Sovereign Grace Church

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The Gathering: Why Sundays Matter

For seven weeks our church has been teaching on The Gathering of the Church. Not gathering to enjoy a Church fellowship in our parking lot, not gathering to witness a friend getting married and not even gathering as a Community Group. No, we’ve been teaching about the dearest place on earth – the Church – gathering once a week. Hence the series title “The Gathering: Why Sundays Matter”.

We live in a culture where non-believers look at Christians attending Church on Sundays and see it as a waste of time. As believers, we are walking out our faith in a time where so many believers see Church commitment as an optional thing and get defensive when someone is challenged to prioritize the Sunday gathering.

Yet we have seen God’s Word speak into our lives over these past seven weeks. Beginning in Exodus 20 and understanding the Sabbath to last week feeling the weight of partnering with the preacher, God’s Word is clear – Sundays matter!

Although all seven sermons and sermon notes are available online, here’s a list of the messages:

  1. Sunday: Holy Day? Or Holiday? - Exodus 20:8-11

  2. The Glory of Serving on Sundays - 1 Peter 4:10-11

  3. Gospel Generosity - 2 Corinthians 9:6-15

  4. Communion: A Holy Celebration - 1 Corinthians 11:17-34

  5. Worshiping God, God’s Way - John 4:21-24

  6. The Priority of Preaching - 2 Timothy 4:1-5

  7. Partnering with the Preacher - James 1:21-25

It’s clear from God’s Word that His plan all along was to create for Himself a people that would gather. One of the chief identifiers that we are the people of God is that we gather for the express purpose of glorifying Him. As New Testament believers that means Sunday Matters.

Now that we’ve benefitted from the preached Word, how will we steward the truths that were put before us over the past seven weeks? Here are a few suggestions.

FIRST, start with the specific message that weighed on you most. Maybe it was one part of a message. As believers, we typically grow when God puts His finger on a specific spot. What was that for you? Review the sermons and your notes and see where the Holy Spirit convicted or challenged you.

SECOND, ask yourself some tough, probing questions. In general, what is my conviction about prioritizing the gathering of my local Church? In what ways has my conviction about Sundays softened or gone cold on me? Are there some things in my life I can change to position myself from drifting from the importance of gathering with my local Church? One year from now, will my spouse, kids, friends testify that in my life “Sunday Matters!” Do I need to dig deeper into God’s Word on this area of my life? Do I need some accountability?

THIRD, get others involved. Wherever God is bringing conviction, make an effort to share with your family and/or your Community Group. Share as specifically as you can. Our growth is the glory God receives!