Sovereign Grace Church

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In spite of prophecies depicting a clear and present danger and the pleadings of his friends not to go, Paul was still determined to go to Jerusalem. Why did Paul do what he did? The answer has implications for us today. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

SERIES: Hopeful: The Book of Acts
TEXT: Acts 21:17-26
TITLE: Paul’s Last Visit to Jerusalem
PREACHER: Tom Wilkins

Q. Why did Paul do what he did?
1. Christ is Worth It
2. Christ’s Church is Worth It
3. His Kinsman Are Worth It

”From the moment of his salvation - Paul did what he did so that that which of ‘first importance’ was declared - the Cross of Christ! - shorthand for ‘Jesus Christ and Him crucified!’”

“Paul revisits in detail each and every single thing ‘that God had done.’ And the desired effect on those gathered - They GLORIFIED GOD!”

“Paul did what he did because he was constrained by the love of Christ! Paul did what he did so Jesus would be glorified! (Vs. 13) ‘For I am ready not only to be imprisoned and but even to die in Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus.’”

”Some observations of Vs. 20b-25: In verse 20b we have Jewish believers that were zealous for the law - an issue and reason that Paul would elsewhere refer to them as “weak”, and in 21 we have Jewish believers that were believing slanderous rumors, half-truths, and misrepresentation about Paul. The elder's feared what these zealous people would do once they heard that Paul had come, threatening the health and unity of the Church.”

“Here is where I see one of the dangers of how we respond to misinformation. At times we must let it go, and at times we work to correct it - Study 1 Corinthians and see where Paul will defend himself on some charges and in others he will “let Christ be his judge.” In this passage though, an effort is being proposed to counter the lies with actions that hopefully will speak louder than words - in the end likely a foolish attempt - but Paul submitted himself to these leaders, his conscience clear that there was no ‘additional yoke or burden’.”

“The church [in Jerusalem] was facing a two-fold affliction: zeal for / addiction to the law and defiled by slanderous rumor.”

“They grew up in this water! Here in Jerusalem, the elixir of the formalities, rites, and ceremonies pulled on them daily… they could hear it, see it, smell it… it is ‘who they are’ - though freedom from the Law is declared in Christ!”

“The destructive nature of gossip and slander is more damaging than we can imagine - the very next section of Acts 21 will show that the elder’s efforts will not undo the effects of slander and misrepresentation!”

“This request could possibly advance the mission of the Gospel by removing a distracting barrier. While it was indeed an imperfect effort, and it was not even the best effort in Paul’s mind to address the situation, he so loved Christ’s church that he would do this.”

“Is the church weak at times? - yes it is! Is the church nearsighted at times? - yes it is! Does she need care and help at times? - ALL of the time! Will she stumble at times? - she has two left feet! BUT SHE IS PRECIOUS TO JESUS SO SHE IS PRECIOUS TO ME.”

”The Image of a Man” by Dallas Holm -
“Why do I do the things I do?”…
”There's a picture in my mind that time can't erase
There's a memory of days gone by that helps me keep my place
It's in the front of my mind, in the back of my mind
To the left and to the right
There's an image of a man on a cross”

Charles Spurgeon - “If sinners be damned, at least let them leap to hell over our dead bodies. And if they perish, let them perish with our arms wrapped about their knees, imploring them to stay. If hell must be filled, let it be filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let not one go unwarned and unprayed for.”

Q. Is Christ worth it to you?
Q. Is Christ Church worth it to you?
Q. Are your lost loved ones, your friends, your neighbors, the stranger at the ballgame, the student in your class… Are your “kinsmen” worth it to you?

Q. What are two things that I can do this week to grow in my love for Christ? 
No. 1: I would submit that an honest, humble return to the foot of the Cross, to the Gospel, to that time in your life when Christ saved you… THIS will revive your affections for Jesus!
No. 2 Honestly and humbly tell someone that same old story of when Christ saved you!