In the power of the Spirit, don’t allow the anxiety of the unknown, the tyranny of what’s seen, or temporary suffering to derail your faith. We know how this ends—Christ is victorious! Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

SERIES: Hopeful: The Book of Acts
TEXT: Acts 12:18-25
TITLE: Getting Reacquainted With The King Of Glory, Part 2
PREACHER: Derek Overstreet
BIG IDEA: God is always in control, always for our good.

Herod stood before the people as though he was God, paraphrasing John Calvin—Plucking God out of His seat. And God struck him down.”

“Plucking God out of His seat comes naturally to us. Learning to give glory to God, in ALL things at ALL times, is a discipline we must all be intentional about. Money, possessions, talents, health, position, favor, wisdom, and achievements. From spiritual salvation to earthly successes, it all comes from God.”

“how do we stay humble? Above all things, I submit we cultivate God-honoring humility to the degree we live with an awareness that God is holy, I am a wretched sinner, and Jesus alone can bridge the gap. Staying close to the cross cultivates humility in the heart.”

“Did persecution and hardship cease? No, just keep reading. And it won’t until the imminent return of Christ. But God’s Spirit-empowered gospel mission through His church always triumphs.”

“If you are new around here, we are careful about how the news intrudes this pulpit. We avoid over-contextualizing the gospel for the sake of perceived cultural relevance. We preach biblical truth, not American politics. Our hope is in the goodness and wisdom of a sovereign God and the power of a risen Christ—and nothing else!”

That’s exactly what Peter’s rest on death row, the church’s prayers in a dark hour, and Herod’s gruesome death REACQUAINT us with—the unchanging truth that God is always in control as He brings about His UNSTOPPABLE purposes for His ETERNAL glory and HIGHEST good for His redeemed people. That’s why we should be HOPEFUL in our Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered mission—God is UNSTOPPABLE!”

Daniel 4
Pride: Romans 12:3, Galatians 6:3, Proverbs 26:12
Humility: Isaiah 66:2, James 4:6
Psalm 46
Where our hope rests: Romans 3:25-26, Colossians 2:13-15, 1 John 4:4, Romans 8:28, Revelation 22:12, Psalm 73:17-19, Matthew 16:18


  • Keep praying

  • Keep resting

  • Keep gathering

  • Keep evangelizing

  • Keep fellowshipping

  • Keep obeying

  • Keep serving

  • Keep giving

  • Keep enduring

  • Keep persevering

  • Keep showing mercy