April Offering 2023

On Sunday, April 30, we will be giving to our Annual April Offering. Along with this year's offering, there is another exciting announcement regarding God's amazing provision for our church and His answering of our prayers! Please watch the video below of this announcement from Sunday, April 2nd.


You are marked for your Gospel-grounded generosity! Year after year many of you prayerfully plan and give faithfully to this offering. For that, receive our deep gratitude! Our desire is that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is proclaimed and that this offering is stewarded for that reason. Join us again in praying for and participating in this with us. May we give joyfully and may God be glorified in all that we do! 

If you missed it, Derek spoke on giving at one of the Equipped meetings in Febraury. Click the following link to listen to the sessions.


As always, if you have any questions about the budget or the annual April Offering, you can contact any of the pastors or anyone on the Financial Review Team (Scott McLeod, Bob Rabe, Chris Johnson, and Bryan Trask).



Ways to give


Use your credit/debit card or bank account to give a one-time gift OR an ongoing gift! You can also log-in using your e-mail to view your giving records, even if you only use other giving methods. Make sure to select “April Offering 2023” next to the offering amount.


Drop your offering in the Giving Box at the Welcome Center before or after our Sunday service. (If giving cash, please use an offering envelope for a tax-deductible receipt at the end of the year.)

Please make your checks out to “Sovereign Grace Church” and write “April Offering” in the memo.