A Passion for Prayer - God's Inexhaustible Storehouse

Psalm 16:11

You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

A few years ago, a dear friend of mine, Todd, found out that he had cancer on the back of his eye. Over the following months, he made visits to MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas. Todd, whose faith in Christ was sure, would prayerfully bring a hopeful Christ-like presence of life, joy, and eternal perspective into the waiting areas that were filled with cancer patients many of whom were desperate, dying, and suffering greatly! 

In Psalm 16:11 we find these three amazing things in God: the path of life, the fullness of joy, and pleasures forevermore. At different times in our lives, we find ourselves desperate for these things. Amazingly, God’s word reveals that there are more than these three. Prayer brings us before the One who has them all and then some! Charles Spurgeon says this about prayer, “To pray is to enter the treasure-house of God and to enrich oneself out of an inexhaustible storehouse.” Desperate for life when we are facing death, lost in misery, and gripped by sorrow, we can come to God in prayer and find life, joy, and pleasures forevermore, each being found in the treasure-house of God, knowing that He is ready to give. Ask Him for life. Ask Him for joy. Ask Him for pleasures that come from Him! In Matthew 7:7-11, Jesus says that the Father is ready to “...give good things to those who ask him!” God desires that we pray and make requests of Him while standing ready to answer the requests with “good things.” When we pray, we make our request known and trust that He is good. 

In the same context, Spurgeon said “the very act of prayer is a blessing… apart from the answer”. This should encourage us all, but what about those, like myself, who struggle during the times when God answers “no,” or “not yet” to our prayers? Joni Eareckson Tada, after 50 years of being paralyzed from the neck down, while speaking on what she has learned from God, said, “A ‘no’ answer to my request for a miraculous physical healing has meant purged sin, a love for the lost, increased compassion, stretched hope, an appetite for grace, an increase of faith, a happy longing for heaven, a desire to serve, a delight in prayer, and a hunger for his Word.” She is able to say prayer itself has become a delight! In prayer, we pull down heaven into our souls in sense and behold the inexhaustible storehouse of God’s eternal faithfulness and goodness. While we wait for His answer, basking in His presence in prayer sets our hearts aflame in hope! 

“To pray is to grasp heaven in one’s arms, to embrace God.” - Spurgeon. 

- Tom