Christmas Eve 2021

“Jesus is the reason for the season!” How many times have we heard that phrase?!

Every year, amidst the joyfully hectic hustle and bustle of December, we gather together as a church to pause and remember the birth of Jesus. We don’t do this simply to remind each other, our friends, and neighbors of a cute story about a baby in a barn. But to remind us of where our hope and joy truly belongs, not only in this season but in all of life - THE GOSPEL. The life and death of our precious Savior. A baby in a barn is only a piece of that story!

This year will be no different! And we invite you to join us this Christmas Eve at 6:00 PM for our annual Candlelight Service. There will be paper invitations for you in the lobby on Sunday, however, feel free to screen-shot the image below to share the details that way! The Gospel will be preached!