Sovereign Grace Church

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Grateful Pastors

“I’m going on a marriage retreat” Ha? It’s very interesting to see the look on people’s faces - especially non-believers - when they hear you’re going on a marriage retreat. The confused look on their face tells it all. It’s like they add up that you’ve been married 40+ years, somewhat wonder if there are problems (but are afraid to ask), and then just move on.

There’s certainly no confusion with your Pastors or our wives. Even though there is almost 100 years of combined marriage experience, your Pastors are sinners and always have areas of their marriage that need help. We are so grateful that our family of Churches - especially our regional leadership - all desire to help local Pastor’s build and maintain healthy marriages. We also never tire of giving thanks to God for all of you in our Church that desire to see healthy marriages in your Pastors and support us taking time to get out of town and focus on this important part of our lives.

It’s fascinating that in just 48 hours (Thurs around noon till Sat around noon) a Pastor and his wife can be so refreshed and challenged, and also have time to renew friendships with fellow Pastors in our region of Churches. Bob and Julie Kauflin - married for 47 years and in Pastoral ministry for 41 years - were our guest hosts. Bob led the teaching sessions and Julie testified to God’s grace and kindness in their marriage for almost five decades.

Paul wrote in 1 Cor. 2:1-2 “And I, when I came to you, brothers, I did not come proclaiming to you the testimony of God with lofty speech or wisdom. For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.”

Bob taught us that the gospel works in our marriages to change our identity, allow forgiveness, and bring real transformation. He also challenged us to see how the gospel changes everything for married couples. He picked 2 categories of growth to consider in each season of married life and that gave all of us plenty to consider. We also were able to have a session where the men and women met separately. In our final session on Saturday morning, we spent a few hours in smaller groups simply praying for couples in each of the three seasons of married life.

Our regional leader - Eric Turbedsky - builds in plenty of time for fellowship, meals, etc. It’s always encouraging to hear and catch up on how God is working throughout other local churches, whether that’s celebrating grace or empathizing with struggles. No Pastor is immune from getting so focused on your local Church that you forget that God is building Churches all around the world!

On behalf of your Pastors and wives, THANK YOU! All of us are so grateful to belong to a Church that prioritizes marriages! Thank you for your financial support and the prayers and text messages of encouragement. It makes a huge difference!