We are kicking off this new era in Acts with a look at our own missiology, which you will find in the coming weeks, comes from what we see right here in Acts—planting local churches. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

TEXT: Matthew 28:16-20
TITLE: The Great Commission And The Local Church
PREACHER: Derek Overstreet
BIG IDEA: When God invades the world with the glory of Christ, He begins and ends with the local church.

I. Our Mission
II. Our Strategy for the Mission
III. Our Confidence in the Mission

”A disciple is someone who is sold out for another person, someone who is committed to following the words and ways of someone else. In true discipleship, there is no room for a half-hearted, take it or leave it kind of attitude. A disciple is ALL in!”

“Our mission as a church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ. HOW are disciples made? There are three verbs in the text that describe the HOW of our mission: GO, BAPTIZE, and TEACH.”

“Every believer here is called to GO to the lost. The mission is not—Be ready when the lost comes to you. The mission is GO to the lost around you and tell them the good news of Jesus. The sense of GO in context is not—Get out of dodge and begin something new. It’s primarily—Where you already GO, GO with Jesus”

For some GOING takes them away into foreign lands. But, for most of us, the GOING is everywhere God has us every day already. In the coming months, we are going to bring a greater focus to this aspect of our mission together.”

“This baptism doesn’t save anyone. That said, it is a public expression of one’s salvation that marks and celebrates their new life as a disciple of Christ.”

“Someone asked one time—What does discipleship look like around here? A GOOD question. Each of the contexts I just mentioned, beginning with Sunday morning preaching, are expressions of discipleship meant to teach us how to love and live for Jesus in joy and obedience.”

“The Great Commission NECESSITATES the centrality of the local church. And it’s the local church that is at the heart of our Strategy for Mission.”

“I submit a Fully Orbed Mission, according to the word looks like this: The Gospel + The Believer + The Local Church = Missions”

“The Great Commission demands the local church, which is at the heart of the mission, to go, baptize, and teach. When we remove the local church from the equation, it’s like an ambassador without an Embassy.”

“In the call to mission, [Jesus] promises to be with us in ALL authority. He is with us in power and purpose. That promise guarantees the success of our gospel mission. Not our size. Not our prospects. Not our affiliations. Not our creativity. Not our missional resolve. It’s the unwavering resolve of Christ to transform sinners into disciples, build his church, and return for his bride—with all authority—ensuring our gospel mission is unstoppable.”

George Peters
- “The primary historical significance of the Great Commission lies in the fact that it gives to the church the pattern and purpose of missions. It defines and delineates the missionary task. We have in the Great Commission a compass, a charter, and a plan”

Dave Harvey - “Church planting is the New Testament method for proclaiming and applying the gospel. Armed with the good news, the disciples would penetrate new regions with a goal of both communicating God’s word and creating God’s community. In contrast to traditional missionary enterprises which often centers primarily upon proclamation, church planting establishes a mission base for proclamation, integration and expansion”

We are part of something much bigger than ourselves, but it all begins with local churches planting local churches. Maybe you are not feeling like you are part of something bigger:

  • If you give to this church—You are!

  • If you are praying God will use our church beyond these four walls—You are!

  • If you are committed to your local church with your gifts, giving, and presence—You are!

  • If you are wondering about joining a SG church plant—Perhaps you will be in a very unique way! I encourage you to speak with one of your pastors.

Do you get BORED with what God is doing in here - your church? If so, you may need to evaluate your understanding of what God wants to do out there.

We all GO every day. The question is, How much of my GOING is for Jesus? 

The Great Commission begins and ends with the local church. Begin with your commitment HERE, and if God is leading you to something OUT THERE, talk with a pastor so he can faithfully shepherd your soul.