Sovereign Grace Church

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What do one pastor’s farewell words to other pastors have to do with us? Turns out…everything. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

SERIES: Hopeful: The Book of Acts
TEXT: Acts 20:17-38
TITLE: A Farewell to Remember
PREACHER: Derek Overstreet

I. He Testifies to God’s Grace in His Ministry
A. “I served humbly”
B. “I preached diligently”
C. “I sacrificed continually”
II. He Charged Them in Their God-Given Ministry
A. Pay careful attention to yourself
B. Pay close attention to all the flock

”The church in Ephesus was dear to Paul. He spent over two years there—the longest time spent in any city—preaching the gospel and building the church. So Paul, knowing this would be the last time he sees them, had a burden to personally minister to the pastors in Ephesus. There was no way he was going to let jet lag or the long road ahead to get in the way of encouraging his friends and co-laborers in Christ.”

“Paul served in a way that people wouldn’t say—What a great pastor Paul is!, rather, What a great Savior Paul serves!”

It didn’t matter where Paul was or who you were—he preached to you.”

“Paul spent himself for the sake of Christ. Whether it was his personal safety or practical needs, Paul let nothing stand in the way of what God was calling him to do. He was unselfish, not wanting to be a burden to anyone, but to everyone a means of gospel grace.”

“He [Paul] didn’t identify himself as a celebrity influencer, but a servant leader being poured out, spent, used up for the sake of others and ultimately Christ.”

“From cleaning the church to preaching in the church, it’s FOR Him! It’s not for our pleasure. It’s not for our sense of worth. It’s not for our personal validation. Wherever, however, and whoever you serve, it’s from God. It’s for God. It’s to God.”

“Paul says—Your God-given role as a pastor doesn’t begin with those you are called to pastor—it begins with you. Keep your lives upright. Keep your lives centered on the gospel. Keep your lives rooted in the Word. In other words, before a man is a pastor, he’s a sheep.”

“When your pastors shed tears over you—and we do—it’s because of this—he obtained you with his own blood. When your pastors carry a burden of concern for you—and we do—it’s because of these words—he obtained you with his own blood. When your pastors labor in the Word and prayer for your sake—and we do—it’s because of these words—he obtained you with his own blood. When your pastors encourage you—and we do—it’s because of these words—he obtained you with his own blood. When your pastors correct you–and we do—it’s because of these words—he obtained you with his own blood.”

“If you are searching for purpose and meaning. If you are looking for a sense of value and worth. If you are longing for validation and acceptance, here you go—the God of the universe obtained you with His own blood. We all long for something new to try—but what we need is something TRUE.”

Richard Baxter - “If Christ had but committed to my keeping one spoonful of his blood in a fragile glass, how curiously would I preserve it, and how tender would I be of that glass….Every time we look upon our congregations, let us believingly remember that they are the purchase of Christ’s blood, and therefore should be regarded by us with the deepest interest and the most tender affection.”

2 Timothy 4:6-7
1 Timothy 4:16
Colossians 3:1
Hebrews 13:17

If God has entrusted you to your pastors, are you allowing your pastors to pastor you? 

  • Through trials and relational conflicts

  • In big decisions 

  • Discerning worldly wisdom from biblical wisdom

  • Theological confusion

Don’t go through the Christian life alone. God has designed so many means of grace—His Word, His people, and yes, your pastors! If you want to thrive in your walk with Lord, let His under-shepherds care for your soul.