Sovereign Grace Church

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Your Giving and A New Church Plant

Every April, we express our faith and unity as a church by giving above and beyond our regular tithes. This annual offering supplements our current budget and positions us to participate in ministry opportunities, not in our budget. As an expression of our gospel partnership, this year, we hope to bless our new church plant in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, with a generous financial gift that will help them advance the gospel of Jesus Christ 4700 miles south of us.

Church planting is a big part of our missiology both as a local church and global union of churches. As a local church, we have had the privilege of partnering with church plants in Santa Ana, CA, and Santa Cruz, Bolivia, in very tangible and meaningful ways.

Of course, the Lord is using Sovereign Grace Churches to spread the gospel across the globe; from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, to San Antonio, TX, people are coming to know Jesus as the gospel advances through new church plants in places like Prattville, Alabama. 

Please take a moment and watch the video below to see what God is doing through our new church plant in the heart of the Bible Belt. We hope it encourages you and builds your faith as you prayerfully consider giving toward our offering next month.