God’s transcendent yet intimate presence will be fully realized when His Son Jesus returns. However strong or weak your faith is today, Psalm 8 sings this perspective-altering and life-transforming truth to your heart. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.
SERIES: Sermons in the Psalms
TEXT: Psalm 8
TITLE: The Stars, Babies, Jesus, and Me
PREACHER: Derek Overstreet
BIG IDEA: The God who stands high above it all lives right here in your heart!
1. The Majesty of the Lord
2. The Meaningfulness of Man
”I have no idea where David was when these thoughts entered his head, but as he surveys creation, gazing up at the star-filled sky, he has a moment where he recognizes that God stands above it all. As majestic and glorious as creation is, all of it reflects His far greater majesty and glory. Its very existence is a praise of His glory.”

“David takes us from the grandeur of the universe to the smallest and most vulnerable expressions of humanity.”
“Q) What do stars and babies have in common? A) God’s majesty and glory. The heavens proclaim God’s glory, and so does the baby’s first weak and helpless cry.”
“David now does something unexpected. He shifts from the Majesty of the Lord to the Meaningfulness of Man.”
“Nothing in all of God’s creation reflects God’s majesty as you do.”
“The world needs to hear this. The lost you are reaching out to need to know this—human beings matter to God. He created us to take pleasure in Him, and He takes pleasure in us. But Rom 1 says we choose our glory.”
“David says the work of setting all those stars in place and sustaining them in place is, look at it in 3—the work of your fingers. Translation—Effortless. Oh Lord, Our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!”
“The transcendent God who creates and sets and sustains the universe is with you. David’s language is intentional and weighty: The idea of being mindful of man is to be constantly aware of him. The Hebrew word translated care means visit (KJV) or come near. The language is unmistakably intimate. The God who stands above the heavens makes His presence with you. He has you on His mind. He is constantly and continually aware of you and everything happening in your life. While He sustains 200 sextillion stars, He is, at the same time, personally and powerfully working all things for your good.”
“God’s care is never in the abstract. It is never at arm’s length. God comes into your reality. He comes into your existence with unfailing love, divine power, and eternal purpose. You exist for something infinitely far greater than all this. God has prepared an eternal dwelling place for you. Jesus will return, and you will live with him in perfect glory forever.”
Psalm 19:1
Hebrews 2:6-9
Dr. Geoffrey Simmons - “How can you hear a baby’s first cry and not believe in the miracle God has produced? At nine months after conception, the baby's brain sends a hormone through the placenta into the mother's pituitary gland. Although it’s a complicated chemical, its message is simple: I’m ready; It’s time. All the baby’s complex systems—lungs, heart, gastrointestinal, nerves, brain—are ready to make it on their own, but the baby’s skull is not yet fused, so it can be pliable enough to fit through the birth canal. As the process starts, the baby’s adrenal glands add a shot of stress hormones to the baby so it can bear the stress of the delivery. The child will not breathe until it's cleared the birth canal. If it breathed too soon, it would suffocate; if it waited too long, it would suffer brain damage. And just before the mother and child separate, the newborn gets a last-minute blood transfusion through the placenta and the umbilical cord that the placenta has stored till this very moment that has just exactly the right chemicals and nutrients for the baby to survive the first moments.”
Charles Spurgeon - “In the sky, the massive orbs, rolling in their stupendous grandeur, are witnesses of his power in great things, while here below, the lisping utterances of babes are the manifestations of his strength in little ones. How often will children tell us of a God whom we have forgotten.”
John Calvin - “David expressly celebrates the special favour which God manifests towards mankind; for this, of all the subjects which come under our contemplation, is the brightest mirror in which we can behold his glory.”
Are you wondering if God cares? Are you wondering if you have any worth in such a big world? Are you wondering where you fit into it all? Good news—Psalm 8 solves the puzzle for you. Hebrews 2 says Psalm 8 sings the song of the gospel to your heart. The One who set all the stars in place came near to you in Jesus.
The first cry of baby Jesus in a dark and dank manger thundered into a fallen world that the same transcendent God who made it all is not only mindful of you but has come to care for and make you right with Himself. The final words Jesus uttered as he hung suspended between heaven and earth, bearing your sin and paying the price of your measureless debt—It is finished—are yours by faith and set you free in Christ.