Feliz Tree

Sovereign Grace Church will be participating in the feliz tree again this year! The feliz tree is a program that gives our church the opportunity to bless children at the Rancho 3M orphanage in Mexico with Christmas gifts.

To chose a child to bless with a Christmas gift, please visit the Feliz Tree table in the church lobby on Sunday morning, or contact Cierra by email at office@sovgracetucson.org.


  • STEP 1: Pick a child.

  • STEP 2: Leave the second tag, with your information, with the church office staff.

  • STEP 3: Buy gifts! Please read below for guidelines.

  • STEP 4: Turn in your unwrapped gift with receipt by SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5TH

 Feel free to detach the photo to keep as a
reminder to pray for the child you chose!  



  • Return all gifts in a plain bag with the tag attached by Sunday, December 5th.

  • Please include a card or note to your child. Feel free to also include a family photo, child’s drawing, etc. This year more than ever we want to let them know that we care about them and are praying for them!

  • Please try to get exactly what is on the tag. The total cost of the item(s) on each tag should be approximately $25-$35, with some variation. If possible, include your receipts with the gift items marked on them. Sometimes exchanges are needed and receipts are very helpful!

  • The black shoes for boys and girls are for school and should be sturdy dress shoes with thick soles. The girls' shoes should be flats or have low heels.

  • At the Ranch’s request, please avoid:

    • Inappropriately dressed characters (e.g. Disney’s Jasmine),

    • Magic items

    • Violent characters

    • Characters with bad attitudes or bad guys (e.g. Darth Vader, the Simpsons)

    • Sleeveless clothing

    • Items that require batteries (unless requested, then please include batteries)

    • Anatomically correct dolls (e.g. Barbie)

    • Make-up (for younger girls)

    • Dark or bright nail polish (clear or light colors are okay)

If you have ANY questions or can’t find an item, please call Cierra Wilkins at 520-742-1615 or email her at office@sovgracetucson.org!


Since its inception in 1969, our mission at Rancho 3M has been “Rescuing, caring for, training and discipling at-risk and orphaned children for the glory of God.”

- Rancho 3M