Sovereign Grace Church

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In Acts this past week, Stephen highlights key men and key moments in Jewish history. And two themes dominate his argument: God’s active presence isn’t limited to a Temple and God’s people have a history of rejecting Him. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

SERIES: Hopeful: The Book of Acts
TEXT: Acts 7:1-53
TITLE: A History Lesson for the Ages
PREACHER: Derek Overstreet
BIG IDEA: Jesus is Everything. Jesus is Supreme. Jesus is Sufficient. Jesus is Everything.

1.  Stephen’s Argument
a. Abraham and the Promise
b. Joseph and the Famine
c. Moses and the Exodus
d. David and the Temple
2. Stephen’s Accusation

Genesis 12-25
Genesis 37-50
The Book of Exodus

How will you respond to truth?

  1. Assurance. Is my faith and hope for this life and the life to come in the person and work of Christ? If the answer is yes, have assurance, you are on the right side of history. You need nothing else. You have Jesus!

  2. Warning. John Calvin said The heart is an idol factory. He was right. Every believer struggles with worshipping the created instead of the Creator. We all reject God and resist His Spirit for the little golden calves in our lives. Whatever that is for you, yield to the merciful and gracious sanctifying work of the Spirit.