Sovereign Grace Church

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A Way to Pray

In his outstanding Systematic Theology, Wayne Grudem explains three reasons God wants us to pray: 1) Prayer expresses our trust in God 2) Prayer is a way to fellowship with God 3) Prayer is a means to participate with God in His kingdom work. Regarding the latter, Grudem says:

In prayer, God allows us as creatures to be involved in activities that are eternally important. When we pray, the work of the kingdom is advanced. In this way, prayer gives us opportunity to be involved in a significant way in the work of the kingdom. 

This is the profound nature and privilege of prayer—an invitation from God to participate in His purposes that take us beyond the temporal. As you join God’s kingdom work in this unique way, please consider the requests below. Above all, may God meet you in your prayers, graciously granting you comprehension of the breadth and length and height and depth of the love of Christ for you and all his saints according to Ephesians 3:18-19. May God mercifully answer our prayers for our good and His glory!

Sovereign Grace Church Local

  • Pray that Scottie and Melody Wilkins will be anchored in the love and sovereignty of God, encouraged by the Word, strengthened by the Spirit, and filled with wisdom for practical decisions (medical, house, church) as they prepare for the birth of Everett. 

  • Pray the Parenting Weekender (3/25-26) and upcoming Men’s Retreat (you heard it here first—May 5-7). Pray for God’s favor in the planning, His power through the teachings, and His grace in our relationships. 

  • Pray for Heidi Aranda’s continued recovery from brain surgery. Pray for abiding trust in the Lord, an acute awareness of His daily mercies, and wisdom from the Spirit as they navigate the practical implications for their daily life.   

Sovereign Grace Churches National

  • Pray that God would continue to provide financially for Sovereign Grace Churches so that we can fund the numerous gospel opportunities He is giving us as a family of churches.

  • Pray for Sovereign Grace Pastors College students as they enter the final three months and prepare to begin ministry in local churches here at home and abroad.

Sovereign Grace Churches Global

  • Pray for Christians in Ukraine, asking God to protect them and use them to offer gospel hope as the war continues in that nation.

  • Pray for the Belarusian pastors that Kyle Huber (Sr. Pastor of our church in Egg Harbor Township, NJ) is working with and caring for. Pray for God’s power as they minister the gospel and His protection to prevent their men from being forced to join Russia against Ukraine. 

  • Pray for 4 Sovereign Grace church plants that we have planned in the Asia-Pacific part of the world over the next 24 months: Cavite—Philippines (2022/23), Bonbon—Philippines (2022/23), Negros Occidental—Philippines (2022/23), Kathmandu—Nepal (2022/23).