As believers, when we see how grievous our sins really were… and in our sin, we did scoff at and revile Jesus… NOW finding our sins have been forgiven, then our Savior, Jesus, becomes all the more precious to us! He bore our sins on his body and died and rose again! We are forgiven. We are Free! And now we see the beauty of the Lamb of God - Jesus!

SERIES: Hopeful: The Book of Acts
TEXT: Acts 13:13-52
TITLE: Jesus - The Savior Just as God Promised
PREACHER: Tom Wilkins
BIG IDEA: We have been longing for only what Jesus can provide and God has sent Him to us just as he promised!

”Do you know your history? Are you aware that all of it points to Christ? Your history is God’s history. It belongs to Him and He has ordained it to point to Jesus just as He Promised.”

“The sorrow, the disappointments, the valleys of death, the heights of exhilaration, the celebrations, the gravesides, the weddings, the weakness, the panic, the happiness, the community groups, the parenting, our childhood, the hurt, the healing, the singing, the sobbing, the church picnic, the baptisms, the communion, the nights of darkness, the joys in the morning, the friendships, the job, when we were young, now we are aged, yesterday, today, and tomorrow… ALL OF IT… is God’s history right now and will one day culminate in the exaltation of Jesus.

“Paul declares beginning with “Brothers, sons of the family of Abraham… to us has been sent the message of the salvation” - He calls the content of his sermon “the message of salvation.”… And Church, this is what WE have been given and sent by God - THE MESSAGE OF SALVATION. 

THEY KILLED GOD’S PROMISED ONE, BUT “GOD RAISED HIM FROM THE DEAD! From the tomb, God raises Jesus! Jesus’ death and resurrection is the glorious fulfillment of God’s promise. Jesus’ death and resurrection is the very means by which we are forgiven. Jesus’ death and resurrection is how we are now freed!”

Stuart Townend, "How Deep the Father’s Love for Us”

“Behold the man upon a cross
My sin upon His shoulders
Ashamed, I hear my mocking voice
Call out among the scoffers
It was my sin that held Him there
Until it was accomplished”

Revelation 5:13-14

1. Do we have such a high view of Jesus and the word of God about Him that we are willing to finally make it clear that they are facing God’s judgment and we WILL NOT be part of their rejection?
2. Have we reviled Jesus?