Judges 16:1-31 | We are Samson, God is God | Derek Overstreet Sunday Morning, Christ In The ChaosDerek OverstreetJune 16, 2024Judges
Judges 15:1-20 | Walking With God | Derek Overstreet Sunday Morning, Christ In The ChaosDerek OverstreetJune 9, 2024Judges
Judges 14 | The God Who Is There | Derek Overstreet Sunday Morning, Christ In The ChaosDerek OverstreetJune 2, 2024Judges
Judges 12:8-13:25 | The Faithfulness of God on Display | Tom Wilkins Sunday Morning, Christ In The ChaosTom WilkinsMay 26, 2024Judges
James 1:21-25 | Partnering With The Preacher | Derek Overstreet Sunday Morning, The GatheringDerek OverstreetMay 19, 2024James
2 Timothy 4:1-5 | The Priority of Preaching | Derek Overstreet Sunday Morning, The GatheringDerek OverstreetMay 12, 20242 Timothy
John 4:19-24 | Worshiping God God's Way | Derek Overstreet Sunday Morning, The GatheringDerek OverstreetMay 5, 2024John
1 Corinthians 11:17-34 | Communion: A Holy Celebration | Tim Lambros Sunday Morning, The GatheringTim LambrosApril 28, 20241 Corinthians
2 Corinthians 9:6-15 | Gospel Generosity | Tom Wilkins Sunday Morning, The GatheringTom WilkinsApril 21, 20242 Corinthians
1 Peter 4:10-11 | The Glory of Serving on Sunday | Derek Overstreet Sunday Morning, The GatheringDerek OverstreetApril 14, 20241 Peter
Exodus 20:8-11 | Sunday: Holy Day or Holiday? | Derek Overstreet Sunday Morning, The GatheringDerek OverstreetApril 7, 2024Exodus
1 Corinthians 15:20-26 | The Ultimate Hope of Easter | Derek Overstreet Sunday Morning, Easter 2024Derek OverstreetMarch 31, 20241 Corinthians
2 Chronicles 20:1-24 | God Is Trustworthy | Trey Richardson Sunday Morning, Guest SpeakerGuestMarch 24, 20242 Corinthians
Judges 10:1-12:15 | All In! | Derek Overstreet Sunday Morning, Christ In The ChaosDerek OverstreetMarch 17, 2024Judges
Judges 9:1-57 | When Our Greatest Enemy Is Us | Derek Overstreet Sunday Morning, Christ In The ChaosDerek OverstreetMarch 10, 2024Judges
Judges 8:29-35 | The Joy of Remembering | Derek Overstreet Sunday Morning, Christ In The ChaosDerek OverstreetMarch 3, 2024Judges
Judges 8:4-28 | A Tragic Ending | Derek Overstreet Sunday Morning, Christ In The ChaosDerek OverstreetFebruary 25, 2024Judges
Judges 7:1-8:3 | Our Weakness And The Glory Of God | Tom Wilkins Sunday Morning, Christ In The ChaosTom WilkinsFebruary 18, 2024Judges
Judges 6:33-40 | Do Not Test God | Tom Wilkins Sunday Morning, Christ In The ChaosTom WilkinsFebruary 11, 2024Judges
Judges 6:25-32 | A Divine Mic Drop | Derek Overstreet Sunday Morning, Christ In The ChaosDerek OverstreetFebruary 4, 2024Judges