Sovereign Grace Church

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A Passion for Prayer: Our Prayers, God's Glory

Charles Spurgeon’s ministry was far-reaching. In his outstanding book, C.H. Spurgeon on Spiritual Leadership, Steve Miller comments:

From 1861 to 1891 he preached to some 6,000 people every Sunday morning….Spurgeon organized and ran several evangelistic, educational, and social ministries, including the Pastors’ College, the Stockwell Orphanage, the Old Ladies Home, the Colportage Ministry, the Pastors’ Aid Society, and the Poor Ministers’ Clothing Society.

Add to the legendary list above traveling to preach and the many books he authored, and a hearty WHEW! is in order. While some may rightly wonder at the gifts and capabilities of Mr. Spurgeon, he knew exactly where the credit belonged:

I stand here to confess frankly that from my inmost heart I attribute the large prosperity which God has given to this church vastly more to the prayers of the people than to anything that God may have given me.

Spurgeon viewed the fruitfulness of His ministry through the power of prayer. And so should we. We can do nothing apart from Jesus (John 15:1-7). Even our prayers depend on the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:26). We are utterly dependent on God for all things. But praise be to Jesus, who makes it possible for us to receive the free-flowing grace of God abundantly. How? Through prayer.

God truly wants to bless His people. He desires that we bear fruit in life and ministry. But we do not have because we do not ask (James 4:2-3). Prayer is the irreplaceable means by which God pours out His grace and power in our lives. And as Hebrews 4:14-16 says, God made prayer possible through Jesus, whose work as our high priest guarantees we can confidently draw near to the mercy seat of God in prayer.  

Do you long to be a more effective parent? Do you want to see greater fruitfulness in your ministry? Do you desire more closeness in your relationships? It’s not rocket science. Pray. Pray because prayer is God’s way of providing all you need for life and godliness.    

As I began considering how I would write this post, I prayed for God’s guidance. Sitting down to write this post, I prayed for God’s help. As I send out this post, I pray God will use it to produce fruit in your life. From beginning to end, I get the joy of praying; God gets all the glory in the prayers.   
