Sovereign Grace Church

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This past week we took a deeper look at the ministry and arrest of Stephen in the book of Acts and its implications for our own lives. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

SERIES: Hopeful: The Book of Acts
TEXT: Acts 6:8-14
TITLE: A Worthy Example
PREACHER: Derek Overstreet
BIG IDEA: As Christians, we have the Word of God AND the Spirit of God. THEREFORE, we should be HOPEFUL—that is our hearts should be filled with expectation that God will work in us and through us to advance the gospel and build His church by bringing salvation to sinners.

1.  Full of Grace 
2. Full of Power
3. Full of Wisdom

“There was a genuine sweetness, a gentleness, a winsomeness about Stephen. He wasn’t just a pleasant guy to be around. He didn’t merely have a likeable personality. God’s grace toward him flowed out to others. There was an authentic Christ-likeness about him—He was full of grace.” 

“Do you expect God to do amazing things as you courageously speak truth in the power of the Spirit?“ 

“Stephen’s powerful ministry was fruit of the grace and power of the Spirit at work through him. And though separated by millennia and cultures, it is the same for us today. Effective ministry, both personally and collectively, is based on grace, power, and wisdom from above.”

1 Peter 3:15
- “…but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect,”

John 14:25-26 - “These things I have spoken to you while I am still with you. But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.”

Eckhard Schnabel - “Christians living in the West are in danger of being to thoroughly influenced by a culture that values technical skills, management strategies, and methodical planning. While expertise in these areas are not unimportant, it can easily obscure the fact that ministries, particularly mission and evangelism, are not rendered effective by techniques but by the power of God, who empowers his witness through his Spirit”

How do we prepare and position ourselves for the Holy Spirit empowered ministry and witness?    

  1. Be a student of the Word. If the Word is in your heart, the Word will be at the heart of your words!

  2. Embrace your dependance on the Spirit. It’s the Spirit that makes truth alive in our minds and hearts and it’s the Spirit that makes our ministry efforts fruitful.

    • How do we embrace our dependance? Prayer—Lord, fill me up freshly with your Spirt for the strength and power to have: 

      • Humility—be full of grace!

      • Clarity

      • Boldness

      • Discernment and wisdom in the moment

      • Right words at right time

      • Fruit

  3. Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing! Salvation is the goal and the gospel is the only way. So Give them Jesus—the Way, the Truth, the Life.

  4. Don’t be surprised by opposition. Jesus promised it. History has proven it. Don’t be surprised by opposition. If you are, you will probably be silenced by opposition.