What is biblical fellowship? One writer calls it "participating together in the life and truth made possible by our union with Christ."
Our Community Groups provide a context for this kind of fellowship in several ways: through mutual care, the application of God's Word to our lives, worship, and the opportunity to use gifts and talents that can benefit others and glorify God.
FORGE, our Men’s ministry hosts events for the men to gather and fellowship.
Women flourishing together under the Word by adorning the Gospel. Woven is a ministry for ALL women in ALL seasons, woven into God and with each other.
SG Youth’s purpose is to support parents in raising their children to be men and women of God, who are confident in God’s Word and who are not ashamed of the Gospel that they proclaim and demonstrate in their communities.
SG Youth meets once a month for fun, fellowship, and a teaching. Click here to learn more.
GRACEkids partners with parents in SHOWing Jesus to their children so they KNOW him and GO tell others about him. Classes are held on Sunday mornings for children ages 1 through 5th grade.
Classes are held on Sunday mornings for children ages 1 through 5th grade. Click here to learn more.