is right now that we call are called to speak and teach of Jesus.” 

“He humbly but clearly acknowledges that he poured himself rigorously into the labor of the Gospel - AND HE CREDITS IT ALL TO THE GRACE OF GOD ALONE and for the purpose of preaching Jesus!”

“…remember WHO is actually doing the miracles (Vs 11) - GOD is doing the miracles “by the hands of Paul.” - God is the Miracle Worker, Paul is the mediator of God's extraordinary work, and Paul’s handkerchiefs and aprons functioned as “symbols” of the man… symbols that pointed to and validated Paul much like the rod of Moses.”

“These extraordinary miracles juxtaposed with the following hair-raising failed exorcism reveals that the REAL power… the TRUE power belongs to God and His Son Jesus and not to foolish worldly Exorcists!”

“There was a real and evil power that they had no control of and in God’s providence, they witness the demonic manifestation that had a rippling effect seemingly making it everyone in Ephesus! Jesus is exalted in such a way that it is clear that only he has the power and authority over the Darkness… over every demon… over Satan. THE FEAR OF GOD MOVED THEM TO EXTOL/EXALT JESUS!!! And this leads many to a remarkable repentance.”

“…this “Dark Castle” will begin to crumble as person after person is rescued from this darkness and brought into the marvelous Light of Heaven - King Jesus the Lamp of God - King Jesus the LAMB of God who takes away our sins… even these sins!”

“The scriptures reveal that at key moments in the proclamation and advancement of the Gospel, of the Kingdom of God, evil rises up against it.”

1 Corinthians 15:9-11
Ephesians 1:3-23
Matthew 10:28

- What do we need to bring to the “burn pile”?


Jonah is a book about a man with bad theology. His theology can be summed up as: “You get what you deserve”. But there’s good news here in Jonah 3. More than anything else, it teaches us about a God whose mercy exceeds your wildest imaginations. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

TEXT: Jonah 3:1-10
PREACHER: Guest Pastor Kyle Houlton
BIG IDEA: Your church exists for more than your Sunday gathering.

I. Go Into Your City
II. Speak To Your City
III. Behold God’s Mercy To Your City

”In chapter 3, Jonah has confrontations with pagans, just like he did on the ship to Tarshish. And in both instances … he looks worse than the pagans. Both instances show that he doesn't know how to talk to/relate to the unbelievers God’s put into his path.”

“You have to understand. Jonah was a devout Jew. He was a commissioned prophet of God. When he was around his people, he probably lit up. If he lived in modern times, he would be the Sunday preacher, blog for the Gospel Coalition, and had been an even better small group leader than Scott Mcleod. But put him into a context with a bunch of wicked pagans, a bunch of unbelievers, and he was worse than me at a networking event.”

“Friends. If you live in Tucson, you’re here because God has you here. In the city of Tucson. God has purposefully put you in your city. And you might love your church. You’re fine being called to your city because you love your church. But if Jonah is symbolic of us, the local church, then Jonah 3 tells us that your church exists for more than your Sunday gathering.” 

“The rhythms of church life are a tremendous means of grace. Small groups. Fellowship with believing friends. Sunday gatherings. All GOOD things. But sinners have the remarkable ability to twist good things. In other words, we can use fellowship with believers like it’s a ship to Tarshish. As a way to hide from God’s call to the city He’s called us to.”

“But there’s good news here in Jonah 3. More than anything else, it teaches us about a God whose mercy exceeds your wildest imaginations. A God merciful enough to save your neighbors despite your leanings toward Tarshish. And a God merciful enough to use you even if you’ve begun to exist for Sunday mornings alone.” 

“…know what’s happening in the city, attend community events. Volunteer at local nonprofits. Know the needs and meet the needs. Don’t stand on the border. Consider this question: are you standing on the border in Tucson?”

“…when we are actually pouring ourselves out - our time, our money our love, into the lives of the suffering and the poor - oddly enough, that's when they SEE the Gospel embodied. You don't believe like they do, yet they see you pouring yourself for them, using the resources of your faith to help their estate; You're impoverishing yourself in order that they be brought up ... that's when they see the love of Christ!” 

“The sermon he preaches in 3:4 is this, “Yet forty days, and Nineveh will be overthrown!” That’s it. A sermon which in the original Hebrew, is only 5 words. Jonah preached short and Jonah preached judgment. Why Jonah said so few words – it’s not explained. All we know is that Jonah didn’t say much … BUT he spoke. That’s the point. In our cities, God has called us to proclaim His message. The Gospel of Jesus Christ. The point isn’t how good you are at speaking it. The point is that you speak.”

“Now, nothing wrong, as we’ve established, with getting out into our cities and getting our hands dirty. But there is everything wrong with the suggestion that we’ve filled the tank of Gospel proclamation to capacity. If we cease to proclaim the Gospel within and outside of our church, we cease to be the church at all.”

“He was a prophet. He should have known that when God’s judgment is proclaimed, it is invariably followed by His mercy. In fact, in the book of Hosea, God names the daughter of Hosea’s unfaithful wife “No Mercy”, symbolically warning Israel, God’s unfaithful bride, that if they continue in their unfaithfulness, the result will be no mercy … judgment. But that warning is not an announcement of a foregone conclusion. But in itself a stroke of mercy. A severe mercy if you will. Intended to prick their conscience and lead them to repentance.”

“let’s be entirely honest with ourselves. How much do we expect that God will show our neighbors mercy? That’s one of the primary questions the Holy Spirit is asking of us through the book of Jonah. But you say, “yea, but I’ve never seen God move a whole city to repentance. How do I know that this wasn’t just one instance where God just decided to be merciful?” The cross of Christ assures us that being merciful is not just what God does, it’s who He is.” 

Tim Keller - “When the world only sees us evangelizing those outside the church, they don't see it as the greatest act of love we could possibly do. They just see us being selfish, trying to increase the size of our congregations, and budgets and influence.”

Tim Keller - “Am I saying that loving your neighbor in other ways than evangelism is more important than evangelism? No. But it is an inseparable, though lesser responsibility of the church.”

Colin Smith - “Don’t confuse providence with permission.”

2 Corinthians 8:9
Hosea 2:23
2 Peter 3:9
Romans 9:15
Ephesians 2:4


  • If your calendar is full of the church calendar, don’t confuse that with permission to retreat from your city; from the messiness of your neighbors

  • If you don’t have any unbelieving friends, don’t confuse that with God giving you permission not to move toward the lost with mercy and compassion in your city

  • If you live outside far from the neighborhood of the church, don’t confuse that with God giving you permission not to go into your city and extend the love of Christ to those neighbors!

Not calling you to relieve all the suffering in your city. To befriend all your unbelievers. Just go. Just start. When you leave this service today. Determine what it would look like to GO into your city. 

What I am asking you to do is to cast yourself on God’s mercy. Jonah only went into the city to speak to the city once he had experienced God’s unexpected, undeserved mercy. … and then be compelled by that mercy to have a courageous conversation with that unbelieving neighbor. If you don’t know how to interact with your unbelieving neighbors, your merciful God is with you. 


We believe God wants to raise the temperature of evangelism in our Church. How does God to this? Individually in our lives and corporately as a Church community. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

TEXT: Acts 18:9-11
TITLE: Raising the Evangelism Temperature
PREACHER: Tim Lambros
BIG IDEA: We exist to glorify God through the proclamation and demonstration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I. Don’t Fear But Go
A. Defining Evangelism
B. Evangelism as a Discipline
C. Evangelistic Motivation
II. Don’t Fear But Be Comforted
III. Don’t Fear But Be A Means

”Today we are going to re-visit that scene from Acts 18 where God visited Paul in his moment of weakness. We learned a few weeks ago in that text how fear had gripped Paul. The question was asked, “what are you afraid of?” The main truth from that section of Scripture is that God is able and faithful! Therefore, we can be hopeful in our evangelism and not give in to fear or believe evangelism is just for the super Christians.”

“So how did God “raise the evangelism temperature in Paul’s life?” The same way God works in our lives, in the life of this Church to raise the evangelism temperature.”

“God uses Paul’s life as an example because Paul’s life is every Christian’s life. Whether you’re Paul or Jim Donohue or the most extraverted or the most “people person” you know – Paul’s example speaks loud and boldly that all of us can and will face fear when it comes to our call to speak the truth about God and the gospel. Paul’s experience now becomes every believer’s experience.”

“Every believer is called to go. There are no super Christians in this plan – the call to go is God’s plan for every one of us. The reality of fear will be part of us going. You may never get a personal visit and word from God, but you will always have Paul’s example to know what to do.”

“Evangelism is proclaiming the truth about Jesus, so people repent and put their faith in Jesus. Relationship building, loving on people, and inviting people to a Bridge Course or over for hospitality are all important but evangelism involves proclaiming the truth about the gospel. That’s the content of evangelism.”

“We believe it’s best to approach evangelism as a spiritual discipline. It’s not a separate ministry just for those who have evangelistic gifts. It’s like Bible reading, prayer, worship, etc. We are all called to grow in these areas and so too we are called to grow in our evangelism.”

“Scripture gives us many ways to be motivated at the heart level. Simple obedience to the call positions us for grace. The reality of hell for family and friends we love should motivate us. The future eternity with Christ is helpful to motivate. But at the deepest level, I think we must meditate on the glory of Christ.”

“Church, I submit to you that the way we overcome our fears is that we so meditate on the glory of Christ that it becomes personal to us. WE FEEL IT WHEN GOD DOESN’T GET THE GLORY HE DESERVES.”

”Doctrine helps in evangelism! Doctrine, what the Bible teaches about any given topic, is meant to function in our ways. In evangelism, it’s meant to comfort us. …Knowing God is at the center of His plan to seek and save the lost helps us overcome our fears. Doctrinal knowledge is meant to FUNCTION in our life - bringing comfort, overcoming fear, and inspiring us to action”

“God uses means. Could God save people in Corinth using another means? Maybe have the gospel message miraculously appear in the sky? Sure, God is capable of doing anything. Part of our Biblical understanding is that God uses normal people like you and me to proclaim the message that Jesus came and died on the Cross so we could be reconciled back to Him.” 

Tico Rice - “The closer you get to Jesus – the more you read of Him in the Bible and see Him at work in your life – the more glory you will see, and the more you will long for Him to be treated as He deserves.”

Matthew 28
Acts 1:8
Romans 1:5–6
3 John 7
Isaiah 53
1 Peter  2:24
Acts 17:16
John 15:18–20

Here’s your practical application DON’T FEAR BUT BE COMFORTED. Where is your pain line with this particular person God has put in your life? Get to know when you are tip-toeing up to the pain line. Be honest and confess that I don’t like the idea that this friend or family member or coworker might think I’m a fool if I invite them to a Bridge Course. Let’s honestly begin to evaluate our fear, get familiar with the pain line and allow God’s Word, God’s plan, and God’s character to move us past the pain line. Why? Because we will never find out those who are HUNGRY if we back down the moment we experience the pain line (a little mocking, someone views you as “one of those,” etc.).  

First, embrace your role as a means of grace to those God has brought into your life.
Second, begin to pray that God fills you with the Spirit to push through your pain line.
Third, take small moments of boldness.


How can we worship with joy on Sundays, but keep good news to ourselves the rest of the week? How can we love the gospel as much as we do, but not share it with others? Why is evangelism so difficult for us, but so easy for Jesus? Why is it such a struggle for us, but so natural for Christ? Why is reaching the lost at the center of Savior’s life but so often on the side for us? Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

TEXT: Luke 15:1-7
TITLE: What The Savior Sees
PREACHER: Guest Pastor Jim Donohue

1. The Savior Sees the Danger
2. The Savior Sees the Value
3. The Savior Sees the Joy

”[Saving Baby Jessica] was one of the greatest rescues of all time. It’s a great example perseverance, sacrifice and compassion. And that is what this parable is about.  We see the extraordinary heart of God to rescue lost men and women, who weren’t like Baby Jessica who was innocent and helpless, but sinners rebelling against God. And yet God came after us and rescued us.”

“Sinners were those who didn’t even try to follow the law. The tax collectors were possibly the most despised and rejected in Israel. These people were the farthest from God and yet they are being drawn to the One who is closest to God.”

“Aren’t you glad that sinners can draw near to the Savior? Sinners drew near to Him as love poured out of Him. But something very different was pouring out of the Scribes and Pharisees. They were grumbling and judging, despised and rejected these sinners. This was preposterous to them. Jesus was not only showing compassion to these outcasts, He was receiving them, befriending them and welcoming them. As if they could be part of God’s family! As if they could be included in God’s kingdom. This was not the God that [the pharasies] served. So Jesus tells them this parable to show them that this indeed was the heart of God.”

“The shepherd (who represents Christ) clearly sees the danger. Which is why (in vs. 4) he goes after the lost sheep without a second thought. A lost sheep was a dead sheep.”

“Apart from Christ men and women are pitifully helpless and utterly lost. But we often don’t see the danger when it comes to the lost. With someone like baby Jessica the danger is crystal clear. It’s real and it’s right in front of us.  We can see it, hear it and touch it. But the danger that awaits the lost is far worse than what Jessica faced or anything that we can imagine.”

“This is not easy to talk about. It’s uncomfortable. I wish we didn’t have to talk about people going to hell. But if we love Jesus and we love lost people the way He did. We won’t be afraid to look Hell in the eyes.”

“We wave to our neighbors, interact politely to the waitress, chat kindly with unsaved relatives, and rarely think about the eternal danger that awaits them. They don’t seem like lost sheep or a helpless child stuck in a pipe. But they are. They’re actually far worse.”

“This is the heart of God - to go. To rescue men and women. The Father saw the danger. He saw that we were lost and He took action. He willingly crushed His only Son on our behalf. He exhausted His full wrath on the Savior in our place. This is the heart of God and the heart that He calls us to have.”

“God is going to help us. He loves to help us and to make us more like Christ. God is helping us to see what he sees. All for our good and for His glory.”

“A shepherd would give his entire life to care for the sheep. People, even unbelieving people, have great value to Jesus. That’s why He saved us! The Savior has immense compassion and love for the lost in their desperate plight…. We were enemies of God. Rebellious, defiant, disobedient, ungrateful, insubordinate and arrogant. And despite these things God chose to value us (make us own children). This says much more about God than about us. He doesn’t value us because we deserve it. He values us because of who He is.”

“I can see unbelievers as interruptions, messy, uncomfortable and inconvenient. I can, at times, be self righteous and self focused. When I do this, I fail to value and love people the way Christ does. When we see value in something it moves us to sacrifice and to persevere.”

“Do you realize that God has dropped us right where He wants us? Like Mark and Amy God has put us into the exact homes we are in so that can reach our neighbors. God wants to connect us with people who need the gospel and He wants to reward even small steps with great fruit. We simply need to value the people around us enough to reach out and share the hope of Christ.”

“There is nothing in this world that will bring you more joy than seeing someone rescued from the wrath of God. Yes it can be hard work. Yes it can be scary. Yes it takes time. Yes it takes sacrifice. But there is a joy that awaits. An inexpressible joy.”  

“[Jesus] did what no one has ever done and what no one could ever do. He endured the beating and mocking. Drank every drop of the cup. He was willingly forsaken by the Father. He paid the greatest price imaginable to rescue us. And it was all for joy set before him that He endured the cross, scorning its shame. He sacrificed for joy and He is calling us to do the same. He wants us (you) to share in the joy of proclaiming. The greatest news that has ever been told: the gospel of Jesus Christ.”

Charles Spurgeon - “We often say of the angels that they rejoice over one sinner that repents. I doubt not that they do, but the Bible does not say so. The Bible says, ‘There is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.’ What means the presence of the angels? Why, that the angels see the joy of Christ when sinners repent. Hear them say to one another, ‘Behold, the Father’s face! How he rejoices! Gaze on the countenance of the Son! What a heaven of delight shines in those eyes of his! Jesus wept for these sinners, but now he rejoices over them’”

Charles Spurgeon - “If you are eager for real joy, such as you may think over and sleep upon, I am persuaded that no joy of growing wealthy, no joy of increasing knowledge, no joy of influence over your fellow-creatures, no joy of any other sort, can ever be compared with the rapture of saving a soul from death, and helping to restore our lost brethren to our great Father’s house.”

Luke 16:22-24
Revelation 20:15


As significant as this story in Acts 19 is in redemptive history, its significance reaches into our lives today with two questions for our application. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

SERIES: Hopeful: The Book of Acts
TEXT: Acts 19:1-7
TITLE: Almost
PREACHER: Derek Overstreet

”The visible church is filled with people who look and sound like Christians, but they aren’t. They know some about the Bible. They’ve been baptized. They call themselves disciples. But they are missing the key ingredient to Christianity—Christ and His Spirit.”

“…it’s really difficult to question the genuineness of someone’s faith. But, if someone’s faith needs to be questioned, we need to humbly and graciously question it—because eternity is at stake.”

“Here are three reasons why I don’t believe these men were believers and therefore this event does not teach a second theological experience: the men told Paul what kind of disciples they were, these men didn’t know the Holy Spirit, and what happens next in the text.”

“These men knew stuff—but they didn’t know Jesus. They didn’t know the true meaning of the gospel. …Jesus was the missing ingredient. To borrow a phrase, they were ALMOST Christians.”

“…here’s the good news in our text: These ALMOST Christians became bona fide believers. Paul told these men Jesus had come and all he had already done—they got saved. The gospel was powerful enough to overcome their confusion and ignorance. They believed. And they were baptized.”

“If you didn’t speak in tongues and prophecy when you first believed in Jesus, don’t panic. That’s not the norm. Acts 19 is not formulaic.”

Derek Thomas - “Ephesus marks the transition from the world of the old covenant and John’s baptism, to the world of the new covenant and the Spirit’s baptism that comes from Christ.”

Burk Parsons - “Our Father is the source of our assurance, Christ is the ground of our assurance, and the Spirit is the sustainer of our assurance. And our assurance is not established on the strength of our faith but on the object of our faith, Jesus Christ.”

Matthew 3:11
Romans 8:9
Matthew 7:21
Revelation 2:4

1. Are you an Almost Christian? Or we could ask it this way: What is the object of your faith?
Do you always feel like you are trying to be a good Christian? But no matter how hard you try, you always feel like an outsider? It’s because you are. You don’t know Jesus and possess his Spirit on the inside. Here’s the good news—You can know Jesus today!

Eager to learn more about a personal relationship with Christ? SIGN UP FOR OUR BRIDGE COURSE! Contact Tim Lambros for more information and how to sign up - 520.403.3984

IMPORTANT: That’s not to say a True Christian will never feel like an Almost Christian. In the words of John Piper—Sanctification is not a straight line. Christians can struggle with desiring the Lord at times! Anchored in the preserving power of the gospel, talk to your pastor, CGL, or friend so the church can help you!

RECOMMENDED READING: “When I Don’t Desire God” by John Piper

2. Are you an Almost Witness? What is the subject of your witness?
Does your witness get to Jesus? Is it centered on the gospel? If it never quite gets around to Jesus, sin, and repentance, it’s an Almost Witness. If you never quite get around to Jesus, your Almost Evangelism may be leading people to become an Almost Christian. What is the subject of your witness?


Paul and Apollos were both blessed by the Lord to be mighty preachers. Both would help you see what repentance from your sins looks like. Both would help you see what faith in Jesus looks like. And BOTH would have given ALL the glory to Christ. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

SERIES: Hopeful: The Book of Acts
TEXT: Acts 18:18-28
TITLE: The Church Strengthened
PREACHER: Tom Wilkins
BIG IDEA: Jesus’ Church is strengthened and helped by servants that He has strengthened and helped.

I. Strengthened Mightly by Paul - Vs. 23
II. Greatly Helped by Apollos - Vs. 27

”In the scriptures, Paul will call himself a ‘slave of Jesus.’ A devoted and willing and submitted ‘bondservant to Jesus.’ The very One he so hated in the beginning, was now that very one whom he loved with all of his heart!”

“In our minds, OUR will, OUR plans, OUR forecasts, OUR futuristic thoughts, OUR predictions, OUR forethought, OUR tomorrow - rules our world. BUT, in reality - our future is ruled by “IF GOD WILLS” - every single ‘zeptosecond’ of our past and our present are the result of HIS sovereign will.”

“Apollos was humbly teachable. He receives the instruction, the correction, in humility, and he went on and preached Jesus!”

“Apollos had some serious game, but what was critical was that he preach Jesus and now so more accurately. The healthy preacher of Jesus is always growing in His knowledge of Jesus!”

“Paul did not let fear stop him - he received Jesus’ encouragement, applied it, and continued on! Apollos did not let pride stop him - he received the correction and applied it and continued on!”

“The congregation is always growing in their knowledge of Jesus! THIS makes them a healthy church! A church that is greatly helped grows all the more in strength - a healthy, humble preacher builds the church up in Christ and against the wilds of Satan! Evildoers may be set against the church and will come against it, but they will be readied by Jesus who makes the preacher and them ready!”

“Both of these servants would tower over us - but they are pointing us to Jesus - they strengthened and helped the Church by pointing her to Jesus. The gift of leadership IS a powerful thing, but in the end, it will be pointless if we have not been pointed to Jesus. Jesus saves - Paul does not. Jesus saves - Apollos does not. There is no better Gospel - other than Jesus Christ and Him crucified!”

Charles Spurgeon - “Dear friends, do not imagine that God will bless one preacher only, or one denomination only. He does bless some preachers more than others, for He is Sovereign; but He will bless you all in your work, for He is God. I shall never forget one day, when my dear old grandfather was alive, I was to preach a sermon. There was a great crowd of people, and I did not arrive, for the train was delayed; and therefore the venerable man commenced to preach in my stead. He was far on in his sermon when I made my appearance at the door. Looking to me, he said: “You have all come to hear my dear grandson, and therefore I will stop that you may hear him. He may preach the gospel better than I can, but he cannot preach a better gospel. Can you, Charles?” My answer from the aisle was: “I cannot preach the gospel better; but if I could, it would not be a better gospel.”

1 Corinthians 2:1-3
1 Corinthians 9:20
2 Timothy 4:17-18
1 Timothy 4:6-16
Philippians 1:3-11
1 Corinthians 3:4-9

There is no better Gospel - other than Jesus Christ and Him crucified! What great comfort this should be as we go and tell others of this great Gospel. Fear is pushed back! Pride pushed back! GO with renewed courage that is granted by God and grounded in the words of the Gospel. 


Paul was no super Christian. In fact, our text reveals just how despondent he was when he went to Corinth. The Lord had to personally minister to Paul with a vision from heaven. Through this vision the Lord ministers to us about one of the greatest hindrances to our walk with the Lord—FEAR. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

SERIES: Hopeful: The Book of Acts
TEXT: Acts 18:1-17
TITLE: What Are You Afraid Of?
PREACHER: Derek Overstreet
BIG IDEA: God is able and faithful. So we can be Hopeful and keep going. Keep sharing. Keep caring. Keep serving.

I. God’s Word For Us
II. God’s Promises To Us
A. His Presence
B. His Protection
C. His Power

”If you are thinking to yourself right now—Good for Paul pastor, but I’m, no super Christian—reject the condemnation and take heart—there is no such thing. Even Paul, who had so many reasons to be encouraged in ministry, found himself gripped by fear and discouragement. And his despondency was acute when he went to Corinth.”

“Fear Not. That was the Lord’s word to Paul. It’s hard to believe, but Paul was afraid. The man who stared down a stoning, bared through a beating, and sang God’s praises in prison was paralyzed by fear in Corinth.”

“We are pros at crossing the river before we reach it, aren’t we? And the tragedy is that too often the result is fear that paralyzes us from following God. And to not follow God is to deny His glory.”

“Here’s the thing about fear—its natural. Its natural because in our flesh we are weak. The world frowns on weakness. But in God’s economy, weakness is the strength of His people.”

“To be tempted to fear is not the problem. Being ruled by fear is the problem. But the gospel speaks to this in two ways:
1. Salvation: Jesus removed the only thing we truly have to fear—God’s wrath
2. Sanctification: Fear can actually be our friend if we allow it to drive us to Jesus who is our strength, sufficiency, and faithfulness.”

“So if you are feeling scared about proclaiming Christ to a neighbor or talking truth to a co-worker because of the potential trouble it could cause you, praise God, take heart in the one whose perfect love in and for you casts out your fear, cast your fears on Jesus, and boldly do what God is calling you to, for, and because of His glory!”

“In his time of fear and discouragement, this is what God reminds Paul of—Do not be afraid. WHY? I am with you! Not, you got this or You were born for this. The promise is not proper equipping or sound discernment in the moment. It is the presence of God—I am with you.”

“This is where studying God’s attributes is important. THAT God I goes before and behind you. He is under and over you. He is in you. Do not be afraid—Keep going—I am with you.

“…how comforting was this to Paul? Paul doesn’t know who or when. He just knows God will build His church in Corinth through gospel preaching. And this is not because Paul is such a great evangelist. But because there are people in Corinth that God set His redeeming love on before the foundations of the world. People He has chosen to hear the gospel with their hearts supernaturally opened so they willingly and irresistibly run to Jesus in repentance and faith.”

“There is never a moment where God is not with you. God’s presence and protection never means we are free from all difficulties. Jesus promised we would face difficulties. But it does mean whatever God allows us to face, we will not face it alone and it will not overcome us. It will not separate us from the love of God. God will keep us for Himself because greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world.“

James Montgomery Boice - “However, I cannot help but think that if God has placed us in a particular place, it is because he has a work for us to do there, and for that very reason we should be encouraged and stay on and do it to the best of our ability. It is not because he does not have many people in our neighborhoods or cities but because he does. Our job is to keep on keeping on, knowing that God is with us”

1 Corinthians 2:1-3
2 Corinthians 12:9
1 John 4:18
Hebrews 13:5

We don’t need to be afraid. Not because we are super-Christians, but because we belong to the supreme God. 

This week, as you are out there in your city, whether it is:
1. Telling others about Jesus
2. Persevering through a personal trial 
3. Trying to live righteously in the face of opposition

Do not be afraid. Keep demonstrating and proclaiming the gospel. God is with you. H will keep you. And no matter what, your gospel efforts will not be in vain.


Do I love my city to see it for what it truly is and tell it what it desperately needs to hear? Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

SERIES: Hopeful: The Book of Acts
TEXT: Acts 17:16-34
TITLE: Loving Our City
PREACHER: Derek Overstreet

I. What Do You See?
II. What Do You Say?

”We can be sure the beauty was not lost on Paul. But what he saw above all things was a city drowning in idolatry. And the effect of this raw paganism was—this is Luke’s word in verse 16—his spirit was provoked. Paul was deeply troubled. Seriously grieved. As he observed a city submerged in idolatry, his heart filled with righteous indignation.”

“Like Athens, Tucson is submerged in idols. That is the fundamental problem with society and our city—idolatry. As Romans 1:23 clearly reveals, we have exchanged the glory of the Creator for the glory of the created—IDOLATRY. Tucson might not be the cultural and intellectual center of the world like Athens was, but like Athens, the idolatry and paganism are raw.”

“…like Paul, as those redeemed by Christ, indwelt by Christ, and an ambassador for Christ, our greatest zeal is for Christ. And when we see Christ being denied his rightful place in the lives of others, it should affect us. Move us. Provoke us.”

“As Paul was provoked, he didn’t fall into despair. He didn’t curse the city. He didn’t throw his hands up in surrender. He opened his mouth.”

“If we listen closely and observe carefully, we realize our neighbors, co-workers, and classmates are searching for the diamonds of life. Our city is searching for purpose, meaning, and relevance beyond themselves—it’s why everyone likes a cause. The folks we rub shoulders with daily try to make sense of their existence and experiences. They are looking for a philosophy or worldview to fit it all into. “

“Listen, the doctrine of God is part of the gospel. It is the necessary backdrop to the gospel. It answers why the gospel is necessary. Why Jesus had to come. Why we need a Savior. The doctrine of God is the rest of the story that fills the gospel out.”

“The gospel is not trivial, it is essential. But just as salvation makes no sense apart from judgment, the gospel needs to be set in the context of a Holy God who created all things and will one day judge all things.”

“Paul proclaims an entirely different worldview centered on God and rooted in Christ: God is the Creator of all things, God is the Sustainer of all things, and God is the Ordainer of all things.”

John Stott - “What Paul saw was a veritable forest of idols. There were more gods in Athens than in all the rest of the country. There were innumerable temples, shrines, statutes, and alters. In the Parthenon stood a huge gold and ivory statue of Athena, whose gleaming spear-point was visible forty miles away. Elsewhere there were images of Apollo, the city’s patron, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, Bacchus, Neptune, Diana, and Asclepius. The whole Greek Pantheon was there, all the gods of Olympus. And they were beautiful. They were made not only of stone and brass, but of gold, silver, ivory, and marble, and they had been elegantly fashioned by the finest Greek sculptors”

Henry Martyn - “I could not endure existence if Jesus was not glorified; it would be hell to me, if he were to be always dishonored”

John Stott - “Many people are rejecting the gospel today not because they perceive it to be false, but because they perceive it to be trivial”

Isaiah 42:8

-As Christians, how do we respond to what we see in our city? 
-Some mocked, and the conversation was over. Others were open but cautious and the conversation continued. But hallelujah, the Lord opened the hearts of some and they believed. So be Hopeful this week as you go love your city like Paul loved Athens!


Can a truth this simple transform the entire world…one person at a time? YES. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

SERIES: Hopeful: The Book of Acts
TEXT: Acts 17:1-15
TITLE: Turning the World Right Side Up
PREACHER: Tom Wilkins
BIG IDEA: The Plain Truth, that Jesus is the Christ, is turning this world right-side up!

The Plain Truth Proclaimed (Gospel Simplicity) - Vs 1-9
The Plain Truth Received (Gospel Shouldering) - Vs 10-15


“Proved - to give evidence - to ‘place beside’ or ‘set before’ - Paul was coming alongside his hears and leading them to the truth. This was not a passive effort on his part. He believed that they needed a guiding of sorts toward the truth not leaving them behind as he fired off shots of truth and ducking and covering. They were blind and needed to see and they were deaf and needed to hear!”

“The truth of the matter is more grave than this evil mob can imagine. The Gospel of Jesus is flipping this world! THIS JESUS is now turning the whole world RIGHT-SIDE UP!”

“For the believer and the non-believer - an eager and careful consideration of the Gospel according to the Scriptures is paramount because our eternity depends on it AND countless other distortions are on the move as well.”

“In this upside-down broken world, the ‘mob’ wields power. We must be careful to resist joining the mob - the text reveals that even the leaders and authorities can get caught up in the mob they were won over through fear, confusion, and their own hate. …Be careful! Be discerning! And do not join the evil. Don’t join the ‘rabble!’”

“All of the suffering of and the bearing of the reproach of the cross will immediately cease when we see Jesus THE Christ face to face!”

Kent Hughes - “His life was one of ongoing bravery and determination. The list of Paul’s sufferings in 2 Corinthians 11 is mind-boggling. If anyone questioned the apostle’s sincerity, he could point to the scar tissue on his face and back. He was willing to suffer for Christ and for others because he loved them. Regarding his people, the Jews, he said, “For I wish that I myself were accursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of my brothers” (Romans 9:3). To some of his converts he wrote, “ brothers, whom I love and long for, my joy and crown” (Philippians 4:1). He loved deeply.

When We See Your Face - Sovereign Grace Music -
”Though the dark is overwhelming
And the brightest lights grow dim
Though the Word of God
Is trampled on by foolish men
Though the wicked never stumble
And abound in every place
We will all be humbled when we see Your face”

“It was necessary for the Christ to suffer (and die)” - Isaiah 53:5, Isaiah 53:8-9, Psalm 22:1,7,8,16,17,18
The Sacrificial Lamb throughout the OT - Isaiah 53:6-7
The Lamb of God as our substitute - Isaiah 53:10-12, John 1:29
“It was necessary for the Christ to rise from the dead” - Psalm 16:10, Isaiah 53:11-12, Psalm 110:1, Hebrews 10:12-13,
The Thessalonians bear the reproach of the Cross - 1 Thessalonians 1:6-8
1 Thessalonians 5:23-24

OUR Charge and Challenge

  • Anchor yourself in the truth of the Gospel - Jesus is the Christ

  • Shoulder the reproach as a believer in Christ Jesus!

  • Prepare to bare the suffering for Christ’s sake

  • Has your faith been muddled in the confusion of the “world’s mob”? - Then the CHARGE is to be persuaded again and renew your belief again by returning again and again to the Plain Truth - Jesus is the Christ.

  • Blow the dust off of good books that point back to the Plain Truth 

  • Go back to Christianity 101 and find that it is both milk for babes and solid food for the mature that we so desperately need.


God calls us to see Christ in one another above all things because Christ in us transcends all other things about us. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

SERIES: Hopeful: The Book of Acts
TEXT: Acts 16:11-40
TITLE: The Unifying Power of the Gospel
PREACHER: Derek Overstreet
BIG IDEA: Christ in us transcends all else about us!

A Respected Business Woman
A Young Slave Girl
A Rough Jailer

”In the midst of difficulty and suffering, have you ever wondered—Lord, what are doing? I bet Paul and Silas did at times, like this one? But God is ALWAYS doing something, and whether we sense it or not, that something is ALWAYS for our good (Romans 8:28).”

“Instead of groaning, they gave praises to God. Instead of pouting, they rested in His power and purposes. They had no guarantee how this would turn out. Would they rot in prison or be executed in the morning? Would their story be like James, who was beheaded, or Peters, who was rescued? They had no idea. But this they knew: Our God is a mighty fortress. He is for us. He is with us. He has a plan. His plan cannot be thwarted.”

“While God may not cause the ground beneath your feet to move, Christian, whatever you are going through right now, however dark the clouds hovering over you are—God is for you. He is with you. He has a plan. His plan cannot be thwarted. Pray to Him. Sing His praises. Seek refuge in Him. He has promised He is with you in power.” 

“Right there in that pitch black cell, the jailer asks the greatest, most significant, most profitable question any human being can ask—What must I do to be saved?”

Have you ever asked that question—What must I do to be saved from the consequences of my sin? Here’s what you must do—Believe in Jesus. Say in your heart, I believe I am a GREAT sinner but Jesus is my GREATER Savior. Have faith in who he is and what he has done to take away your sins.”

“Here’s what I want us to see this morning: Lydia, a young slave girl, and rough jailor. One would be hard pressed to find a more disparate group. But that is The Unifying Power of the Gospel. Three different nationalities, three different socio-economic classes, three different sets of personal needs, but in ALL their differences, they ALL had one spiritual need—they ALL needed Jesus.”

“Their different backgrounds meant different tensions, conflicts, and struggles. But now, as diverse as they were, TOGETHER, in Christ, they ARE God’s church in Philippi. Guess what? One day WE will be in heaven with THEM!”

“This is the wisdom of God. This is the beauty of the church. This is the power of the Spirit. This is the glory and majesty, and wonder of Christ. The gospel reaches people everywhere. But when it binds people to Christ, it also binds people to one another.”

“God calls us to see Christ in one another above all things because Christ in us transcends all other things about us. So when we see Christ in one another above all things, we exalt God above all things.”

John Stott - In this city, the missionary team stayed for several days indeed almost certainly several weeks. During this period of mission, there must have been many converts. But Luke selects only three for mention, not because they were particularly notable in themselves, but because they demonstrate how God breaks down dividing barriers and can unite in Christ people of very different kinds”

The Bible teaches us about the world as it is - Ephesians 4:27-28, 6:10-20, 1 Peter 5:6-9
Psalm 46:1,6,11

So, here’s the question: How do we live in the good of that unity and celebrate the reality of that unity in ordinary everyday life? 

SELF: Self-righteousness kills. Remember who you once were 

FELLOWSHIP: Pursue people that are DIFFERENT from you

CONFLICT: Allow WHO the person is in Christ to speak louder than WHAT you are feeling inside

PERSPECTIVE: Remember, people knowing Jesus is what matters most. As we grow evangelistically, this room will fill up with people that don’t look and talk like you. 


There are fewer areas of the Christian life where we tend to throw our hands in the air in surrender more than evangelism, but Sunday’s passage can give us hope! Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

SERIES: Hopeful: The Book of Acts
TEXT: Acts 16:11-15
TITLE: The Rest of the Story
PREACHER: Derek Overstreet
BIG IDEA: Only God opens hearts to the gospel, so don’t give up on giving Jesus to those around you!

Paul preached the Gospel
Lydia listened to Paul intently
The Spirit opened Lydia’s heart

”Paul did what he always did—gave them Jesus. He could have given them unforgettable stories. He could have given them his amazing testimony. And maybe he did a bit of that. But Paul always had one song to sing, one message to bring to others—the gospel!”

“We should never underestimate our audience. God has you in that place with that person. The Holy Spirit is with you and the gospel message saves—Speak to them about Jesus!”

“Never underestimate the power of LISTENING. In a time too many in the church world rely on bells and candles, video clips and power points, artistic expressions, and group dialogue, LISTENING is seen as outdated and passe. …LISTENING to the gospel is to interact with God Himself. Faith comes through hearing”

“God came to Lydia and opened her heart to listen, meaning, He opened her heart to embrace and believe what she was hearing. The imagery of a door is natural here. This door is different, however. Spiritually speaking, the door of the heart has a handle on the outside, not the inside.” 

“Throughout Acts we encounter hopeful, happy, grateful, strategic, courageous, advance-the-gospel-at-all-costs Christians. But all along, God is the hero because only God can open the closed heart to the good news of Jesus according to His mercy and grace. And He does in His mercy and by His grace!”

“The gospel is the glorious message of salvation. Regeneration is the glorious explanation of how we come to willingly and freely believe it, even though we can’t fully comprehend it.”

Anthony Hoekema - “Since the heart stands for the inner core of the person, we may assume that the opening of the heart describes regeneration. This led Lydia to respond believingly to what Paul was saying—to accept it, to embrace it, and to act upon it….One can only respond in repentance and faith after God has given new life!”

Ephesians 2:1-5
1 Corinthians 2:14
John 3:1-14
Ezekiel 36:26-29

- How do you arrange your Saturday night or Sunday morning so that, when you get here, you can LISTEN to the preached Word, LISTEN to the Spirit of God, LISTEN to the encouragement of others? It matters.

- Attend SGU in October! Because the effects of studying the doctrine of Regeneration are greater gratitude, deeper humility, stronger affections for Jesus, and bolder witness.

God is the Great Evangelist and He loves to open hearts to the glory, beauty, majesty, and sufficiency of His Son. So, here’s our application—Don’t give up!

  1. Anxious mom and dad—Don’t give up on your unsaved child

  2. Weary husband or wife—Don’t give up on your unbelieving spouse

  3. Frustrated friend—Don’t give up on your stubborn friend

Sometimes God saves the first time, and sometimes He saves the 1000th time. That’s up to Him!


This past Sunday we saw that even in the midst of deep conflict, re-direct after re-direct, and human barriers, the Gospel of Christ goes forth into new lands and new hearts. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

SERIES: Hopeful: The Book of Acts
TEXT: Acts 15:36 - 16:10
TITLE: Gospel Mission Unobstructed
PREACHER: Tom Wilkins
BIG IDEA: The Gospel mission is unobstructed by human failure and barriers and advances in power.

Gospel Mission Unobstructed by Conflict
Gospel Mission Unobstructed by Barriers
Gospel Mission Redirected by the Holy Spirit

”The context of the conflict is while on Gospel Mission. The heart of the conflict is serious. The nature of the conflict is stark - sharp disagreement! And the result of the conflict is grievous - separation. YET… as difficult as the conflict was, there is a SURPRISE greater result - the conflict leads to Gospel advance - The Gospel is persistent!”

“I think it’s worth recalling the resolve of these Gospel missionaries - these first-century saints. Church history here in Acts reveals moxie - the determination - of the evangelists. REAL pain in conflict and disappointment and maybe even regret did not stop these men from getting back on mission!”

“At times, “Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing” calls for various barriers to be removed for the sake of making a way for the Main Thing.”

“The Spirit is at work in power moving, speaking, directing, coordinating, carrying out, silencing them, barring them, and calling them. It is clear… The Holy Spirit is the one that is advancing the mission exactly the way He has determined!”

“Our sin has caused a GRAVE conflict with God! BUT He did not “sail away!” He came through the conflict and innumerable barriers through His son Jesus! He has sent His Son Jesus as your ONLY WAY of salvation. It’s true - Christians have been in deep conflict throughout the ages and their plans have been frustrated and in the wisdom of Christ it was for your benefit! Turn to Christ. Believe in Jesus Christ as God’s Son. Turn away from your sin you will see the glory of heaven.”

I Heard The Bells on Christmas Day Lyrics-
”I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day
Their old familiar carols play,
And wild and sweet the words repeat
Of peace on earth, goodwill to men.
I thought how, as the day had come,
The belfries of all Christendom
Had rolled along the unbroken song
Of peace on earth, goodwill to men.
And in despair I bowed my head:
’There is no peace on earth,’ I said,
For hate is strong and mocks the song
Of peace on earth, goodwill to men.
Then pealed the bells more loud and deep:
God is not dead, nor doth he sleep;
The wrong shall fail, the right prevail,
With peace on earth, goodwill to men."

Kent Hughes - “So the unthinkable happened, and Paul and Barnabas agree to disagree and went their separate ways of ministry for Christ… the relationship between two great men of God had failed… The omission of a harmonious conclusion indicates the unstated but undeniable failure of two greatest souls the church has ever known.”

1 Corinthians 9:19-21
Isaiah 61:1-3

As a church…
Q. Do I truly believe that God is powerful enough to strengthen our church in the face of - even in or after -deep conflict? Do I believe that He will turn beauty to ashes in these difficult situations? Am I able to trust God to grant grace and strength for this? Can we be so resolved, have a spine, granted only by God to respond in loyalty and love toward others?

Q. What happens in our actions and our faith, and our conversations when conflict breaks out? Where does conflict take us? Do we lose hope? Are we hindered for too long from believing that God is at work even in this?

Q. Are we willing to be honest about our own ability to do just like they did… turn from brothers/sisters and sail away? REMEMBER OUR SAVIOR NEVER TURNED AWAY FROM US IN SIN. Let THAT truth be ground for your remaining.

Q. How quick are we to respond to God’s redirection?

Q. Do we see that interruptions to our plans are God at work redirecting our plans into His perfect will?


The text we are looking at today – the clarity that God brought to His Churches - God has used in a powerful way for generations. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

SERIES: Hopeful: The Book of Acts
TEXT: Acts 15:1-35
TITLE: The Main Thing
PREACHER: Tim Lambros

The Threat
The Defense
The Effect

”God is helping this small but growing group of Churches get clarity on a most important question – how do people get saved? How do sinners receive forgiveness of their sins? How do sinners get reconciled to God, accepted by God?”

“What’s at stake here is of huge importance. The question – how are people saved?  What does God call us to in order to be forgiven of our sins, reconciled to God, and accepted by Him? One group is teaching it’s Jesus plus the law. Paul and Silas in Gentile regions are teaching you’re saved by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone.”

“Formerly Gentiles would become part of the people of God by being incorporated into the Jewish community, get circumcised and begin practicing the law. NOW, people are getting saved apart from the law – apart from their works of obedience.”

“The main thing here is to keep the main thing the main thing. In other words, Peter is saying VERY CLEARLY we are saved by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. When it comes to the fundamental question of how we are saved Peter says IT IS NOT Jesus plus the law. It’s not grace/faith/Jesus plus Moses. He’s saying don’t test what God is doing in Gentile regions by putting this yoke around their necks. It’s very clear that God is saving people apart from the law.”

“Why do you think there’s this inherent desire for mankind to want to somehow change the gospel of grace to the gospel of grace plus the law?”

“Christ didn’t die on the Cross to improve our good works so they’d be acceptable to God. Christ didn’t endure a horrific death because God’s holiness standard is kind of a high bar and grace means Jesus lifts us up so we can reach the bar! NO! Emphatically NO!”

C.J. Mahaney - “Legalism is seeking to achieve forgiveness from God and acceptance by God through obedience to God.”

William Plumer - “Justification is an act. It is not a work, or a series of acts. It is not progressive. The weakest believer and the strongest saint are alike equally justified. Justification admits no degrees. A man is either wholly justified or wholly condemned in the sight of God.”

Galatians 1
Genesis 17:9-14

2 ways to keep the main thing the main thing:  

1. Grow – Don’t assume. You must work at keeping the main thing the main thing.  You and I must grow in our understanding, appreciation, and passion for the gospel of Jesus Christ. Suggestion – build yourself a top 10 list of single verses that preach the gospel (i.e. 2 Corinthians 5:21). Then build a list of your favorite paragraphs. Then build a list of your favorite gospel narratives. Don’t think you are immune from gospel drift!

2. Guard – Guard your heart from the inner legalist that lives in you. If you quietly  live with low-grade guilt in your Christian walk … if you lack joy in your Christian life…you might have what I call “morphed legalism.” Morphed legalism is when you confess that your position and standing with God is by grace through faith in  Christ alone but your daily practice of Christianity is filled with language like “I should be …” A morphed legalist isn’t clear on the difference between justification and sanctification. If that’s you immediately drop everything you’re doing in your  Christian life until you study and get clarity.


Sunday’s passage encouraged us to share Jesus through thick and thin, and to be Hopeful in our witness, come what may. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

SERIES: Hopeful: The Book of Acts
TEXT: Acts 14
TITLE: Through Thick and Thin
PREACHER: Derek Overstreet

The Gospel that Saves Divides
The Gospel that Saves Clashes with the Culture
The Gospel that Saves Puts You at Risk

”People turn to many things to cure what ails them, but only the gospel meets people right where they are, speaking to their deepest need in a powerful and transforming way.”

“God saves people through evangelism. He is the GREAT Evangelist. Though we don’t know WHO He will save, we know HOW He saves—through hearing the good news of the gospel. So, we tell others about Jesus.”

“The gospel divides because there is no neutrality when it comes to Jesus. You either believe in him or you don’t. And to not believe in Jesus is to reject him as the only mediator between sinful man and a holy God.”

“Amid serious division and opposition, they kept preaching Christ boldly. How convinced was Paul that Christ was everything and the gospel was the only message of salvation?!”

“It is important to note that these men are not running scared. Their life mission is telling others about Jesus and planting local churches. They are filled with the Spirit and armed with the gospel. Paul and Barnabas are not retreating; they are advancing the gospel mission. “

“They didn’t know the Jewish Scriptures that taught them about the eternal God who created all things. So, Paul and Barnabas used their world to help them understand. They confronted and connected their culture and their ideas and stories and perceptions and philosophies and worldview—to the existence of a living God. That’s where the gospel begins— The existence of a holy God who created all things, so all things are accountable to Him.”

“We do mission in a confused culture today, don’t we? Our gods might not be called Zeus and Hermes, but they are there:

  • Sexual and gender identity

  • Leisure and pleasure

  • Freedom of choice at the cost of human life

  • Individualism

  • Relativism”

“The Gospel will clash with our culture. But as the gospel was effective in the confused culture of Lystra, it is effective today as we claim it boldly, clearly, and in the power of the Spirit into our confused culture.”

“Paul’s resolve and courage in Christ were astounding. He knew Christ sacrificed his life for him, so there was no sacrifice too great that he could make for Christ. Eternity was at stake. Cities were filled with sinners and he had just what they needed—A Savior.”

“Imagine with me for a moment, if each one of us embraced God’s way, trusted in His faithfulness, and shared Jesus with just one person this week; imagine the stories we could tell!”

- How convinced are you that Christ is everything and the gospel is the only message of salvation?

Two realities surface that fueled Paul and Barnabas’ courageous witness through the Thick and Thin of their mission. I want to point them out by way of application:

1. Embrace God’s Way—read verses 21-22, Don’t be surprised by division, opposition, or cultural clashing. Living for Jesus and telling others about Jesus will ALWAYS bring a measure of opposition and persecution. But it’s God’s way so embrace it and share.

2. Trust God’s Faithfulness—read verses 24-27, We are reluctant ambassadors, but God is the Great Evangelist. Trust His faithfulness to build His church through your imperfect witness.


As believers, when we see how grievous our sins really were… and in our sin, we did scoff at and revile Jesus… NOW finding our sins have been forgiven, then our Savior, Jesus, becomes all the more precious to us! He bore our sins on his body and died and rose again! We are forgiven. We are Free! And now we see the beauty of the Lamb of God - Jesus!

SERIES: Hopeful: The Book of Acts
TEXT: Acts 13:13-52
TITLE: Jesus - The Savior Just as God Promised
PREACHER: Tom Wilkins
BIG IDEA: We have been longing for only what Jesus can provide and God has sent Him to us just as he promised!

”Do you know your history? Are you aware that all of it points to Christ? Your history is God’s history. It belongs to Him and He has ordained it to point to Jesus just as He Promised.”

“The sorrow, the disappointments, the valleys of death, the heights of exhilaration, the celebrations, the gravesides, the weddings, the weakness, the panic, the happiness, the community groups, the parenting, our childhood, the hurt, the healing, the singing, the sobbing, the church picnic, the baptisms, the communion, the nights of darkness, the joys in the morning, the friendships, the job, when we were young, now we are aged, yesterday, today, and tomorrow… ALL OF IT… is God’s history right now and will one day culminate in the exaltation of Jesus.

“Paul declares beginning with “Brothers, sons of the family of Abraham… to us has been sent the message of the salvation” - He calls the content of his sermon “the message of salvation.”… And Church, this is what WE have been given and sent by God - THE MESSAGE OF SALVATION. 

THEY KILLED GOD’S PROMISED ONE, BUT “GOD RAISED HIM FROM THE DEAD! From the tomb, God raises Jesus! Jesus’ death and resurrection is the glorious fulfillment of God’s promise. Jesus’ death and resurrection is the very means by which we are forgiven. Jesus’ death and resurrection is how we are now freed!”

Stuart Townend, "How Deep the Father’s Love for Us”

“Behold the man upon a cross
My sin upon His shoulders
Ashamed, I hear my mocking voice
Call out among the scoffers
It was my sin that held Him there
Until it was accomplished”

Revelation 5:13-14

1. Do we have such a high view of Jesus and the word of God about Him that we are willing to finally make it clear that they are facing God’s judgment and we WILL NOT be part of their rejection?
2. Have we reviled Jesus?


The Lord stands up to the blitz on your soul and He will never, never, never give you up! Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

SERIES: Hopeful: The Book of Acts
TEXT: Acts 12:24-25
TITLE: God’s Unyielding Work
PREACHER: Tom Wilkins
BIG IDEA: The unyielding work of God is the salvation of His people and our exaltation of Jesus through the Local Church… and nothing is going to stop it!

God’s Work through the Local Church
God’s Work Opposed
God’s Work Unyielding

”There are three things revealed in verses 1-3 about the nature and character of this Church at Antioch: they were dependent on God, obedient to God, they were sent by God to proclaim the word of God.”

“God disposes of the opposition to His Work and He MOVES IN POWER against Satan and representatives. In a divine sense - God raises His voice and declares: NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER!”

“God blinds the false prophet in utter darkness - and what is shocking is that in God’s judgment, MERCY is present! He is blinded “FOR A TIME” and he is left alive. [possibly blinded so that LATER he might see!] This is NOTHING BUT UNDERSERVED GRACE! The opposition might one day believe in Jesus!”

“God’s work in salvation is not delayed. It is not deterred. It is not put on hold. It is perfectly timed. There is no divine anxiety, no slowing down, no speeding up. It will not be rescheduled. His work of salvation is delivered faithfully on the sinner being saved. There is no hiccup, no bump in the road, no skid marks, and no back peddling. There is no rethinking nor going back to the drawing board. God does not have a Plan B! God’s unyielding work of salvation is the only plan and it is divinely carried out in absolute perfection!”

Winston Churchill
- “But for everyone, surely, what we have gone through in this… period of ten months this is the lesson: never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never - in nothing, great or small, large or petty - never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense.”

Romans 8:31-37

1. Do you see God’s work?
2. Are we willing to do God’s work when he calls us?
3. Do we truly believe that the Local Church is God’s foundational means of carrying out His Gospel Work in the world? Do we value the local church to the extent that it is also primary in our plans… in our future decisions?
4. What keeps assaulting your faith?


We are kicking off this new era in Acts with a look at our own missiology, which you will find in the coming weeks, comes from what we see right here in Acts—planting local churches. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

TEXT: Matthew 28:16-20
TITLE: The Great Commission And The Local Church
PREACHER: Derek Overstreet
BIG IDEA: When God invades the world with the glory of Christ, He begins and ends with the local church.

I. Our Mission
II. Our Strategy for the Mission
III. Our Confidence in the Mission

”A disciple is someone who is sold out for another person, someone who is committed to following the words and ways of someone else. In true discipleship, there is no room for a half-hearted, take it or leave it kind of attitude. A disciple is ALL in!”

“Our mission as a church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ. HOW are disciples made? There are three verbs in the text that describe the HOW of our mission: GO, BAPTIZE, and TEACH.”

“Every believer here is called to GO to the lost. The mission is not—Be ready when the lost comes to you. The mission is GO to the lost around you and tell them the good news of Jesus. The sense of GO in context is not—Get out of dodge and begin something new. It’s primarily—Where you already GO, GO with Jesus”

For some GOING takes them away into foreign lands. But, for most of us, the GOING is everywhere God has us every day already. In the coming months, we are going to bring a greater focus to this aspect of our mission together.”

“This baptism doesn’t save anyone. That said, it is a public expression of one’s salvation that marks and celebrates their new life as a disciple of Christ.”

“Someone asked one time—What does discipleship look like around here? A GOOD question. Each of the contexts I just mentioned, beginning with Sunday morning preaching, are expressions of discipleship meant to teach us how to love and live for Jesus in joy and obedience.”

“The Great Commission NECESSITATES the centrality of the local church. And it’s the local church that is at the heart of our Strategy for Mission.”

“I submit a Fully Orbed Mission, according to the word looks like this: The Gospel + The Believer + The Local Church = Missions”

“The Great Commission demands the local church, which is at the heart of the mission, to go, baptize, and teach. When we remove the local church from the equation, it’s like an ambassador without an Embassy.”

“In the call to mission, [Jesus] promises to be with us in ALL authority. He is with us in power and purpose. That promise guarantees the success of our gospel mission. Not our size. Not our prospects. Not our affiliations. Not our creativity. Not our missional resolve. It’s the unwavering resolve of Christ to transform sinners into disciples, build his church, and return for his bride—with all authority—ensuring our gospel mission is unstoppable.”

George Peters
- “The primary historical significance of the Great Commission lies in the fact that it gives to the church the pattern and purpose of missions. It defines and delineates the missionary task. We have in the Great Commission a compass, a charter, and a plan”

Dave Harvey - “Church planting is the New Testament method for proclaiming and applying the gospel. Armed with the good news, the disciples would penetrate new regions with a goal of both communicating God’s word and creating God’s community. In contrast to traditional missionary enterprises which often centers primarily upon proclamation, church planting establishes a mission base for proclamation, integration and expansion”

We are part of something much bigger than ourselves, but it all begins with local churches planting local churches. Maybe you are not feeling like you are part of something bigger:

  • If you give to this church—You are!

  • If you are praying God will use our church beyond these four walls—You are!

  • If you are committed to your local church with your gifts, giving, and presence—You are!

  • If you are wondering about joining a SG church plant—Perhaps you will be in a very unique way! I encourage you to speak with one of your pastors.

Do you get BORED with what God is doing in here - your church? If so, you may need to evaluate your understanding of what God wants to do out there.

We all GO every day. The question is, How much of my GOING is for Jesus? 

The Great Commission begins and ends with the local church. Begin with your commitment HERE, and if God is leading you to something OUT THERE, talk with a pastor so he can faithfully shepherd your soul.


In Acts, the church kept preaching the gospel and teaching God’s Word—come what may—and as they did, the word increased and multiplied in the form of growing, maturing believers. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

SERIES: Hopeful: The Book of Acts
TEXT: Acts 12:24
TITLE: A Sure Strategy
PREACHER: Derek Overstreet
BIG IDEA: Our greatest weapon for our glorious mission is words - the very words of God given to us in the Holy Word of God.

I. The Word of God Increases and Multiplies Because It is Preached
II. The Word of God Increases and Multiplies Because It is Profitable
III. The Word of God Increases and Multiplies Because It Protects

”…if you are a Christian, your life, your marriage, your family, your job, your money, your dreams, your purpose, is entirely wrapped up in God’s mission to build His church for His glory. So, what a powerful encouragement from the Spirit these eight words are, that remind us the imperishable Word of God in the hands of the Spirit and the hearts of God’s people, will accomplish God’s purposes.”

“…the difference between heaven and hell is not believing God exists and He is powerful (demons believe that in James 2), it’s personally believing His Son Jesus, the Eternal Living Word, alone can save. And this saving message is found in one place—Bible.”

“God is a holy and just God. We are born sinful. Therefore, we are deservedly under the wrath of God and are absolutely unable to do anything about it. But in the mercy and wisdom of God, Jesus made himself our propitiation, that is, he willingly gave Himself as a sacrifice on a cross that turns God’s wrath away from all who have faith in him so they now know only God’s unfailing love, grace, and pleasure—That’s the gospel—What Scripture itself calls ‘of first importance!’”

In Acts, the church kept preaching the gospel—come what may—and as they did, the word increased and multiplied in the form of sinners saved.”

“God’s Word not only leads us to salvation, but it also equips us and makes us fruitful as individual believers and collectively as the church.”

“Most [worldly stories, messages, and philosophies] have no real bearing on our lives, and the fact we can’t even remember most of them is evidence that they are, for the most part, USELESS INFORMATION.”

“In other words, pastor Timothy, whatever happens to and in the church, above all things, Preach the Word! Preach Christ! Teach truth! Fulfill your ministry and PROTECT your church by preaching the Word of God—no matter what!”

Scott Hubbard
- “At every stage of the kingdom’s advance from Jesus to his apostles to the church—the lie of the garden dies by the truth of the gospel. Teaching wins back the world… So, in the church’s global mission against the gates of hell, words are our greatest weapons”

Jerry Bridges - “The gospel is not only the most important message in all of history, it is the only essential message in all of history”

James Montgomery Boice - “We need to be taught, and it [God’s Word] teaches us—about God, ourselves, and the way of salvation. We need to be rebuked, and it rebukes us—about our sin and unrighteousness. We need to be corrected, and it corrects us—showing us the way we should go, the way of blessing. We need to be trained in righteousness, and it trains us—through daily application of its teachings”

Derek Thomas - “But the Word of God increased and multiplies.” So identified were these people with what they did—spending time in God’s Word—that Luke equates the growth of the church with the growth of the Word. It is not friendship, or buildings, or discipleship groups first and foremost, but the centrality of the Word. This is church growth, New Testament style! They had no demographic research, no statistical analysis of the most likely elements of society to respond to the gospel, no evangelism training, no extensive campaigns of any kind; and yet, under the blessing of God, and in the midst of persecution that had seen the execution of one of their most prized leaders, they grew!”

God is Revealed in Nature
- Romans 1:20, Psalm 19:1-2, Acts 14:17
Salvation is Found in the Word - 2 Timothy 3:14-15
Gospel Passages in Scripture - Isaiah 53:4-6, Romans 3:21-26, Romans 4:4-5, 1 Corinthians 15:3-4, 2 Corinthians 5:21, Galatians 3:13-14, Ephesians 2:1-10, Philippians 2:6-8, Colossians 1:19-20, Colossians 2:13-14, Titus 3:4-7, Hebrews 2:14-17, 1 Peter 2:22-25
The Word Equips Us - 2 Timothy 3:16-17
The Power of God’s Word - Isaiah 55:11
The Power for Growth - Hebrews 4:12
Preaching the Word - 1 Timothy 4:11,13, 1 Timothy 6:2, 2 Timothy 2:1-2, 2 Timothy 4:1-2
The Word Protects - Philippians 4:6-7, Romans 12:2, Ephesians 2:1-10, The Book of Psalms

-We all have areas we are not growing spiritually. The first question shouldn’t be—Why isn’t God growing me? The first question should be—Am I allowing God’s Word to inform and have authority in this area of my life?

In our mission to advance God’s kingdom, words are our greatest weapons -
1. Jesus, the Living Word, is the life-giving heart of the written Word—When you read the Bible, look for him on every page.
2. The Word will be fruitless in you if the Spirit is not with you. Before you approach the Word, ask for the Spirit’s fresh filling for your spiritual understanding.
3. Preaching is God’s preferred weapon—Hold high, not the preacher, but the preached Word in your church.
When you share Jesus, show them Jesus—with your Bible


In the power of the Spirit, don’t allow the anxiety of the unknown, the tyranny of what’s seen, or temporary suffering to derail your faith. We know how this ends—Christ is victorious! Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

SERIES: Hopeful: The Book of Acts
TEXT: Acts 12:18-25
TITLE: Getting Reacquainted With The King Of Glory, Part 2
PREACHER: Derek Overstreet
BIG IDEA: God is always in control, always for our good.

Herod stood before the people as though he was God, paraphrasing John Calvin—Plucking God out of His seat. And God struck him down.”

“Plucking God out of His seat comes naturally to us. Learning to give glory to God, in ALL things at ALL times, is a discipline we must all be intentional about. Money, possessions, talents, health, position, favor, wisdom, and achievements. From spiritual salvation to earthly successes, it all comes from God.”

“how do we stay humble? Above all things, I submit we cultivate God-honoring humility to the degree we live with an awareness that God is holy, I am a wretched sinner, and Jesus alone can bridge the gap. Staying close to the cross cultivates humility in the heart.”

“Did persecution and hardship cease? No, just keep reading. And it won’t until the imminent return of Christ. But God’s Spirit-empowered gospel mission through His church always triumphs.”

“If you are new around here, we are careful about how the news intrudes this pulpit. We avoid over-contextualizing the gospel for the sake of perceived cultural relevance. We preach biblical truth, not American politics. Our hope is in the goodness and wisdom of a sovereign God and the power of a risen Christ—and nothing else!”

That’s exactly what Peter’s rest on death row, the church’s prayers in a dark hour, and Herod’s gruesome death REACQUAINT us with—the unchanging truth that God is always in control as He brings about His UNSTOPPABLE purposes for His ETERNAL glory and HIGHEST good for His redeemed people. That’s why we should be HOPEFUL in our Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered mission—God is UNSTOPPABLE!”

Daniel 4
Pride: Romans 12:3, Galatians 6:3, Proverbs 26:12
Humility: Isaiah 66:2, James 4:6
Psalm 46
Where our hope rests: Romans 3:25-26, Colossians 2:13-15, 1 John 4:4, Romans 8:28, Revelation 22:12, Psalm 73:17-19, Matthew 16:18


  • Keep praying

  • Keep resting

  • Keep gathering

  • Keep evangelizing

  • Keep fellowshipping

  • Keep obeying

  • Keep serving

  • Keep giving

  • Keep enduring

  • Keep persevering

  • Keep showing mercy


On Sunday we learned that SAME power that miraculously rescued Peter from prison is the same power that gave strength to Peter for REST and the church to PRAY despite Herod’s might and means. Let us reacquaint ourselves with this POWER. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

SERIES: Hopeful: The Book of Acts
TEXT: Acts 12:1-17
TITLE: Getting Reacquainted With The King Of Glory
PREACHER: Derek Overstreet
BIG IDEA: God is always in control, always for our good.

I. People’s Prayer
II. Peter’s Sleep

James is dead. Peter is locked down on death row. A tremendous BLOW personally and corporately for the church. The mission has been on cruise control in Antioch. One can imagine the anxiety, fear, hopelessness, and sense of senselessness that must have come over the believers. …Have you been there? Are you there now? The early believers were there.”

In a situation where most people would panic in powerlessness, Luke reacquaints us with true reality by showing us how the power of God gives strength to His people in two particular ways.”

On the one hand, Herod is carrying out his seemingly unstoppable wicked assault on the church, while on the other hand, Luke wants us to see there are two forces here—God’s people are praying their hearts out for the power of God.”

“Peter knows his friend’s fate is soon to be his own. The last thing one would think Peter could do was sleep. And he is SOUND asleep. Like, snoring sleep. In 7, not even the light of an angel woke him and the angel had to strike him and say, Get up! Peter is at complete peace in the Lord.”

“Christians have been set free, made heirs with Jesus so we can follow him wherever he leads, and trust him in whatever he brings, knowing that at the end of the day we will be with him forever. How much more will he not care for you every moment until then?”

“It’s so easy for us to lose sight of the MAGNITUDE and GREATNESS of the God we belong to. In times of trial, suffering, and uncertainty, we are prone to MINIMIZE His greatness and power by MAGNIFYING our trial. The result is instead of running to an All-powerful God, we run from an all-powerful God. Prayer gives way to panic. Rest gives way to anxiety. But God’s desire for us, and He gives grace for this, is to trust Him in our trials.”

“We are jars of clay. We are fickle in nature. We are prone to unbelief. But take heart, God is supremely faithful, even when your faith is severely lacking.”

John Stott-
“What could the little community of Jesus in its powerlessness do against the armed might of Rome. Here then were two communities, the world and the church, arrayed against one another each wielding a weapon, the church turned to prayer which is the only power the powerless possess.”

Charles Wesley’s Hymn “And Can It Be” -
Long my imprisoned spirit lay
Fast bound in sin and nature’s night;
Thine eye diffused a quickening ray;
I woke, the dungeon flamed with light;
My chains fell off, my heart was free;
I rose, went forth, and followed thee

Eckhard Schnabel - “Trust in God implies the confidence that God will give strength to endure suffering, courage to endure persecution, and boldness to be a witness of God’s power and grace right to the end…Believers express their faith, they formulate their hopes and wishes in prayers, they acknowledge God’s sovereignty to do as he sees fit, and they leave their fate in his hands”

1 Peter 5:7
Hebrews 12:3-4

-Is that your view of prayer—The power of the powerless? We live in a society that increasingly views prayer as a sign of impotence and weakness. Prayer is the power of God’s people to tap into the power of their God who is infinitely greater than any power in this world. Do you need to REACQUAINT yourself with prayer?

- Peter didn’t PANIC, he RESTED in the providence and sovereign power of God. Perhaps Peter remembered that transforming moment not too long ago when he watched Jesus sleep in the boat as the storm raged. Perhaps it was this moment in Acts 12 that led Peter to write some 20 years later to a group of beleaguered churches in 1 Peter 5:7—Cast all your cares on Him, because HE cares for YOU. Do you need to REACQUAINT yourself with gospel rest today?

- In light of this text, what do you need to do right now? In your circumstance, what is wisdom right now for you? 

  • Panic less and PRAY more?

  • Take your anxious thoughts captive and REST in Christ’s righteousness and forgiveness?

  • Stop compromising your faith to appease your oppressor out of fear and stand firm, speaking the truth with humble courage in faith?

  • Put off doubt and put on praise to God for His unwavering faithfulness?