2023 Youth Retreat

Over the next few months, our church’s youth group, SGYouth, will be hosting fundraisers to raise money for the youth to go to the Sovereign Grace regional youth retreat! Below is information about the upcoming youth retreat from the SGyouth leader, Jon Lambros:

This year SGYouth has the wonderful opportunity of joining the other churches in our Sovereign Grace region for a multi-church youth retreat this July!  We’ve had the exciting opportunity of seeing multiple pastors from different churches plan the teaching topics. What the pastors settled on is both well thought through and extremely applicable to our youth’s daily lives, so we are very excited to have them participate.

This retreat is extremely well thought through and planned, but with that comes a higher cost than our previous smaller retreats, so we’re asking for your help! We are shooting for 100% attendance with the youth, and we don’t want anyone to not be able to go due to financial reasons.

On behalf of the Youth team and the pastors, we’re asking that you all please make it a point to participate in the upcoming youth fundraisers (details to come soon!) and that you consider helping the youth make it to this retreat. I can guarantee you it will be a worthwhile investment in the lives of these students in our church!

Jon Lambros – (520) 609-8864

If you have any questions about SGYouth or the upcoming retreat, feel free to reach out to Jon Lambros or the church office.