You are invited to join us as our community groups gather together every Wednesday in February for our annual EQUIPPED course! This year Tim Lambros will be will be teaching through “Community Groups - A Forgotten Means of Grace” Check out the schedule below!
WEEK 1 - 2/6 - 7PM
Lesson 1: The Church - A Community Marked by Love for One Another
Lesson 2: The Community Group - From Church Attender to Life Together
WEEK 2 - 2/13 - 7PM
Lesson 3: Biblical Fellowship - A Forgotten Grace
Lesson 4: Your Community Group - A Strategic Place for Discipleship
WEEK 3 - 2/20 - 7PM
Lesson 5: Why God’s Word is Central, but You Won’t Be Doing a Traditional Bible Study
Lesson 6: Real Transformation Targets the Heart
WEEK 4 - 2/27 - 7PM
Lesson 7: The Ministry of Correction and Why Nobody Signs Up
Lesson 8: Learning to See and Savor Grace in Your Community Group