Sovereign Grace Church

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Can a truth this simple transform the entire world…one person at a time? YES. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

SERIES: Hopeful: The Book of Acts
TEXT: Acts 17:1-15
TITLE: Turning the World Right Side Up
PREACHER: Tom Wilkins
BIG IDEA: The Plain Truth, that Jesus is the Christ, is turning this world right-side up!

The Plain Truth Proclaimed (Gospel Simplicity) - Vs 1-9
The Plain Truth Received (Gospel Shouldering) - Vs 10-15


“Proved - to give evidence - to ‘place beside’ or ‘set before’ - Paul was coming alongside his hears and leading them to the truth. This was not a passive effort on his part. He believed that they needed a guiding of sorts toward the truth not leaving them behind as he fired off shots of truth and ducking and covering. They were blind and needed to see and they were deaf and needed to hear!”

“The truth of the matter is more grave than this evil mob can imagine. The Gospel of Jesus is flipping this world! THIS JESUS is now turning the whole world RIGHT-SIDE UP!”

“For the believer and the non-believer - an eager and careful consideration of the Gospel according to the Scriptures is paramount because our eternity depends on it AND countless other distortions are on the move as well.”

“In this upside-down broken world, the ‘mob’ wields power. We must be careful to resist joining the mob - the text reveals that even the leaders and authorities can get caught up in the mob they were won over through fear, confusion, and their own hate. …Be careful! Be discerning! And do not join the evil. Don’t join the ‘rabble!’”

“All of the suffering of and the bearing of the reproach of the cross will immediately cease when we see Jesus THE Christ face to face!”

Kent Hughes - “His life was one of ongoing bravery and determination. The list of Paul’s sufferings in 2 Corinthians 11 is mind-boggling. If anyone questioned the apostle’s sincerity, he could point to the scar tissue on his face and back. He was willing to suffer for Christ and for others because he loved them. Regarding his people, the Jews, he said, “For I wish that I myself were accursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of my brothers” (Romans 9:3). To some of his converts he wrote, “ brothers, whom I love and long for, my joy and crown” (Philippians 4:1). He loved deeply.

When We See Your Face - Sovereign Grace Music -
”Though the dark is overwhelming
And the brightest lights grow dim
Though the Word of God
Is trampled on by foolish men
Though the wicked never stumble
And abound in every place
We will all be humbled when we see Your face”

“It was necessary for the Christ to suffer (and die)” - Isaiah 53:5, Isaiah 53:8-9, Psalm 22:1,7,8,16,17,18
The Sacrificial Lamb throughout the OT - Isaiah 53:6-7
The Lamb of God as our substitute - Isaiah 53:10-12, John 1:29
“It was necessary for the Christ to rise from the dead” - Psalm 16:10, Isaiah 53:11-12, Psalm 110:1, Hebrews 10:12-13,
The Thessalonians bear the reproach of the Cross - 1 Thessalonians 1:6-8
1 Thessalonians 5:23-24

OUR Charge and Challenge

  • Anchor yourself in the truth of the Gospel - Jesus is the Christ

  • Shoulder the reproach as a believer in Christ Jesus!

  • Prepare to bare the suffering for Christ’s sake

  • Has your faith been muddled in the confusion of the “world’s mob”? - Then the CHARGE is to be persuaded again and renew your belief again by returning again and again to the Plain Truth - Jesus is the Christ.

  • Blow the dust off of good books that point back to the Plain Truth 

  • Go back to Christianity 101 and find that it is both milk for babes and solid food for the mature that we so desperately need.