Your New Favorite Blog

“I wish the pastor went a little deeper with that thought!”
“What was the verse he cited?”
“Did they announce…”
“I can’t remember that quote.” 

Sound familiar? I’m sure it does. Whether it is a thought that misses the final sermon cut, an announcement cut for time’s sake, or our memory just not cutting it, we can miss a lot on Sunday morning. 


Introducing The Cutting Board. (This blog!) From sermon notes to theological reflections to important announcements, The Cutting Board exists to keep you in the know, take you deeper into truth and show you Jesus in ways that are relevant to the life and people of Sovereign Grace Church. 

The best way to stay up to date is to check back here often! If you’re a member of our church you will also be receiving blog updates via email. Anyone else interested in receiving these updates can subscribe below or on our “what to expect” page here!

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