Sovereign Grace Church

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As significant as this story in Acts 19 is in redemptive history, its significance reaches into our lives today with two questions for our application. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

SERIES: Hopeful: The Book of Acts
TEXT: Acts 19:1-7
TITLE: Almost
PREACHER: Derek Overstreet

”The visible church is filled with people who look and sound like Christians, but they aren’t. They know some about the Bible. They’ve been baptized. They call themselves disciples. But they are missing the key ingredient to Christianity—Christ and His Spirit.”

“…it’s really difficult to question the genuineness of someone’s faith. But, if someone’s faith needs to be questioned, we need to humbly and graciously question it—because eternity is at stake.”

“Here are three reasons why I don’t believe these men were believers and therefore this event does not teach a second theological experience: the men told Paul what kind of disciples they were, these men didn’t know the Holy Spirit, and what happens next in the text.”

“These men knew stuff—but they didn’t know Jesus. They didn’t know the true meaning of the gospel. …Jesus was the missing ingredient. To borrow a phrase, they were ALMOST Christians.”

“…here’s the good news in our text: These ALMOST Christians became bona fide believers. Paul told these men Jesus had come and all he had already done—they got saved. The gospel was powerful enough to overcome their confusion and ignorance. They believed. And they were baptized.”

“If you didn’t speak in tongues and prophecy when you first believed in Jesus, don’t panic. That’s not the norm. Acts 19 is not formulaic.”

Derek Thomas - “Ephesus marks the transition from the world of the old covenant and John’s baptism, to the world of the new covenant and the Spirit’s baptism that comes from Christ.”

Burk Parsons - “Our Father is the source of our assurance, Christ is the ground of our assurance, and the Spirit is the sustainer of our assurance. And our assurance is not established on the strength of our faith but on the object of our faith, Jesus Christ.”

Matthew 3:11
Romans 8:9
Matthew 7:21
Revelation 2:4

1. Are you an Almost Christian? Or we could ask it this way: What is the object of your faith?
Do you always feel like you are trying to be a good Christian? But no matter how hard you try, you always feel like an outsider? It’s because you are. You don’t know Jesus and possess his Spirit on the inside. Here’s the good news—You can know Jesus today!

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IMPORTANT: That’s not to say a True Christian will never feel like an Almost Christian. In the words of John Piper—Sanctification is not a straight line. Christians can struggle with desiring the Lord at times! Anchored in the preserving power of the gospel, talk to your pastor, CGL, or friend so the church can help you!

RECOMMENDED READING: “When I Don’t Desire God” by John Piper

2. Are you an Almost Witness? What is the subject of your witness?
Does your witness get to Jesus? Is it centered on the gospel? If it never quite gets around to Jesus, sin, and repentance, it’s an Almost Witness. If you never quite get around to Jesus, your Almost Evangelism may be leading people to become an Almost Christian. What is the subject of your witness?