Sovereign Grace Church

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When I Don't Desire The Word

James 4:21 clearly calls us to “receive with meekness the implanted word.”  Last Sunday we learned that when God saves us, He puts new desires for His Word within us by the Spirit. Then we were challenged with this thought – if you don’t have a desire for the Word something is wrong.  

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What if I don’t desire the Word?

Three possibilities come to mind.  All three involve some serious examination.

First, examine yourself to see if you’re in the faith. 2 Corinthians 13:5 states this very clearly.  One evidence that God has regenerated your soul is the desire for His Word.  Many people can get involved in a Church, say and do all the accepted Christian external behaviors but inside not know God personally. (Matthew 7:21-23)  

Think about the closed Bible illustration. If I say I’m a Christian but have no desire for God’s Word, my life is stating I don’t want to hear anything from God.  I don’t want to hear about who God is and how I’m united with his Son Jesus Christ.  I’m not interested in God’s Word and what I’m called to do as one of His children. 

Examining yourself to see if you’re in the faith will be the toughest but most fruitful examination you can do. If you have any concerns in this area, contact your Pastors, a Community Group leader or a trusted, mature believer you know. 

Second, examine your desires.  I would submit that for most regenerated believers the desire for meeting God in His Word is there but possibly buried.  Buried down deep below other desires that dominate your life right now. 

That image of God’s Word being closed to us like an unopened Bible is powerful.  For most of us it’s simply examining our lives to see what else has taken desire into our lives.  Maybe multiple things have risen in our hearts so that what is most important - opening God’s Word on a regular basis- now is secondary or only occurs only when it’s convenient, etc.  Picture God’s Word closed yet you are zipping by it numerous times a day desiring/chasing other less important things that have captured your heart.

Third, examine your season.  If you are typically hungry for God’s Word yet sit under a message like James 1:19-21 and sense the Spirit say “you’re that person”, maybe you’ve simply drifted and allowed other desires to temporarily bury your desire for God’s Word.  We all drift, we need to guard our hearts (Proverbs 4:23- in fact just read all of Proverbs 4!) and grow to ruthlessly guard the desires of our hearts.

For every believer, God has not only implanted His Word in us but give us His Spirit.  The Spirit of God is there to help us grow in understanding what a gift His Word is to us and for us.  He will transform our desires and bring us to a place where we eagerly desire His Word.