Sovereign Grace Church

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A Passion for Prayer: Keep On Praying

Today begins a weekly series titled “A Passion for Prayer.” May this be more than a memorable title, and by the grace of God, serve to reveal how beautiful, powerful, and gracious Christ is! May the result be that our passionate prayer life leads us toward passionate worship of our Savior. He has graciously made a way for us (Hebrews 4:16) and called us to commune with Him. Through this series, may God’s Word encourage your hearts and challenge you toward growth, and lasting change in your prayer life. In the end, may it grant you hope and joy in the Gospel of our Lord, Jesus Christ!

Keep On Praying

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (ESV) “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 

What does “pray without ceasing” mean in Verse 17? At first glance, this would seem too daunting and maybe even strange to us. But, Paul is instructing us on something much better and very attainable. C. H. Spurgeon unpacks Paul’s meaning somewhat when says that we “...ought to be always in the spirit of prayer, always ready to pray. Like the old knights, always in warfare, not always on their horses…, but always wearing their weapons where they could readily reach them, and always ready to encounter wounds or death for the sake of the cause which they champion.” 

Let’s look at three things: first, we are to be always in the spirit of prayer, second, always ready to pray, and finally, keep on praying.

First, always be in the spirit of prayer. Verse 18 reminds us that praying without ceasing is “...the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” This is Gospel-fueled prayer! As we remind ourselves constantly of the Gospel, our passion for praying is always moved toward Him - praying in worship, and thankfulness, seeing our ongoing need for Him. We now have unhindered access to Him always in prayer because of the Cross. It is His will for us to pray, and we always can because of Christ.

Second, we are to be “always ready to pray.” Gospel-fueled passion for praying makes us ready to pray at any moment. The “old knights” were “always wearing their weapons where they could readily reach them, and always ready to encounter wounds or death for the sake of the cause which they champion.” In the Gospel, prayer has also been given to the believer as a primary means for their readiness for the “cause which they champion.” We are to be ready to pray at all times and for all things. Spurgeon told a friend, “I always feel it well, just to put a few words of prayer between everything I do.” What are you about to do? Pray. No matter what may come, be ready to pray. 

Third, keep on praying. Verse 17 is simple. It’s clear. Don’t stop praying

- Tom